Sunday 15 February 2015

Half term homework!

'Book Fortnight' will be taking place straight after half term.  In preparation for the creative writing that we will be doing in Literacy, please write (on paper) a creative fiction story using the following setting:

The international jewel thief lurked in the shadows, silently waiting. She listened cautiously, contemplating whether she should make her final move.


 Please develop your main character, include a descriptive setting and try to use adventurous vocabulary. Have a great half term break!


  1. Deafning sirens flashed and wailed outside the murky window. She needed to think of an escape plan; fast. The FBI were getting closer. She grabbed her bag, which contained all she needed to escape the country: her passport, money she'd stolen off a truck and the painting she was guilty for. But Iris wasn't going to get caught for a painting, she knew she was better than that. Iris was a con- artist and art theif, and a good one too. Suddenly, a thought came to mind. Spitting on the floor with aggresive passion, she bounded out of the window, leaving an FBI hair underneath the pictures's empty frame. Dogs the size of caribou (the detectives' dogs) barked furiously into the crime - full night. Her breathing changed, becoming a slow pant. Iris was safe. Groveling out from behind a bin, she charged to the nearest tree, making sure that noboby saw her. The sirens were getting closer, but she didn't care, for she was protected, and knew where to go. Iris ran into the night. Silence.

    One hour later, she was in a snug blanket, drinking a cup of her favourite tea. The violent wind ululated in anger, making the windows shudder and the sea vociferate. The surroundings were dull and grey, but in her mind anything better than her mothers place was a palace. She shuddered. Rapidly removing any thoughts of her mum, she finished her tea, placed it on the shelf, and pulled the covers up to go to sleep.

    When Iris was a baby, she had one picture in her room, The glass bridge by Monet. When she was old enough, she realised how much she loved it, and knew she wanted the real one. So when Iris finnaly was an adult, it was then that she became a art thief. And now she had it.

  2. Her gun was nestled in her shaking hands. Should she use it? Excogitating whether she should use it or not, she remembred what happened last time she had to use it. The year in jail, the cliff-hanger escape, causing the robbery Lisette had just commited. Lisette remembered, that when she was younger, she loved jewels. It was her biggest dream ever to have the Black Orlov. And now... Lisette had it.

    According to the legend, the Black Orlov is said to have taken its name from the Russian Princess Nadia Vyegin-Orlov who owned it for time during the mid-eighteenth century. It is a 67.50-carat cushion-cut stone, a so-called black diamond (actually, a very dark gun-metal colour). It is reported to have belonged to a nineteenth-century holy place near Pondicherry, India, and to have weighed 195 carats in the rough.

    Lisette was a mid-twenties, highly intelligent and ambitious woman, who was aspiring to be a worldwide jewel collector. But it wasn't as simple as that. She was a white - collar criminal, and most of the time, she collected them illegaly.

    Suddenly, a familiar sound came from the distance. What was it ? She knew it, but she hadn't heard it for some time, so she didn't recognise it. Then suddenly, she did. It was the sirens of a police car. Thinking fast, she grabbed her black-velvet pouch containing the Orlov, her gun and ran. As fast as she could. Lisette could feel her legs burning with pain, for she had been running for a long time before this.

    Lisette ran for what she thought was a million miles, ignoring the vexatious pain. Into the sunset.
