Tuesday 2 September 2014

Welcome back 5MD!

Welcome to the new school year! I hope you all had a great summer holiday and are rested and revived, ready for the year ahead.

I will add to the blog throughout the year. Children and parents are encouraged to contribute to the blog and to share their work, views and ideas. At least one homework per week will be completed on the blog for this purpose.

This year you will receive a homework letter on Fridays, which will contain details of all homework tasks for the week, all of which will be due in on the following Friday. This gives you the opportunity to complete tasks at a time which is convenient for you and which fits around any commitments you might have outside of school. The first of these letters will be distributed on Friday, 5th September, with the homework due in on Friday, 12th September. You will not receive a homework diary this year and instead will receive a Reading Record diary which should be completed every day with details of reading that has taken place at home. Messages to the teacher can also be passed on this way if required.

I am very much looking forward to the year ahead and hope that you are too!


  1. Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15th 1452. His most famous painting was of Mona Lisa which he painted in 1505 and it took him two years to paint it. He painted the picture in France.
    His real birth name was Lionardo di ser piero da vinci, meaning Leonardo son of ser piero from Vinci.
    Leonardo's most famous painting in the 1490s was called 'The last supper'. The painting represents the last meal shared by Jesus with his disciples, before his capture and death.
    Within Leonardo's life time, his fame was such that the king of France carried him away like a trophy, and was claimed to have supported him in his old age, and held him in his arms as he died.
    Leonardo died May 2nd 1519. He was 67 years old.

  2. Leonardo Da Vinci was an artist,scients,and inventor during the Italian Renaissance.He is considered by many to be one of the most talented and intelligent people of all time.
    Leonardo Da VInci was born in the town of VInci,Italy on April 1452.His father was wealthy and had a number of wives.About the age of 14 he became an apprentice to a famous artist named Verrochio.This is where he learned about art,drawing,painting and more.Two of his most famous paintings are the Monarch Lisa and The Last Supper.He would keep journals full of drawing and sketches,some were studies of anatomy.One famous is the Vitruvian Man drawing.
    He drew pictures and designs of hang gliders,helicopters,machines,musical instruments,various pumps and more.He studied the human body including many drawings on muscles,tendons,and the human skeleton.
    His journals were filled with 13000 pages of his observations of the world.He also had detained figures of various parts of the body including the heart,arms,and other internal organs.Leonardo had strong interest in horses,frogs,vows,monkeys,and other animals.The Mona Lisa is also called La Giaconda,meaning the laughing one.

  3. Leanardo da vinci painted mona lisa and created the first prototipe to .He lived in the tudars time.He was very famouse because of his paintings and machinas

    1. Leonardo was a brilliant painter and made a lot of things.I have heard that
      Leonardo made the first flying machine isn't that brilliant because it is brilliant.
      Also Leonardo made a very known painting called the Mona Lisa.

  4. I am looking forward to having an academic year in 5MD. The things we have done in transition week and last week, I am sure it will be brilliant!

  5. Leonardo DA Vinci

    Leonardo DA Vinci was a highly talented artist.He was one of the greatest figures in the movement called the renaissance, the rival of art and learning which began in the 15th centenary.In his time he disigned castles and weaponry, invented machines, studied physics and mathematics.

    Leonardo is best known for his painting of Mona Lisa, te wife of a rich Florentine. The most famous part of the painting is Mona Lisa's haunted smile and the softly blended colours (an effect known as stumato.

  6. Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452, in Vinci, Italy. Born out of wedlock, the love child of a respected notary and a young peasant woman, he was raised by his father, Ser Piero, and his stepmothers.Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer.His were called: Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci, Caterina da Vinci.His most famous paintings were named the Mona lisa (1517)
    The Last Supper (1498)
    Virgin of the Rocks (1486)
    Ginevra de' Benci (1478)
    The Baptism of Christ (1475)
    His most famous paints were the last supper and the Mona Lisa.There are thought 22 in existence. It is believed he may have painted about 30.Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci died on the May 2nd 1519. He was 67 years old.

  7. Leonardo di ser Piero da vinci was born on 15th of April ,1452.He was son of Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da vinci and his Mum is called Caterina.His parents were not married when he was born.


    He is left handed

    He made maps of Europe

    Was raised by a singal father

    He lived during the period called the Italian Renaissance

    Occupation=Artist,Inventor,Scientist,Musician and Engineer

    Famous work=Mona Lisa,The last supper,The Vitruvian Man

    He died on the 2nd of May,1519.He died at the age of 67 years old.
