Saturday 7 March 2015

Topic homework due Fri, 13th March

In your opinion, were the Vikings heroes or villains? Explain your answer, giving reasons.


  1. Are Vikings Heroes or Villains???
    I think the Vikings were villains because they were very violent, troublesome and nasty.

    More reasons why Vikings are villains:

    • They were a bit too selfish.
    • They felt like they were the boss.
    • They thought everything was theirs.
    • They never ever thought about anyone's lifetime.
    • They raided people.

  2. In my opinion the Vikings were bad for the following reasons:

    1) They would steal valuable items from monasteries and monks.
    2) The Vikings would kill anyone and anything in their path.
    3) The Vikings would also raid different parts of Great Britain.

  3. The Vikings (positive)
    I think the Vikings had a positive effect on Britain because they changed, upgraded and invented more convenient, reliable and hygeinic things for the better, not just overtaking Britain.

    The Vikings, who dominated Europe between the years 800 and 1100 AD, are infamous for their violent sieges all throughout medieval Europe. Vikings came from Scandinavia, which has since been broken up into three countries now known as Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Although these people were known mainly for their pillaging and warfare, Vikings are to thank for many inventions that helped push medieval Europe forward in technology.

    The Longship
    The dragon-headed longship, also known as the dreker, is the invention the Vikings had to thank for their domination over medieval warfare, trade and politics. These ships were stealthy, speedy vessels that carried Viking troops. The dreker could travel through open oceans under a sail and quickly switch to being powered by oars for quick hit-and-run attacks on undefended towns. Most of Viking wealth was acquired through pillaging in this manner. The Viking expertise of naval craftsmanship eventually led to the invention of the knarr, which was similar to the dreker, but was higher and wider with fewer oars. The knarr was used to carry cargo to far-off destinations for trade.

    The comb
    The earliest discovered hair combs date back to the 9th century and were found in Scandinavia. Viking combs were usually made of antlers taken from red deer because of their strength, but sometimes combs were made of animal bone or wood. These first versions of the hair comb were made by craftsmen who specialised in the making of combs, and the similarities of the artistic style and manufacturing of many combs found across Scandinavia indicate that many of these craftsmen travelled across Scandinavia to sell their craft.

  4. The Vikings came from three countries of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The name 'Viking' comes from a language called 'Old Norse' and means 'a pirate raid'. People who went off raiding in ships were said to be 'going Viking'.

    The Viking age in European history was about AD 700 to 1100. During this period many Vikings left Scandinavia and travelled to other countries, such as Britain and Ireland. Some went to fight and steal treasure. Today the Vikings seem like such ruthless people.In the time of the Vikings, the Vikings were often seen as hereos of war. When the Vikings weren't able to or didn't fight, they would worship Odin, the king of Earth and Asgard.

    In my opinion the Vikings were hereos.

  5. I think that the Vikings were villains because they raided Monasteries full of Monks and Nuns. They did this because Monasteries were full valuable
    treasures such as gold, jewels, and books. The Monasteries were targeted most because Monks and Nuns had many tempting resources e.g food, drinks,
    cattle, clothes and tools. As the Monks did not use weapons, were therefore, easy to raid. The Vikings were Pagans not Christians, like most people in Britain.

  6. I think the Vikings were villains because they steeled food and valuable things from monks, nuns and monasteries. They also killed people if they made them angry or disagreed with them as well as taking over other villages land. The Vikings thought that they were in charge and were selfish to everyone, without thinking about their life. The Vikings also were Pagans which meant they didn’t respect people that much.

  7. The Vikings were heroes and villains


    Yes they did fight a lot and yes they did invade Britain in in the 800s, once they took over they started to raid monasteries, valuable and expensive possessions.


    After invading they created lots of things: roundhouses, combs, ships E.T.S. They expressed lots of art on walls using honey and different ingredients. They worshipped Thor the god of thunder and hated Loki the shape shifting evil genius.

  8. I think Vikings were villains because they used to steal equipment.The most effective reason is because they raided people's properties.Mostly Monasteries because there were lots of books and jewels and food.Also because they used to raid over different parts of Europe after invading England.Even though they invaded they had a good affluence and prosperity.The Vikings weren't pussillanimous because they had strong armies just as strong as Romans did.The Romans were leaving when the Vikings arrived so they didn't have to do much raiding then .

    Vallabh.N :)

  9. On one hand, I think the Vikings were villains because:
    1) The Vikings always went to steal treasure and ornaments
    2) They invaded and conquered many countries including Britain
    3) They were realy selfish and never share the treasure

    However, on the other hand, I think the Vikings were heroes because:

    1) They made great inventions such as their Viking Longboats
    2) They made really amazing farming areas
    3) Vikings would never attack or execute their ancestors, soldiers unlike the Romans did

  10. In my opinion, the Vikings were villains because they invaded England, raided riches from rich people and they would kill anyone they wanted-poor or rich. The Vikings raided because the people they were raiding had precious jewels or gold. The Vikings had a negative influence on England. They invaded from Northumbria and then invaded everywhere else after they’d finished with there.

  11. Probably , the Vikings were half and half ; the reason I'm saying this is that because at first they were most well known for invading ,killing religious people from harmless monasteries and stealing extremely valuable treasures. This was the villainous half of the Vikings - the good bit was that after they settled in England they turned from mercilessly malicious and brutal to much more peaceful people.

  12. Were the Vikings villains or heroes?
    The Viking age in European history was about AD 700 to 1100. During this period many Vikings left Scandinavia and travelled to other countries, such as Britain and Ireland. Some went to fight and steal treasure. Others settled in new lands as farmers, craftsmen and ort raids.
    Firstly, in 787 AD three Viking Longboats sailed to the southern part of Britain to conquer. However, the Anglo Saxons had already settled there which meant that the Vikings had to battle the Anglo Saxons and win their next place in the southern part of Britain.
    Secondly, in 793 Vikings attacked the Christian monastery at Lindisfarne in North Umbria. They mercilessly killed the monks there who were vulnerable and had nothing to protect themselves. They would also steal precious jewels such as gold, books, diamond, food, drinks and health care objects. The Vikings were extremely greedy people.
    However, they had founded the city of Dublin, Ireland. They expanded the English language and brought new ideas about the government too.
    Furthermore, they brought families to good farming areas to settle in the northern Scotland and the eastern part of England. For 500 years, from about 900 AD, they ruled over Northern Scotland and many neighbouring isles.
    Finally, the crusaders were very seafaring men because they sailed to North America, Russia, Spain and Turkey.
    In conclusion, my opinion is that they are ruthless villains as they conquered many countries, stole lots of treasure for their greed and power. Would you prefer their great sea-faring spirits or their greed for treasure?
