Friday 23 January 2015

Homework due Fri, 30th January.

Homework: Week beginning 26th January 2015

This homework is all due by Friday 30th January 2015,


See homework sheet.


Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics.


This week we will be looking at recounts in literacy. Choose an important event that has happened to you or to someone that you know. Write a newspaper report about what happened. Remember to include: a headline, an introduction (Who? What? Why? Where? When? How?), conjunctions and a concluding paragraph.

Topic- to be done on the blog

This week we will be looking at the greatest achievements of the Iron Age. What, in your opinion, was the greatest achievement? Please explain your reasoning for your choice on the blog.  



Can you draw a simple electrical circuit and explain how it works (using a battery, wire and light bulb)? How would you turn out the light? How would you add a switch?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Good Luke with your show !!!!!!!!!! :]

  2. In my own opinion I think that their greatest achievement was that they found Iron!

  3. I think the Iron Age people's [ The Celts ] greatest achievements were inventing iron as it was much more easy to make. Furthermore, it was stronger but yet cheaper as it more easily produced.Another one I'd say would be learning how to make wool, an essential skill if you want to keep warm.

  4. One of the greatest achievements of the Iron Age was discovering how to smelt tools This was done by setting a piece of iron in a hot tub of water. This made the iron soft and enabled it to be moulded into different tools.

    I think this was great achievement because it enabled them to make a wider choice of tools and weapons in new designs which were superior to those of prior ages.

  5. I think the great achievements was that they found how to make iron.I think this is their greatest achievements because it was really hard to make iron in those times.Another reason is that there were no machines back then to make iron. Even though some people still make iron with there very hands.But other people use machines.Also there invention of metal was a great success and it spread over their people very quickly and it was more famous then bronze.But making iron was very hard and sometimes dangerous as it had to be done with a very hot temperature.

  6. The Launch Collision
    Two-hundred people died in Birmingham mall on Sunday afternoon
    The Launch Mishap occurred in Sunday 15th of January at Ryuino, a huge mall in Birmingham between 12:30pm and 1:00pm. The reaction on the shop workers and customers were highly terrifying. The people tried to flee but they were trapped. Two hundred people perished and thirty-five people barely survived, but horribly injured.
    During busy hours, the customers heard an ear-splitting noise, then smoke started to infiltrate the rooms and finally fire blazed through. There was a panic and mayhem and people tried to escape through the fire exit but they were trapped. The rocket crashed into the roof and there was a huge explosion. Debris scattered everywhere across Birmingham. They even burnt down lofty buildings!
    This is what some of the witnesses had to say:
    Tom Dickson (45 years) from Hounslow said, “Well, I was driving to work at noon when suddenly I saw a terrifying explosion a few blocks away. It almost gave me a heart attack!”
    “This may have happened due to miscalculations of take-off. The communications were lost between the control centre and the astronauts,” said Mr. John Smith (35 years), head scientist, Galactic research NASA.
    Sam Fox (35 years) one of the survivors who is recuperating at West Middlesex hospital:
    “I was lucky that my family survived but are suffering in the same conditions as me, a broken leg and arm. Unfortunately some people are suffering in even worse conditions. I’m just glad my family is safe,” expressed Sam.
    This is one of the biggest rocket crashes which happened across the world and the most recent. Next month, an investigation into the crash will determine the cause of the tragedy and also the people who died will be compensated money by the government.

    1. Brilliant with your gargantuan work [mind blown]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :}

  7. Iron Age Achievements

    The achievement that I am going to talk about is making a Iron Age roundhouse.

    To build a Iron Age roundhouse the people needed great skill. It took a number of weeks to complete a Iron Age roundhouse. To make one of the roundhouses they needed :
    • an 8.5m long centre post made out of fine oak
    • 26 oak rafters, all 9m long
    • 24 oak stakes, all 2m long
    • 3200 hazel rods, 4m long for the wattle
    • 2000 bundles of reed for thatch
    • 600m of rope made from hemp
    • 2000m of twine also made from hemp
    • 15 tonnes of clay and dung for the walls

  8. In Europe, the Iron Age may be defined as including the last stages of the prehistoric period and the first of the proto-historic periods.[1] Iron working was introduced to Europe in the late 11th century BC,[2] probably from the Caucasus, and slowly spread northwards and westwards over the succeeding 500 years. The widespread use of the technology of iron was implemented in Europe simultaneously with Asia.[3]

  9. The wheel was invented sometime before the 4th millennium BC, and has become one of the world's most famous, and most useful technologies. This wheel is on display in The National Museum of Iran, in Tehran.

    The history of technology is the history of the invention of tools and techniques, and is similar in many ways to the history of humanity.

  10. My first time to the theater!
    I could not go to a play on my birthday because I was ill so a few weeks later I went to the Dominion theater to see We Will Rock You. The play was about technology trying to sabotage music in the future because a dangerous woman wanted to control the earth through the internet! But two brave souls, called Scaramouch and Gallaleio have a strong passion for music. So they go on a thrilling adventure to save music. In this show, together they sing every song of Queen.

  11. Ploughs:
    Ploughs are tools that they use to plant crops faster, ploughs: they are tools used know but they were built made, but on the other hand with the plough they would be done in a couple of hours and less people would be waiting and starving back then in the Iron Age. Amazingly, a plough was one of most important tools in the Iron Age because without it, it would have taken days or weeks to finish growing the food for the hungry people who have paied money for food.

  12. I think the greatest achievement is that people started making tools out of iron who knows the world could of still been of using stone tolls if there was no iron. Another amazing achievement was that they started to farm grow crops and make pottery in the Iron Age.

  13. In my opinion, I think the greatest achievement of the Iron Age era was when iron was discovered, because it helps in life now. It helps with ironing clothes, building aeroplanes, and with many more amazing things. Iron is very useful, as it was also used to build weapons, which was very useful to fight with in war.

  14. I think the Iron Ages greatest achievement is making the alphabet.
    • The Iron Age people invented the earliest alphabet in Britain.
    • They were the first people to start writing.
    • They developing writing out of proto-literate sign systems.
    • The symbols looked like letters.
    • They also made cuneiform, they distinguished it by its wedge shaped marks on clay tablets; made of a blunt reed.
    • A bit later on in time these letters were made it to letters we see today.

  15. The Iron Age Achievements

    Interestingly,some of the greatest achievements in the Iron Age are:

    The creations of......




    Wheels were invented for traveling around.They were delicately placed on a cart.


    The Celtic people tried to keep clean as much as possible.That is how soap was invented.

    Personally,I think the inventions of wheels were the greatest achievement because without wheels we wouldn't be able to travel in cars.

  16. In my opinion the greatest achievement in the Iron Age is making iron. In those times iron was hard to find and make. Iron was used for different purposes: to protect themselves and to build shelters. For those that do not know what iron is; iron is a different kind of metal which was introduced by the Iron Age who used iron as a tool.

  17. The Wheel

    I think the Iron Age's greatest achievement is The Wheel. It is used commonly worldwide to get around. We have been using The Wheel ever since it was invented by Iron Age people.

    The Wheel is used in many known things, furthermore, cars run on wheels etc.

  18. The wheel

    The wheel was invented to travel. Iron Age people invented the wheel to make life more easier. Manly they stuck the wheel on a cart.

    More ways of making fire

    In tose times they invented more ways of making fire. These ways were more easier to make and more intelligent. They used mainly seven things to make fire.


    the greatest achievements of iron age people is that they made iron. they found it by diggoing and digging that finally they digged up to iron.

  19. On satuday the 24 of January 2015 , a boy called Aleks K. went with his dad to support Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. They travelled calmly with a tube. The boy was very excited to watch Chelsea v Bradford . He was sure that Chelsea is going to win but all of a sudden in the second half Chelsea got defeated by Bradford ! The score Was 4-2 to Bradford. The first half was promising for chelsea they were winning 2-1, but then Bradford gave an answer for thesegoals.

  20. The Iron Age

    I think the greatest achievement would be the 'wheel'. This helped the Iron Age people then and also is a big help now. The wheel was used for delivering items from place to place.
    The first type of wheel was made from wood.

  21. I think the greatest achievement of the Iron age is how they craft their tools. They used lava, water, coal and stone. The tools were made in proper blacksmiths, not in caves like the stone age use to do. The reason I say that is because, when you make something in a place and you don't have the right equipment , it turns out bad quality. As people say, quantity is quality.

  22. In my opinion I think the greatest achievement in the Iron Age was finding iron.It was easy to find but hard to carve them into tools.The tools helped them create houses .They made coins out of iron to help buy and sell their crops and their iron tools.They made iron armour and weapons to protect themselves.

  23. I think the Iron Ages greatest achievement is making the alphabet.
    The Iron Age people invented the earliest alphabet in Britain and they were the first people to start writing.
    They developing writing out of proto-literate sign systems, and the symbols looked like letters.
    A bit later on in time these letters were made it to letters we see today.

    Amazing, in my opinion.

  24. The Fall Of The Wall
    The Berlin wall had been breached for almost thirty years ago[ three decades before now ] ever since 1989. This report will inform you about the barrier's story.

    It all started in 1961, when East Germany's former leader decided to create a wall between east and west Germany.He did this because lots of people were fleeing for West Germany as the Cold War was ready to commence.The large majority of east Berliners had already fled and it was decided that no more chances would be taken.

    In 1989, the reluctant leaders of East Germany decided to give permission for the gates to be opened because there had been some rebel attacks against the government. The barricade let through millions of joyous and jubilant Berliners , which [apperently] began to chip pieces off the [obviously] unliked wall.

    " It was a glorious moment, the only barrier in your life destroyed ." commented a rejuvenated citizen.
    " The lovely feeling of freedom." exclaimed another.Next week we will be exploring and investigating the fate of Germany if the wall carried on.
