Friday 9 January 2015

Homework due Friday, 16th January

Homework: Week beginning 12th January 2015

This homework is all due by Friday, 16th January.




Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics.


Imagine that an alien has arrived at Chatsworth, knowing absolutely nothing about school life. Write a non-chronological report about our school. Remember to include a title, and introduction, subheadings and facts. Can you use any of the engaging adverbs we discussed this week to start some of your sentences? Eg, Interestingly, the school library is on a London bus!

Science- to be done on the blog

Some materials are thermal conductors and some are thermal insulators. Can you find out what this means and find some examples of materials which are thermal insulators and some which are thermal conductors. Choose a material that you think would be good to put around your cup of tea to keep it warm and explain your choice.


Design a leaflet advertising a Stone Age toolkit.


    In physics, thermal conductivity (often denoted k, λ, or κ) is the property of a material to conduct heat. It is evaluated primarily in terms of Fourier's Law for heat conduction. Heat transfer occurs at a higher rate across materials of high thermal conductivity than across materials of low thermal conductivity.
    Examples of Thermal Conductors

    Thermal insulation is the reduction of heat transfer (the transfer of thermal energy between objects of differing temperature) between objects in thermal contact or in range of radiative influence. Thermal insulation can be achieved with specially engineered methods or processes, as well as with suitable object shapes and materials.
    Examples of Thermal Insulators

    polystyrene foam
    mineral wool

  2. I think that you should put metal around you cup of tea or coffee because metal is a thermal conducter and can keep your tea or coffee stay warm.

    Never put rubber around your cup of tea or coffee because rubber is not a thermal conducter that means it cannot gather warmth like metal.


    Materials that let heat move through easily are called thermal conductors because they conduct well. For example, steel and aluminium are good thermal conductors. Saucepans are sometimes made from aluminium because they are good heat conductors.


    Different materials that don't let heat through them easily are called thermal insulators. Materials like plastic and wood are thermal insulators. They are good at both keeping heat in and out. A winter coat is a good example of a thermal insulator as it stops your body heat from escaping into the cold air. As plastic is a thermal insulator it can be used as a handle for a saucepan to stop the heat from travelling to your hand.

    If you wanted to put something round your hot drink you would use a thermal insulator such as some fabrics.

  4. Introduction

    School is a place to learn, read, excercise and play. Without school, people cannot afford to get a good job in life, when you are an adult, and will just stay penniless for the rest of your lives. These are the most important things about school and why you have to go to school.

    School Jumper

    School jumpers are very important to wear because it shows what school you are in.

    Example: If you wet on a school trip and you got lost, people will know which school you are in and take you directly there. On the other hand, if you didn't waer your school jumper, people wouldn't know who to send you to and you will have no clue where the rest of your class or year or school have got to.


    The lessons in school help you to get good jobs in the future and also help you get smarter. This is also the main thing why you have to go to school. To have a great life when you are an adult or older.

    Subjects of lessons

    All the different subjects of a school are: ICT, Literacy, Numeracy, Mathematics, Science, Geography, R.E, History, Guided Reading and P.E, these are the main subjects which have to be learnt or known.

    Places in a school

    There are different areas in a school which are used for different things:
    Playground: It is used for all the students’ break times (playtimes)
    Field: It is used for exercise: the subject P.E
    Classroom: Where the teachers teach the children
    Assembly Hall: It is used for long discussions with the pupils with the teacher
    Dinner Hall: It is where you have lunch in school

    End of the report

  5. Introduction
    School is a place to learn, read, exercise and play. School gives you the ability to obtain a good job in life, and have a bright future.
    Teachers are in charge of their pupils in school. The teacher tells you what subject you are going to be learning and keeps their pupils under control (behave sensibly). In every school, there is a person called the head teacher. He is in charge of what should be taught in school.
    The lessons/subjects which you learn in school are: ICT, Numeracy, Literacy, History, P.E and Geography.
    Playtime is a time where all the students gather round in a playground to have their recess. It’ a time where all of your friends play with you and where you can also make new friends.
    School Jumper
    Every school has its own distinctive school jumper. School jumpers are important to wear because it shows what school you’re exactly in.
    Places in a school
    There are different areas in a school which are used for different things:
    Playground: It is used for all the students’ break times (playtimes)
    Field: It is used for exercise (the subject P.E)
    Classroom: It’s where the teachers teach the children
    Assembly Hall: It is used for long discussions between the pupils and the teachers
    Dinner Hall: It is where you have lunch in school
    School Timings
    You start going to school when you are 4 years old and can continue up to the age of 21. When you finished Primary school, you move on to the Secondary stage. As you move on to the next stage of school, more subjects are added and the homework gets harder.
    In school, there are many holidays throughout the year. You have to know when you have to go to school or not.
    Christmas Holidays: 2 weeks in December
    Easter Holidays: 1 week in March
    Summer Holidays: 6 weeks in August
    Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) of every week

  6. Thermal conductors

    Thermal conductors allow heat to travel through materials quickly, like metal. We use thermal conductors every day, for example saucepans. The reason we use saucepans to cook is because heat can travel through the saucepan quickly.

    Thermal Insulators

    Thermal conductors allow heat to travel through materials slowly, like plastics, wood and some fabrics. Thermal insulators can keep the heat in and out. A scarf is a thermal insulator and keeps the heat in but a plastic handle on a pan stops heat from going on your hand.

    I think metal would be a good material to put around a cup of tea because it keeps the heat in the tea

  7. Thermal conductors are objects which can lets heat move easily and sink into the object. For example, steel and aliminium are thermal conductors. When an engine of a car is turned on, it is due to turn warm. Tose are types of thermal conductors also.

    Thremal insulators are objects which don't let heat sink into the objects very easily. Coats are a good example of a thermal insulater because it won't let heat in very easily. It mainly can deflect most of it. Rubber, tinfoil, wood, cloth, paper, Styrofoam and plastic are also good examples of thermal insulators because they don't let heat pass through very easily also.

    I think fabric and other soft materials would keep a cup of coffee because once again, it would be a thermal insulator because it would try to keep heat away most of the time.

  8. Thermal Conductors

    These are materials which let heat move through them easily. This means they conduct heat well.

    Metals are good thermal conductors.

    We use metal saucepans because they conduct heat well. This means that the food inside heats up quickly.

    Thermal Insulators

    These are materials which do not let heat move through them easily. This means they do not conduct heat well. Thermal insulators are good at keeping heat out and keeping heat in.

    Plastic and wood are good thermal insulators.

    Scarves are good thermal insulators. They stop the heat from your body escaping into the cold air whilst preventing the cold air from making your body cold.

    Plastic is also a good thermal insulator. Have you noticed that saucepan handles are made out of plastic? This is so the heat from the hob does not travel to your hand and burn it.

  9. Thermal Conductors:

    Some materials let heat travel or flow through them easily,this means they are Thermal Conductors.They are called this because they conduct heat well. Examples of Thermal conductors are:metal,iron,copper,gold and silver.we use a saucepan which is a Thermal Conductor.

    Thermal Insulator:

    A Thermal Insulator is a material that does not let heat travel through it.For example a hat is a Thermal Insulator because it blocks the cold from getting to you.Other examples are:wood,plastics and some fabrics are Thermal Insulators.

    If you want the heat to stay in your cup of tea,then I would put metal around your cup-this is a Thermal Conductor.

  10. Chatsworth primary School is the best school you could ever think of in the whole universe!!!!! There are wonderful teachers in this school and all of them smile and are friendly. There is the best head teacher in the world and there are super lessons plus they're not boring.


    The school uniform is a neccesaty if you would not come to school in your uniform you will probably get detantion. So you must wear your uniform. The uniform is a blue jumper , a tie , a plain white t-shirt and a grey pair of trousers and of course you have to wear black shoes.


    There is maths, literacy, science, art, p.e,music,r.e , topic and outdoor learning. You have p.e with the kindest p.e teacher ever. All the lessons are astonashingly superb.

    Time table

    This is how a brief timatable looks like:

    Come into class 8.45
    Start of handwriting 9.00
    Guided reading 9.30
    Literacy 10.00
    Milk and newsround 10.35
    Break 10.45
    Maths 11.00
    Lunch 12.00

    Afternoon lessons 1.15

    Hometime 3.00

  11. Thermal conductors
    Thermal conductors are materials which allow heat to travel through them easily. Some examples of thermal conductors are metal, copper, ceramic, water and steel.

    Thermal insulators
    Thermal insulators are materials which do not allow heat to travel through them easily. Some examples of thermal insulators are rubber, wood, plastic, paper and cardboard.

    If I had to choose a material to put around my cup of tea to keep it warm it would be rubber. Rubber is a thermal insulator which would retain the heat in the cup.

  12. Some materials let heat move through them easily these materials are called thermal conductors
    Metals steel and aluminium are good thermal conductors. Plastics, wood and some fabrics are good thermal insulators.
    Thermal insulators are good at keeping heat out and keeping heat in. Your winter scarf is a good example of a thermal insulator. It stops the heat from your body escaping into the cold air.
    I will use thermal insulators to rap a round my cup of tea to keep it warm.

  13. Thermal conductors are materials which allow heat energy to pass through them. Metals are examples of good conductors. Saucepans are often made out of metal because metals have a high melting point which is required for cooking food in addition to the food being able to heat up quickly. The handles of saucepans however, are usually made out of thermal insulators because heat would be able to easily pass through and then the users of the saucepan would burn their hands. Thermal insulators are not able to conduct heat well meaning that they do not let heat pass through them easily. Some examples of thermal insulators are plastic, wood and glass.
    To keep a cup of tea warm he best material to use would be a stainless steel thermos.

  14. Stone Age Toolkit
    6000BC – 2000BC

    There are many Stone Age tools which were used in those times. They were mainly used for carving and also survival.

    The oldest stone tools, known as the Oldowan toolkit, consist of at least:
    • Hammerstones that show battering on their surfaces
    • Stone cores that show a series of flake scars along one or more edges
    • Sharp stone flakes that were struck from the cores and offer useful cutting edges, along with lots of debris from the process of percussion flaking
    • Cutting tool - cutting
    • Hatchet head - digging
    • Hammer head - hammer
    • Half-made arrowhead - arrows
    • Nut grinder – grind nuts
    • Scraping tool- scraping
    • Thumb held grinder - juice from fruits
    • Knife - cutting animal meat and plants

  15. The metal spoon heats up faster than the plastic spoon. In other words, the metal conducts heat well, but the plastic does not. Metal is a good thermal conductor, while plastic is a poor thermal conductor. An insulator is a material that does not allow a transfer of electricity or energy.

  16. Conducters
    We use metals to heat up the object QUICKLY for E.G food. Saucepans are good thermal conducters because you can cook your food very QUICKLY.To keep your cup warm you wouldn't use a thermal conducter as it will give the HEAT out very quickly.

    Wood is a very good insulator because it helps to mix your food in a saucepan and doesn't let the heat travel your hands as quick.If you had a cup, it would be a good idea to put a insulator and NOT Metal.

  17. Thermal conductors let heat move through them easily. Metal, steel and aluminium are examples of thermal conductors. Thermal conductors let heat go through them easily.

    Thermal insulators are good at keeping heat out and keeping heat in. A winter scarf; is a good example of a thermal insulator as it stops the heat from your body escaping into the cold air, plastics, wood and some fabrics are good thermal insulators. Plastic is a good example of a thermal insulator, because it can be used as a handle on a saucepan - the plastic stops the heat from travelling to your hand.

    I think that I’d choose a thermal insulator to put around some tea to keep it warm, because it would keep it warm and keep the heat in.

  18. Introduction

    chatsworth is a brilliant school with everybody loves learning. We have thousanmyds of books to choose from and a field to play sports on. We are offered a wide range of before and after school activities.

    School day

    The shcool days are 5 and a half hours long. We start at 8:30 and finish at 3:30. We usually have 6 per day.

    Dicipline and Behaviour

    At Chatsworth, teachers have excedingly high standards of work. Your teacher can send you to another class or even Mr Wright if nescisary.


    We also have star of the week! This is only on a friday once a week. Your teacher has will choose somebody in your class. This person chose will get a bronze badge and certificate. We also have dojo points. You can earn them or lose them.

    Fun Activities

    We have trips, workshops, school journeys, break times, golden times ,etc.

    P.S Wear school uniform!!!!!!

  19. Chatsworth is a brilliant school where you learn all sorts of subjects such as maths,science,literacy and more.We have hundreds and thousands of books to choose from the spinning circle.School starts at 8:45am to 3:45pm. you eat in between these times eleven and eleven forty five.

    science Conductors we use metal to heat up things quicker such as food on a pan but the plastic dose not. In other understandings the metal conducts heat well, but plastic does not

  20. Hello,Alien friend.

    I'll be talking about our wonderful school,Chatsworth Primary School.
    The best ever School!
    We have the best teachers ever, they teach breathtaking lessons!
    Our Principal he plans the most intimidating lessons,they are NEVER boring!
    We are offered awesome activities,we have a GARGANTUAN FIELD!

    School Uniform
    Wearing your School Uniform is the key thing to every School.It helps other people
    know that you're part of our School.Furthermore,if you get lost(WHICH YOU WON'T),will let the Public know where you're from

    Break times
    We totally have three break times in a whole school day.First break is after Literacy.Second break is lunch time which is after Numeracy.Third break is after any afternoon lesson.

    We have lots of lessons like, maths, literacy, science, art, p.e,music,r.e , topic and outdoor learning.The amazing lessons are NEVER EVER boring!

  21. Teachers :
    Chatsworth is an amazing school full of fun,excitment and laughter. The teachers are fantastic, VERY intelligent and hilarious people, whom are very kind,encouraging and gentle when you don't understand something and are always here to help.

    Rules :
    The rules at chatsworth are very fair.They make sure you are happy, healthy and safe.These rules consist of :
    1) Listen to everyone if the instructions apply to you,
    2) Respect home and school property.
    3) Speak up.If you are upset or worried tell someone.
    4) STAY SAFE. If someone is upsetting or hurting tell someone.

    School dinners :
    Our chatsworth cooks prepare a delicious meals freshly through the day. Every lunchtime my stomach grumbles knowing there is going to be something mouth - watering !

    School uniform :
    Our school uniform is a smart blue jumper with the chatsworth cresent on it, a white shirt and black or grey trousers.

  22. Thermal conductivity is attributed to the exchange of energy between adjacent molecules and electrons in the conducting medium. A substance of large thermal conductivity k is a good heat conductor, whereas one with small thermal conductivity is a poor heat conductor or good thermal insulator. Typical values are 0.093 kilocalories/second-metre-°C for copper (a good thermal conductor) and 0.00003 kilocalories/second-metre°C for wood (poor thermal conductor).

    Are you having trouble to understand and operate modern time tools? If so, just bye a simple but awesome stone age tool! You'll have loads of choice and tiny prises! We even have a special offer of tools : 5 for £1! Your huge option of tools will be something like this:
    1) stone hammers
    2) flint axes
    3) bone drills
    4)bone bowes and arrows!
    Don't delay, buy a stone tool today!

  24. Thermal conductors, like metals allow heat to travel through them easily. We use metals to make objects that need to conduct heat, such as frying pans. We need them to cook food quickly (conduct) so they need to be thermal conductors.
    Thermal insulators, like plastic and wood, do not let heat travel through them easily. Therefore they are better for holding in heat.

    I think that you should wrap plastic around a cup of tea to keep it warm, as plastic is an insulator and will keep the liquid hotter for longer.

  25. Thermal conductors

    Thermal conductors allow heat to travel through materials quickly, like metal. For example, a saucepan. The reason we use saucepans to cook is because heat can travel through the saucepan quickly.

    Thermal Insulators

    Thermal conductors allow heat to travel through materials slowly, like plastics, wood and some fabrics. They keep the heat in and out, for example a scarf.

    I think metal would be a good material to put around a cup of tea because it keeps the heat in the tea

  26. INTRO:

    Chatsworth Primary is an admirable school. We have hundreds of brilliant books to choose from, sorted in groups. We have a field to play on with a sort of football pitch. There is a wide range of afterschool activites, and you have breakfast club aswell.

    School Day:

    We start school at 8:45, though gates open at 8:30-8:35, and we finish at 3:35. Like every other school, We are in school for 5 days a week, Mon-Fri, unless it is an Insect day or a holiday.


    Here at Chatsworth, we have First Warning, Second warning, and third waring. First and Second dont usually do anything, but in third warning, you are sent to another class or even the Headteachers [Mr Wrights] office if you cause too much disturbance.


    The school uniform is a neccesity, you should always go in school uniform unless it is a Mufty day. So you must wear your uniform. The uniform is a blue jumper, a tie, a plain white t-shirt and a grey pair of trousers and of course you have to wear black shoes.

  27. Thermal conductors:

    Thermal conductors let heat travel throw them easily like metal and copper.

    Thermal insulators:

    Thermal insulators doesn't let heat travel so easily throw them.There good at keeping heat out.Plastic wood and some fabric are good examples of Thermals insulators.
