Friday 6 February 2015

Homework due Thursday, 12th February

Homework: Week beginning 9th February 2015

This homework is all due by Thursday 12th February 2015 ( Friday 13th February is an INSET day)  


See homework sheet

Mathletics   -      Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics.


We will be continuing our work on recounts this week, but this time we will be looking at diaries as recounts. Choose somebody you know or a famous person and write a diary entry pretending to be them. Remember to use the 5Ws and adjectives and adverbs to make your diary entry interesting 

Topic- to be done on the blog

The Mayans were famous for being one of the first civilisations with written symbols for language. What do you think this might mean?


This week in Science we will be looking at how irreversible changes happen to some materials. For example, when you crack an egg and cook it using a frying pan, you cannot change the egg back to how it was before. Can you find your own examples to explain irreversible changes in materials? Explain what has happened to the material and why you can’t change it back. 


  1. According to the video that we watched on Mayan Culture , a line represents 5 and a dot represents 1.
    So if the equation says : . . . . . .
    -------- + -------- = -----------
    it just means : 5 + 8= 13.

  2. The Maya used written symbols as numbers so if there was one horizontal line it represents the number five. One dot represents the number one so basically the sum is 5+8=13. It's that simple! Unlike modern day humans, some Mayans were more clever than us.

  3. I think the sum means 5+8=13 as one line equals 5 and the dots equal the amount you add on.

    They are a bit like Roman Numerals.

  4. Dear Diary,

    Today I got my new cat, he looks cute and fluffy and is very fast. He is just a small cub.I bought him a bed and put it near the radiator at home.I got a new cat because my old one Camelia died.

    I was just playing with him a few minutes ago but now he is asleep.It's a boy and his name is Maxi short for Maximilian.

    I think he needed his rest because he was not moving when we went to the park the other day.

    Yours Sincerely Magdalena

    (Actually Vicktor)

  5. The Mayans written symbols

    - This line represents 5.

    The line with 3 dots above represents 8, because - is 5 and each dot equals one.

    The symbol with two lines and 3 dots above represent 13.

    Therefore this is a simple equation of 5 + 8 = 13

  6. I think that means 5+8=13

  7. Mayans
    Each bar = 5, and each dot =1. I am confused though, because in a video 5MD watched the man narrating said each bar equals a 1, and so on, not the other way round. If so, then this sum 5 + 8 = 13, could be 1 + 16 = 17.

  8. An irreversible change we sometimes make in everyday life can be by burning wood for a fire or barbecue. This is because when fire touches wood, solid wood disappears when it burns, and it is converted into gas products, eventually leaving only ashes. This change is irreversible because when wood turns into ashes, there is no way you can get it back to nice big blocks of wood. If it was reversible, lots less trees would be cut down.

  9. December 34th 1831

    Dear diary,

    It was a most intriguing and exciting day today as even though the HMS Beagle ,the ship I am riding right now ,just set off last week I have already encountered many curious and interesting specimens. There is a extremely gargantuan variety of things that I have captured so far , my list includes many beautiful birds , pleasing plants and fascinating fossils.Above all the places I have visited so far , I find particular appeal to are the Pacific Islands, South America and Galapagos Archipelago. Through this research / experiment I am [ unsurprisingly ] excessively jubilant at this point as this is a unique and once in a lifetime experience for me to explore zoology, botany and geology. We are to take five years on this trip and will inform you every week.


  10. Topic homework:

    I think that the line equals: five and a dot equals one and an oval (not included) equals 0. This means that 3 dots and a line equals: eight, so the question: 5+8=13, thirteen is three dots and two lines.
    I think this is a bit like roman numerals.

  11. Diary of any WW1 soldier: 2nd oct, 1917
    I was breathing heavily. My gun was too heavy to carry, let alone shoot with it. All of Britain's men, from its most wanted criminals to the most brilliant generals, were poised and ready to fight. I trudged along behind them in the deadly trenches,pleading to GOD too be home, safer than this foul place. Misery. My dear wife is expecting her first baby, and I won't be here to see her or him. Maybe I won't see Penelope again.
    Today was a fighting day, so we carried on through the hideous tunnels, soaked with my friends' blood. Suddenly, my instructor screamed to come above ground. I was night, but I couldn't tell because the sky was so full of ash. Our enemies were here on foot so we charged towards them, fearful but brave. I eyed the soldier carrying a sword, not wary he was coming towards me. I turned around to check everyone was ok. A dagger came through my heart, making me choke and splutter, with crimson blood spitting and spilling like a fountain......

  12. 8th February 2015

    Dear diary,

    Today has been the best day of my life! I had beaten my fastest ever record in running of 100m in 9:58 seconds! The Commonwealth games and also my fame has increased incredibly! Everyone went wild for me when I had broken the world record which I made previously! It was unbelievable!

    Something happened to me then, I felt as I was in seventh heaven. I had practised over a year, ever since I had broken the previous world record, dreaming that one day, a new world record will be set and I’ll be on top of this world! Finally, this day has come and whatever I had resolved in the past, my optimism and ambitions have now come true! I feel like a man reborn, ready to win any racing challenge that confronts me. My next target is to beat my speed and attain a better life for myself. My family is so proud of me that we are celebrating at a trendy funky disco party and a future trip to Rome (just what I wanted).

    This will remind me of my proud moments and I will cherish it forever and ever.

    The world’s fastest runner (me)

  13. The line= 5


    THis equation is the mayans use of numbers

  14. When you're opening a board game and when you are finshed it, you reverse your steps by putting the board game back into its box.

    Water from kettle into a glass can be reversed because there is an opening in the kettle which alloes the water to be put back in.

    When you open and rip a parcel and get the thing that is inside, you can't reverse it since you got a ripped parcel.

    When you have made food from several ingredients, you can't reverse it and find your ingredients on the platform once again.

  15. The Mayans symbols

    I think that those symbols mean 5 and 8 because the _ represents 5 and the _... is 5 plus 3 which is 8.

    Furthermore this is also a equivalent sum to 5 plus 8.

  16. I think the symbols mean 5+8=13 because only one line represents the number 5.A single dot represents the number 1. There are only allowed to be at least 4 dots.There are allowed any amount of lines.The dots are supposed to be on top of the lines.
    More simpler form:
    _____=5 any extra lines you add it needs to be added by 5
    . = 1 any extra dots you add it needs to be added by 1

  17. Science


    A few chemical reactions can be reversed – the original materials can be re-created from the new materials. These reactions are called reversible changes. They have a forward reaction and a backward reaction. Both reactions are actually happening at the same time but, depending on the conditions, one will be stronger than the other.


    A few chemical reactions are non-reversible changes. This means they are permanent changes that cannot be undone. You cannot turn the new materials made back into the original materials again. Rusting is a non-reversible change. However, if rust is mixed with magnesium powder another chemical reaction occurs and iron can be extracted from the rust.
    The reason you can’t turn a fried egg into its original form is because, a chemical reaction has taken place.

  18. Each line means 5. Each dot means 1. It is just like roman numerals. The only diffrece is that its side ways.

  19. this isn't homework but i have spoken to Harmohan lately. He is enjoying his new school. Instead of ten spellings, Harmohan gets 20. And if he gets all of them right he gets a sweet. Harmohan gets to play football on the concert. And in summer his school gets to eat outside. He said he going to write on the blog.

  20. Examples of irreversible changes in materials:
    If you burn wood or coal in a fireplace to keep warm, you get ash and smoke. This cannot be changed back into coal or wood.
    If you make up a baby's milk formula with baby milk and water, once it is mixed, you cannot separate the pawder from the water.
    If you bake a cake, you cannot turn the cake back into its ingredients.
    If you mix sand water and cement pawder to make hard cement for building a brick wall, it never be changed back again once mixed and set.

  21. The Mayans Written Symbols

    The Mayans used written symbols as line like a hyphen : -, represents the number 5.Small dots like fullstops represent the number 1. You may find the dots on top of the line.

    -...+-=--... 8+5=13

    This was very clever in many different ways.

    - is 5
    . is 1

  22. Examples of irreversible changes:

    If you burn wood you cannot reverse it to its original form because it turned into ash and yoa can't change ash into wood back again.

    If you are making a cake you have to mix up all the ingrediants but when the csk comes out of the oven you cannot seperate it into different ingridients because it is cooked and mixed up.

    when you come out of your mums tummy you cannot ho back in.

  23. The line represents a 5 and a dot represents a 1. The sum on the homework sheet is bascically 5 + 8 =13

  24. It 's fantastic news ! I am the most skillful and best player of all times. Our team played a very important match (the champion league final) and we won 4-1 . I got playervof the match and won the most valuble prize every footballer would like.

    My house is full of gold medals and throphies. Our next match is against FC Barcelona. I hope messi will be fouled. Let's come back to my house. It 's impeccable
    and so colourful that you cant dven imagine. Feeling the best, i never come to training but only when iwe are playing against some rubbish team.

    My coach thinks i am allways the best and i am always picked for the first squad with my dear friend gareth. I will come back to write after the FC Barcelon game . Hope we win!!!!!

    C . Ronaldo

  25. The Mayans symbols

    In the time period of Mayans used _______ as 5 and a . as a 1. The one on the blog means five plus eight because there is a ______ + __...____ which equals 13. I'm feeling very intrested.

  26. For example this happens to most people.If you burn wood it turns into ash or mainly smoke.This is an Non-reversible change because you can't change the smoke into wood again.Another example is you can't change the world's time zone because it only changes when it has to.

  27. I think it means 5+8=13. One line is equal to 5, one dot is equal to 1. These are similar to Roman numerals.

  28. Dear diary,

    This has been the most amazing day in my liiiiifeee! Today I achiveved my dreams to become an excellent scientist,I feel very excited about what I could experiment on next.

    My family is so proud of me as I reached my dreams.WE were experimenting on how toxic can affect metal in melting.My teacher even said that I was the best in the class at Science.He also said he was very glad that I earned the gold medal in every grade of my year.My friends praised me so much that this fabulous news went to our head teacher and my fame spread across the world in a hour and I got innnnnnnncredibly famous.I also, from every night praised to GOD that I would PASS my next exam.Feeling excited I thought how could this happen all in one single DAAAAY!


    Accutually (me)
