Friday 25 September 2015

Topic homework due Friday, 2nd October



We are beginning a new topic next week on Journalistic writing. Please write your own news report about an exciting event that has happened to you recently. If you need inspiration, look at some newspapers to get a feel for how journalists write about events.

Next week we are going to be finding out about the lives of famous females in Ancient Egyptian times.

Can you find out the names of any?

I've given some clues to 3 of the most famous that we are going to be finding out about in class on Monday.

You will need to do some research and then solve the anagrams !

1)      h  e  a   h  p  s  s  t     -   She dressed up pretending to be a man.  Why?

2)        a  c p o t  l  e a r   -   A famous Queen who married a Roman Soldier.

3)       r i  f  e t  e i  n  t   -  She was married to Akhenaten

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!


We will be looking at the ‘Phases of the Moon’ next week. If we have some clear nights this week have a look at the shape of the moon. What does it look like? Do some sketches or take a photo to show the class. If you can’t take a photo then print a photo from Google images. Check the BBC Stargazing Video Clips. Why does the moon look different at different times of the year?
Useful websites – BBC Stargazing


  1. Cleopatra is a famous queen.
    Nitocrus came to the throne 2188 to 2144.
    Hatshepsut was the most inmportant pharaoh because she came to the throne in exactly the golden age of Egypt.
    Meryt neith is the third ruler of dynasty

  2. The Queens Of Egypt
    Nefertiti - A queen married to Akhenaten.
    Cleopatra - A famous queen who married a roman soldier.
    Hatshepsut - A queen who pretended to be a king.
    Neithikret - Although little is known about Queen Neithikret, she is mentioned in many historical writings.
    MerNeith - She was the first female queen in Egypt
    Twosret - Queen Twosret was married to Seti II.

    1. Oh I didn't know some these queens . Nice work Shriya

  3. 1. Hatshepsut. She dressed as a man in order to emphasise the fact that she was Pharoah, and therefore was divine.
    2. Cleopatra
    3. Nefertiti
    by navdeep

  4. 1 is Hatsheput
    2 is Cleopatra
    3 is Nefertiti

    3 facts abut hatsheput
    1.She was born 1507 BC
    2.She died 1458 BC
    3.She reigned from 1473BC-1458BC

    3 facts about Cleopatra
    1.She was born 69BC
    2.She died in 30BC
    3.She reigned from 51BC-30BC

    3 Facts about Nefertiti
    1.She was born 1370BC
    2.She died in 1330BC
    3.She was most famous for her bust

  5. In ancient Egypt ladies were equal with men and they could be leaders and Pharaohs too.

    Nefertiti was a queen and her husband, Akhenaten, was a Pharaoh. She was called other names too: lady of grace, Sweet of love and Lady of the two lands.

    Cleopatra is a really famous Pharaoh. When the man she fell in love with who was called mark Antony died she got a snake to bite her so she would die too.

    Tiye was a queen and was married to a pharaoh. She was born in 1398bc and was Tutankhamun s grandmother. Her mummy was found in 2010 and it was called the elder lady.

    By Carlos.

  6. 1) h e a u h p s s t - She dressed up pretending to be a man. Why?

    This is Queen Hatshepsut (the name in Egypt means leader of noble women).

    When her husband died, she became a strong woman ruler. She held power for 20 years before her step son became King. Her step son was not king initially, because when his father died he was just five years old. But beacuse women could not rule for a long time, Hatshepsut dressed up like a male and was seen as a man, this was her way of holding power for a longer then usual time. When she died her step son broke all her statues and rubbed her name from all monuments in Egypt.

    2) a c p o t l e a r - A famous Queen who married a Roman Soldier.

    This is Queen Cleopatra (the name in Egypt means fame of her father).

    Queen Cleopatra was the seventh queen to have that name, and was the last pharaoh of a famous dynasty in the Greco-Roman period. She was Queen from 51 to 30 BC. Cleopatra was originally a ruler alongside her father, Ptolemy XII Auletes. After he died she ruled with her brothers, and married one of them too, Ptolemy XIV (this was normal back then) but eventually she became the sole ruler. Later on Queen Cleopatra married the famous Julias Ceaser, who was leader of the new Roman Empire. Cleopatra was the only Greek pharaoh who learned the speak the Egyptian language.

    3) r i f e t e i n t - She was married to Akhenaten

    This is Queen Nefertiti (the name in Egypt means beautiful beloved one).

    Queen Nefertiti was the wife of Akhenaten and she helped him establish a new city at Amarna on the east bank of the River Nile in Egypt. She is the only one queen that has a famous bust, showing her head wearing a crown and necklace rich with jewels. Often Nefertiti is confused with Nefertari, who was the favorite wife of Ramesses the Great around 1275 BC.

    By Zarah

  7. Ancient Egypt

    Famous ancient women.
    Ancient women famous as queens ,warriors, courtesans , poets and mothers.

    Hatshepsut was a woman Pharaoh (ruler) of Egypt. A major temple in her honor was built at Deir el-bahri near Thebes.She was well known as Hatchepsut, Hatshepsowe, Queen Hatchepsut,Pharaoh Hatshepsut.
    Hatshepsut married her half brother Thutmose ll, who's farther was Thutmose I and mother was Mutnofre.
    Cleopatra was a famous Queen who married a Roman soldier.
    As a Queen of Ancient Egypt , Cleopatra is one of the most famous female rulers in history. Cleopatra was born around 69 B.C. Her tragic life inspired a number of books , movies and plays, including Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare. Cleopatra became Queen at the age of 17 years old.

    Famous Nefertiti

    An Egyptian Queen renowned for her beauty., Nefertiti ruled alongside her husband,Pharaoh Akhenaten,during the mid 1300s B.C.
    She and her husband established the cult of Aten,the sun God and promoted Egyptian artwork that was different from its predecessors. A burst of Nefertiti is one of the most iconic symbol of Egypt.

    By Jasleen

  8. 1. Hatshepsut- a Queen who dressed like a man. She dressed up like a man because she didn’t want Egypt to become weak in front of other countries.

    2. Cleopatra- a Queen who married Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony. Caesar was a Roman Empire and Anthony was a Roman Solider.

    3. Nefertiti- married to Akhenaten.

  9. 1. Hatshepsut. She dressed like a man because men and women were not equal and she didn't want Egypt to fall at her hands

    2. Cleopatra.She married Mark Anthony and also Julius Caesar. Cleopatra became queen at 17 and Shakespere has written a book about Cleopatra and Mark Anthony. Caesar was a roman Emperor and Anthony was a roman solider.

    3. Nefertiti. She was married to Akhenaten and her name meant beauty and love. Her husband was a pharoh.

  10. Nefertiti was queen alongside Pharaoh Akhenaten from 1353 to 1336 B.C. and may have ruled the New Kingdom outright after her husband’s death. Her reign was a time of tremendous cultural upheaval, as Akhenaten reoriented Egypt’s religious and political structure around the worship of the sun god Aten. Nefertiti is best known for her painted sandstone bust, which was rediscovered in 1913 and became a global icon of feminine beauty and power.

  11. Hatshepsut
    Hatshepsut was fifth ruler of Egypt.She was born in 1507 BC.She came to the throne in 1478 BC.She was one of the most successful Pharaohs.She was actually the Queen.

    Cleopatra married to Julius Ceasar and mark Antony.She was born in 63BC and died in 30 BC.

    She married to Akhenaten
    She was known for her beauty.

  12. Hatshepsut-was the fifthy pharaoh of the eighteenth of Egypt. Hatshepsut came to the throne in 1478B.C. She married her half - brother Thutmose II .They had one daughter ,Neferure.

    Cleopatra was born in 69B.C. in Alexandria Egypt. She was a daughter of pharaoh
    Ptolemy Xll Auletes , Cleopatra married heh younger brother Ptolemy Xlll . Later she
    married the Roman Mark Anthony .Cleopatra had one son by Caesar.

    Akhenaten was a pharaoh of Egypt who reigned over the country for about 17 years between roughly 135 B.C. and 1335 B.C. .She married the Akhenaten.

  13. 1.Hatshepsut

    Some facts about Hatshepsut
    1.She was born in 1507 BC
    2.She died in 1458 BC
    3.She reigned from 1473BC-1458BC
    4.She was the daughter of Thutmose I
    5.Her mother was called Ahmose

    Some facts about Cleopatra
    1.She was born in 69BC
    2.She died in 30 BC
    3.She reigned from 51BC-30BC
    4.She was the seventh queen to have the name Cleopatra.
    5.She died by letting a poisonous snake bite her.

    Some facts about Nefertiti
    1.She was born in 1370BC
    2.She died in 1330BC
    3.Her name meant the beautiful had come.
    4.She was the only queen with a famous bust.
    5.She was the wife of Akhenaten

  14. Nictoris or Queen Neterkare

    Twosret or Tausret

    Merneith or Meryt - Neith








  15. Hatshepsut was a princess born to Thutmose 1. She had one sister and two brothers, sadly all of her brothers and sisters died young. Thutmose was now getting worried because who would be Pharaoh after he died. So he decided to name one of Hatshepsut’s half-brothers her heir. Hatshepsut married her half-brother in order to keep the royal line pure. Her father died then and she and her husband were the rulers of Egypt but soon Hatshepsut’s husband died making her the queen of Egypt. Still there was one problem, Hatshepsut has no son to be Pharaoh after here her. Her nephew was still young but was given the thrown. This occurred but still Hatshepsut was still ruling she ran a good reign in Egypt. To convince people she was really a Pharaoh she dressed up as one and ruled until she died.
    Cleopatra was another famous queen who was born to Ptolemy she had a tough life. When her father died she became queen and married her brother who was ten. Latter when her brother got older he was argent to take the throne of her, so after a long fight he got the throne of her and became the Pharaoh. Then the romans came and defeated her brother’s army and she became the queen again. She married Julius Caesar and had one child. When he died Cleopatra fell in love with one of the other rulers that were now in Rome. She joined forces with him and lived a long life until she killed herself when heard that the ruler that had loved her had die in the not of she being dead.
    Nefertiti was a beautiful person and her name translated means beauty through blood. Despite her beauty she was also famous for marrying Akhenaton who was a brilliant Pharaoh. She was most famous for being on the falls of Akhenaton’s tomb which showed how beautiful she was in that time and the beautiful artwork of the Egyptians to respect to all the pharaohs and queens at their time.

  16. Theys are the names the queens and why they are famous:

    1.Queen MerNeigh - This queen is not too known.

    2.Queen Neighikret - She is famus because she is mentiont in many historian wrighting.

    3.Queen Sobekneferu - This queen is famus because she painted and built statchus.

    4.Queen Hatchapus - She's so famus because she is the longest rose female queen who ruled.

    5.Queen Nefertiti - Nefertiti is known as the most buetiful and the most powerful queen.

    6.Queen Twosret - She is not that famus as nothing speical happen.

    7.Queen Cleopatra - She is famus because she married a Roman soldiar.

    By Maria

  17. Nefertiti was the wife of ikhnaton, who ruled from 1367 to 1355 BCE. She had great influence over her husbands policies.

    Usually, however, the only women who held important titles were priestesses. known to history simply as Cleopatra, was the last active pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt, shortly survived as pharaoh by her son Caesarion. After her reign, Egypt became a province of the then recently established Roman Empire. (i've writen more because we know more about cleopatra)

  18. Hannahbirthdaygirl1 October 2015 at 13:42

    Hatshepsut : Hatshepsut was a ruler or Pharaoh.
    she dressed like a man. she dressed like a man because it was religion she was a female and female's weren't aloud to be Pharaoh's
    facts about Hatshepsut:

    she reigned over 30 years
    She reigned peaceably, building temples and monuments, resulting in the flourish of Egypt.
    she only had a daughter
    Cleopatra: Cleopatra was married to roman emperor Julius Caesar and roman general Mark Antony
    Nefertiti was Akhenaten wife and tutankhamun mum
    Nefertiti was very beautiful

  19. cleopatra:

    Cleopatra VII was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty, ruling Egypt from 51 BC - 30 BC. She is celebrated for her beauty and her love affairs with the Roman warlords Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.


    …King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti introduced a completely new religion to ancient Egypt and were worshipped as gods on Earth. So why did it come to a sudden and mysterious end?…
