Thursday 18 September 2014

Homework letter

Homework: Week beginning 22nd September 2014

This homework is all due by Friday, 26th September.


Spellings will be tested on Friday


Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics.


Next week we are beginning a new Literacy topic. Read this extract from a story and try to answer the questions below:

A door banged. Claire jumped. What was that? It wasn’t Mr Jakes because she could hear him whistling at the other end of the playground. Out of the silence, she heard steps. Somebody was coming closer. Somebody or something was coming down the corridor. Nearer. She stood still, so still that even the tables and chairs froze with her. Carefully, she peered round the edge of the door. A shadow slipped, quick as a knife, into the next room. Claire clenched her fist around the pen, her heart racing.

1)      What type of genre do you think this story is?

2)      What makes you think that?

3)      What adjectives can you spot that make this story exciting?

4)      What do you think will happen next?



Does the length and direction of your shadow change throughout the day? We will be doing an experiment next week, testing the length and position of our shadows during different times in the day. Write a prediction for what you think will happen and explain why you think that.

Topic- to be done on the blog.

We are game developers in ICT this term. On the blog write about a computer games that you like. How do you play it? What is the aim of the game? How do you think the creators made the game?


  1. Today I am going to be giving instructions of a game called Goalkeeper Premier.


    1.First you put your arrow on the START button and click it.
    2.Then you choose a team from the Premier League and then click on that team.
    3.After it will say try to save as many in rows of three.
    4. To save the ball from going into the goal you have to move the arrow wherever the ball is going.
    5.You get one point if you save three in a row.
    6.At the end they will tell you if you are through to the next round or not,in the next round you have to do the same as the first round.

  2. I really like Sims, Sims 4 actually.

    In Sims 4, you make your own character(s), you can give it a Life Time wish - An Asperation - And some traits. Their traits will change how they act and what their moods are. Some examples of the traits are:
    •Hot Headed

    When your sims are Teens+, They will have their full 3 traits.

    Some Asperations:

    •Computer Whiz
    •Painter Extrodinare
    •Whiz Kid (For Kids, of course.)
    •Friend To The World

    When you pick an asperation, it will automatically come with a trait you can only get by choosing an apseration.

    There isnt really an aim to this game. Maybe to complete your lifetime wish? Maybe to carry on the family tree - On and on and on, until you first sim was a great great great grandmother/father.

    This game obviously took alot of coding. I've heard that theres more than 5 thousand lines of coding in this game. Which is pretty cool. This is probably quite easy, but I wonder how they made the relationships go up and down and things like that. I have so many questions about this game, I think its simply amazing.

    ..Also Miss Davies, you wrote 'On the Blog write about a computer games" ?? :P

    Minecraft was a game developed by a person Markus Persson, and his volunteer’s name was called Jen Bergestan. They both hired people to create this outstanding game of what we know today and also in the future. This game is all about mining, collecting, eating, building, crafting and burning. These things will help you get a good job life, such as being a miner or a builder.
    This game doesn’t really have a purpose. It is basically about surviving in the wilderness, and crafting tools so that when it gets dark, zombies/creepers/endermen/silverfish don’t attack you. The mobs which I mentioned can kill you and you may lose all your tools and stuff like that, so you must be fully prepared with full armour and a sword to fight back.
    There are three different dimensions you can visit in Minecraft. The first one is called the ‘Overworld’. It is basically where you spawn, so if you were new to Minecraft, you will spawn there. If you die, you spawn in the same place. That’s where you can get all the wood, ores, tools and all the blocks you need. The next dimension you can go to is called the nether. You can go there by placing obsidian blocks in an erect rectangle and then lighting the portal with flint and steel to enter there. (I don’t have to share the crafting recipes because they will already be there when you play it). There is not really much to see there, but it is fun to mess about and destroy the fortresses there. Eventually, the last dimension you want to go to is the end. It is where a Minecraft boss lays right above the poles when you go there. The name of the boss is called the Ender Dragon. It has two-hundred lives and is extremely powerful. If you kill it, a portal is going to appear and that is where you can head back to the Overworld.
    In Minecraft, there are six different ores to find if you go mining: diamonds, gold, iron, lapiz lazuli, coal and emeralds. Diamonds are probably the rarest ore you can get in Minecraft, so if you find some, don’t leave them behind, mine them! Gold is not that useful but you can make a very extraordinary apple from it, and it’s called the golden apple. It can surely heal you very quickly, so if you wanted to kill somebody, but you were low on health, just use a golden apple to do the job. (The crafting recipe for a golden apple is gold ingots surrounding a normal golden apple). Also, if you are keen for your health to go up quicker, use an enchanted golden apple. It requires nine gold blocks surrounding a regular apple to craft it. Moreover, it is more expensive than a regular golden apple. Coal is not a very rare ore at all, but is the fuel for a furnace. For example, if you want your raw chicken to be cooked, then coal basically is going to light the furnace so you can get your cooked food/iron ingots/gold ingots. Iron is probably the best for pickaxes, because that is how you mine diamonds, gold and emeralds. Using a wooden, stone pickaxe will not mine these rare ores, so you have to have an iron, diamond pickaxe you can mine them. Iron tools are the second best tools you can afford in minecraft. Lapiz Luzili is just a dye so if you want your wolf’s collar to turn blue, you can do that with dye. Also, if you want blue wool but you find a different colour sheep. Just use Lapis Luzili to change their wool to blue. Finally, emeralds is the last ore we are going to talk about today. Emeralds are used for villager trades, so if they trade like a diamond sword or block, you can own those rare stukk with these green gems called emeralds.
    Thank you for reading my report about minecraft! I hope you enjoyed it and now understand how to play. Bye!

  4. Penguin Diner

    I have picked a game called Penguin Diner. You play it by clicking on a penguin, putting them on a table and serving them. It usually gets very busy, so you need to be extremely quick, yet remaining courteous.

    The aim of the game is to serve the customers using fantastic customer service, for which you are rewarded with money. The more money you earn the higher the score. The aim is to get the highest score possible. You serve the customers on a daily basis and if you earn enough you go onto the next day – like different levels.

    If you don’t earn enough you restart the day, trying to get to the next day to get a higher score.

    The creators made the game by first doing focus groups into the type of games children would like. The aim of the game would always be at the fore front of the creators minds. Next they would begin designing the restaurant background. Then the creators would start creating the characters; the penguin worker and the penguin customers. Finally the creators would test this game rigorously with test groups to ensure it is faultless and challenging for the age range they are aiming this game at.

  5. Game: Minecraft
    Created by: Marcus Alexej Persson
    Owned by: Microsoft

    In Minecraft there are two game modes: Creative and Survival. In Survival the aim of the game is to build a shelter, defeat monsters and survive. In
    addition, you can keep track of your health and hunger levels. This applies for Survival only. Sadly, you don't have unlimited resources and death is possible.

    In Creative mode the aim of the game is to build amazing towns and cities. There is only one possible chance of death: mining too far down. The
    main difference betwwemn Survival and Creative is that in Creative you have unlimited resources and in Survival you don't.

    On the PE edition (on your Ipads etc.) there are four arrows and a circle button. The four arrows are used to for walking in a certain direction. The
    circle button is used to jump. In Creative if you double tap this button you have the ability to fly. Other editions may vary such as Xbox, PC/Mac and PS3/4.

    In my opinion, I think it would have taken three to four years for the creators to finish the game. It would have taken them ages to make everything
    placeable. Also programming specific thing to mine many other things would take ages.

    Also Minecraft was purchased by Microsoft for £1.8 bn!!!

  6. My favourite game is Power Rangers Super Megaforce and it is controlled by the four arrow keys right,left,forward and back.
    You have to mopve whatever ranger you choose and you have to run and avoid the bad guys.

    1. I think you might have made a mistake on 'move'. There is an extra letter in the word.

  7. My favourite game is Pokemon red, which was made around 1996. It was on Gameboy/Gameboy colour. The graphics were bad, but it was still a good game. There were good glitches to get past the game. Also people think pokemon is for kids. In a town called lavender town. If you go to the lavender town tower it gets creepy. Anyway you can move left, right, down and up. The aim of the game is to get 8 gym badges. No I don't mean the gyms were you get your bones broken. Then you have to go to the Elite four and that's were you finish the game. I think they made the game with different computer programs.

  8. Game Developers

    My Favorite game is Parking Mania". You use the arrows, the up key moves the car forward and the left and right key moves the car left and right and finally the down key moves the car back (reverse).The aim of the game is to try and park you're car without crashing.

    I think that the creators have made the game using computers. they use a computer program to write the code that makes the rules and the graphics move. this game is very easy so all little kids can play, but it is still very enjoyable for older kids.

  9. The game I have chosen is Despicable Me

    The aim of the game is to collect as many bananas as you can, and to avoid the obstacles. You have to move left, right, up and down

    In the game there are evil characters that try to stop you winning, if you defeat them, you go through a tunnel which transports you to a different world. If you get hit by any obstacle at any time , you die. If you collect enough tokens you can revive. There are many different worlds you can transport to.

    I think the creators of the film, Despicable Me, realised how popular it was that they made a game adapted from the film, which meant you could experience what it was like being with the characters and the worlds from Despicable Me.

  10. Fifa
    You would need the application on any tablet, ipad, phone or console. On the console you would need to have control pads to play.

    A team of 11 players each side play against each other. In the game you can choose what team you want to be. I playfully play this game when i'm allowed.

    The game creators are EA SPORTS. EA SPORTS was founded in 2005 and have made 10 games of football.

  11. I like to play Minecraft on the ipad.

    The aim of the game is to make things that you want on your own world. The only thing that is different about it, from other modem games, is it is made out of square blocks.

    You play it by touching the material or item you want, although you can only have five items at one time. The arrows are to move and if you touch in the middle of the arrows twice it will either make you fly or make you stay on the ground. When you want to break something you have to hold the block you want to break. If you want to place a block you have to tap where you want to put it.

    I think the creator made the game first planning it and then programming it. The person who created the game might have asked some people to help with the graphics.

  12. Pipe Riders

    In this game you are a car in a pipe trying to avoid the objects to save your life for as long as possible. To control the speed press the up and down arrow keys, and to dodge the objects, press the left and right keys. You get to choose 3 levels, easy, medium and hard, but if you have done really well, you can unlock the 'extreme' level. On time mode, you have to get to the finish line before the time runs out. In survival mode, you need to survive for as long as you can. To help you save your life collect the glowing green cubes in the game. If you life is full and you get a green cube you will get a time bonus.

    First the creator designed the game to try to figure out what they place in the game. Next they would need to create the background and get the objects put in.
    Then they would put in the car and the rest of the animation. To make all the movements, they would need to programme by using computer coding.
    They would test the game to see if it was ready to be played.

  13. I play tanki online and the aim of the game is to shoot other people online. you use the arrow keys to move space bar to shoot.I think the people who made the game made it a very exclusive game. But I think they could lower the violences in the game.I think that the thing that is good about it is the way that you play it .

    1. I also play tanki online.I agree with Nabhaan about the aim,people can play online when ever they like.To play tanki online you need space bar to shoot,up arrow go forward,bottom arrow to go backwards,left arrow to go left,right arrow to go right,z to turn your cannon left and x to turn your cannon right.

  14. Fifa 14

    I chose this game because i really like it and i play it much at home but i still do my Homework.

    There are two options of playing it. One is swiping and the other one is for clicking the buttons. I usually play o e the swiping one. It is very fun to play on the swiping option.


    1. Choose your favourite team
    2. Make your squad with the real players in the team
    3. Press on your teammate to pass
    4. If the goalkeeper swipe to kick out
    5. If your a player and you swipe, then the player will kick it far away and will not pass
    6. If your near the goal and you're the player he will shoot automaticlly
    7. If you're near the goal and you tap on it, the player will chip the goalkeeper

  15. In Happy Wheels you are a character of your choice that is trying to complete the end of the race. To win you need to get a coin or cross the finish line if you die blood squirts out every where and you have to restart when you die. To move forward you need to click the up arrow on your keyboard to go backwards you need to click the down arrow. The aim of the game is to get back to the finish line/coin in one piece. It is only playable on PC/Mac/Imac/laptops.

  16. 8 ball pool

    The instructions of the game are to move the pool cue and place the cue at the white ball and when the angle is right, you change the power of the snooker cue hitting the white ball. You do this by clicking on the power button on the side of the screen.
    The aim of the game is to pot all your balls before your opponent does. Every four levels you complete you can change the place you play your opponent and you unlock different snooker cues. I think the people that created the game make the game based on real pool.
    This is a fun and addictive game, once you play you want to play again and again until you can play no more.

  17. Burger Restaurant Express!
    You have to make burgers.First you have to make fresh bread and then you have to cook the meat.You drag the meat to the burger and put it on the tray,otherwise the meat will get burnt.Then ,customers will come and you have to give them what they want,for e.g.She wants a burger with ketchup,so you have to drag the ketchup into the burger,you can also tap the order to see its ingredients with more details.Now ,after you got what She wants,you now give it to her.After,you must pick up the money in order to add it to your score.
    If you dispatch the orders fast enough,you will also receive a tip.
    Here,comes another customer e.g. He wants a salad,drag it to him.Remember that if a client has to wait for too long,He will leave and you will lose money.If you make any mistake or the meat gets burnt,drag it to the rubbish.It will cost money so you have to be quick.
    To pass,you have to reach your target.Every time you pass you unlock something new for e.g. Tomatoes.Before you pass there is a timer.You have to use your maths skills.Every time you pass you get a cookie,biscuit.You can give cookies to customers while they are waiting for burger,ice cream,drink,salad,chips,chicken,spices and you get to discover new places when you are on 8-9 on your level you unlock a blond man with a pink top.He actually takes your money when you are not looking.He also has green eyes,neck less and is a man.
    I think this game is really fun,it has 11-12 characters and unlock new characters,e.g.police man,old man,filmstar,school boy,school girl,lady.
    This game is basically telling you serve people what they want.You get mustard,ketchup,food and all other kind of food.

  18. The game I’m going to write about is Asphalt 8. It’s simply one of my favourites. The objective of the game is to win every level of the game by winning car road races on an obstacle course. To win you must have epic timing and skill. There’s power ups such as nitro. When you use nitro, you can smash other cars and go much faster. By smashing cars you earn more nitro.
    I think the developers made the game by using codes that shift the graphics quickly. I think the game could be improved because vehicles come towards you and if you crash into them have to restart.

  19. I like to play Minecraft on my x box.

    It is an easy game to play with no specific goals. You can build what you like and create your own world.Everything in Minecraft is made out of blocks.There are two modes.Creative and survival mode.

    Survival mode:

    Survival mode is where players use resources to survive. You can die if hostile mobs like zombies, skeletons, spiders, endermen and creepers attack you. You have a variety of tools like armour, pick axe, shovel, swords and axe.

    Creative mode:

    In Creative mode you don’t have to survive, you are given the resources to build your own world.
    You can’t die and you don’t need to protect yourself.

    You can play with other people in Minecraft from all over the world. You can also play mini games that other people have built.

  20. I think that the genre of this story is fiction and mystery.
    The reason I think that is because there is a mysterious creature loitering around the school's aisle and a scary frightening monster which can't just be roaming around a regular average school. That makes it fiction too.
    The adjectives I found were quick, still and racing.
    What I think is going to happen next is that the mysterious creature is going to capture Claire and take her away to an unknown valley/place.

  21. Haunt the house

    This is one of my favourite games because the game is it very simple but enjoyable.You are a ghost, and some random tourists are in your haunted house.Of course, like any other ghost, you can fly and float through walls but the problem is,the touristscan't see you.You need to use the:left, right, up and down keys to go into different rooms with people in them and press the spacebar once you are hovering over an object to pocess it. Once you have pocessed an object,make different spooky actions to scare people out of your house.But don't do anything too scary - they might kill themselves!

  22. Science


    A few chemical reactions can be reversed – the original materials can be re-created from the new materials. These reactions are called reversible changes. They have a forward reaction and a backward reaction. Both reactions are actually happening at the same time but, depending on the conditions, one will be stronger than the other


    A few chemical reactions are non-reversible changes. This means they are permanent changes that cannot be undone. You cannot turn the new materials made back into the original materials again. Rusting is a non-reversible change. However, if rust is mixed with magnesium powder another chemical reaction occurs and iron can be extracted from the rust.
    The reason you can’t turn a fried egg into its original form is because, a chemical reaction has taken place.
