Friday 2 October 2015

Topic homework due Friday, 9th October

Next week we will be holding a debate in Topic about the Egyptian pharaoh, Ramses The Great. Was he a great pharaoh? Try to find three reasons that suggest he was and three that suggest he wasn’t.


  1. fact about Ramses:

    •Occupation: Pharaoh of Egypt
    •Born: 1303 BC
    •Died: 1213 BC
    •Reign: 1279 BC to 1213 BC (66 years)
    •Best known for: The greatest pharaoh of Ancient Egypt

    Ramses II (aka Ramesses II, Rameses II or Sese) was the third pharaoh of the 19th dynasty. He was one of the most powerful and influential pharaohs of ancient Egypt

  2. 3 facts that she was good pharaoh :
    1. She had a very long life
    2. She cared for her mom
    3. Her family was huge

    3 reason she might not be a good pharaoh

    1. She wasn't the greatest pharaoh she thought she was.
    2. She didn't build the temples and statues she hacked the builders name and put then as her own
    3. 1 statue was cut off when it was threatened.

  3. These are 3 reasons why he was a good pharaoh.
    1. He ruled for a astonishing 63 years.
    2. He was good at planning arciteture.
    3. He thought of good stories to tell people.

    These are 3 bad things.
    1. He lied to his own people.
    2. He wasted money.
    3. He didn't really write one the worlds first peace treaty.

    By Elliot

  4. Why Ramses was great?

    Ramses was one of the strong kings of the New kingdom, most of the kings after him during the. New Kingdom were far less successful, either because of there age (old, so little time on the throne before they died or children who could easily be manipulated by advisers.) He had an long reign, 67 years, so he had enough time to make his mark on the monuments and temples of Egypt. Ramses was a very accomplished propagandist - in through his extensive building campaigns but also the way he presented him self as a strong unbeatable warrior king with gods protection on his side.

    Why he was not a great pharoah?

    He was very obsessed with popularity and fame and some people became annoyed.

    He had many wives and other girls in his live who cheated on him.

    The amount of slavery increased over his rule.

    By Jasleen

  5. Is Ramses a great pharaoh or not?

    Ramses is a great pharaoh because:
    He tied the battle of Kadesh (Qadesh) with 20,000 soldiers while the Hittite Empire had 50,000 soldiers
    He built the most amount of monuments and statues any pharaoh ever built.
    He ruled for 67 years one of the longest periods of reign by any other Pharaoh.

    Ramses isn’t a great pharaoh because:
    The Egyptians were losing but got last minute help by the Lebanese coast.
    He used lots of money for building the monuments which are made out of cheap material and rushed building.
    When he died he used up most of the money and left Egypt bankrupt.

  6. Three facts as to why Ramses the Great was a good Pharaoh:

    1)When he was in a war against the Hitties he had 20,000 men whereas the opposing side had 50,000 men, yet Ramses still enabled a tie to take place. He was also a great warrior.

    2)He built loads of gigantic monuments and large statues of himself which were inscribed with many engraving containing all which he had done throughout his life.

    3)He reigned for quite a long period of time...67 ears to be exact, this was A LOT longer than most other pharaohs. And the second longest reign in ALL of Egyptian history. He also signed the first peace treaty.

    3 reasons as to why Ramses the Great didn't deserve to be called great:

    1)Even though people suggested he was a great king because he tied with the Hitties in the battle of Kadesh because of Lebanons coast helped them in the war.

    2) He didn't make the monuments he hired a group of people to make it with cheap materials.


  7. 1.Ramsses the great made peace with his enemies and he wrote the first ever peace treaty

    2.Ramsses the great re-built old monuments and a few of his own

    3. Ramsses the great reigned for 66/67 years longer than most pharoehs.

    Why I think Ramses the great shouldn't be named "the great" because he had extra help from the Lebanese in the battle and I don't think he wrote the peace treaty as he wasn't that well educated. Also he built the monument fast and with cheap material.

  8. 3 good things about Ramses the great:
    Ramses the great was a pharaoh with a lot of power.He ruled for for a whooping 63 years.Egypt only had 2000 men while the hitties had 5000 men when they went to war.Some how they came back with a tie.

    3 bad things about Ramses
    Actually they only drew the battle because of the help of the Lebaneses coast.He diddn't really write the peace treaty because someone else wrote it for him.He spent so much money on statues that when he died Egypt had not a lot of money left


  9. 3 reasons why he was good

    1.He was a good pharoh because he had less men and he tied

    2.He ruled for 63 years

    3.he cared for his mum

    3 reasons why he was not good

    1.He lied to his peopl

    2. The bulidings was not his

    3.he left eghpt bankurpt

    by navdeep

  10. rameses wasnt so great

    1) he hierd a group of peaple to make the momuments out of cheap meterials

    2)he left egypt bankrupt

    3) he might have been greedy because be made a temple but no one could enter

    4) he married cleopatra meaning he wasnt pharoh (probably)

  11. Ramses was born in 1303 BC and died in 1213 BC. After his death, he was buried in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings, but after his body was discovered in 1881, it was moved and is now on display in the Cairo Museum.

    Ramses was a great Pharoah because;
    1. He ruled for a very long 63 years
    2. During his reign, he made Egypt very wealthy from all the supplies and riches he had collected from other empires.
    3. He was a great military leader

    Ramses was not so great because;
    1. When it was the battle Ramses nearly lost the war if it were not for the Lebenams
    2. Before he died, Ramses wasted a lot of the money that had made Egypt wealthy.
    3. He built so many monuments that when he died Egypt altogether had barley any money and people still had to pay taxes.

    By Zarah

  12. Why Ramses the great was
    a good and bad pharaoh
    1. Ramses the great was a great pharaoh because he fought against the Hitties and the Hitties had 50000 men and Ramses only had 20000 men.

    2. He made peace with his enemies by making a peace treaty.

    3. He ruled for 63 years.
    1. There political unrest between the Egyptian goverment and Ramses

    2. When he died he left Egypt bankrupt.

    3. He had arthritis.

  13. Ramses The Great
    3 reasons he was a great Pharaoh:

    1. Ramses The Great made the first peace treaties with the hitteis.
    2. Ramses The Great made a lot of new buildings and temples.
    3. Ramses The Greatwhose reign (1279-13 BC) was the second longest in Egyptian history.

    3 reasons he was a bad Pharaoh:

    1. Ramses The Great didn't win the battle of kadesh because Lebanon's people helped him
    2. Ramses The Great used cheap materials to make buildings and temples
    3. Ramses The Great didn't write any words for the peace treaty. He wasn't very smart.

  14. Ramses the great was famus because he created monuments, sighened the peace treaty and fighed in the Khadesh battle and they drawed.He was the first pharoah to sign the peace treaty.He built so much monuments but he brought the cheapest meterials and he had no money left when he died.In the Khadesh battle in the end other people from the north helped him.

    I think he is'nt great because in the battle he had help and when he died he had no money.
    By Maria

  15. He made peace with his enemies.

    He was a great warrior.

    He is known for the monuments.

    He announcend himself 'the god ''.

    He had 200 wives 96 son s and 60 daughters.

    He married two of his daughters.

  16. The Great Or Not

    Why he was a great pharaoh?
    1. Ramses the second is great as he made the first peace treaty yet.
    2. He also made a very famous temple which is still up today and it is called the Abu Simbel.
    3. He also captured the syrian city of Kadesh in July 1274-BC

    Reasons he shouldn't be call the great!

    1.The amount of slaves increased over his power.
    2.He made the Abu Simbel out of cheap materials.
    3. He was full of hot air.

  17. By Ola in 5MD Rames the II

    King Rames the second took the throne of Egypt in his early twenties(around 1279bc ) and ruled for 66 years until his death (1213).

    In 1974
    the mummy was transported to Paris because it needed treatment for a fungal

    *occupation: Pharoah of Egypt
    *Born:1303 Bc
    *Riegn:1279 Bc to 1213 Bc(66years)
    *Best known for:The greastest Pharoah in Ancient Egypt.

  18. Ramses was a prince born to queen Tuya. He was a good son for the Pharaoh because he was responsible and helped him make decisions which pleased the Pharaoh. When he grew up he was arranged as the leader of the army by his father. Latter his father died making him Pharaoh but he continued his role as the army leader and alongside him Nefertiti his first of two wives. He was famous for doing a battle with 20000 men and the opposing side with 50000 men and returned with a draw but he was really famous for that and named Ramses the great for his heroic leadership.

  19. The ancient Egyptians built pyramids by cutting out large pieces of sandstone, they took chunks of sandstone to the construction site by sleds and to make the journey faster they put water under the sled.

    It is not specific what the time to build the pyramids was but the pyramid of Djoser took 19 years to build.

    The most of the pyramids took 14000 to 40000 people to build them. It is thought that the total was 300000 to 400000.

    They were built to represent the pharaohs death. I think that they were also used for entertainment.

    By Carlos
