Monday 8 September 2014

Homework letter

Homework: Week beginning 8th September 2014

This homework is all due by Friday, 12th September.


Spellings will be tested every Friday.



If your child cannot access Mathletics at home, please let us know. Thank you!


Choose any person (famous person/friend/family member) you admire to write a biography on.

Include the features of biographies (past tense, 3rd person, introduction, chronological order).


Keep a ‘moon diary’ this week. Watch the moon each evening and record your observations (size, shape, time of day it can be seen).

Blog topic homework

Please visit your class blog to complete this homework if you have access to the internet. Leonardo da Vinci was a famous artist around the time of the Tudors. What can you find out about him and his most famous pieces of work. Share your most interesting facts with the class on the class blog.


  1. You can now post comments on the blog!

  2. Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452, however his full name at birth was infact Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci. The “ser” part of his name identified his father as a gentleman.

    Leonardo da Vinci was born in the town of Vinci which was located in Florence. Today that area is called Tuscany which is in Italy.
    Which probably explains Leonardos surname, 'Da Vinci' means 'OF Vinci.'

    Only little bits and pieces are known about him when he was younger, so I have many questions which I dont think have been answered.

    Leonardo was an apprentice to the artist 'Andrea di Cione' in 1466. Andrea was known as Verrocchio (I think thats how to spell it) and he had one of the best workshops in Florence.
    After Leonardo turned sixteen, his father married Francesca Lanfredini (Which I think was his second marrige) who was only twenty years old.

    Da Vinci was commissioned to paint The Last Supper for the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan.

    The Mona Lisa was painted from 1503–1505/1507. It is the most famous painting in the world. Not only do the eyes “follow” you, but the elusive smile on her face lends an air of mystery. The shadows at the corners of the mouth and eyes is the reason that they are both so intriguing. This shadowing is called “sfumato” which means Leonardo’s smoke.

    Leonardo’s work was unique. Because of his extensive knowledge of the human form and the way humans show emotions, he was able to paint expressions and gestures that other artists had never successfully conveyed. His method and technique of laying on the paint and gradation of tone were innovative.
    Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous painted works are the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper and the Virgin of the Rocks.

    Da Vinci was a vegetarian for all his life. (Well we dont know about his younger years, but it is assumed that he was a vegetarian when younger too.)

    Leonardo was Left Handed. He wrote in a mirror, so unless you look into a mirror with the text, you will see it upside down. URL to a piece of his writing:

    Leonardo da Vinci died on May 2, 1519, at Clos Lucé.

  3. Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci was born on the 15 April 1452 vinci in Italy. He was a famous artist, but he also was an amazing scientist, writer, inventor and a astoneshly good mathematition! Leonardo da Vinci was concered with the laws of science and nature and then became a superb paintor. His most popular paintings are called "Virgin of the rocks", "Thelast supper", "Leda and the swan" and "Mona Lisa"

    One of his most popular painting "Mona lisa"(worth more than 100 million) was stolen from a museum in paris called 'Louvre'. The person who stole the painting was called Vincenzo Peruggia. Vincenzo Peruggia stole it in 1911 but they really quickly arested him and got the mona lisa back in the museum.

  4. Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most famous artists in the history of man kind. he painted the Mona Lisa , the Vitruvian Man and the Head Of a Woman.He was also an inventor.He created a prototype of the helicopter .He also made prototypes of parachutes , rifles ,motocars , aeroplanes , paddleboats , swinging bridges and tanks as well.

  5. Leonardo da vinci was a famous artist and inventor.
    He was born in April 15,1452 in Italy.
    He drew the original Mona Lisa painting.
    He also was not very lucky in keeping his art because the Mona Lisa was stolen a few times from a museum in Paris called 'Louvre'.
    He's real name was Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci.
    Another really good artist painted on the glass that was protecting the Mona Lisa painting which really destroyed a little bit of Leonardo's feelings.
    He was very rich,talented and famous at the time.
    He went to school where everyone thought he was a great artist and he went to artist college and university.

  6. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452, in the heart of the Renaissance in the heart of Europe. Leonardo da Vinci’s full name at birth was Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci. The “ser” part of his name identified his father as a gentleman, also his surname,“da Vinci”, means “of Vinci” which was the town where he was born. He born outside Vinci, which lies high up on Mount Albano, in the valley of the Arno River, near the city of Florence. Florence was an independent republic and commercial center at the time of his birth . Leonardo da Vinci was born in the town of Vinci which was located in the territory of Florence. Today that area is called Tuscany, Italy.

    He was the son of Ser Pierro da Vinci, who was a legal specialist, and a peasant girl named Caterina. He was considered an “illegitimate” son because they were not married . His father married into a wealthy family and he went to live with his grandparents.

    As a child he was very smart and was very quick at arithmetic and music. He learned the lyre and had a wonderful singing voice, and quickly went to further develop his talents with a tutor. At age 17, he went to become an apprentice of painting under the instruction of Andrea del Verrochio, in Florence, who was an artist, skilled craftsmen, goldsmith, sculptor and painter. He started to use his science to enhance his paintings.Verrocchio never painted again after working with with Leonardo on The Baptism of Christ painting. He studied and sketched rock formations, caves and fossils. He had very few close friends during his life, even though he was very kind and sympathetic. Later, during his apprenticeship, he started to find his niche at inventing machines like the helicopter, diving suit, and submarine. After he finished his education, he stayed for a short time assisting Andrea del Verrochio. He could also draw forward with one hand while writing backward with the other, producing a mirror-image script that others found difficult to read—which was exactly the point.
    From 1478 to 1482, he obtained his own studio. After that, he was offered the job of court artist for Lodvico Sforza, the Duke of Milan. He took it and lived in beautiful Milan for 17 years. There, he had a great variety of jobs including designing artillery, and planning river system diversions for the city. In Milan, he really started to dive into the field of science and learnt a lot. Toward the end of his life, in about 1508, King Louis XII of France asked him to accompany him to Milan, and he went willingly. There, he stayed working on anatomy and other fields until 1512, when the French lost Milan. He then had to go to Rome. There, he stayed until his life was finished. He was very good friends with Guiliano de’ Medici, brother of the duke, and he was well housed and treated very kindly. Sadly, while in the bliss of the Renaissance, Guiliano's health started to fail. In March, 1516, Guiliano died, and Leonardo was left alone in the world, practically deserted. Unfortunately not long after, on May 2, 1519, Leonardo himself died.
    Bill Gates bought the Codex Leicester in 1995 for $30 million. This manuscript, the only one not held in Europe, includes da Vinci's studies on the movement of water. Leonardo was the first to explain why the sky is blue. (It's because of the way air scatters light.)And he figured out why the entire moon is dimly visible when it is a thin crescent. Its nightside is lit by light reflected from Earth, which appears 50 times brighter from the moon than the full moon appears here. His studies of river erosion convinced him that the Earth is much older than the Bible claims, and he argued that falling sea levels—not Noah's Flood—left marine fossils on mountains.After dissecting cadavers, Leonardo replaced the muscles with strings to see how they worked.

  7. Leonardo Da Vinci was an engineer, sculptor, painter, architect, scientist and inventor. He was an amazing achiever. He was born on 15 April 1452 near the Tuscun town of Vinci. His dad was a lawyer who was locally famous.
    Leonardo Da Vinci is well renowned for his eye in art and design. He was truly astonishing. Some of his most famous paintings are the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper.

  8. Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci was born on the 15th April 1452 near the Tuscan town of Vinci and died in 1519.
    He was the son of Messer Piero Fruosino Di Antoni Da Vinci.
    Leonardo was an excellent artist, architect and muscian.
    He painted the famous Mona Lisa painting of a lady sitting upright and sideways in a chair with her face and upper body tilted. This painting took him two years to complete.

  9. Leonardo da Vinci was born in Italy, on 15th April 1452 and died on 2nd May 1519.

    At the age of 14, da Vinci became an apprentice for the artist Verrocchio. During his six years as an apprentice, he learnt technical skills, such as leather craft, metal work and carpentry.

    Leonardo da Vinci is best known as a painter during the Tudor period. His most famous painting are the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.

    But he was also a inventor, mathematician and designer, and had a particular interest in fight. He studied the flight of birds and created plans for flying machines.

  10. Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15 1452. It took him 2 years to paint his most interesting, world famous painting, the Mona Lisa.

    Unfortunately, in 1911 on the 21st of August , the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris. Nobody knew that the famous painting was missing till the next day and still to this day there is a mystery surrounding its theft. However it was recovered after 2 years and brought back to the museum.

    An interesting fact about the Mona Lisa was in an article in The Sunday Times dated 23 September 2012, confirming that a version of the Mona Lisa, known as the 'Isleworth Mona Lisa' was painted over a decade before the version of the Mona Lisa in the Louvre Museum in Paris. This is also a genuine Leonardo da Vinci painting. Therefore this suggests that Leonardo da Vinci painted more than one Mona Lisa!

    A large number of Leonardo da Vinci’s works have been lost over time, but the “Medusa Shield” is probably the most mysterious. It was painted when the artist was very young, and was inspired by the Greek mythical creature;Medusa. The painting was so realistic that it initially frightened Leonardo’s father who considered it a macabre masterpiece and secretly sold it to a group of Florentine merchants. The shield has long since vanished, and some modern experts now argue that Vasari’s account may have been little more than a myth.

    Which one do you think is more of a mystery; The Mona Lisa or The Medusa’s shield?

    Sadly, Leonardo da Vinci died on May 2, 1519.

    Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15th 1452. His real name was Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci. He was a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, designer, musician, mathematician, geologist and writer. He was one of the most multi-talented person who ever lived on the planet.
    When he was a child, he did his education in a studio with a Florentine painter named Verrachio. In his earlier years, he spent most of his time Milan, then he later worked in Rome. Bologny, Venice and finally spent his last few years in France at the home awarded by Francis 1.
    He is mainly renowned primarily as a painter. His masterpieces were the Mona Lisa, The last supper, The virtruvian man and The lady with an Ermine. Among his works, the Mona Lisa is the most famous and parodied portraits he created. Most people liked it and preferred it on a museum. Also, Leonardo’s drawing of the Virtruvian man is also regarded as a cultural icon, being reproduced on varied items, such as euro coins.
    Leonardo is revered for his technological ingenuity. His greatest achievement was creating the very first flying machine. He also conceptualized armored vehicles, concentrated solar power and machines.
    When he died, on the 2nd May 1519, they put his most popular paintings in a museum so everybody could look at the fabulous art he made and always remember him.
