Friday 3 October 2014

Poetry week!

5MD have had a very enjoyable poetry week! We have read, written and listened to a variety of inspirational poems which has resulted in some amazing work from the children. They have worked extremely hard and have used various poetic techniques and a huge heap of creativity to produce some wonderful writing- well done to EVERYONE!

Benjamin Zephaniah

We watched the award winning poet and author Benjamin Zephaniah performing his poetry in order to pick up tips on how to perform our own poems and discussed how he was inspired to write. The class have a book signed by the author which I hope will inspire them to keep writing!


  1. Giza pyramid

    The Giza necropolis, situated in the immediate vicinity of the southwestern suburbs of Cairo is probably the most famous ancient site in the world. The pyramids in Giza were built over the span of three generations – by Khufu, his second reigning son Khafre, and Menkaure. The Great Pyramid of Khufu is the oldest and sole remnant of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Over 2 million blocks of stone were used to construct the pyramid, during a 20 year period concluding around 2560 BC. The pyramid is an awe-inspiring 139 meters (455 feet) high making it the largest pyramid in Egypt, although nearby Khafre’s Pyramid appears to be larger as it is build at a higher elevation.

    The Great Pyramid of Giza was built as a tomb for the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. It took approximately 20 years to build and has three burial chambers inside. When it was originally built (in approximately 2550 BC) it was almost 147 meters tall. Today, because of erosion, it is only about 139 meters tall. If you visit Egypt today you can enter the Great Pyramid through the Robbers’ Tunnel.

    The largest of all the ancient Egyptian pyramids was built for King Khufu whose name is Cheops in Greek. It was constructed during the reign of King Khufu 2551-2528 B.C.E.

    It is the most famous of the total of 138 pyramids have been discovered in ancient Egypt to date. It was called the "Horizon of Khufu".

    Location: The Giza plateau about 25km (15 miles) south west of Cairo on the west bank of the River Nile.
    Giza is located in Egypt.

    Made in: 2550 BC

    Height: 147m

    Weight: 20 tones

  2. Jack And The Beanstalk

    On a dark windy day, rain poored down a thousand deaths. On a countryside there was a boy called jack who lived with his mum in a small house on a farm. One day jack went out to buy some milk. He could hear sticks breaking, wind howling, trees rubbing against eachother and thunder growling. Jack shivered. He could see the moonlight reflecting from the lakes and darkness around. Would he reach saely to the shop and back?

    Jack finally arived at the shop and saw the milk but on the next shelf there was a humangus 3D printer as the same price as the milk. James froze. He stared. Yhe price was 3 pounds and he had exactly 3 pounds. Jack decided to buy the 3D printer and make a Beanstalk because this was the thing he saw th most. Will it work?

    At that moment, He came mystyriously home and started making the stalk wich should lead up to the sky. After about 2 dark days the beanstalk was ready.
    Jack climbed up and saw a amazing castle! He went in and saw a terrifying monster with gold. Jack stole some of the gold and then the police down storted cutting the stalk. Jackwas scared. he through the gold down and then jumped of...........
    And landed safely. What will happen next?

  3. Is Benjamin Zephaniah your favourate poet?

  4. Where did you meet Benjamin Zephaniah? How many books did Benjamin Zephaniah?

  5. How famous was Benjamin Zephaniah?
