Friday 10 October 2014

Homework letter

Homework: Week beginning 13th October 2014

This homework is all due by Friday, 17th October.




Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics.


This week in Literacy we will be writing our very own mystery or suspense story based on all the work we have been doing with Zelda Claw. To help you prepare to write your story, make a word bank full of wow words you would like to use this week. Use a thesaurus to help you improve your vocabulary choices.


We will be investigating rockets this week in Science. How do rockets work? Write an explanation. You can draw diagrams to help you explain how they work too.

Topic- to be done on the blog.


We have been looking at lots of important people from Ancient Egypt and we have been discussing what they achieved in their lifetime. What do you think is the greatest achievement of the Ancient Egyptians?



  1. Introduction
    I think the ancient egyptian’s greatest achievements were monuments, pharaohs, mummies and sacrifices.
    The reason I think the monuments were on of its achievements were because they made such amazing and big pyramids, sand sculptures and more! I don’t really know how they actually do it! It’s extraordinary!
    Another reason why I think this is also one of their greatest achievements, is because They had so many! Probably about a billion! Their time period was also protestant so they had a rough time those days.
    My other reason is about mummies. When the ancient Egyptian bury the bodies, they keep it in a special place called a tomb. When someone dies, we bury the bodies underground, but they wrap the body around in tape and keep it inside the tomb were they can rest in peace, (R.I.P).
    My final reason is about the sacrifices, whenever a person disobeys their god or do something really bad, they actually burn them alive or behead them. Furthermore, it did then mean that the ancient Egyptians took things very seriously.

  2. Introduction
    I think the ancient egyptian’s greatest achievements were monuments, pharaohs, mummies and sacrifices.
    The reason I think the monuments were on of its achievements were because they made such amazing and big pyramids, sand sculptures and more! I don’t really know how they actually do it! It’s extraordinary!
    Another reason why I think this is also one of their greatest achievements, is because They had so many! Probably about a billion! Their time period was also protestant so they had a rough time those days.
    My other reason is about mummies. When the ancient Egyptian bury the bodies, they keep it in a special place called a tomb. When someone dies, we bury the bodies underground, but they wrap the body around in tape and keep it inside the tomb were they can rest in peace, (R.I.P).
    My final reason is about the sacrifices, whenever a person disobeys their god or do something really bad, they actually burn them alive or behead them. Furthermore, it did then mean that the ancient Egyptians took things very seriously.

  3. Greatest achievements of Ancient Egypt

    The Ancient Egyptians have had lots of greatest achievements. All the greatest achievements are in the points below.

    1)They have built lots of monuments and pyramids.
    2)They have had females as pharaohs.
    3)They have settled down very quickly in Egypt.
    4)Some pharaohs ruled for a very long time.
    5)Some pharaohs lead the army.
    6)They made statues of there leaders.
    7)They made the first piece treaty.
    8)They wrote on papyrus.
    9)They use hieroglyphics to write.

    Frozen with fear
    Horrified (in a way)
    Immobilized with fear

  5. The ancient Egyptians were much more advanced than other civilizations in their era. One of their amazing achievements was inventing the calendar. They invented the calendar so they could know at what time of the year the Nile River would flood.

    Their calendar isn't much different than ours. We both have 365 days and 12 months in a year. It wasn't easy making the calendar. The Egyptians had to use astronomy to set up the calendar. They had to track the moon and stars to get the right information.

    Another great achievement that the Egyptians made was inventing the Nile-o-meter. Nile-o-meters were very important to the Egyptians. A Nile-o-meter measured the rising water levels of the Nile River so the Egyptians could predict a possible flood that would endanger lives or crops.

    Pyramids are a big part in the Egyptian culture. When the making of pyramids first began, the Egyptians had to become more advanced in mathematics, engineering and astronomy. The pyramids were used as tombs for the pharoahs and other important people. They held many artefacts such as statues, jewels and furniture that was important to the deceased.

    Another very important achievement of the Egyptians is that whenever they catch a snake they grab it by the tail hit it's head on the ground several times and they fry it then they eat it.Very disgusting.

  6. The ancient Egyptians invented a calendar, which causes a form of writing called hieroglyphics, and developed the papyrus (paper made from the papyrus plant). Foremost among their achievements, however, were the pyramids (tombs of the kings) of Giza, including the Great Sphinx, which have been designated as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Other impressive structures were two Egyptian temples built by King Ramses II (c. 1250 BC-?) At Abu Simbel, the ruins and tombs at Abydos, and a complex of shrines and temples of Karnak (part of the site of the former Thebes). One of the oldest civilizations in the world, Egypt from 5000 to 3000 BC along the Nile, which flows into the Mediterranean Sea. Civilizations lasted until 332 BC.

    The ancient Egyptians made many different types of achievements in a variety of topics. They had their own written language, and they had a number system. On all their most important achievements for us would probably be the obelisks. They help us understand the daily life of ancient Egyptians. Obelisks were monuments of the pharaohs do for themselves so that, after death, then they must be stored. The obelisks were extremely high, at least 70 feet high. They were not made only for pharaohs, however, the others were too, they just were not as elaborate or ornate than the pharaohs. On the obelisks were stories about what the person / Pharaoh had done, as the great battles that helped win pharaoh. These types of significant achievements and inventions like the obelisks really helped to go far in learning about ancient achievements.

    The Egyptians made many inventions that were important for us to learn how they lived and what they did. Their writing system was very important to us when we learned. This is called hieroglyphics, he started over 5000 years, and was used by the institution pictures.When, we learned, he helped us to better study them because they speak to around former writings how they lived. Another important invention is that they have mummification. It was important for us because their process of mummification of bodies retained long enough to where we found them and we could study them. The mummification process was important for them because they believed that after your death, you went to the afterlife. However they believed the only way you could go in life after you had to be mummified. They also put people into gold, food, clothing and other necessities to the grave with them so they can carry it on in the afterlife with them.

    Some of the topics they have made achievements were medicine, astronomy and mathematics. Medicine is a very important achievement, because they had they had better ways to treat people. In 2700 AD the world loosened earlier known was preformed by Imhotep in Egypt. In 1700, they had the ECB early diagnostic medicine in Egypt. In their astronomical achievements they have realized when the flood occurred and they planned for it. This is very important, agriculture-wise, because by knowing when the floods came, they knew when to grow crops. After the flood, the soil becomes very fertile and easy to plow. They also divided the year into 12 months, 30 days of each month and five days of celebration. They also made a solar calendar. They also had some mathematical achievements and these achievements are important and probably increased their education. In 2700 BC, they had the first fully developed base 10 numeration. Then in 1300 BC, they had about two algebraic equations.

  7. Literacy:

  8. The ancient Egyptians were extremely clever people.

    One of the greatest achievements of the ancient Egyptians was that they made a calendar. There were three seasons; the flooding season, the planting season and the harvest season. Each season was three months long. The Egyptians had realised they needed a few more days for each season, so they added five holy days. The holy days were also to thank the gods.

    Their other achievements were making a new language, Hieroglyphics, building a number of pyramids and temples and inventing Nileometers.

  9. In my opinion, Ancient Egypt’s greatest achievement was the mighty Pyramids.
    It took around 100,000 people a staggering 20 years to build the pyramids! The Pharaohs organised the event but they barely ever actually built them. They got their slaves to build them. The mighty Pyramids held stacks and stacks of jewellery and treasures.
    Pyramids also hold tombs of rich pharaohs where they were protected from being stolen. Tragically, slaves, pets and other important things were sacrificed to serve the Pharaoh in their afterlife, as this is what they believed in.
    To build the pyramids the slaves had to be good at maths, astronomy and engineering. There are around 80 pyramids today, the three at Giza are the biggest and best preserved.
    The most famous pyramid in Giza is Khufu where he himself, Khufu was buried.

  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra was born in 69 BC - 68 BC. When her father Ptolemy XII died in 51 BC, Cleopatra became co-regent with her 10-year-old brother Ptolemy XIII. They were married, in keeping with Egyptian tradition. Whether she was as beautiful as was claimed, she was a highly intelligent woman and an astute politician, who brought prosperity and peace to a country that was bankrupt and split by civil war.

    In 48 BC, Egypt became embroiled in the conflict in Rome between Julius Caesar and Pompey. Pompey fled to the Egyptian capital Alexandria, where he was murdered on the orders of Ptolemy. Caesar followed and he and Cleopatra became lovers. Cleopatra, who had been exiled by her brother, was reinstalled as queen with Roman military support. Ptolemy was killed in the fighting and another brother was created Ptolemy XIII. In 47 BC, Cleopatra bore Caesar a child - Caesarion - though Caesar never publicly acknowledged him as his son. Cleopatra followed Caesar back to Rome, but after his assassination in 44 BC, she returned to Egypt. Ptolemy XIV died mysteriously at around this time, and Cleopatra made her son Caesarion co-regent.

    In 41 BC, Mark Antony, at that time in dispute with Caesar's adopted son Octavian over the succession to the Roman leadership, began both a political and romantic alliance with Cleopatra. They subsequently had three children - two sons and a daughter. In 31 BC, Mark Antony and Cleopatra combined armies to take on Octavian's forces in a great sea battle at Actium, on the west coast of Greece. Octavian was victorious and Cleopatra and Mark Antony fled to Egypt. Octavian pursued them and captured Alexandria in 30 BC. With his soldiers deserting him, Mark Antony took his own life and Cleopatra chose the same course, committing suicide on 12 August 30 BC. Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire.

  11. The taming of the Nile using methods of agriculture. According to Upshur from "June to October, the Nile brought deposits of some 200 millions tons of rich, fertile soil and minerals per year" (Upshur 25). The Egyptians used techniques (like damns) which allowed them to use the annual flood to grow crops. It was an accomplishment because they were able to actually figure the pattern of the flooding and use it to their advantage.

    Many monuments also were quite astounding . The Great Pyramid at Giza is the largest and dates from approximately 2600 BCE (Upshur 26). Originally it was 460 ft high and 755 ft on each side and made of some 2.3 milion blocks of stone averaging 2.5 tons and cast in limestone (Upshur 26). It also housed the ancient pharaoh Khufu (Upshur 26).

  12. I think the Ancient Egyptians greatest achievement is creating a calendar. The Egyptians had to use astronomy to set up the calendar. They had to track the moon and stars to get the right information to know when the river Nile would flood. They could also predict when the flooding might destroy and effect the crops and plants.

    Also their greatest achievement was creating the pyramids. It took over thousands of people to even make pyramids all around the world. Khufu was a pharaoh of Egypt and he created a pyramid along with other pharaohs that made pyramids too.

  13. The Egyptians greatest achievement were inventing writing and building amazing pyramids. They used Heiroglyphs to write; Heiroglyphs were their letters. The wonderful pyramids werre built so pharohs could be buried. I think there greatest achievement was inventing writing because nobody else had made up written communication.

  14. Accomplishments were

    1. They built great pyramids.
    2. They invented hieroglyphics,a system of writing using characters in the form of picture.
    3. They invented the Callander.
    4. They used a loom to weave cloth for clothing .
    5. They invented the shadoof ,a craneile devise for lifting water from the river Nile.
    6. They made paper scrolled the papyrus reed plant.
    7. They knew about diseases and attempted to cure people of them.
    8. They knew about geomtry by using it to reset the boundaries for their field after the floods of the Nile.
    9. They created a type of government known as the kingdom and established dynasties .
    10. They had specialised skills (brick making building pyramids) and specialised occupations such as Scribes,carpenters ,makers of shoes , baskets etc.
    11. They used a form of astronomy in their Callander. It was " accurate " with 365 days based on the star Sirius.

  15. What did the ancient Egyptians Achieve?
    They built up trading links with other parts of north Africa and south west asia. They developed one of the first national governments. They created their own calendar. They created a paper called papyrus. They created hieroglyphics, a form of writing ,using pictures

  16. One of the Egyptians greatest achievements was building the pyramids.The pyramids were used as tombs where the ancient Egyptians buried their Pharaohs.

    Another amazing achievement of the Egyptians was creating a calender based on three seasons.These three seasons are the flooding season,the planting season and the harvest season.The three seasons added up to 360 days.They realised they needed a few more days so they added five days.These five days were holy days.Therefore there are 365 days in total.That is how the calender was created.

    In my opinion,one of the greatest achievements of the Egyptians was time keeping and shadow clocks.Egypt was the first ancient civilisation to divide a day into sections so that they could tell the time.They used shadows of an obelisk (which is a very tall tower made out of limestone bricks) to tell the time of the day.

  17. The ancient Egyptians were very claver in making their life more comfortable. They created a calendar based on the farming season and there were three seasons. These were the flooding season, the planting season and the harvest season. Each season was three months long. They noticed that they needed a few more days to complete the seasons. Then they decided to add five holy days to the calendar. The calendar had 365 days in total.
    I think that the shadow clock was the greatest invention of the ancient Egyptians. In the beginning shadows of giant obelisks were used to tell the time by dividing the ground around the obelisk in to several parts. Later on they invented a portable timepiece which was small and light weight.

  18. Ancient Egyptians are well none for building pyramids and creating hieroglyphics (pictures which tell events or stories). However they also invented time keeping and shadow clocks, mummification and papyrus paper. Some ideas that we still use today like makeup and flat-roofed houses came from the ancient Egyptians . So they are smarter than we think.

  19. Literacy homework:














  20. Tutankhamun was only eight or nine when he became ruler of Egypt. As King at such a young age, most of the decision-making was made by two senior figures, likely to have been Ay (father of Nefertiti) and Horemheb, an army commander.

    Tutankhamun was only King for about ten years before dying in his late teens. It was estimated that he ruled from 1333 BC to1324 BC. Many people believe his uncle Ay (who was the highest minister) murdered Tutankhamun. Due to studies on the head scientists have found his Skull open. Only a person with such importance would be able to get close enough to hurt him.

  21. Djoser was the best known pharaoh, and possibly the founder, of the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom in Egypt. He was responsible for the world's first known monumental stone building, the Step Pyramid at Sakkara.

    Little is known about Djoser, but the fact that he was able to build such a massive and innovative structure as the Step Pyramid suggests that during his reign Egypt was politically stable, with a successful economy. The architect of the pyramid was Imhotep, a priest and advisor of Djoser's who is the first architect known by name in history.

  22. I think the most greatest achievements of the ancient Egyptians where building the biggest pyramids in the world and making the religion of Tarek as he said. The ancient Egyptians where very smart about transforming there lives to be comfortable.Also they made a calender based on farming season and there where only three farming seasons. They where called the flooding season,the planting season and the harvest season. The farming calender had a total of 365/366 days just like are years and leap years.
