Friday 12 September 2014

This week's homework

Homework: Week beginning 15th September 2014

This homework is all due by Thursday, 18th September.


Spellings will be tested on Thursday


Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics.


Imagine you are Elizabeth I on the day you have been locked in the Tower of London. Write a diary entry as Elizabeth I, remembering to describe thoughts and feelings. Can you include some interesting adverbs?


Why and how do we experience day and night? Draw a diagram and explain in your own words what is happening to the Sun and Earth during day and night.

Topic- to be done on the blog.

Did you know that Elizabeth I passed a law stating that everyone had to wear woolly hats on Sundays? How many fascinating facts can you find out about the terrible Tudors?


  1. The Tudors are known as " The Tudors " because Henry VII defeated Richard III at Bosworth. Henry's original surname was Tudor. He then became Henry VII.

    They preserved food by rubbing salt on meat. Since there were no forks people ate with knives, spoons and fingers. Water wad polluted with sewage so people
    drank ale and rich wine. People blew up pigs bladders to play football as well !!!

    Since there were very few books at the time they read hornbooks. Religious writing was on paper covered with a sheet of cow horn.

    A punishment would be fifty strokes of a cane. Wealthy families employed a whipping boy to recieve the beating rather than the child.

    Board games like chess and backgammon existed in the Tudor Times.

    Henry VIII executed 70,000 people

    People were hung by having their necks, arms and legs bound. Guilty women were burned alive. If you attempted to murder someone, you would be boiled
    inside a massive pot full of water. There was a whipping post where you were stripped to the waist and you would be whipped several times. People had letters
    burnt on their arms, M for murderer, V for vagrant and T for thieves. Thieves had their hands cut off. The Drunkard was a barrel which you had to walk in for
    being too drunk.

    Law passed that tennis,dice,bowls and skittles were to be banned !!!

    Did you know that Henry VIII employed someone to wipe his bottom due to his fear of germs !!!

    Henry lost £3,250 on betting with cards. He died in severe debt.

  2. Terrible Tudor Fascinating Facts

    .Did you know that the terrible tudors had to wear wooly hats on Sundays? This law was written by Queen Elizabeth the 1st
    .Also in the terrible tudors time, they brushed their teeth with sugar? This law was also made by Queen Elizabeth the 1st Furthermore, did you know that sugar was extremely expensive that time, so only posh people could afford it?
    .Cloaks were also not allowed in the tudor times, because Queen Elizabeth the 1st thought the sword would go quicker through the body, so they would die even before they try to attack her. This law, once again was written by Queen Elizabeth the 1st
    . Did you also know that you could never wear purple? I didn’t know why but I know that you could not wear purple in the tudor times.
    .Finally did you know that you couldn’t play tudor football ever, until the end of the tudor times? People got injured in that game so it got banned. This law was written by Henry the eighth, (Elizabeth’s father).

  3. the Tudors were a welsh-England family. the first Tudor king was Henry VII.Shakespere was one of the most famous Tudor writters. Elizabeth was the last ruler of the Tudors. the Tudors ruled England from 1485 to 1603. Tudors always had to were wooly hats on sunday. England was home to great painter,writters and musisos. king Henry was famous to have lots of wives. the Tudors like eating different types of meat. you would nomaly get 50 strokes of the can.

  4. In 1562 she became sick with smallpox. Unlike many people who died from the disease, she managed to survive.
    Elizabeth liked to have pictures painted of her. There were more portraits painted of her than any other English monarch.
    After becoming queen, Elizabeth enjoyed dressing in fancy gowns. The style of the times followed her lead becoming full of ruffles, braids, wide sleeves, intricate embroidery, and lined with jewels.
    By the end of her reign, there were around 200,000 people living in the city of London.
    She was a huge fan of William Shakespeare's plays.
    Her nicknames include Good Queen Bess and The Virgin Queen.

  5. Elizabeth I and all people in those times had black teeth. Elizabeth I didn't know that sugar is bad for you and then she invented a sugar toothpaste. Just to make sundays look more pretty, Elizabeth decided to demand that every person should wear wooly hats on sunday. If you didn't wear the wooly hat you would probobly be beheaded. In 1562 she became realy sick for smallpox but suprisengly , she managed to survive.

  6. Some facts that I found interesting were:

    There were not many books in school, so the pupils read from 'Hornbooks' instead. Pages displayed the alphabet and were attached to wooden boards and covered with a clear sheet of cow horn.

    In sport Tudors played Tennis with a leather ball stuffed with human hair, it was played by nobility and members of the Royal family.

    The football they used was made with Pigs bladder. Henry VII banned football because it became so rough

    When patients were ill, Astrology helped with the diagnoses of the illness.

    Tudors ate spoons and knives, they only started to use forks at the very end of the 1500s

    Queen Elizabeth I apparently had a really sweet tooth and, as a result, some of her teeth went black. They think some Tudor ladies painted their own teeth black, so that it would appear that they too could afford to eat sugary items of food.

  7. The Tudors were very strange because they thought sugar was healthy for their teeth so their toothpaste was sugar on paste wich explains why Queen Elizabeth I had black teeth.
    Most Tudors were poor and lived in poor houses.
    The fashion clothes for them were hats with short trousers and white t-shirts(that were really dirty!).
    Elizabeth I used to love dresses (as every girl),she had all kinds of fancy golden, pretty,sparkly gowns she even had......A NORMAL DRESS!
    In other words the Tudors were d-i-s-g-u-s-t-i-n-g!

  8. Mary got her nickname, bloody Mary because she killed over 275 protestants!
    Tudor women, men and children drank beer, wine, sherry, mead and cider.
    Henry VIII executed 70,000 people roughly.
    Between 1594-1598 the harvest failed five times.
    Anne Boleyn had eleven fingers.
    Henry VIII died of heart disease.
    You could not wear purple.
    You had to wear woolly hats outside every Sunday even if it was 30 degrees! or you would go to prison.

  9. Tudors

    Elizabeth 1 style of dress expressed both her love and desire to present a image of power.
    Elizabeth 1 father was fluent in several languages and excellent at sports such as tennis.
    The Tudors would collect water from village pumps, wells of streams but was often polluted.
    Toilets were called"prives" and were often a piece of wood over a large bowl/bucket.
    Tudor life in Britain was harsh and life expectancy was just 35 years.
    Tudors kept animals all year round and would KILL them just before they needed to be eaten.

  10. Queen Elizabeth I was born in 1533 at Greenwich Palace. She was Queen for 45 years. Here are some facts about her:
    Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry VIII and his second wife Anne Boleyn.
    She was born a princess, but lost this status when Henry decided to have Anne's head chopped off, when Elizabeth was 3 years old. After this and until she was "Queened" she was Lady Elizabeth.
    Apparently Queen Elizabeth I passed a law stating you HAD to wear a woolly hat on Sunday. That is one of the weirdest laws ever. It was illegal to wear purple as well.
    Although Queen Elizabeth I didn't marry, marriage to a number of suitors was considered. Amongst them were Thomas Seymour (creepy husband of Catherine Parr, Elizabeth's guardian, and 24 years older than her), Lord Robert Dudley (married man who Elizabeth quite liked but her government didn't. Some historians think he had something to do with his wife falling down some stairs to her death, thus freeing him to marry Elizabeth), King Phillip II of Spain (proposed to Elizabeth, got denied by Elizabeth, later attempted to send an Armada to invade England), the Archduke Charles of Austria (King Phillip II's cousin), and the Frenchmen Henri, Duke of Anjou and Francois, also Duke of Anjou.
    Queen Elizabeth I is sometimes pictured as wearing thick white makeup. Although this look was apparently fashionable at the time, Elizabeth did it to cover up scars left from a bout of smallpox.
    Elizabeth could understand several languages: English, Latin, Greek, Italian, French, Spanish, Welsh and apparently even Cornish, a language which is now only spoken by about 2,000 people in Cornwall.

  11. According to my view of the terrible tudors there are a list of facts below.

    1.They used sugar toothpaste.
    2.Henry VIII executed70,000 people.
    3.The toilets were called prives.
    4.Could not wear purple.
    5.Phillip II married Mary I.
    6.Henry VIII married six times.
    7.Queen Elizabeth I did not marry at all.
    8.Henry VIII beheaded Anne Boleyn
    9.Mary I was queen of the Scots
    10.Mary I was cousin to Queen Elizabeth I.
    11.Mary was called the Bloody Queen.
    12.Mary had no children.
    13.Sugar toothpaste was very expensive
    14.Tudor currency was difficult to understand.

  12. Tudors

    The Tudors came to the throne in 1485.
    In Tudors times, most people lived in the countryside,and there was so much poverty.The first Tudor was Henry VII.

    The most Fascinating Fact about the Tudors are the following:

    On 18th January 1486 Henry the VII married Elizabeth of York
    Henry Tudor defeated King Richard the III at the Battle Of Bosworth Field which started House of Tudors.
    Another interesting fact about the Tudors is that Five-Three Kings and Two Queens ruled Britain.
    The Royal Dynasty of the Tudors were: King Henry VII,King the VIII, King Edward VI,Queen Mary I and Queen Elizabeth I.
    Queen Elizabeth I Reigned for 45 years from 1558-1603.
    When Queen Elizabeth died she was laid to rest next to her half-sister Bloody Mary,who had always disliked Elizabeth, and who had imprisoned Elizabeth in the Tower of London.


  13. Important facts during Elizabeth I rein

    Elizabeth banned cloaks, so that courtiers could reach their swords easier, if anyone wished to attack her. On top of that, she banned purple cloth or any other cloth embroided with gold or silver, as it could only been worn by royalty.

    Amazingly, sugar toothpaste was so expencive that only posh people could afford it.

    As well as that, each parish had to look after it’s own poor. If anyone was found without any money, they were sent back to their own village. If they didn’t return to their own village, they were flogged.

    Surprisingly, anyone who refused to work was punished.

    Strangley enough, Henry VIII made it illegal to play tudor football.

    Furthermore, if you stole 11 pence or less, you were put in prison. If you stole 12 pence or more, you were sentenced to death!

  14. Tudor facts - Interesting facts about Queen Elizabeth 1

    1. Queen Elizabeth played Spinits and Lutes.
    2. She never got married or had any children
    3. Anne Boleyn and Kind Henry VIII were Queen Elizabeth's parents
    4. Her height was around 5'3 - 5'5
    5. She had brown eyes
    6. She liked Jewels, dancing, clothes and music
    7. Her mother was beheaded when Elizabeth was only 2 years old
    8. She was Queen for 44 years
    9. Queen Elizabeth wore thick white make up to cover scars from smallpox
    10.She spoke several languages, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Latin.

  15. Fascinating facts about the Terrible Tudors.
    1) They ruled England and Wales for 118 years
    2)Elizabeth made England a protestant country
    3)Famous for Henry VIII and his 6 wives, the exploration of America and the plays of William Shakespeare
    4) They rules from 1485 to 1603
    5) The first Tudor King was Henry VII then Henry VIII, after that was Edward VI followed by Mary I and finally Elizabeth I
    6) Life had a lot of problems of overcrowded streets, muddy tracks and travelling was difficult.
    7) They made England richer than ever.
    8) Henry VIII and Elizabeth I were the two strongest monarch ever to sit on the throne.
    9) Elizabeth said ' You have to wear woolly hats on Sundays, not to wear purple and not to wear cloaks but to put them down on top of a puddle for me to walk on' as laws.
    10) Elizabeth made sugar toothpaste, that is why her teeth were so black

  16. Queen Elizabeth rule her kingdom from 25 years old to 69 years old.The TUdors had so many rules:
    For example:
    Do not shave
    King Edward became king of noblemen.Elizabeth coronation was in January 1559.Elizabeth was red haired.People shouted "out old king Henry".
    The Queen liked to get her own way.She had a quick tempur.She loved jewels,clothes,dancing and music.
    Elizabeth travelled around England.She visited castles and great houses.
    There were feast,plays,dances and deer hunting.
    So Elizabeth was not England's Queen Mary Queen of Scots was.
    People wanted the Queen to marry.She must have children to be King or Queen after her.
    A husband would expect to be king.Lots of husband came forward including Philip of Spain,the Duke of Alencon and Robert Dudley,Early of Leicester.
    She was very fond of Robert Dudley but did not marry anyone.
    Her nickname for Robert was "Eyes".She called the Duke.
    She called people nicknames.She called Duke of Alecon her "little frog".
    When She got cross She threw her shoes at people.As her red hair faded,thinned,She took to wearing a wig.
    Shakespeare and his actors performed for Elizabeth at Christmas.
    In the Armada battles,ships hurled "fire pots" of burnt oil at one another.

  17. Dear Diary,
    Today I have been locked in the Tower of London.I feel trapped,upset,hart broken,scared but I say to myself "Elizabeth be brave",but it never works victoriously the guards would not let me go out of the Tower of London.Slowly I crept to get the key of the wall but I could not reach it positively.
    I could see the guards going so I took of my jacket all cheerfully blue so I broke one of the metal Blindly black bars so I put my jacket around the bar and pull through the gate of the towers dungeons gate and managed to hang the coat bottons on the key chains and managed to get the key but it fell on the floor in the middle of the path so I grabbed it with my leg so I managed to get the key and escape.
