Friday 3 October 2014

Homework letter

Homework: Week beginning 6th October 2014

This homework is all due by Friday, 10th October.




Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics.


This week in Literacy we will be rewriting a familiar story in our own way. Please choose a short story or fairy tale that you know well and rewrite it, changing some of the elements such as setting, main character or ending.  Can you create some suspense in your story? Remember to try to include tools from the suspense toolkit you created, such as:

-      Some short, punchy sentences.

-      Unsettling noises and sound effects.

-      Rhetorical questions.

-      Use the senses to describe setting and the character’s feelings.


We will be investigating the gravity levels in our solar system this week. Draw a parachute descending to Earth and label it with the forces that are being applied. It may help to use arrows. What else can you find out about gravity on Earth, the Moon or any of the planets?

Topic- to be done on the blog.


What do you know about the pyramids in Egypt? Where are they located? Who built them? When and how were they built? What were they used for? Let us know on the blog!



  1. There was a brave knight riding across the darkened abandoned forest. His name was Andrew. He was on a quest to battle the most dangerous dragon in all of Arandia, Fearo the fire dragon. He was apprehensive yet felt confident that he could defeat the spiteful and venomous dragon. Andrew clenched his fist tight for this epic showdown. He marched straight into the arena, drew his sword out and was in battle stance. On one hand, he felt anxiety circling around him like as he was drifting in the air like a silent breeze pacing silently. On the other hand, fear managed to strike his heart. Andrew was clueless. The only thing he knew was that everybody had confidence and belief in him, so he didn’t stand back like a coward. He stamped his left foot on the ground hardly as if he was to face any dangers which approached him. Unexpectedly, a gigantic creature began wrecking the arena. The debris was scattered everywhere! It was a catastrophic disaster! The creature who was destroying the arena was Fearo the fire dragon-Andrew’s opponent. Fearo stayed still, starring at Andrew patiently as he was hypnotized or something. Fearo blew fire at Andrew. He dodged them. The fire spread into the abandoned forest which burnt all the crops there. It affected absolutely everything around the arena. Andrew’s head exploded with rage! He chopped off the dragon’s head as it fell to the ground. It was dead! Suddenly, all the destruction disappeared into thin air. The sun shone brightly as if it was saying that Andrew had won! He had saved Arandia, and there would be peace and happiness forever!

  2. There was a brave knight riding across the darkened abandoned forest. His name was Andrew. He was on a quest to battle the most dangerous dragon in all of Arandia, Fearo the fire dragon. He was apprehensive yet felt confident that he could defeat the spiteful and venomous dragon. Andrew clenched his fist tight for this epic showdown.

    He marched straight into the arena, drew his sword out and was in battle stance. He felt anxiety gripped him as he sunk into his gloom. Andrew was clueless. The only thing he knew was that everybody had confidence in him, so he didn’t stand back like a coward. He stamped his left foot on the ground hard and was ready to face any adversities which would befall him.

    Suddenly, a gigantic creature began wrecking the arena. The debris was scattered everywhere! It was a catastrophic disaster! The creature who was destroying the arena was Fearo drag, the fire on-Andrew’s opponent. Fearo stayed still, gaping at Andrew patiently as if he was hypnotized. Fearo blew fire balls at Andrew, who quickly dodged them . The fire spread to the abandoned forest which burnt all the trees there. It affected absolutely everything around the battlefield. Andrew’s head exploded with rage! He chopped off the dragon’s head with his legendary sword and then it fell to the ground with a loud THUD! It was dead!

    Magically, a mysterious light shone from the foggy and dark clouds. All the devestation disappeared into thin air and the debris floated high in the sky and turned into gold! The sun shone brightly as if it was saying that Andrew had won! He had saved Arandia, and there would be peace and happiness forever!

  3. The Pyramids
    The pyramids are the stone tombs of Egypt's kings - the Pharaohs and one of the world's greatest historical mysteries. They have stood for thousands of years, filled with many hidden secrets: clues about what life (and death) was like in Ancient Egypt.

    Why did the Ancient Egyptians build pyramids?
    The Egyptians believed that if the pharaoh's body could be mummified after death the pharaoh would live forever. The tombs were designed to protect the buried Pharaoh's body and his belongings.

    Where were they built?
    Most of the pyramids can be found on the western side of the Nile River, just into the dry desert.

    How does the dry desert help to keep pyramids?
    The dry desert heat worked to keep the Pharaoh's body and his belongings from decomposing and rotting away.

    Why did they build pyramids next to the Nile?
    The reason they built pyramids next to the River Nile so it would be easier to get the blocks to the pyramid. The stones could be bought nearer to the pyramid building site by boat.
    When and how were the pyramids built?
    The pyramids of Giza were built between 2589 BCE to 2504 BCE. They were made of solid blocks of limestone. 1000s of slaves helped to cut the limestone into the right size. They also used beasts, such as oxen to place the limestone in the correct places. Any spaces between the limestone was covered with sand or rubble.

    What was is the name of the most famous pyramid?
    The Great Pyramid is the largest and most famous of the pyramids. It was built for the Pharaoh Khuf. It is over 140 metres high and took 20 years to build.
    Who built the pyramids?
    A pharaoh wanted to build pyramids in Egypt so he sentenced his workers to create them.

    Well, this is the end of my report about pyramids. I hope you enjoyed it.

  4. They alined the pyramids symmetrically with the moon and stars,including the sun!

  5. Giza Pyramids

    In Egypt there are three pyramids called The Giza Pyramids.They are located in Giza .The pyramids were built for Pharaohs Khufu , Khafre and Menkaure,Khafre was Khufu's son.All three pharaohs got there slaves to build them their pyramids.It is thought that it took 100,000 men to build each pyramid,it took them 20 years .The constrction of the pyramids started in 2584 BC . It took 22 million limestone and granet blocks to build the pyramids.First they had to choose the sight of where the pyramids where going to be built,then they would check if the surface was flat so the pyramid would go straight up.The slaves used simple tools such as mmattocks ,copper chisels and stone hammers,it was used for cutting the rocks.The slaves would make ships and sail to get the rocks and then come back with the rocks because the blocks are too heavy to carry.Making one square then another and so on until the blocks were at there highest and smallest.The pyramids then would store all the things that kings would need in the afterlife.The pyramids were where the kings were buried.They would stay there until they were to be discovered.

  6. Pyramids

    Pyramids are blocks of sand like Giza. The anciet Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharohs and their queens. The pharohs were buried in pyramids for centerys. There are about eighty pyramids known today from anciet Egypt. The biggest three pyramids are built at Giza.

    Pharohs told their prisoners to build pyramids and other artifects that needed to be made.The prisoners had a long time to build, sometimes more than 1.5 years.

  7. I know that the pyramids in Egypt were built for special people like the pharaohs. I also know that they were made out of the most finest and hot sand that can only be found in Egypt. The pyramids were built next to the River Nile (I think on the west)because people could travel easier. The pyramids were built by(most websites say aliens for some reason)I think Ramses II. They were used for dead pharaohs and because there was so many pharaohs there was about (estimate)138 in a pyramid. I know a lot.

  8. Are we aloud to do it on the computer(Literacy)

  9. Pyramids

    Pyramids are the stone tombs of Egypt's Pharaohs. These monuments have stood for thousands of years. This gives us evidence about the way Egypt treated
    the afterlife. Most of the pyramids were built on the west side of the Nile because it would be easier to transport them closer to the pyramid. The pyramids
    were designed to protect the Pharaoh's body and belongings for the afterlife. The heat worked to keep the body and belonging from decomposing and rotting

    The great pyramids of Giza are guarded by a Sphinx which is a half man and a half lion. The Sphinx actually guards more than one set of pyramids, it guards
    most of them. Efforts are being made to preserve the Sphinx, but it continues to erode. It is thought that someone chiseled it off because that person thought
    it was evil.

    All pyramids were built of limestone blocks that weighed between two and fifty tons. Historians agree that the blocks were dragged up ramps, but they disagree
    what shapes the ramps were. One idea says that that the was one ramp, wrapped around the pyramid in a spiral shape. Another says that there were four ramps,
    one on each side of the pyramid. The pyramids took a long time to build so construction usually started when the Pharaoh began his/her reign. Most Pyramids
    contain multiple passages and chambers full of the Pharaoh's belongings.

    Some of the tombs were robbed because tomb raiders were greedy and they wanted to show off. It is thought that curses and traps were put in place to stop
    tomb raiders. One that remained largely intact was Tutankhamun's and it was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter.

    In total, one hundred and thirty eight Pyramids were built altogether. The most well known Pyramids are the Giza Pyramids, not far off Cairo, the capital city.
    The Great Pyramid of Giza is the last one of the Seven Wonders still in existence. In the late 1100's a man called Al Aziz Uthman attempted to destroy the
    Great Pyramid of Giza, but the task proved too big for him. Roughly, the Great Pyramid of Giza consists of two million, three hundred thousand limestone blocks.
    Some limestone blocks have eroded over the past few thousands of years. The base of a Pyramid is always a perfect square. Earlier Pharaohs built less sophisticated Pyramids called Mastabas. These had room for the funeral coffin and things for the afterlife. These monuments weren't built out of limestone, but probably out of clay.

  10. Once upon a time there was a small girl called Ellie Golden she was walking down the road when suddenly a weird looking man jumped at her and stole her bag and ran away going to the most creepiest house in the whole city.She was curious.She followed him.Ellie opened opened the door that was creaking and peeked around the edge of the door.When she went in she heard music playing but suddenly the connection stopped and so did the music.She took a few steps backward and looked up at the window and saw a ghost looking out from the window and disappears suddenly.Ellie went up and looked at the room the ghost was looking from then when she looked out the window she saw her face screaming at her furiously.When she turned around she got hypnotised by a doll.She jumped out the window and she died.


  11. Facts About Ancient Egyptian Pyramids

    - Over 130 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt.

    - Most royal tombs were built in the Valley of the Kings.

    - The first Egyptian pyramid is believed to be the Pyramid of Djoser, it was built in Saqqara around 4650 years ago (2640 BC). Saqqara is a huge ancient burial ground built near the Egyptian city of Memphis.

    - The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and largest of three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis. Also known as the Pyramid of Khufu, it is the oldest of the Ancient Wonders of the World and the last one still largely intact.

    - For over 3800 years, the Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest man made structure in the world. Although it has lost around 10 metres (33 feet) in height, it still stands around 146 metres (480 feet) above the ground.

    - As well as Giza and Saqqara, important Egyptian Pyramid sites include Dashur, Abusir, Meidum, Lisht, Abu Rawash and others.

    - Nearly all Egyptian Pyramids are located on the west bank of the Nile.

    - Egyptian Pyramids often contain multiple chambers and passages.

    - Egyptians buried their dead with burial goods that ranged from everyday items they believed would useful in the afterlife to more expensive items such as jewelry.Tomb robbers targeted many of the royal tombs and most were eventually robbed.

    - One tomb that was left largely intact was that of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings. Rediscovered in 1922 by Howard Carter, this famous tomb is best known for the solid gold funerary mask of Tutankhamun.

  12. What do you know about pyramids in Egypt?
    They are located in Egypt. The people who built them were the servants of kings and pharaoh. They built pyramids in 2900 BC they were built by building a road right to the top of the pyramid. They were used for storing kings or pharaohs inside. Only one person can go in one pyramid.

  13. It is believed that over 130 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt . Most of them were built as tombs for pharaohs and their families. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis. Nearly all Egyptian pyramids are located on the west bank of the Nile. It is a bit of a mystery who built the pyramids. It is believed that thousands of Egyptian slaves were used to cut up large blocks and then slowly move them up the pyramid on ramps. Scientists estimate it took at least 20,000 workers over 23 years to build the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built as a tomb for the Egyptian pharaoh Kufu. It took approximately 20 years to build. The other pyramids were built as burial places and monuments to the pharaohs.

  14. Pyramids

    The great pyramid of Giza is located on the western side of the river Nile. It is on the western side because it is dry. But on the eastern side is riverbanks flooding. The pyramids are built using granite and limestone. The pyramids were built for pharaohs and their families like Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure to rest In peace when they are mummified. It took over 10000s of people to make pyramids. It took millions of pieces of granite and limestone to make pyramids. Khufu created and made the great pyramid of Giza around 2530 BC. Khafre was Khufu's son.

  15. The great pyramid of Giza is located at the northern edge of the Giza plateau.It was built for king Khufu.Today it stands at 449.5ft.Having lost 31ft due to erosion.It weighs 6.5 million tons.The Great Pryamid is a square with each side measuring 756 feet.It can nearly fit 10 football fields.The four triangular sides slope equally from the base.Precisely 51 deg. 51min. Each side has an area of 5.5 acres.There are currently 203 levels or steps to its summit.Construction started in 2540 BC and took 23 years to build.The Great Pyramid contains nearly 2.3 million blocks.Average weight per block of stone 7 tons.Workers would have to set a block every 2.5 minutes,7 days a week to finish in 23 years.Over the centuries the Pryamid was stripped of its casing stones to use in rebuilding bridges,mosques and palaces.You can build 30 empire state buildings with its masonry.The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and the only one which is still standing.

  16. Dictionary Definition: A monumental structure with a square or triangular base and sloping sides that meet in a point at the top, especially one built of stone as a royal tomb in ancient Egypt.

    There are Over 130 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt. The first Egyptian pyramid is believed to be the Pyramid of Djoser, it was built in Saqqara around 4650 years ago (2640 BC). Saqqara is a huge ancient burial ground built near the Egyptian city of Memphis.

    The Pyramid of Giza is one of the oldest Seven Wonders of the World. The pyramid was built as a tomb for the Egyptian pharaoh, Khufu. It took twenty years to build. When it was originally built, it was almost 147 meters tall! As there has been erosion, it is now 139 meters tall. It is the largest pyramid ever built! It is located west and south of modern Cairo.

    As well as Giza and Saqqara, other important Egyptian Pyramid sites include Dashur, Abusir, Meidum, Lisht, Abu Rawash and others.

    Nearly all Egyptian Pyramids are located on the west bank of the Nile. Egyptian Pyramids often contain multiple chambers and passages. Bodies placed in the tombs were preserved by mummification (to preserve their bodies for their afterlife). Egyptians buried their dead with burial goods that ranged from everyday items they believed would useful in the afterlife to more expensive items such as jewellery.

    Tomb robbers targeted many of the royal tombs and most were eventually robbed. One tomb that was left largely intact was that of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings. This famous tomb is best known for the solid gold funerary mask of Tutankhamun. Tutankhamun was a pharaoh from 1332 BC to 1323 BC.

  17. The names of the pyramid are Khufu, Giza & Khafre. The pyramids are located on the western side of the river Nile, because it floods on the eastern side but not on the western side. The pyramids were built by the pharaoh servants. The mummified bodies were kept in the pyramids. They were built in blocks of clay.

    There are some facts about the pyramids in the list below:
    1. Pyramid Giza is the biggest pyramid, and one of the block of it weighs 6.5 tons.
    2. Most of the mummified queens were put in to the pyramid Khufu.
    3. It was taking 20 years to build one pyramid.
    4. One pyramid was been made by 4000 people.
    5. Pharaoh Khufu was buried inside the pyramid Khufu.
    6. The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the seven wonders of the world.

  18. The amazing pyramids were built about 5000 years ago and have lots of Hieroglyphics all over the walls. The Hieroglyphics were put there so people knew more about the pyramids.

    Most pyramids are made of limestone and built away from the rivers. They are built away from the river so they don't break down over the years. They had to build the pyramids in the Sahara desert so they could get lots of rocks. They were built out of limestone because that was the only stone they could find.

    It took millions of men to build these great pyramids. They used copper as a tool and used wood and water to break the stones out of the rock. When the Egyptians squished the wood into the stone and poured water over them. When the water soaked into the wood it made a neat crack between the rocks.

    A man called 'Nut' was part of building. The pyramid of 'Khafra' at Giza. When he got to where he was building the pyramid he found out how noisy it is to be building a pyramid. Pyramids have lots of chambers and tunnels inside.

    At Giza there are 3 pyramids, the smallest pyramid is called Menkaura, the middle one is called Khaefra and the biggest is called Khufu. There is a step pyramid at the south of Giza.

  19. Where are they located?
    All of the Pyramids of Egypt are located on the western side of the river Nile. The reason why is because the western side was associated with the land of the dead
    What were they used for?
    Deep inside the pyramids lays the Pharaoh's burial chamber which would be filled with treasure and items for the Pharaoh to use in the afterlife. The walls were often covered with hieroglyphics. Near the Pharaoh's burial chamber would be other rooms where family members and servants were buried. There were often small rooms that acted as temples and larger rooms for storage. Narrow passageways led to outside.

    Sometimes fake burial chambers or passages would be used to try and trick grave robbers. Because there was such valuable treasure buried within the pyramid, grave robbers would try to break in and steal the treasure. Despite the Egyptian's efforts, nearly all of the pyramids were robbed of their treasures by 1000 B.C.
    Who built them?
    The pyramids were built by thousands of workers and slaves. For example, Khufu’s slaves built the Great pyramid of Giza.

  20. Pyramids are located in Egypt in the dessert of Giza.Many people like farmers,slaves,builders and more people build Egyptian pyramids they built them because the pharoahs payed them with homes and food.They were built with limestone,sandstone,sand and stone they where built about 5000 to 7500 years ago.They where used for putting mummified people in a sarcophagus to bring them to the afterlife of Egypt in there beleaths.
