Friday 26 September 2014


Homework: Week beginning 29th September 2014

This homework is all due by Friday, 3rd October.


Spellings will be tested on Friday


Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics.


This week is poetry week! Can you write out and illustrate your favourite poem ready to bring into class next week to share. Write a paragraph about why it is your favourite poem too, refer to how the poem makes you feel and the poet’s use of language.


Take a journey into the depths of our Solar System and discover 2 of the planets in more detail. How far will you travel? Where will you go? Your task this week is to choose 2 of the planets from our Solar System and to write a fact file about each one. Remember you can choose any of the planets, including Pluto as a Dwarf Planet. You will need to draw and label the planets. Remember, if you want to do this on the computer, or any other way, you can. Happy Travels!

Topic- to be done on the blog.

Next week, as part of our Ancient Egyptian topic, we will be learning about Ramses II. Please carry out some research answering the following questions:

-Who was Ramses II and why is he still so famous today?

-From your research, why do you think he is so often called ‘Ramses the Great’?


  1. Ramses II is important for many reasons.

    1. He was very active in building monuments in Egypt and Nubia
    2. He led several campaigns into Syria, Libya and Nubia and negotiated a treaty with the Hittites
    3. He is one of only a handful of Egyptian kinds to have held a Sed fesitival. This means that in the 30th year of his reign, he was ritually transformed into a God.
    4. He has been identified as being the Pharaoh of whom Moses demanded to let his people go (this may or may not be a correct identification)
    5. He also inspired Percy Bysshe Shelley's poem "Ozymandias" and the character Ozymandias from the popular Watchmen graphic novel and movie takes his inspiration from Ramses II.

    Ramses II had a 66 year reign and in the 30th year, he had already eclipsedmost pharaohs; he had brought peace, maintained Egyptian borders, built great and numerous monuments across his empire and his country was more prosperous and powerful than it had been in almost 100 years.

  2. Ramesses II, also known as Ramesses the Great, was the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt. He is often known as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the Egyptians.

    He was born in 1303 BC, and died in 1213 BC. His wife was called Nefertari, and his parents were Tuya and Seti I.
    He had 4 children, and of course, he had to name one of them after him.

    He was a pharaoh for 66 years - 1279 BC to 1213 BC.
    He died at the age of around 90.
    His father sadly died when Ramses was 25, although I dont think he really cared anyways!

    1. If by Rudyard Kipling ----
      If you can keep your head when all about you
      Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
      If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
      But make allowance for their doubting too;
      If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
      Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
      Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
      And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
      If you can dream — and not make dreams your master;
      If you can think — and not make thoughts your aim;
      If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
      And treat those two impostors just the same;
      If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
      Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
      Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
      And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
      If you can make one heap of all your winnings
      And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
      And lose, and start again at your beginnings
      And never breathe a word about your loss;
      If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
      To serve your turn long after they are gone,
      And so hold on when there is nothing in you

      I really do like this poem, I think its fantastic.
      The reason why I think this is because really, this is kind of what happens in life, so its basically saying, Can You Live Life. Thats what I think.
      And plus, it rhymes and still sounds quite natural.

    2. Pluto
      Pluto's surface is one of the coldest places in the solar system at roughly minus 375 degrees F (minus 225 degrees C). In Roman mythology, Pluto is the god of the underworld. Pluto's radius is not well known. JPL's value of 1137 is given with an error of +/-8, almost one percent.

      Pluto can be seen with an amateur telescope but it is not easy. I have not seen it before in my telescope though :( Its unlikely anyways!!!

      In August 2006 the International Astronomical Union (IAU) downgraded the status of Pluto to that of "dwarf planet."

      The moon is the easiest celestial object to find in the night sky — when it's there. Moon phases and the moon's orbit are a mystery to many. Because it takes 27.3 days both to rotate on its axis and to orbit Earth, the moon always shows us the same face.
      The moon has a very thin atmosphere, so a layer of dust — or a footprint — can sit undisturbed for centuries.

  3. Ramesses II
    Ramesses II, also known as Ramesses the Great, was the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt. He is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire.
    Born: 1303 BC
    Died: 1213 BC
    Spouse: Nefertari
    Parents: Tuya, Seti I
    Children: Merneptah, Ramesses, Meritamen, Amun-her-khepeshef, more
    Place of burial: KV7, Egypt, Deir el-Bahari, Egypt.

    Ramses II", who reigned for 67 years during the 19th dynasty of the 12th century BC, was known as "Ramses the Great". His glories surpassed all other Pharaohs, and Egypt reached an overwhelming state of prosperity during his reign. Not only is he known as one of Egypt's greatest warriors, but also as a peace-maker and for the monuments he left behind all over Egypt. He was the first king in history to sign a peace treaty with his enemies, the Hittites, ending long years of wars and hostility. The treaty can still be considered a conclusive model, even when applying todays standards.

  4. Introduction:

    Ramses II was born in 1303BC and he died in 1213BC.His mother's name was queen Tuya and his father's name was Pharaoh Sethi I.He is well known for rulling Egypt successfully for 66 years.When he died he was 90 years old.You will find out a few facts in the list below.


    1)He was named after his grandfather called Ramses I.
    2)Ramses II married twice.
    3)Ramses II got crowned in Pharaoh in 1279BC.
    4)He grew up in royal court of Egypt.

  5. Jupiter
    Jupiter is the biggest planet in the milkyway galaxy. It’ s one of the gas giants and also owns the largest moon in the milkyway galaxy too, the Galleo moon. The distance from Earth to Jupiter is 816520800 kilometres. On the right hand side to Jupiter is the asteroid belt. It starts from the left hand side of Mars and ends at the right hand side of Jupiter. Jupiter also has a very dangerous place on it. people call it the red spot , because it is basically a red spot if you view it in a rocket or images of it on the website. Jupiter is seen as the biggest star in the night sky. You can guess it, because it is the biggest planet.
    Quick fact!
    Jupiter is so huge that it could fit 5000+ Earths!
    Saturn is the second biggest planet in the milkyway galaxy. It has a ring around it made of gas and space rocks to make this planet more secure. Saturn has a moon named Titan which is Saturn’s only moon. It is not a very special moon but Saturn’s only moon. Saturn is also one of the gas giants and it is also the planet which is the solar system’s end planet of the ateroid belt.
    Well this is my report and hope you enjoyed it!

  6. Jupiter Profile
    Jupiter: Biggest planet in solar system
    Galaxy: Milkyway
    Type: Gas Giant
    Thing: Planet
    Famous/biggest moon: Galleo
    Distance from Earth to Jupiter: 816520800 kilometres.
    Jupiter’s most dangerous place: Called the red spot.
    Jupiter size: times 5000+ Earths!
    Saturn profile
    Moon: Titan
    Saturn: Second biggest planet is Solar System
    Well this is my report and hope you enjoyed it!
    Thing: Planet
    Type: Gas Giant
    Galaxy: Milkyway
    Distance from Earth to Saturn: 1513325783 kilometres
    Saturn size: times 3000+ Earths!

  7. Ramses II was an Egyptian pharaoh and was born 1303 BC , died 1213 BC and ruled for 66 years.His father was the pharaoh of egypt , Sethi I and his mother was queen Tuya.He was named after his granfather Ramses I. Ramses II is well known for being an amazing aerchitect. Probably his most famous monument is the Ramesseum.

  8. Ramses the II was a famous Egyptian Pharaoh.He was born in 1303 and died in 1213.His father was Sethi I and his mother Queen Tuya. Sadly, when he was around 14 his brother died. When he was 15 he became prince of Egypt.

    When he was 25 his father died, making him an Egyptian Pharaoh.He was an amazing builder, making a very famous pyramid.

    Ramses II is so famous today because he reigned for 66 years and every 30 years the Egyptians ritually made him a god.

    I think he was called Ramses the Great because he built many things and reigned for a staggering 66 years

  9. Ramses II was born in 1303 BC, he died 1213 BC and he was a pharaoh of Egypt.
    His father Sethi I was a pharaoh as well. His mother was queen Tuya.
    Ramses ruled Egypt for 66 years and he was the third king of the 19th Dynasty.
    his famous monument is the Ramesseum.
    his reign was from 1279 BC - 1213 BC.

  10. Who was Ramesses II and why is he still so famous today?
    Ramesses II was the most famous Pharoah in ancient Egypt.He was 20 years old when he became a Pharoah. He ruled Egypt for 67 years. He was the son of seti I.
    Ramesses II is famous because he had his name inscribed on more statues and monuments than any other Pharoah.
    Why was he known as king Ramesses the great?
    As the river Nile flooded and the flood water went down the mud on the river banks was fertile and was used to grow crops. The people thought that the land was fertile because they were worshipped Ramesses II.

  11. Ramses II was the third king in the 19th dynasty in Egypt.They still call him Ramses the great,because he was one of Egypt's great warriors but at the same time he was peaceful.He was the first king in the history,who signs a peace contract with his enemies at that time.In his ruling Egypt reached a overwhelming state of prosperty. Ramses was very active in building monuments in Egypt and Nubia.He was a very good ruler so they proclaimed him god. That's why today he is still popular.

  12. Jupiter

    Jupiter's surface area is 61,418,738,571 km.
    It's gravity is 24.79.
    It's radius is 69,911 km.
    Jupiters orbital period is 12 years.
    It's mass is 1.89827 kg.


    Mars's surface area is 144,798,500 km.
    It's gravity is 3.711.
    It's radius is 3.390 km.
    Mars's length of day is 1 day zero hours and 40 minutes.
    It's mass is 63921 kg.

  13. 1.Ramesses 11 was a famous Egyptian pharoh. He was born 1303 BC,died 1213 BC and ruled for 66 years. He made the temple in Egypt called Ramesseum. Ramesses decided to double the rate of temple-building. He designed the work and his servants made it for him.

    2.People thought that Ramesses 11 was a great king/pharoh. They called him 'Ramesses the great.'
    I dont agree that Ramesses should be called the great, as he told his servants everything he needed doing.

  14. Ramesses II was an Egyptian pharoh from 1276-1213 BC and was the third king in the nineteenth dynasty, when he was 26.

    In his successful sixty-seven year reign he build more temples and had more children than any other Egyptian king. He had over 100 children and married many women. That is why he is called Ramesses ' the great '.

    He also founded a new capital, in the easten Delta, which remained the royal residence throughout the Remesseside period. Ramesse II was also a famous warrior, his most famous battle was at Qadesh (Syria).

    His statue (that is in the British Museum) was carved from one single block of granite and weighs over 7 tonnes. He reigned for 67 successful years. He was over 90 when he died and was buried in a rock-cut tomb.

    There is a poem called 'Ozymndias' by Percy Shelley. He wrote this poem because he saw the amazing statue of Ramesses and thought it was brilliant it still stands.

  15. Ramses II was a Egyptian king (Pharaoh) which was born in 1303 BC and died in 1213 BC. Ramses II reigned for 66 to 67 years.He was called 'Ramses the Great' because he had many monuments built in his honour.He fought in wars but still he survived.Not only was he a great warrior but he was the first ruler in history to sign a peace treaty.

  16. Ancient Egyptian

    Ramses 11 (Ramses also spelled as Ramesses).
    Ramses 11 was of greatest Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs who reigned in the 19th Dynasty.
    This Pharaoh is sometimes referred to as "Ramses the Great".
    Due to his great accomplishments and to his long reign over Egypt;his reign lasted over 90 years.
    He was born a son of a Pharaoh;thereby receiving the throne after his fathers death.
    Ramses was often called Ramses the great because for his contributions to Egypt,
    included his war campaigns to the Mediterranean and into Nubia,as well as his construction projects,such as cities,temples and tombs.
    Ramses 11 is still famous today due to significant number of architectural tributes
    attributed to him and still dominate the landscape of Egypt today.


  17. My poem:
    Wembley Stadium in my dreams,Wembley Stadium in the morning,Wembley Stadium in the class,Well I'm tired of Wembley Stadium.

    Aliterative Sentence:
    Big Bad Bill Bought Billions Of Beans

  18. Mars

    Mars is the fourth planet in our solar system and ghe seventh largest.mars has been known since prehistoric times. Mars is named after a god of war. In greek mythology, he is known as Ares. It was given its name after the red colour.

    Distance from sun: 228 km
    Days to complete orbit: 687 earth days
    Surface temperatures: -28 degrees celcius
    Days to complete rotation: 24.6229 hours


    Saturn is the sixth planet in our solar system and the second latgest. Saturn has been known since prehistoric times. Although Galileo was the first one to see it through the telescope. Saturn has a prominent system of rings, consisting mostly of ice particles, rocky bebris and dust. In roman mythology, saturn is a god of agriculture.

    Distance from sun: 1427km
    Days to complete an orbit: 29.46 earth days
    Days to complete rotation: 10.54 earth days
    temperature: -150 degrees celcious

  19. Ramses II

    Ramses II was the best pharaoh in ancient egypt. He was born in 1303 BC -1213 BC.
    He was a very successful pharaoh. He builg loads of astonishing temples and won a famous battle in kadesh against the hitties. He also made the first peace treaty.

  20. Ramses II was the child of Seti I and Tuya. He was named Rameses, as his grandfather was named Rameses I.

    Rameses II was one of the longest ruling pharaohs on ancient Egypt and he ruled for 67 years. He lived for 80 years, though the average person only lived for about 40 years. He made a name for himself as a builder and a warrior. He had more than a dozen wives and over 100 children.

    Rameses achieved being an amazing builder. He built many temples, which were named:

    •Ramesseum - The Ramesseum is a large temple complex that was located on the west bank of the Nile near the city of Thebes. It was the Mortuary Temple of Ramses II. The temple is famous for its giant statue of Ramses.

    •Abu Simbel - Ramses had the temples of Abu Simbel built in the Nubian region of southern Egypt. At the entrance to the larger temple there are four huge statues of Ramses sitting down. They are each about 66 feet tall! (Interestingly, twice a year the moon shines down onto the middle of the statue, which many people think that that means Rameses was very godly and holy).

    •Pi-Ramesses - Ramses also built a new capital city of Egypt called Pi-Ramesses. It became a large and powerful city under Ramses rule, but was later abandoned.

    He was also fought in the Battle of Quadesh against the Hittites. It was very close, but the Egyptians won, as Rameses had asked extra people to come and help them.

    They named him Rameses the Great, because of all the amazing and interesting artwork he’d done. He was also named this, as he had fought the battle of Quadesh, and he had accomplished many things, including all his temples and statues.

    Rameses died in 1213.

  21. Who was Ramses II and why is he still famous today?

    Ramses II was one of Ancient Egypt’s greatest leaders called pharaohs.
    Ramses II is still famous today for many accomplishments like wining wars, for example the battle of Qadesh, with assistance and against Lybia. He also built important temples. He gained respect, fame and power for his people.

    Why do you think he is so often called ‘Ramses the Great’?

    I think he is called Ramses the Great because he is one of the only pharaohs to have reigned for more than 30 years. He was also one of the few pharaohs to be ritually converted to a god.
    Ramses remarkably signed the first ever peace treaty between Egypt and their enemies, the Hittites. He might have been from the same time as Moses.

  22. Ramses II:

    Ramesses II is the most famous of the Pharaohs.Ramesses II fought the Hittites and signed the world's first official peace treaty. He undertook an unparalleled building programme, had over one hundred children and reigned for 67 years. He made peace to the world.

    Ramesses II fought the Hittites and signed the world's first official peace treaty. He undertook an unparalleled building programme, had over one hundred children and reigned for 67 years.

    Was known as "Ramses the Great".

    Ramses is still famous today because he was the Pharaoh that made peace to the world. He had 200 wives for a Pharaoh that was a lot. He is still famous today because he had a war with the Hittites.
