Friday 30 January 2015

Homework due Friday 6th February

Homework: Week beginning 2nd February 2015

This homework is all due by Friday 6th February 2015,


See Homework sheet


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We will be continuing our work on recounts this week. Imagine you are Red Riding Hood or Goldilocks and write a diary entry based on events in the story. Remember to write in the first person, use the past tense, use time connectives and write about your feelings and responses to the events. Can you start a sentence with a subordinate clause? Eg, Although my mother had told me not to speak to strangers, I answered the wolf’s questions.

Topic- to be done on the blog

We will be investigating the Mayans in the last two weeks of this half term.  Where did the Mayans live and in what time period? As our focus is on ‘achievements’, can you find out what the Mayans are most famous for?


Last week in Science we investigated solubility and found out that salt dissolves in water to form a solution. Can you find out how we could reverse the change and separate the salt from the water?


  1. We could just get a one of those metal sorters and pour the water through it but the salt will stay on it

  2. Mayans lived through the age of Maya.

    They made chocolate, basketball and herbs for the first time ever!

  3. Dear Diary,

    In December last year, I was going to my grandma's house when I saw this big, bad, bonkers wolf. He asked me where I lived and even though my mum told me not to talk to strangers I answered him. I knew I made a mistake but I carried on.
    After a while arrived at my grandma's house when I heard howling and screaming!
    I went in(not to mention the mess in grandma's house!) and looked around.
    Looking around I saw my grandma lying on the bed, but she was mysteriously grey. Suddenly, grandma opened her mouth and ate me! Relievingly, Jim Stevenson who was the local wodcutter came to the rescue and saved me and my real grandma. I gave grandma the cupcakes and I gave Jim some cupcakes and we were more than happy to be free! But where did the wolf go, nobody knows....

    The End!


  4. The Mayan Achievements

    The Mayans were very prominent for a system of writing and their sports!!!

    A system of writing:

    Among the ancient Americas the Mayans invented the most advanced form of writing, known as glyphs. Glyphs are used to describe or represent a word, sound or even a syllable through pictures or symbols. The Mayans used about 700 different glyphs, by which 80% of the language is now understood.

    The Mayans wrote about their history and achievements all the time, on walls, pillars and big stone slabs. In particular, they also wrote books (or codex’s) about almost everything; gods, daily life, new leaders and more. These books were made of bark and folded like a fan. Unfortunately, because of the Spanish, many of the books were destroyed, thought by Spanish priests to have been depicting the devil and demons; a good job a few survived!


    The Mayans loved their sports, having a ball-court in every city, similar to stadiums that we have today. The games were of great importance to the Mayans, often playing during religious festivals every 20 days. The courts were located at the foot of temples, in honour of the Gods and Goddesses. The courts had large playing areas; each with a stone hoop mounted on the wall at one end. The Mayans loved playing a rough sport called pok-a-tok, by which the aim of the game was to get a solid rubber ball through the hoop, using only your hips, shoulders or arms. The winners often won possessions of the losing team. However, the losing team, often played by captives (often extremely exhausted and hungry).

  5. The Maya were people who dominated Central America from 500BC to AD 250 (when they were conquered by Spanish Invaders).

    The Maya built large pyramids with small temples on top of them. Men and women both wore their hair long. Usually, these temple
    were made out of stone, unlike the Pyramids of Egypt.

    Once a man and women were married, both people often got tattoos.

    The most important food that the Maya ate was maize, which is a vegetable like corn.From the corn, women made flat pancakes that are now
    called tortillas and an alcoholic drink known as balche. They made all types of food from maize
    including porridge, and even drinks. Interestingly, the Mayans had a very vast diet. For meat the Maya ate fish, deer, ducks, and turkey.

    The Maya introduced the world to a number of new foods. Probably the most interesting was chocolate from the cacao tree probably because
    they thought that chocolate was a gift form the gods and cocoa seeds were used as a form of money. In Charlie and the chocolate factory the
    Oompa- Loopas they respected chocolate quite well. Other new foods included tomatoes, sweet potatoes, black beans, papaya, vanilla and
    many many more!

    The Mayans were very religious and strangely deer, dogs, turkeys and sometimes even humans were sacrificed to the gods in the Temples on top
    of the Pyramids.

    Strange Mayan Beliefs

    The first people were made out of corn and some of the animals might have been: jaguars, coyotes, crows and parrots.
    The Maya also believed that when human beings were created allt the world was still in darkness. People begged for some light so that is why
    god (The Creators) made the sun moon and the stars.

    Ball Games

    Any body part, except the hands and feet, was allowed to touch the ball; The abdomen, thighs, upper arms and back were used. Maybe even
    the head. Kicking or throwing the ball was forbidden. In addition, the ball was not allowed to touch the ground. Slightly larger than basketball
    hoops, the rings were positioned on opposite walls, about 25 feet above the playing field. The ball had to be bounced off the wall in order to
    enter a ring. The ball was made of rubber and weighed about eight pounds! This made severe injury very easy. Game play itself is thought to
    have been incredibly violent. Players would ram into each other at top speed so as to cause serious injury or death to an opponent, and strangely
    this was actively encouraged by the referees. The first team to get the ball into the hoop would win. Historians thought that one side was sacrificed
    to the gods- but they do not know whether it was the winners or the losers!

    The Sauna!

    Like modern day sauna, the area was constructed with stone walls and ceilings and there is a small hole in the ceiling. Water was poured onto
    hot rocks in the room created steam, which was thought to wash out sins and impurities.Sweat baths were used for a range of conditions and
    situations. E.g a mother who had just given birth or a person who foun healing powers in sweating! The sauna was generally used for making
    people feel clean and refreshed.

    Without some of these inventions spas and sports may not exist. Today both, spas and sports have been developed into more sophisticated versions.

  6. Friday 16th 1976

    Dear diary, I was on my home but I had figured out that I was lost in the forest. I had nowhere to go but I suddenly glanced the roof of a small cottage in the distance. I decided I would stop and take a rest there for a while so I just walked into the house without permission! In the house, there were 3 bowls of porridge lying on the table. My mouth started watering with delight as I rushed towards the food. I tasted the first one, it was too hot. I tasted the second one, it was too cold. And when I tasted the last one, it was just right! I gobbled up that bowl of porridge and then sat down. Only to find out that it had BROKE! Unexpectedly, I started to feel sleepy. So I went upstairs and slept in the first bed, it was too hard. I slept in the second bed, it was too soft. And then the last one I lied on, it was absolutely perfect! So I decided to take an afternoon nap in this place. So I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

    Although, when I woke up, I found myself besieged within three angry and scary bears. Luckily, I was too quick for the bears and barely escaped from the woods, never thinking of this day again.

    A.K.A: Ashwyn

  7. The Mayans

    Why are the Mayans called mysterious?
    Not even one person knows where they came from,but about 2,400 YEARS ago a new tribe appeared in Central America.They settled in Rainforests of the Yucatan Peninsula.They were very clever people to build many beautiful cities.They didn't use iron tools.Furthermore,they used wood tools stone tools,intriguingly they used tools made from shells to make majestic,gargantuan and breath-taking palaces,pyramids,homes,walls and temples and many more.Their roads were built through the jeopardy jungles.Each city had their own ball court,temples and central plaza.

    By around 900 CE, the Maya cities were mostly deserted. Some people remained, and their descendants still live in Central America today. But without enough people to take care of them, the great Maya cities fell into ruin. That's why the Maya are called "the mysterious Maya" - nobody knows where they came from, and nobody knows what happened to them. It is a history mystery.

    The Mayans achievements:
    The Maya were a class society. The nobles and the priests were the highest class.

    Each city had a palace that housed the city ruler. Places were multi-storied buildings. The rulers lesser relatives had homes of their own, or lived in the palace. The palace buildings were built around an open area or central courtyard. Plus some homes within the palace grounds had private gardens. That gave the nobles a place to get outside that was private. In their own garden, they did not need a servant to hold a cloth in front of their face, as they did when they went out in public.

  8. You can separate salt from water by JUST evaporating the water which then creates water vapor after you've done that the salt will be left behind.It's very simple which people have been baffled about.

  9. What Mayans are famous for?
    The Maya were responsible for a number of remarkable scientific achievements–in astronomy, agriculture, engineering and communications.
    The Maya developed a complex understanding of astronomy. They also figured out how to grow corn, beans, squash and cassava in sometimes inhospitable places; how to build elaborate cities without modern machinery; how to communicate with one another using one of the world’s first written languages; and how to measure time using not one but two complicated calendar systems.
    The Mayans were really amazing in all science topics, especially agriculture. This is definitely one of their greatest achievements because they figured out how to do the most complicated things in science
    Where did the Mayans lived?
    The ancient Maya, a diverse group of indigenous people who lived in parts of present-day Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, had one of the most sophisticated and complex civilizations in the Western Hemisphere.
    What time period did the Mayans last up till?
    Mayan civilization lasted for more than 2,000 years, but the period from about 300 A.D to 900 A.D, (in other words, the third century to the ninth century). known as the Classic Period, was its heyday.
    Did you know?
    The ancient Maya built their civilization using ideas they learned from the Olmec, an earlier tribe. The Olmec society was built on agriculture. They established farming villages. They were the first people to build roads through the jungle, roads which were used by them as trade routes. These trade routes stretched for hundreds of miles.

  10. Where the Mayans lived:
    The ancient Mayans lived in southern Mexico and northern Central America; such as: Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Yucatan, Peninsula and El Salvador.
    What time period the Mayans lived in:
    The Mayans lived 4,000 years ago, in 2000BC. This period was biggest between 250AD and 900AD, this means they lived for quite a long time.
    What the Mayans are famous for:
    The Mayans are famous for their art, maths and science. They were also famous for their city-state surroundings.

    The Ancient Mayans lived in Yucatan around 2600 BC.Today this area is Southern Mexico.Mayan history reaches about 4000 years which is now called Pre-classic period.However ,during what came to be know as the Classic period,from roughly 250 AD to 900 AD.The Mayans culture reaches its peak.
    The Mayans achieve the celebrated advances in architecture ,mathematics,agriculture,astronomy and art, architecture, mathematics, astronomical system.

    They built spectacular temples and palaces , Most Mayan today speech Spanish. The two Mayan languages of the classic period is yucatecan and cholas, have subdivided about thirty separated languages. The traditional religion of the Mayan people is astrology. Heaven and an unseen world is called xibalba. They are most famouse for their calanders and languages of the pre - Colombian Americas as well as art ,ar

  12. The Mayans
    The Ancient Maya civilization flourished in the steamy jungles of present-day southern Mexico, Belize and Guatemala. The Ancient Maya Classic age – the peak of their culture – occurred between 300 and 900 A.D. before they went into a mysterious decline. The Maya culture has always been a bit of a mystery, and even the experts disagree on certain theories of their society.The traditional view of the Maya was that they were a peaceful people, content to gaze at the stars and trade with one another for jade and pretty feathers. That was before modern researchers deciphered the glyphs left behind on the statues and temples. It turns out that the Maya were as fierce and warlike as their later neighbors, the Aztecs. Scenes of wars, unnecessary killings and human sacrifices were carved into stone and left behind on public buildings.As December of 2012 approached, many people noted that the Maya calendar would soon end. It’s true: the Maya calendar system was complicated, but to make a long story short, it reset to zero on December 21, 2012. This led to all sorts of hypothesis, from a new coming of the Messiah to the end of the world. The ancient Maya, however, did not seem to worry much about what would happen when their calendar reset. They may have seen it as a new beginning of sorts, but there is no evidence that they predicted any disasters. The Maya were literate and had a written language and books. To the untrained eye, Maya books look like a series of pictures and peculiar dots and scribbles. In reality, the ancient Maya used a complex language where glyphs could represent a complete word or syllable.The Maya had thousands of books when the Spanish arrived but zealous priests burned most of them. The Maya were obsessive astronomers who kept very detailed records of the movements of the stars, sun, moon and planets. They kept accurate tables predicting eclipses, solstices and other heaven-related events. Part of the reason for this detailed observation of the heavens was that they believed that the sun, moon and planets were Gods moving back and forth between the heavens, the underworld and the Earth. Celestial events such as equinoxes, solstices and eclipses were marked by ceremonies at Maya temples.The Maya were keen traders and merchants and had trade networks throughout modern-day Mexico and Central America. Each major city-state had a king. The Maya rulers claimed to be descended directly from the Sun, Moon or planets, which gave them divine ancestry. Because he had the blood of Gods, the king was an important connection between the place of man and the heavens and underworld, and often had key roles in ceremonies. The king was also a wartime leader, expected to fight and play in the ceremonial ball game. When the king died, rulership generally passed to his son, although there were exceptions: there were even a handful of Queens of mighty Maya city-states.

  13. Friday 29th January 2015 19:32

    Dear diary,

    I was on my way excitedly plucking plums for my first ever family harvest supper! It was when all my relatives came to my house and have supper together. Nothing could possibly ruin this evening. The only flaw about it was that I got lost in the forest when I was picking the plums. I felt scared lonely, no-one was here, only me. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of a rooftop of a small cottage in the distance. What a relief! I decided I would stop and take a rest there for a while so I just quickly rushed into the house without thinking!

    In the house, there were 3 bowls of porridge lying on the table. I felt really hungry. My mouth started watering with delight as I scurried towards the food. I tasted the first one, it was boiling! My tongue felt as if it was fire! I quickly grabbed a glass of water and gulped it down within a second! I tasted the second one, it was too cold. I started shivering, my body was freezing and my teeth started to chatter. I sped along to the fire place and tried to warm up. But when I tasted the last one, it was just right! I gobbled it up faster than the speed of light, then sat down on a small wooden chair. But as soon as I did that, it started to creak, and then… BOOM! It unexpectedly BROKE! The debris scattered everywhere round the room, but I didn’t care. It wasn’t my house so why bother! The owners of the house can clean up this mess when they return. Suddenly I started to feel sleepy and then let out a loud yawn.

    So I went upstairs and slept in the first bed, it was too hard. It was as hard as a rock, I nearly broke my spine! I slept in the second bed, it was too soft. It swallowed me up inside its duvet. I could barely breathe! And then the last one I lied on, it was absolutely perfect! So I decided to take an afternoon nap in this small weird place. So I gently closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
    When I woke up, I found myself besieged by three angry, scary bears! I had nowhere to run! I was trapped! I tried yelling for help! It didn’t work. I tried it again, still didn’t work. I had no choice but to run so I slammed the door as I bolted out! But a few minutes later, when I looked back, they were several yards away. I had left them far behind! What a relief, they were too slow to catch up. Suddenly it turned that I almost reached my house while I was on the run! I quickly went inside slammed the door behind me, thinking that never go alone into the woods again.


    A.K.A: Ashwyn

  14. You can see the soluble item by evaporatin the water by boiling it. The soluble item would be seen and staying at the bottom.

  15. Once you have a solution, all you need to do to get the two seperate things, is to put the solution in a kettle. The steam that rises is the solvent. Put a flat object above the kettle to block the steam. Once the kettle is cool, the part left is the substance.

  16. Woden'sday thee 11th of May, 1506
    Dear diary,
    I knoweth not myself today. My head is in turmoil.Today was thy's most FRIGHTFUL day of thee's entire life (although thy is only nine). Today, my dear mama sent I to see to my poorly and much a-weakened grandmama, and comfort her yowling head. On my way, I knoweth mama told me not to saye a word to strangerse, but I met a wolf and it was so a-gentle I trustede it. But it didst most decieve thee, for while thy picked purple flowers thy wicked wolf didst go to my poor grandmama's house. And what shouldst he do ? Eat grandmama up ! Definetaly no gentalemen of thee's. Alas, I didst not knoweth he had commited such a sickly and most foul crime. I didst carry on through thy woods and to thy grandmama's house. When I came, thy wolfy tried to eate thee up! Luckily my woodcutter didst save all of us.
    Red Riding hood.

  17. The Maya are an American civilisation who developed their own language. By 900AD the Mayans had been killed by the Spanish invaders. The Mayans lived in
    Mexico, El Salvador Honduras and many more countries. They usually ate and drank squash, beans, maize and chili peppers, and they were often combined with meat or seafood. The Mayans played lots of sports, unlike handball in one game you couldn't touch he ball with your hands. The Mayans created lots of pyramids.

  18. The Mayans are
    responsible for a number of remarkable scientific achievements–in astronomy, agriculture, engineering and communications.
    The Maya developed a complex understanding of astronomy. They also figured out how to grow corn, beans, squash and cassava in sometimes inhospitable places; how to build elaborate cities without modern machinery; how to communicate with one another using one of the world’s first written languages; and how to measure time using not one but two complicated calendar systems.

  19. Mayan Achievements
    Mayan people were very intelligent.They used their expertise in Astronomy to crate calenders almost exactly like today's.Astronomy helped them achieve many other things.Mayan people were very talented at building temples,their creations were exquisite and unique.Astonishingly,all that helped them build was some basic tools and their own strength.To create such outstanding pieces of art,they had to be artistic.Furthermore,thy created their own paint by using a mineral called Mica. Some paint still includes Mica today.That is some of the Mayans achievements.

  20. You can separate salt from water by just boiling the water or leaving the water in a hot place because eventually water evaporates and the salt will be stuck on the sides.

  21. Wednesday 4th February 2015
    Dear Diary,

    I found out yesterday that my grandma was ill, so I will tell you all about my story:

    My mum told me that I should go to grandma’s cottage to give her some flowers and cake, but remember to stay on path. Although, I did listen to her but I must have forgotten because that is not exactly what I did. I made one of my home-made cakes, grandma loves them, so I started my journey (not with any flowers).
    Then I was walking down the path, just as my mum had told me. Suddenly, I heard a small and gentle growl, it was like a dog with a cold. Then I saw some: Hazel eyes, black whiskers and grey fur. Then I noticed it was a WOLF. Though the way I saw his eyes he looked kind, lost, helpful and shy; so I started to talk to him. I didn’t realize that I was walking off path. Then I saw some beautiful purple flowers. I started picky them, I told the wolf: where I was going, why I was going there and who I was seeing. Then the wolf ran off and I walked slowly to grandma’s cottage.
    When I got to grandma’s cottage, I saw that all the flowers, fruit and vegetables that grandma grows had gone all rotten and mouldy so I went inside to see grandma. I asked her: “Haven’t you got big eyes?”
    “All the better to see you with.” The wolf answered in disguise.
    “What a long nose you have.” I wondered while telling him.
    “All the better to smell you with.” The wolf told me.
    “What sharp teeth you have.” I exclaimed.
    “All the better to eat you with!” he shouted. I ran away screaming, then the wolf grabbed me with his sharp claws. Then the wolf ate me, in one whole go.
    Once he had eaten me I stopped screaming, thinking I was alone, I wondered what had happened to grandma. Then someone touched me, I jumped in horror, then realising it was grandma. I hugged her, even though she was covered in deep red and dripping wolf blood.
    Suddenly, I heard men shouting, I hugged grandma even tighter than before. I was hardly breathing, then I was breathing freely, with air from the clear sky.

  22. Mayans first came to Mexico and Central America from 500BC to 250AD.

    The Maya built many clever ideas. For example, they created a solar calendar. Using their knowledge of astronomy, the Maya built a solar calendar which was the most accurate calendar in the ancient world. This was the most successful achievement of the Mayans, which is still used today.

  23. The Mayan civilization was among the original cultures of the New World and spanned more than 3,000 years. The Mayans lived mainly on the Yucatan Peninsula in the eastern one third of Mesoamerica and at its peak had one of the most densely populated and culturally dynamic societies in the world.

    Mayan architecture spans many thousands of years. The most dramatic and easily recognizable are the fantastic stepped pyramids in places such as Chichen Itza and Coba to name but a few. A year ago Chichen Itza was named as one of the seven wonders of the world.

    Mayan scripture is the only known fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas. Mayan art is considered by many to be the most sophisticated and beautiful of the ancient New World.

  24. science:

    You can separate the salt from water by pouring the solution into a pan, with a hob or fire underneath. The water will soon evaporate and the water and salt will be separated. This will speed the process up, you can do this by leaving the solution to a side. I know this because I have done this in my everyday life.

  25. You could put a boiled egg inside the water then the would evaporate and turn into gas then the salt would be left.

  26. To separatethe water from the salt we can just evapurate the water by heating it up and then the salt will stay behind.


    Mayan civilization lasted for more than 2,000 years, but the period from about 300 A.D. to 900 A.D., known as the Classic Period, was its heyday. During that time, the Maya developed a complex understanding of astronomy. They also figured out how to grow corn, beans, squash and cassava in sometimes-inhospitable places; how to build elaborate cities without modern machinery; how to communicate with one another using one of the world’s first written languages; and how to measure time using not one but two complicated calendar systems.

    Did You Know?

    The written language of the Maya was made up of about 800 glyphs, or symbols. Each one represented a word or a syllable, and could be combined with the others in an almost infinite number of ways. As a result, there were three or four different ways to write almost every word in the Mayan language.


    The Maya strongly believed in the influence of the cosmos on daily life. Consequently, Mayan knowledge and understanding of bodies was advanced for their time: For example, they knew how to predict solar eclipses. They also used astrological cycles to aid in planting and harvesting and developed two calendars that are as precise as those we use today.

    The first, known as the Calendar Round, was based on two overlapping annual cycles: a 260-day sacred year and a 365-day secular year. Under this system, each day was assigned four pieces of identifying information: a day number and day name in the sacred calendar and a day number and month name in the secular calendar. Every 52 years counted as a single interval, or Calendar Round. After each interval the calendar would reset itself like a clock.

  28. 1 January 2000

    Dear diary, I was on my way home but then I reaized that I got lost in the woods. Iwas feeling terribly Frightened that some wolf or creature will kill me. my first thought was to find a shelter as quickly as possible but i couldn't find any so i wondered off to find and old house And then i found this house! I was relieved , i thought. I tried to go in but the door was closed so i found ant good stick and smashed the window . After that, i gobnled what was inside the fridge and then i went for a long, long nap and i woke up i was terrified when i saw these three gargantuan bears staring at me . I rzced back home and i started writing my diary: dear diary..............

  29. Dear diary ,
    Today was horrible ; the events today were shocking and I bet I'll be famous for it , no worldwide!
    It all started when I met that obnoxious and irksome wolf. I know Mother told me not to even utter a word to any stranger but at the time he seemed friendly and what do think happens when you send a child out alone? ! Anyway, after that he pointed out the totally immaculate and impeccable blossoms on the trees next to me and suggested that I could pick some for dearest Grandmother. So off I went to pick some flowers while that crafty, devious and absolutely duplicitous creature darted to Grandmothers sweet little cottage. He then [ shiver down back ] wolfed down Grandmother [ If you'll excuse the pun ] and dressed up in a . Meanwhile , I had finished organizing the banquet of blossoms and had just arrived at the door ; I knocked, twice to be precise , and cried
    " Grandmother , it's me. Little Red Riding Hood."
    "Come in dear, the latch is open..." a crackly voice replied.
    And so I open the creaky, obsolete door and stared in confusion as I noticed that
    ' her ' face was slightly silver-y grey. Furthermore , her ' teeth ' were looking strangely crimson along the gums and oddly gargantuan . Being me , I was extremely curious and questioned her ;
    " Oh dearest Grandmother, why does your face look slightly grey?"
    " Oh , err ... well it's a new face cream dear." answered the moderately sweaty and timid Gran.
    " Erm... OK , and also ... why do your teeth look a bit red and big ?" probably getting a teensy bit fed up with my troublesome interrogations and perhaps hungry , burst out in roar. That was the most terrifying moment of my little life, I entered his blood red mouth , full of dagger like fangs and ... SNAP!!!
    I honestly didn't hear the snap , but I'm guessing 'twas the sound so, meh. It was dark and gloomy inside the wolf's stomach and I could smell atrocious things ,too disgusting to even talk about! Eeurgh! But this is where the heroic hero Jim Stevenson [ the local wood cutter ] steps in to take things into his own rightful hands. Before the wretched wolf could do anything , Jim valliently cuts into his stomach, releasing me and my beloved Grandmother. The wolf died of a terrible fate , starved as he filled with heavy stones and couldn't move ; but this what happens to all bad people .


  30. The Mayans lived from 1800 B.C to A.D 250 in South And central America in the region occupied today by Mexico, Honduras, Belize and Guatemala. They made lots of great achievements, for example using stars and planets for telling time. The Mayan people invented complex and highly accurate calendars based off astronomical readings. They are also believed to have discovered the technique of vulcanization, a process that strengthens rubber by adding other materials.
    Through studying celestial bodies such as stars and planets, the Mayan people had the ability to predict solar eclipses and plan for proper harvesting and crop rotation techniques. They used a calendar that took two different cycles into account, involving a secular and sacred year. The sacred year was 260 days long, while the secular year was 365 days long. Days in the sacred calendar received a name and number, and days in the secular calendar received a number and month and name.
    They practiced agriculture on an advanced scale to feed their people and to trade. Evidence of terracing and irrigation techniques have been discovered in excavations of Mayan ruins. It is believed that their population reached 2 million at the peak of their civilization.
    The Mayans were very religious people who worshipped gods relating to the sun, the moon, the god of rain and the corn god. Their civilization was ruled by kings called “Kuhul Ajaw” (holy Lords) who claimed to be related to their gods.



  32. A system of writing using glyptic symbols was developed and was inscribed on buildings, stele, artifacts and books (only a few examples of Maya books survive today). They also developed a complicated calendar system that included what scholars call a “long-count” that kept track of time by using different units that range in length from a single day to millions of years (the unit in millions was rarely used). Contrary to popular belief, this system did not predict the end of the world in 2012, the unit in millions of years providing evidence of this.
