Monday 12 January 2015

Suspense Story Competition

Hi this is Leilani and Sofia!!!

We have an impeccable competition!

All you have to do is write a suspense story...
 using  ONLY 100 words!!!!

We will be judging the best suspense story, so make it BRILLIANT!



  • Adjectives
  • Suspense
  • Adverbs
  • Punctuation

You may enter your story on the blog or give it to us on paper!

We are looking forward to hearing these fab stories!


  1. I panted. I could feel my legs go numb. I was trapped in a tiny room – and there was nothing I could do about it. Unless I wanted to die. The room was closing in, and there was only a while left until I would suffocate. 3 doors, each another deadly way of dying. But I’m not quick on my feet, so I would not be able to escape the hungry lions…nothing was possible. Until I saw the light.
    “You have 7 seconds. Come through here, or die.” I jumped, and the next thing I knew, it was all black.

  2. Breathlessly, she struggled on. Howling wind, looming trees. Was she lost? She could hear strange sounds, as if there was something out there. Wild imagination soon turned to certain fact. She was not alone. With an increase of speed, the gentle crunch of leaves beneath her feet turned to thunderous footsteps as she raced further, deeper towards her fate. A shadow… Could it be? No, surely not…
    The warm, moist breath on her face. The foul stench. Its claws held her tightly. Overcome with terror, she tried to breathe – only a gasp came. With horror, she realised what was next.

  3. I wrote my story on my other computer but it does not want to open up on this computer!

  4. It was a dark and cold night when Steve was flying through the shadows running away from the vague shape that was speedily moving towards him. The vague shape then gave out the most weirdest slurping noise that Steve had ever heard. He ran and ran and ran AND RAN! Steve grabbed his enchanted bow. The vague shape was speedy compared to Steve so Steve decided to jump onto a bird which was interestingly gargantuan and fast. Steve finally went under a lamp and saw that the vague shape that was following him was a spawn, green, scary, sad creeper!

  5. Wind lashed violently, like blades cutting through my defenseless skin , rain drummed down flooding the empty , obsolete streets while completely soaking my hair. I panted vigorously as my numb legs stood still , completely immobile.Whoosh! Wait. What was that ? Whoosh ! There it goes again. I urged my frozen legs to advance forward. As I apprehensively shuffled in the moonlight someone or something grabbed my hood . I dared not move , my body once again stiffened . I closed my eyes murmuring to myself "I' ll be OK, I'll be OK". I dared to open my eyes, but last things I witnessed was the glimmer of a moving blade and ... darkness....

  6. (I'm not sure how many entries you are allowed, Sofia said I can do some more??)

    2nd Entry:
    I’ll be okay, it will be okay-“ I breathed into the darkness. I looked around, I could see my own footprints in the snow.

    “Will it?” A mysterious voice whispered creepily. I shivered, not just of utter coldness. This place was weird, always - something – happened here.

    I took one deep breath and walked forward. “Whatever you are, come get me now. I’m ready.” I looked around, hands up. “Scared now?”

    Whoosh. What was that? A ghost? Surely not—Whoosh. What was that sound? It is really creeping me out now…

    “I’m coming to get you.” It said, and whoosh…

    3rd Entry:
    “Open your eyes!” A shouting, angry voice urged me. I knew I was in deep trouble; I’d die soon either way. I clenched my eyes closed, but then I thought…I might as well see who is going to kill me.

    I opened my eyes, to see something white—in a suit? Weird…Wait, it had no face either- what? Am I having a nightmare? Surely I am- this cant be real!

    “Ah, now, give me your pocket knife.” How did he know-? Defenseless, I gave him my knife, and a swish against my delicate neck skin told me I was dead.

  7. Something was wrong. The trees crashed violently as if they were trying to kill me and the rivers seemed more angry and vigorous than ever. The unmelodious wind screamed into my deafend ears, then turning to swoop over my head like an eagle and its prey. The storm was alive. Thunder and lightning: the perfect enemies. Both arguing who will take me into my solemn death. The lightning threaded and slithered through the night silently, while the thunder boomed throught the unperfect night. But the wind got there first. It lifted me slowly to the atmosphere. Then suddenly dropped me. And I was falling. Into the blinding darkness.

  8. Blistering winds scratched my pale face and the eerie branches of dead trees surrounded me.
    'CRACK' a twig snapped ! I turned to face the noise, my eyes squinted to see but I couldn't. I felt like the trees were looming figures , coming closer, closer ... OK the trees are really not helping here >=I.
    'Ha' a demonic voice cackled .My weary eyes clenched tight, not even thinking about opening them ever again.
    ' Don't worry, your'll be OK...' the devilish response was not very reassuring .It was most unlikely option ,but the empty question still hung in her mind: Was she safe?

    1. you have used 104 words

    2. Is that ok?

    3. Yes, that's fine. It can be between 100 to 110 words.

  9. The competition has ended.

  10. Thanks for all the entries, they were brilliant!
