Friday 7 November 2014


Homework: Week beginning 10th November 2014
This homework is all due by Friday, 14th November.



Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics.


This week we are developing our persuasive writing skills. Choose one of the following to write a short persuasive text to the government to:

-ban smoking in public parks

-ban the use of animals in circuses

-ban homework from teachers

Remember to use the persuasive features of writing ( e.g imperatives, patterns of 3, repetition, alliteration, rhyme, boastful language and personal appeal.


Our new science topic this half term is ‘living things’. Can you look around your local area and see what types of non-flowering plants you can identify. Make a sketch of one to show to the class and try to find out the name of the plant.

Topic- to be done on the blog.

This week we will be learning about the Trojan war. Please research and prepare some interesting facts that you find to present to the class next week.


  1. The story of the Trojan War—the Bronze Age conflict between the kingdoms of Troy and Mycenaean Greece–straddles the history and mythology of ancient Greece and inspired the greatest writers of antiquity, from Homer, Herodotus and Sophocles to Virgil. Since the 19th-century rediscovery of the site of Troy in what is now western Turkey, archaeologists have uncovered increasing evidence of a kingdom that peaked and may have been destroyed around 1,180 B.C.—perhaps forming the basis for the tales recounted by Homer some 400 years later in the Iliad and the Odyssey.

    Some people thought that Homer was a blind poet because for them the name Homer sounded like a blind person to them.

  2. Introduction (The Trojan War)

    In Greek mythology, the Trojan War was waged against the city of Troy by the Achaeans (Greeks) after Paris of Troy took Helen from her husband Menelaus king of Sparta. The war is one of the most important events in Greek mythology and has been narrated through many works of Greek literature, most notably through Homer's Iliad. The Iliad relates a part of the last year of the siege of Troy; its sequel, the Odyssey describes Odysseus's journey home. Other parts of the war are described in a cycle of epic poems, which have survived through fragments. Episodes from the war provided material for Greek tragedy and other works of Greek literature, and for Roman poets including Virgil and Ovid.

    Fact file

    Period: The Bronze Age

    Traditional dating: c. 1194–1184 BC

    Modern dating: between 1260 and 1240 BC

    Outcome: Trojan victory, destruction of Troy

    The Trojan horse
    The Trojan horse was a vehicle which Odysseus devised this new a ruse- a giant hollow horse. The soldiers claimed to ride it in war so it was used like a tank, but there was room for all the soldiers who fought in the Trojan War. Furthermore, the Trojans acted sly and entered the city of Troy in the Trojan horse without being discovered or noticed.

    Hector was the greatest Trojan warrior. He was the prince of Troy and also defeated Archilles best friend, Patroclus. Archilles was the greatest Greek warrior, but he got so mad because Hector killed his best friend, that he killed himself.

    At the end of the Trojan War, every single Greek was dead and every Trojan apart from one. Aenas was the only Trojan warrior who had survived and lived. He then became a very special Trojan warrior for winning the war for his army and tried to survive.

    The weapons used in the Trojan War where mostly bows and arrows, swords, and pretty much anything that could do damage.

  3. Did you know that Apollo was on Troy's side during the war and even aided the bow of Paris that killed Achilles?
    Did you know that the Greek hero Odysseus thought to build the Trojan War Horse?
    Did you know that Ares (the god of war) was on the Trojans side?
    Did you know that it was said that Achilles horses had the gift to talk?
    Did you know that Helen was also known as ''the face that launched a thousand ships''?
    Did you know that the voyage home for the Acheans took almost four years
    Did you know when Helen was a young girl she was kidnapped by Theseus, but later her two brothers rescued her?
    Did you know that Achilles' mother held him by the heel and bathed him in the Styx River?
    Did you know that people think that the Trojan war was based of a more realistic war and few people think its fake?


    The Trojans lived in the city of troy, in what we now call is Turkey.
    The story of their war with the Greeks is told in the Iliad, along poem dating from the 700s BC .C and said to be by a storyteller named Homer. The odyssey , also is spoken differently, Homer is the tale of the adventures of a Greek soldier named Odysseus, after the war. The Trojan war, began when Paris , prince of troy, ran away with Helen, and wife of king Menelaws of Sparta. The Greeks sent a fleet of ships, with an army, to get her back. The war lasted for 10 years. In a single combat, the greatest Greek warrior, Achilles, killed the Trojan leader who was Hector. In the end of the Greeks won,by a clever trick using a wooden horse.


    The wooden horse was the trick that the Greeks use to capture Troy. First they pretended to sail away, but left behind a giant wooden horse. Inside the horse, the Greek soldiers were hiding.Rejoicing that the Greeks had gone,the Trojans dragged the horse into their city. They thought it was a gift. That night the Greek ships returned.wile the Trojans were asleep,the hidden Greeks climed out of the wooden horse. They opened the city gates,and let I the Greek army. Troy was destroyed .


  5. The Trojan war is said to be one of the most famous Ancient Greek wars.
    It was between the Ancient Greeks and the people of Troy.The strife began after the Trojan prince, Paris abducted Helen,wife of Menelaus of Spain. They fought around 1200BC, that's around 3214 years ago.

    The Trojan Horse

    A long time ago, there was an ancient city-state called Troy on the coast of Turkey.
    Once, the Greeks and people of Troy were friends but that all changed . . .

    The city of Troy was protected by a gigantic wall built around the city. Some parts of the wall were 20 feet high! There were gates in the wall to let people in and out but it provided great defence for the people of Troy.It gave the Trojan warriors a relatively safe place to stand, while they rained arrows down on the intruders.

    The Greek warriors had been trying to breach Troy for a staggering 10 years!

    Odysseus, a Greek General, had an idea. His plan was to build a beautiful horse, and leave it outside the gates and the entire Greek army would pretend to leave, as if they had tasted defeat. But the horse would be hollow. Thirty men would hide inside the masterpiece .
    That's what they did . . .

    As the Greek soldiers sailed away the Trojan people rushed out cheering. They found the horse but fortunately they did not go near it. The Trojan people dragged it into the town which is what Odysseus thought the would do.

    That night, while the Trojan people were asleep the men hiding inside climbed out and opened the gates. The waiting Greek army entered Troy. And that was the end of Troy.

  6. Trojan war

    The Trojan War has its roots in the marriage between Peleus and Thetis, a sea-goddess. Peleus and Thetis had not invited Eris, the goddess of discord, to their marriage and the outraged goddess stormed into the wedding banquet and threw a golden apple onto the table. The apple belonged to, Eris said, whomever was the fairest.

  7. The Trojan war was started by Eris, the god of strife, rolling one of her golden apples towards Peleus on his wedding day saying : TO THE FAIREST. Aphrodite, Athene and Hera all said it was their's.So to end their bitter quarrel, they visited a handsome young man called Paris, asking him to give the golden apple to whom he thought was the fairest. He chose Aphrodite be the apple holder because she promised him Helena of Troy, the most beautiful woman in the world.In the night they(Helena and Paris) ran away together.

  8. Almost 3000 years ago, the Trojans and Greeks fought a long and terrible war, because the Trojans had captured a beautiful Greek princess Helen.
    The Greeks fought a battle with Troy but could not get in the tall strong walls around the city. So the Greeks thought that if they could not win the battle with their physical strength then they should win it with their brains. They started building a wooden horse.
    The Trojans kept wondering why the Greeks were building a horse. Then one day when they saw the Greek armies sailing away, they got confused. Soon, all the warships, army tents and armies disappeared. The only thing that remained was the 80 foot tall strange wooden horse.
    Some Trojans wanted to burn the horse but the King was too proud of defeating Greeks and ordered to bring the horse inside the city walls as a symbol of their victory .It was now that the Greeks played the rest of their trick.
    Not all the Greeks had sailed away on the warships. A very brave Greek soldier named Odysseus had chosen some tough fighting men to hide inside the hollow wooden horse. Around thirty soldiers stepped out in the dark and signalled their warships that had been hiding around a nearby island. Then they opened the Trojan city gates and the Greek army swarmed in.
    The Greeks caught the Trojans completely off guard. After a fierce battle they took Princess Helen back to Greece.

  9. Everyday people are smoking in public parks which is causing suffering and devastation to the environment. The ground is ignited on fire and so are the trees.
    People are complaining that the smoke of the cigarette is hindering people from even breathing. Please can you make a rule that there is in no more smoking in public. It is danger to the environment and it can lead to a health hazard. So I am begging you to do this task and stop people smoking in public. Please, do not let even one person suffer from this
    Smoking kills people, smoking pollutes the environment and smoking can kill premature babies in mummies’ tummies.
    Research has generated evidence that second-hand smoke causes the same problems as direct smoking, including lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, and lung ailments such as emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma. Specifically, meta-analyses show that lifelong non-smokers with partners who smoke in the home have a 20–30% greater risk of lung cancer than non-smokers who live with non-smokers. Non-smokers exposed to cigarette smoke in the workplace have an increased lung cancer risk of 16–19%. The study issued in 2002 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organiza. The rationale for smoking bans posits that smoking is optional, whereas breathing is not.
    The population of people smoking everyday is approximately 967 million! That means there is 967 million are polluting the environment. Do you wish to die by lung cancer and suffocate by smoke?
    Smoking makes you suffer, suffocate and then get sent to death. Please plead to get this task eventually done. Don’t disrespect this diligent idea.
    People start to choke when they smoke. A kill equals a bill. To stop these people from smoking and then choking in public parks. We need you urgently to join our side and become the one to join our side and stop humans from suffering by this.

  10. The Apple of Discord

    The Trojan War has its roots in the marriage between Peleus and Thetis, a sea-goddess. Peleus and Thetis had not invited Eris, the goddess of discord, to their marriage and the outraged goddess stormed into the wedding banquet and threw a golden apple onto the table. The apple belonged to, Eris said, whomever was the fairest.

    Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite each reached for the apple. Zeus proclaimed that Paris, prince of Troy and thought to be the most beautiful man alive, would act as the judge.

    Hermes went to Paris, and Paris agreed to act as the judge. Hera promised him power, Athena promised him wealth, and Aphrodite promised the most beautiful woman in the world.

    Paris chose Aphrodite, and she promised him that Helen, wife of Menelaus, would be his wife. Paris then prepared to set off for Sparta to capture Helen. Twin prophets Cassandra and Helenus tried to persuade him against such action, as did his mother, Hecuba. But Paris would not listen and he set off for Sparta.

    In Sparta, Menelaus, husband of Helen, treated Paris as a royal guest. However, when Menelaus left Sparta to go to a funeral, Paris abducted Helen (who perhaps went willingly) and also carried off much of Menelaus' wealth.

    In Troy, Helen and Paris were married. This occured around 1200 B.C.

    The War

    The first nine years of the war consisted of both war in Troy and war against the neighboring regions. The Greeks realized that Troy was being supplied by its neighboring kingdoms, so Greeks were sent to defeat these areas.

    As well as destroying Trojan economy, these battles let the Greeks gather a large amount of resources and other spoils of war, including women (e.g., Briseis, Tecmessa and Chryseis).

    The Greeks won many important battles and the Trojan hero Hector fell, as did the Trojan ally Penthesilea. However, the Greeks could not break down the walls of Troy.

    Patroclus was killed and, soonafter, Achilles was felled by Paris.

    Helenus, son of Priam, had been captured by Odysseus. A prophet, Helenus told the Greeks that Troy would not fall unless:

    a) Pyrrhus, Achilles' son, fought in the war,
    b) The bow and arrows of Hercules were used by the Greeks against the Trojans,
    c) The remains of Pelops, the famous Eleian hero, were brought to Troy, and
    d) The Palladium, a statue of Athena, was stolen from Troy (Tripp, 587).

    Phoenix persuaded Pyrrhus to join the war. Philoctetes had the bow and arrows of Hercules, but had been left by the Greek fleet in Lemnos because he had been bitten by a snake and his wound had a horrendous smell. Philoctetes was bitter, but was finally persuaded to join the Greeks. The remains of Pelops were gotten, and Odysseus infiltrated Trojan defenses and stole the Palladium.

    After the War

    After the war, Polyxena, daughter of Priam, was sacrificed at the tomb of Achilles and Astyanax, son of Hector, was also sacrificed, signifying the end of the war.

    Aeneas, a Trojan prince, managed to escape the destruction of Troy, and Virgil's Aeneid tells of his flight from Troy. Many sources say that Aeneas was the only Trojan prince to survive, but this statement contradicts the common story that Andromache was married to Helenus, twin of Cassandra, after the war.

    Menelaus, who had been determined to kill his faithless wife, was soon taken by Helen's beauty and seductiveness that he allowed her to live.

    The surviving Trojan women were divided among the Greek men along with the other plunder. The Greeks then set sail for home, which, for some, proved as difficult and took as much time as the Trojan War itself (e.g., Odysseus and Menelaus).

  11. Smoking should be banned in all public places Every year thousands of people die because of having cancer or other tobacco related illnesses due to smoking. Smoking is seen everywhere from our own television screens to even the world wide web; the internet. Tobacco is the substance that is in these cigarettes. These tobacco products are promoted through tobacco ads that are found almost everywhere you turn. They are in magazines, television screens, on the internet and even on cigarette boxes themselves. Alas, their tobacco ads do not tell the whole truth. Thus, many people fall prey to these tobacco cigarettes and once they try one cigarette, they are hooked on it. The reason this is so is the nicotine present in it, which is a kind of drug. So now, as you can see many have been addicted to the habit of smoking.

    This shows that smokers do not even know or bother about the consequences that their smoking brings. I think the only way that they would become conscious of this is if smoking is banned in all public areas. Another thing is that if smoking was to be banned in all public places, it would force these smokers to smoke lesser and to eventually quit smoking. Smokers would then grasp that they can only smoke in a particular area that is private and personal; like their own rooms. However, since many people spend most of their time at public places they would not be able to smoke a lot causing them to reduce the amount of cigarettes they smoke in a day. This may cause some side effects due to their addiction of nicotine. Nevertheless, they still can deal with it by chewing sweets and doing other things to keep themselves busy and if they do not smoke any further, they may eventually end up quitting smoking. Once these smokers quit smoking, they would no longer be affecting the environment, any innocents or even their loved ones.

    So I do not see the reason that this statement of banning smoking in all public areas cannot be put into action. In conclusion to the topic that smoking should be banned in all public places, I feel that it should be something that should be put into action. It is the only way smokers may reform their ways and start afresh. Although many others may also argue that air pollution does occur due to other factors, smoking is also a factor encouraging air pollution. So why not try stopping it while we can right now by taking a stand that smoking should be banned in all public places and turn it into a action that would prove the best all round? Smoke is very bad and the government should not authorize smoking in public places at all. It not only affects the people who smoke but also other innocent people. Moreover, if you smoke, you would have to think more about not only your own health but also for the other people whom you live with and who are around you. So, all in all, I conclude that smoking should be banned in all public places.

  12. What we call Turkey now used to be called Troy, which is where the Trojans lived. The Trojan War; that took place in Troy around 700 BC, started because Paris, the prince of Troy ran away with, the Greek, King Menelaus of Sparta’s wife, Helen.
    After the war started it went on for ten frightful years and the Greeks won using an extremely clever idea involving a wooden horse. The Trojans, with Hector as their leader, thought all the Greeks had sailed away; but some of them had hidden inside an enormous wooden horse. Everyone living in Troy thought it was a gift from the gods so they brought it into the city. At night the Greeks who were still inside the horse surprised the Trojans by getting out and fighting.
    Many people thought that Troy was a mythical place but a German archaeologist called Schliemann found a place with lots of gold and jewellery that he identified from around 700BC.

  13. Almost 3000 years ago, the Trojans and Greeks fought a war, called the Trojan War.

    The Trojans built a big, wooden, horse which was 80ft tall.

    They built the horse, so they could play a trick on the Greeks, but this ended up causing a fierce war.

    The Greeks caught the Trojans completely off guard and won the war.

    Started: 1250 BC

    Ended: 1240 BC

  14. The Battle between Troy and the Achaea

    The ancient Greek story of the war between Greece and Troy is an epic of love, revenge, sorrow and bloodshed. Many people thought that it was just a myth and that the city of Troy itself never existed. But in 1870 a German archaeologist called Schliemann discovered the remains of a city that may well have been Troy. If the city was real, some parts of the story may also have been real. But no labels or signs giving the name of the city were found, so we cannot be sure. Here are some facts:
    Apollo was on Troy’s side during the war and aided Paris with an arrow that went into Achilles heel and killed him.
    The Greek hero Odysseus thought to build the Trojan War Horse.
    Ares (the god of war) was on the Trojans side.
    It's said that Achilles horses had the gift to talk.
    Helen is also known as "the face that launched a thousand ships".
    The voyage home after the war for the Achaeans lasted almost 4 years.
    When Helen was a young girl, she was kidnapped by Theseus (the king of Athens) but later her two brothers rescued her.
    Achilles' mother held him by the heel and bathed him in the Styx River which is why that's the only vulnerable place on his body.
    The Trojan War was between two neighboring states- Troy and the Achaeans (which were the Greeks). Troy was located where Turkey is today. It stood on a hill, looking over the plains of Scamander where much of the war took place. The city over looked the Aegean Sea then, but has now been pushed back more inland. Achaea on the other hand, is in modern day Greece at the very tip, also overlooking the Aegean Sea. The Achaea area was ruled by both kings of Sparta and Athens, depending on who conquered it at that point in time. The war was in the 12th century B.C. and lasted for 9 long years.
    The war was aimed against Troy and neighboring cities because the Greeks found out that some of Troy's supplies had been coming from these cities. The Greeks finally came up with a tactic to get into the walls of Troy. The famous Trojan horse was created. This was a huge, hollow horse made from wood which carried soldiers inside of it, but the people of Troy wouldn't know this. Thinking that the Greeks finally gave up and sailed away, they brought the Trojan horse into their city to celebrate the victory. Then when everyone was sleeping, the soldiers came out of the trap door of the horse and burned the city. They killed the men and took the women and children as prisoners. In this battle, Paris shot an arrow into the heel of Achilles; the one place where he would die if you shot him. Helen was later reunited with King Menelaus and the city of Troy was left untouched.

  15. THE TROJON WAR A Greek girl named Helen ran away from Greece to troy. This meant war for the Greeks. At last the Greeks had got to troy. But the wall was so hard to break, it took 10 years. So they had a different plan. They made a wooden horse. The Trojans thought it was a gift. So they took it into the city and danced around it. But at night the Greeks came out of the horse. Doing so they demolished the city. But they failed their objective. For that is only a poem. And Helen died.

  16. The Trojan war is one of the Famous war of Ancient Greeks. It nearly lasted for more than 10 years. Below are some Facts about the war.

    1. The Trojan war was between the Bronze age and the kingdom of Troy.
    2. The Greek hero Odysseus thought to build the Trojan horse to help them in the war.
    3. The voyage home after the war for the Achaeans lasted almost 4 years.
    4. Apollo was on Troy's side during the war and aided Paris arrow that went in to Achilles heel and killed him.
    5. Helen is also know as the face that launched a thousand of ships.

  17. The Trojan War, fought between Greeks and the city of Troy. A conflict between Mycenaeans and Hittites may well have occurred, but its representation in epic literature such as Homer's lliad is almost certainly more myth than reality.

    Important Fact of the Trojan War:
    Apollo was on Troy' s side during the war and even aided the bow of Paris that killed Achilles.

    The Greek hero Odysseus thought to build the Trojan War Horse.

    Ares (the god of war) was on the Trojans side.

    Helen was also known as ''the face that launched a thousand ships.

    voyage home for the Acheans took almost four years.

    When Helen was a young girl she was kidnapped by Theseus, but later her two brothers rescued her.

    Trojan War was based of a more realistic war and few people think its fake.

  18. Prince Paris of Troy ran away with Queen Helen of Sparta , who was married to king Menelaus of Sparta . Menelaus went to his brother Agamemnon,and persuaded him to go to war with Troy. Agamemnon then agreed and gathered a mighty army.This army included great Greek heroes such as Achilles,Patroclus, Diomedes,Odysseus,Nester and two warriors named Ajax.To go to war Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter to Artemis.

    They sailed across the salty seas and reached Troy.They tried to get into the village but the villages had walls over 20 feet high and it was very strong.They couldn't get in.Then an idea came to them to build a big wooden hollow horse.30 men would hide in the horse and the other part of the army would sail the boats behind Island Tenedos .The Trojans saw nothing but the horse and was curios so they opened the gates to investigate.A Trojan warrior had found one of the Greeks hiding behind the mountain. The king walked up to him and said 'where is your army and what is this?'.The man replied by saying 'My people have realised they cannot win this war and have gone home. 'I have run away for they thought it was necessary to have a human sacrifice for losing,a man that hates me called my name.''This is a present from the Gods and Greeks to apologise.'A man in the distance disagreed and said 'we shall not take this gift.' Suddenly two snakes appeared and strangled him to death.

    The Trojans saw this as a punishment of death from the Gods because he refused the present.They took it through the gates and let the man go.The Trojans partied until late.The man lit a signal fire telling the others to come and slaughter.The army inside opened the gates and let the other parts of the army in quietly.Then They Attacked !Fire arrows burned the village down.Infernos everywhere.The war ended after nine years.The Greeks had won!

  19. The Trojan War began when Paris, Prince of Troy, ran away with Helen, wife of King Menelaus of Sparta.Trojan War, in Greek mythology, war between the Greeks and the people of Troy. The strife began after the Trojan prince Paris abducted Helen, wife of Menelaus of Sparta. When Menelaus demanded her return, the Trojans refused. Menelaus then persuaded his brother Agamemnon to lead an army against Troy. At Aulis, troopships gathered, led by the greatest Greek heroes—Achilles, Patroclus, Diomedes, Odysseus, Nestor, and the two warriors named Ajax. In order to win favorable winds for the journey, Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to Artemis. The winds came and the fleet set sail for Troy. For nine years the Greeks ravaged Troy's surrounding cities and countryside, but the city itself, well fortified and commanded by Hector and other sons of the royal household, held out. Finally the Greeks built a large hollow wooden horse in which a small group of warriors were concealed. The other Greeks appeared to sail for home, leaving behind only the horse and Sinon, who deceitfully persuaded the Trojans, despite the warnings of Cassandra and Laocoön, to take the horse within the city walls. At night the Greeks returned; their companions crept out of the horse and opened the city gates, and Troy was destroyed. The gods took great interest in the war. Poseidon, Hera, and Athena aided the Greeks, while Aphrodite and Ares favored the Trojans. Zeus and Apollo, although frequently involved in the action of the war, remained impartial. The events of the final year of the war constitute the main part of the Iliad of Homer. The Trojan War probably reflected a real war (c.1200 BC) between the invading Greeks and the people of Troas, possibly over control of trade through the Dardanelles.

  20. - Some traditions portray Homer as a blind poet, because the name Homer sounds like a word for "blind" in some Greek dialects. In the “Odyssey,” a blind bard appears telling stories of the war, which some interpret as a cameo by the poem's author.

    - The Trojan Horse was 80 ft tall.

    - The Trojan Horse was so big , the Trojans had to tear down part of the wall to get it inside the city.

  21. - Turkey used to be called Troy.
    - Apollo was on Troy' s side during the war and even aided the bow of Paris that killed Achilles.
    - The Trojan war was during the Bronze age .
    - It lasted for 10 years.
    - The journey home after the war for the Greeks lasted almost 4 years.
    - The Trojan War occured nearly 3000 years ago.
    - Once the people of Troy and the Greeks were friends.
