Friday 9 October 2015

Topic homework due Friday, 16th October

The Egyptians were great builders. How did they build the pyramids? How long did it take? How many people worked on them? Why did they build them? What were they for?


Pharaoh Khufu was considered to be one of the greatest pyramids builders. Can you research his achievements.


  1. Why did the Ancient Egyptians build pyramids?

    The Egyptians believed that if the pharaoh's body could be mummified after death the pharaoh would live forever.

    how did they build them

    they built the pyramids out of wet sand.

    what were they for

    they were there for pharaohs they would have put them in once they had passed

    how many people worked on king Khufu pyramids

    about hundred thousand men

    how long did it take to build King Khufu pyramids

    it took 23 years to complete his pyramids

  2. How did the Egyptians build Pyramids? Egyptians built pyramids by putting heavy objects onto a sledge that was pulled by hundreds of slaves and workers. They then simply poured water onto the sand in front of it, then because the sledge would be weighed down by the heavy objects, it would scoop up sand that was in its path. When it had scooped up the sand, other workers would carve the wet sand into blocks.

    So how did they shape the Pyramids? People built they pyramids by placing the wet sand blocks on top of each other, then at the top would place a triangle shaped wet sand block.

    How long did it take to build each Pyramid? To build a small pyramid it took approximately 10 years. But to build a large one like the Great Pyramid, it took an astonishing 20 to 30 Years!

    How many people did it take to build Pyramid? To build a Pyramid it took around 6,700 men.

    What were they built for? Pyramids were built for Pharaohs for when they died. The Egyptian would place the Pharaoh’s body under the sand and built the pyramids on top for protection, as this is what they believed.

    Who was Khufu the Pharaoh? Khufu was a Pharaoh famous for building Pyramids. Because he was so good at it, when he himself died they Egyptians buried him under the Great Pyramid of Giza. When Khufu built a Pyramid, he usually made a door way so that people could go into them. Inside a Pyramid, there was a Queen’s chamber and a King’s Chamber, which I am not quite sure you can visit.

    By Zarah

  3. 1. 30

    2.The ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids may have been able to move massive stone blocks across the desert by wetting the sand in front of a contraption built to pull the heavy objects, according to a new study.

    3.20'000 to 25'000 men

    4'The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens

    by navdeep

  4. khufu achivement was that he made a primaid that was so big the bloks where 2.5 tones and there was around 2,300,000 blokles in the hole thing. They got strong men from egyption vilages to help make it it took 23 years to make and it is still there today

  5. Most people just know the Egyptian pyramids are big, impressive structures built very long time ago in the Ancient Egypt. It is also generally known that the pyramids served as monumental burial sites where the Pharaohs, the Ancient Egyptian kings, were buried. But in fact, there is a lot more interesting things and little known curiosities about these fascinating structures. To expand your knowledge on the Egyptian pyramids, check out these 25 fascinating facts about Egyptian pyramids you may not know.

    1. DEAR NOAH,
      I really like the fact that you used but the fact is.

  6. How many workers are necessary to build Khufu's pyramid?

    The detailed calculations about how many men were needed to quarry the stones, transport them up the pyramid of Khufu are based on calculations by Dr. Heribert Illig and Franz Löhner [1].

    Stone quarries - Transport by boat - Transport on land - Inspecting and fitting the stones in the building yard - Up the flank of the pyramid - Transport of the large granite blocks - Laying the stone blocks and polishing them - Total - Sources

    Herodotus wrote about 2000 years later: "For this, they said, the ten years were spent, and for the underground chambers on the hill" and "For the making of the pyramid itself there passed a period of twenty years" and "they worked by a hundred thousand men at a time, for each three months continually" [6]. Modern egyptologists estimate a workforce of about 20'000 to 25'000 men [2].

    But were such legions of workers really necessary?

    Dr. Heribert Illig and Franz Löhner calculate a total number of 6'700 workers, which were necessary to build Khufu's pyramid. Most of those were highly skilled craftsmen and artisans, not unskilled workers or even slaves.

  7. The main purpose of the pyramids is because to burry the pharoeh tombs.
    The first pharoeh to build a pyramid was Djoser.
    Archaeologists believe that the steps on the step pyramid were for the dead pharoehs to climb up to their gods.
    The biggest pyramid built was the great pyramid of Giza.
    All the pyramids are build on the west side of the river Nile.
    Some pyramids took over a year to build.
    Many of the pyramids have fake passages and traps so grave robbers don't steal the treasure however even though there were traps and fake passages some grave robbers got through and so some of the treasures were stolen.
    The base of a pyramid is usually a square.
    The pyramid of Khufu is approximately 480 feet tall.

  8. Pharaoh Khufu's achievements were:

    1. One of his achievements were building the Great Pyramid at Giza , one of the seven wonders of the world

  9. How did they build the pyramids? How long did it take? How many people worked on them? Why did they build them? What were they

    The Egyptians that built Pyramids put water on the front of where the limestone is so it will not stick to the ground.
    Pyramids took ten to twenty years to make.
    100,000 men worked on the great Pyramid of Giza.
    Fun facts!
    Ancient astronomers noticed that one star stay still while the other circles around it.
    This is the pole star.It is above the north pole and shows which direction is north.The ancient Egyptians used this to align the sides of the Pyramids exactly.
    Ancient Egyptians made Pyramids for Pharaohs tomb.
    Pyramids where pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt.

  10. Pyramids

    The Egyptians built pyramids because they could stand out to everyone. The ancient Egyptians made their pyramids out of limestone and the insides were made of granite. The granite was never used on the outside because the material
    was too hard. Some pyramids took about 20 years to build. They were for dead pharaos and mummies. There were about 2000 people building the enormous pyramids. One of Khufus achievments was making the great pyramid of Khufu or the great pyramid of Giza.

  11. How did the Egyptians build pyramids?

    • The Egyptians used metal spikes to chip the limestone and make blocks out of it in the quarries. Constructing the pyramids required dragging indefinite amount of stone.
    • The great pyramid of Giza took 23 years to build.
    • More than 1,000,000 people came from villages to build as they had experience in holding big stuff in their hands.
    • They built pyramids for the Pharaohs tomb, their Queen and their families.
    • The pyramid of Giza weighs 6.5 million tonnes.
    • They were used as tombs for Pharaohs and their Queens to protect their bodies in the pyramid.

  12. The Egyptians built pyramids by stacking up the 2 tonne blocks in stairs. After they placed the top block they would smooth down the sides. Most pyramids took around 20 years to build.They were made for the place pharaohs would be put to sleep.

  13. 1. It took twenty - twenty three years to build pyramid.

    2. Pyramid were used so the heat won't rot the Pharaohs and Queens body.

    3. The pyramids were used as tomb for the Pharaohs and queen.

    4. It took up to 20'000 to 25'000 men to make the pyramids.

    5. They used wet sand to make blocks and to glide the sleigh.

  14. The pyramids were constructed because the Egyptians believed that if the pharaohs body could be mummified after death the pharaoh would live forever. The tombs were designed to protect the buried Pharaoh's body and his belongings.

    Egyptian pyramids often took 10 years or more to complete. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the Great Pyramid at Giza was built in 20 years
    by 100,000 workers and was meant to be a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu.

    The latest archaeological evidence indicates that the number of persons working on construction of any one of the great pyramids was probably between 10 and 20 thousand people at one time. The overwhelming majority of the workers were not slaves but paid workers.

    Pure mans labour on mass each stone was cut from solid rock and shipped down the Nile from the Euphrates on Dow's, they were then dragged physically on sleds to the site ,sand was banked up as the pyramid got higher and the blocks were dragged up the sand banks and into position . When they were started the people came to the site rejoicing to be building a pyramid for there god , later as years went by they were made into slaves and driven to work with whips . Many thousands died by the time they were finished.

  15. The builder's build the pyramid's out of lime stone.

    It take about 20 year's to build the pyramid's

    2000 people to build the pyramid's

    They build the pyramid's for the dead people

  16. The builder's build the pyramid's out of lime stone.

    It take about 20 year's to build the pyramid's

    2000 people to build the pyramid's

    They build the pyramid's for the dead people

  17. It would take about 20 years to make these giant pyramids.They were so big 25000 helped build these massive pyramids.Ancient Egyptians belived that the pyramids could safely keep the tombs of pharaohs and its belongings.

  18. King Khufu and pyramids

    The great pyramid of Giza was made by King Khufu and I is confirmed that it took 20000000 bricks each weighing 2 tonnes were used to make the pyramid. The first took the stone out from the place they are in and took to them to build the pyramid with mud. It took around 20 years to build it and many people died when building. Millions of people were in the project. They built them to serve the kings and were used to bury them when they died.

  19. Famous Builders in Ancient Egypt

    Pharaohs in ancient Egypt used to build lots of buildings. Like Khufu for example, he was the first pharaoh to build a pyramid in Giza, which is why it is called the Great Pyramid of Giza.

    Step by Step Guide on How to Build a Pyramid (by a pharaoh’s perspective)

    1. Ask your foreman to gather up lots of men

    2. Send them to the pyramid’s building site on board a boat

    (Now by builder’s perspective)

    3. Break the limestone into blocks using a wooden pick-axe

    4. Haul the limestone block up the slope using a wooden sled (the waterman puts water in front of the sled to make the ground slippery)

    5. Slide the block off the sled and into the right position

    6. Repeat until all the blocks are in place

    (After number six is finished)...

    7. Make your way down from the top while smoothing the blocks down and removing the steps

    8. Before leaving on the boat to the village, take a second to admire and feel proud of what you’ve done

    9. Relax at home

    Facts That You Should Know

    It usually takes over twenty years to build a pyramid and you normally find them near rivers and farms. This is because, back then, the builders needed a source of food and water near them, or they’ll starve. Thousands of people are called from different villages to build these beautiful, ancient monuments and some even die during the building work, which is why they don’t want to do it. The pyramids are used as tombs for pharaohs that have lots of treasures.

    Extra Facts About ‘The Great Pyramid of Giza’

    1. It has 2,300,000 blocks

    2. Pharaoh Khufu built it

    3. It was the first pyramid built in Giza by pharaoh

  20. The Great pyramid has lent its name as a sort of by-word for paradoxes; and, as moths to a candle,so thorisers attracted to it.
    There are many theories about how pyramids were built. By researching and reading we have proof that Ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.
    The blocks were hewn from quarries using stone and copper tools.
    There are so many examples of each stage of block extraction at existing ancient quarries.
    How blocks were transported to the pyramids site from remote quarries by using barges,from local quarries using a wooden sleds.
    It approximately took 14-20 years to build the great pyramid and 80 years to build the Giza complex.
    According to the statistic which indicate that the number of persons working on the construction of any one of the pyramids is between 10 and 20.
    Pyramids were built in Ancient Egypt as tombs, or burial places,for Egyptian Pharaohs, or kings.They believed that the pyramids made you immortal. Egyptians believed in afterlife, so overall it was very important to them to protect their bodies of their Pharaohs.

    By Jasleen

  21. The Pharaoh Khufu

    He was also commonly known as Cheops, who ruled in the Dynasty (2551-2528 B.C.). Khufu was the second Pharaoh of the period rules for nearly 23 years. His most known and famous undertaking was the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

    By Jasleen

  22. Pyramids

    How To Build Pyramids?There have been many hypotheses about the Egyptian pyramid construction techniques. These techniques seem to have developed over time; later pyramids were not built the same way as earlier ones. Most of the construction hypotheses are based on the idea that huge stones were carved with copper chisels from stone quarries, and these blocks were then dragged and lifted into position. Disagreements chiefly concern the methods used to move and place the stones. There is also another hypothesis that they were built out of geopolymer cement, otherwise known as cast stone.
    In addition to the many unresolved arguments about the construction techniques, there have been disagreements as to the kind of workforce used. The Greeks, many years after the event, believed that the pyramids must have been built by slave labor. Archaeologists now believe that the Great Pyramid of Giza (at least) was built by tens of thousands of skilled workers who camped near the pyramids and worked for a salary or as a form of tax payment (levy) until the construction was completed, pointing to workers' cemeteries discovered in 1990 by archaeologists Zahi Hawass and Mark Lehner. For the Middle Kingdom Pyramid of Amenemhat II, there is evidence from the annal stone of the king that foreigners from Palestine were used.

    How Long Did It Take?
    Herodotus was told by his Egyptian guides that it took twenty years for a force of 100,000 oppressed slaves to build the pyramid (with another 10 years to build a stone causeway that connected it to a temple in the valley below).

    How Many People Were Needed?
    Modern egyptologists estimate a workforce of about 20'000 to 25'000 men.

    Why Did They Build Them?
    The Egyptians built the pyramids for places to hide their treasures and tombs for all the other pharaohs to get to the afterlife.

    1. that is a really long paragraph and it is full of awesome facts
