Friday 11 September 2015

Homework due Thursday, 17th September


We have started our topic on Ancient Egypt with a focus on people’s achievements from that era. Please research Tutankhamun and find five facts about him to post on the blog. What did he achieve in his time as pharaoh?


  1. I can't wait to read your facts!

  2. 1. Pharaohs were kings or queens of Egypt.
    2. Most Pharaohs were men but some well known Pharaohs, such as Nefertiti and Cleopatara.
    3. The fist Pharaoh of Egypt was Barmer sometimes called Menes.
    4. A Pharaoh often had several wives but only one was queen.
    5. The most famous Egyptian pharaoh today is , without doubt , Tutankhamun .

    1. It's great to see you have found out so much and written in your own words.

    2. I was going to write loads more bit only 5 facts so I picked the intestine ones

    3. Legand has that you open tomb you will suffer the wrath of the mommy. Some people have opened it and have had bad luck

  3. 1 Tutankhamun was only king for about ten years before dying in his late teens. It was estidemated that he ruled from 1333 bc to1324 bc.

    2 Cat scanes on Tuankhamun body in 2005 revealed that the king was five foot, 8 inches

    3 Leagans has it ,anyone how opened the tomb will sufer the wrath of a mummy.

    4 There is no postive edvice Tuankhamun's mummy as to how he met his death.

    5 forensic analysis of his mummy has put his age at death at about 18.

  4. Tutankhamen was the Egyptian pharaoh of the 18 dynasty during period of the Egyptian history know as the new Kingdom. He is colloquially referredto a king tu

  5. Five facts about Tutankhamun
    1. he was only eight or nine when he became ruler of Egypt.

    2. Tutankhamun was 5 foot and eight inches [180cm].

    3. He was only king for about ten years before dying.

    4. Tutankhamun ruled from 1333bc to 1324bc

    5. He was born in about the year 1346bc

    1. How would you feel if you became king aged 9?

  6. Facts about Tutankhamen

    Fact One
    Tutankhamen was only eight or nine when he became ruler of Egypt. As King at such a young age, most of the decision-making was made by two senior figures, likely to have been Ay (father of Nefertiti) and Horemheb, an army commander.
    Fact Two Over the years, scientists has used available technology to determine the cause of Tutankhamen’s death. The two most popular theories about his death are that he suffered a blow to the back of the head, either accidentally or deliberately (in other words, murder), or that he broke or fractured his leg which became infected - an infection that led to his death possibly only days later.
    Fact Three
    Tutankhamen was born Tutankhaten. Akhenaten, Tutankhamen’s father, wanted Egyptians to worship one god, the Sun God Aten, instead of the multitude of gods they already worshipped and the main deity Amun. The "Aten" at the end of Tutankhamen and Akhenaten's names refers to this (Akhenaten means "servant of the Aten" and Tutankhaten means "Living image of Aten"). Akhenaten's changes weren't too popular, so when Tutankhaten was in charge, he changed things back to how they were, reopening the various closed temples around the country, and changing his name to Tutankhamen. Incidentally, Akhenaten's original name before he started making changes was Amenhotep IV.

    Fact four
    Despite being one of the most well known of the Egyptian pharaohs to modern people, evidence of Tutankhamen’s reign was obliterated shortly after his death. The ruler of Egypt after the death of Tutankhamen’s successor was Horemheb, who replaced Tutankhamen’s name with his own on many monuments bearing Tutankhamen’s name.

    Fact Five
    Egyptologist Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamen’s tomb on 4th November 1922. It was so well preserved that we are able to get a more complete insight of Tutankhamen’s life due. Tutankhamen’s remains are still contained in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings at Luxor, Egypt. His famous burial mask is on public display in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (in the only air-conditioned room in the building!).

    Fact Six CAT scans on Tutankhamen’s body in 200 CAT scans on Tutankhamen’s body in 2005 revealed that the king was about 5 foot , 8 inches tall ( 180cm ). He was a slight build but was well nourished.

    Fact Seven Tutankhamen and his wife had no children, although Ankhesenpaaten did miscarry twice. The bodies of two stillborn baby girls were mummified and placed in Tutankhamen’s tomb in small coffins.

  7. Five facts that are essential to know about Tutankhamun:

    1. King Tutankhamun began his reign when he was only nine years old (1370 B.C.E.) and finished it when he was eighteen (which is when his death took place (1352 B.C.E.).

    2. King Tutankhamun (also pronounced as [toot-aka-men] in Egyptian) was famous because of the amazing treasures that were discovered in his tomb in 1922, along with him (discovered by an English man called Howard Carter).

    3. Over the years, we also found that he had a broken leg, a fractured heel, a developing disease and malaria (an illness caused by mosquitoes).

    4. King Tutankhamun loved sport and his favourite ones were hunting (the most dangerous sport), fishing (he loved sitting in the wooden boats) and chariot racing(the second-most dangerous sport).

    5. King Tutankhamun( also known as the ‘Boy King’ for the shortest reign ever held) was discovered in a tomb buried in the Valley of the Kings along with other notable pharaohs and their beloved treasures.

    1. I didn't know about the sports that he loved!

  8. Tutankhamun is a great Egyptian pharaoh of 1332 BC to 1323 BC reign. His original name is Tutankhaten which means ‘Living Image of Aten’. He had reigned for nine years. Tutankhamun was the son of Akhenaten and one of Akhenaten's sister or perhaps one of his cousins. As a prince he was known as Tutankhaten. He was ascended to the throne in 1333 BC, at the age of nine or ten, taking the throne name Nebkheperure.
    When he became king he married his half-sister, the king initiated building projects in Thebes as part of restorations and he dedicated a temple to Amun. He erected many monuments and there is an inscription written on his tomb door which declares that the king had spent his life in fashioning the images of gods and many traditional festivals were again celebrated such as Apis Bull, Horemakhet and Opet.
    The country became economically weak following the reign of Akhenaten. When Tutankhamun ascended the throne everything became good in his reign. He achieved this by changing the worship of God Aten to God Amun to supremacy. His success was appreciated by many other countries by giving him gifts. In spite of his efforts for improved relations with neighboring countries there were many battles with Nubians and Asiatics. He died at the age of 19 because of his physical disabilities, he used to walk with a cane.
    Tutankhamun was buried in a small tomb as he died unexpectedly. Because of his unexpected death he was in his tomb after 70 days. Unfortunately his tomb got robbed 2 times and his tombs location got lost and buried under stone chips and flooding occurred evidently his tomb is in the valley of kings.

    1. What is the most interesting thing you found out?

    2. That Tutankhamun changed the worship of gods.

  9. 1. Tutankhamun was born in the fascinating year 1346 BC (before christ).
    2. He reigned from the year 1337 BC ; he was only nine! sadly i don't know why he was in line to the throne when he was so young.
    3. They say king Tut was killed by his uncle I but research has revealed that it could have only been because of a broken leg.
    4. King Tutankhamen was discovered in his tomb on the 4th November 1922 by a man called Howard Carter.
    5. He was famed for many things Tutankhamun. But mainly because they found treasures in his tomb.
    By Elliot

    1. Good work. How would you feel if you became king aged 9?

  10. 1. Tutankhamun was born in the fascinating year 1346 BC (before christ).
    2. He reigned from the year 1337 BC ; he was only nine! sadly i don't know why he was in line to the throne when he was so young.
    3. They say king Tut was killed by his uncle I but research has revealed that it could have only been because of a broken leg.
    4. King Tutankhamen was discovered in his tomb on the 4th November 1922 by a man called Howard Carter.
    5. He was famed for many things Tutankhamun. But mainly because they found treasures in his tomb.
    By Elliot

  11. Tutankhamun was only eight or nine when he became ruler of Egypt. As King at such a young age, most of the decision-making was made by two senior figures, likely to have been Ay (father of Nefertiti) and Horemheb, an army commander.

    Tutankhamun was only King for about ten years before dying in his late teens. It was estimated that he ruled from 1333 BC to1324 BC.

    Over the years, scientists have used available technology to determine the cause of Tutankhamun's death. The two most popular theories about his death are that he suffered a blow to the back of the head, either accidentally or deliberately (in other words, murder), or that he broke or fractured his leg which became infected - an infection that led to his death possibly only days later.

    Tutankhamun may have married one of his half-sisters. It is thought that Tutankhamun's father was Akhenaten. Akhenaten was married to Nefertiti, who bore him six daughters. Akhenaten also had a lesser wife, Kira, who is believed to have given birth to Tutankhamun. It is thought that Tutankhamun married Ankhesenpaaten, one of the daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Confused?

    Tutankhamun was born Tutankhaten. Akhenaten, Tutankhamun's father, wanted Egyptians to worship one god, the Sun God Aten, instead of the multitude of gods they already worshipped and the main deity Amun. The "Aten" at the end of Tutankhaten and Akhenaten's names refers to this (Akhenaten means "servant of the Aten" and Tutankhaten means "Living image of Aten"). Akhenaten's changes weren't too popular, so when Tutankhaten was in charge, he changed things back to how they were, reopening the various closed temples around the country, and changing his name to Tutankhamun. Incidentally, Akhenaten's original name before he started making changes was Amenhotep IV.

  12. King Tut lived around 1343 to 1323 BC, and because he was only ten years old when he became a pharaoh, he was called the ‘boy king’. King Tut’s father was the pharaoh Akhenaten. This pharaoh made complete changes to the religion of Egypt, getting rid of their idea of many gods and changing their worship to one god: Aten, the sun god. He became unpopular with the people of Egypt and the priests of the many temples, especially when he destroyed the images of all of the other gods. When he died, many people removed his image and name, hoping everyone would forget about him.

    The reason that Tutankhamun is so well known today is that his tomb, containing fabulous treasures, was found early this century (1922) by British archaeologists Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon.He was buried in a hastily prepared tomb in the Valley of the Kings at Thebes, the traditional burial place of his predecessors. The person responsible for his burial, and shown on one of the walls in Tutankhamun's tomb, was Ay who succeeded him on the Egyptian throne.

    The small tomb contained hundreds of objects (now housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo), many richly decorated and covered in gold, that would be needed by the king in his afterlife.

    Tutankhamun's Treasures

    Over 3,000 treasures were placed in the tomb to help Tutankhamen in his afterlife, and the walls of the burial chamber were painted with scenes of his voyage to the afterworld.

  13. When and where was Tutankhamun born?

    Tutankhamun was probably born at Akhetaten which was the capital city of Egypt. He was born in about the year 1346 BC.

    At what age did Tutankhamun become a Pharaoh?

    He became pharaoh at the tender age of nine in 1337 BC and reigned during the 18th Dynasty when the Egyptian Empire was at its height. He reigned from about 1337 to 1328 BC.
    His tomb was discovered by a team of British archaeologists in 1922, nearly 3000 years after his death.

    Why is Tutankhamun so famous?

    The reason that Tutankhamun is so well known today is that his tomb, containing fabulous treasures, was found early this century (1922) by British archaeologists Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon.

    When was Tutankhamun's tomb discovered?

    The tomb of Egypt's boy-king Tutankhamun was discovered on November 4, 1922 by English archaeologist Howard Carter.

    Who was Howard Carter?

    Howard Carter was born in 1874 in Norfolk, England. His father named Samuel Carter was an artist who taught Howard Carter the fundamentals of drawing and painting.

    How did Howard Carter know where to look?

    Several finds made in the Valley of the Kings over the years led Howard Carter to believe that the king was still somewhere in the Valley.

    Carter believed he found clues to Tutankhamun in the discoveries made by Theodore Davis. Davis had found a cup and other fragments bearing the name of Tutankhamen and his queen.

    Where was Tutankhamun buried?

    He was buried in a hastily prepared tomb in the Valley of the Kings at Thebes, the traditional burial place of his predecessors. The person responsible for his burial, and shown on one of the walls in Tutankhamun's tomb, was Ay who succeeded him on the Egyptian throne.

    Quick Fact : The first of a flight of 16 descending steps was found on 4 November 1922, just in front and to the north side of the entrance to the tomb of Ramesses VI.

    The Valley of the Kings in Upper Egypt contains many of the tombs of pharaohs from the New Kingdom, including Tutankhamun and Ramesses the Great.

    What did they find inside the Tomb?

    The small tomb contained hundreds of objects (now housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo), many richly decorated and covered in gold, that would be needed by the king in his afterlife.

    Tutankhamun's Treasures

    Over 3,000 treasures were placed in the tomb to help Tutankhamen in his afterlife, and the walls of the burial chamber were painted with scenes of his voyage to the afterworld.

    When did Tutankhamun die?

    Tutankhamun reigned for around 9 years, making him about 18 when he died.

    How did Tutankhamun die?

    There is no positive evidence on Tutankhamun's mummy as to how he met his death.

    During an x-ray of the mummy in 1968, scientists found bone fragments in Tut's skull, prompting a sensational theory that the boy king had been bludgeoned to death.

    Another recent theory is that King Tutankhamun wasn't murdered after all, but died from a broken leg. According to National Geographic (December 2006) a new CT scan of King Tutankhamun's mummy "showed a thin coating of embalming resin around the leg break, suggesting that Tut broke his leg just before he died and that his death may have resulted from an infection or other complications."

    What was Tut's funeral like?

    Tutankhamun died suddenly and so his burial was arranged in haste.

    1. What is the most interesting thing about Tutankhamun?

  14. 1.Tutankhamun reigned as pharaoh of Egypth for nine years, beginning around 1332 BC. 2.He change his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun. 3.He wed historia his half-sister Ankhesenpaaten at the agencja of nine. 4. Tutankhamun have only 18 years old when he died, and his body was mummifie. 5. Tutankhamuns body in 2005 revealed that the King was about 5 foot,8 inches tell (180). By Kamil

    1. How would you feel if you became king aged 9?

  15. tutkamaun was born in 1346 he married his half sister he was king of egipt he died of an infection at 18 he was 9 when he became king at 9 Raheem ka

    1. Interesting facts, Raheem. Remember to use capital letters and full stops!

  16. 1. he was 8 or 9 when he becam pharoh

    2.he was kings for 10 years

    3. he died from leg infecion

    4. he married his half sister

    5. he and wife did't have any kids

  17. Tutankhamun was only eight or nine when he became ruler of Egypt. As King at such a young age, most of the decision-making was made by two senior figures, likely to have been Ay (father of Nefertiti) and Horemheb, an army commander.

    Tutankhamun was only King for about ten years before dying in his late teens. It was estimated that he ruled from 1333 BC to1324 BC.

    Over the years, scientists have used available technology to determine the cause of Tutankhamun's death. The two most popular theories about his death are that he suffered a blow to the back of the head, either accidentally or deliberately (in other words, murder), or that he broke or fractured his leg which became infected - an infection that led to his death possibly only days later.

    Tutankhamun may have married one of his half-sisters. It is thought that Tutankhamun's father was Akhenaten. Akhenaten was married to Nefertiti, who bore him six daughters. Akhenaten also had a lesser wife, Kira, who is believed to have given birth to Tutankhamun. It is thought that Tutankhamun married Ankhesenpaaten, one of the daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Confused?

    Tutankhamun was born Tutankhaten. Akhenaten, Tutankhamun's father, wanted Egyptians to worship one god, the Sun God Aten, instead of the multitude of gods they already worshipped and the main deity Amun. The "Aten" at the end of Tutankhaten and Akhenaten's names refers to this (Akhenaten means "servant of the Aten" and Tutankhaten means "Living image of Aten"). Akhenaten's changes weren't too popular, so when Tutankhaten was in charge, he changed things back to how they were, reopening the various closed temples around the country, and changing his name to Tutankhamun. Incidentally, Akhenaten's original name before he started making changes was Amenhotep IV.


  18. I Researched 5 facts about Tutankhamun:

    fact 1: when people took of Tutankhamun death mask there was a mark...the same mark that Lord canarron got when he died. The Day Tutankhamuns tomb opend a bird was eaten by a Snake. People belived there was a curse...

    Fact 2: His wife had 2 babies but she had problems with giving birth to them. Sadly when they were born they died and were buried with their dad in his tomb.

    Fact 3: Tutankhamun death happened he was only 18 or 19. He became king at the age of 8 or 9.

    Fact 4: Tutankhamun's dad believed in the sun god but his son worshipped all gods. So when Tutankhamun's dad died he allowed the people to worship all gods again.

    Fact 5: TUtankhamun's tomb was discovered by Howerd Carter on November 24th 1922.

    By Carlos

  19. Tutankhamun became pharaoh at the tender age of nine in 1339.Nobody knows how Tutankhamun died.Tutankhamun was so famus because when explores found his tomb it was full of beautifule,glisening and fabulus jewlery.Placed in his tomb to help him in his afterlife.Howard Carter was born in 1874 in Norfolk, England. His father named Samuel Carter was an artist who taught Howard Carter the fundamentals of drawing and painting.

    by Maria

    1. How would you feel if you became pharaoh aged 9?

  20. tutankharmun was 9 when he became pharoh
    tutankharmun married his sister
    tutankharmun had a broken foot
    tutankharmun died when he was a teen
    no one knows how he died from infection or murder

    1. Well dohe, Mikolaj! Remember to use capital letters and full stops.

  21. 1.
    Tutankhamun was nine he became a king of egypt .
    Tutankhamun and his wife did not have children.

    Tutankhamun's found his body in 2005 revealed that the king was about 5 foot
    8 inches tall(180cm) .
    Tutankhamun was only king for about ten years befor dying in late teens.It was
    estimated that he ruled from 1333 bc to 1324 bc .
    Legend has it, anyone who dares
    to open the tomb will suffer wrath of the mummy

    by Ola

    1. Thank you Miss Davies
      from Ola

  22. 1. Tutankhamun was only nine when he became ruler of Egypt which is very young to be a king.

    2.He married his half sister,Ankhesenpaaten, who later changed her name to Ankhesenamun.

    3.King tut is roughly 180 cm (5ft 11) tall.

    4. His original name was Tutankhaten.

    5. King tut only ruled for 10 years.

    6.People think that he was either murdered or died from a leg injury.

    1. How would you feel if you became king aged 9?

  23. Tutankhamun was an ancient Egyptian Pharoah and was born at about 1346 BC. He was born as Tutankhaten. His father was called Akhenaten and was also a Pharoah. Tutankhamuns father Akhenaten always wanted people to worship just one God, called Aten who was the Sun God. He did not want people to worship lots of Gods, this made his father unpopular with people.

    Tutankhamun was about 9 years old when he became Pharoah. His wife was called Ankhesenpaaten. Tutankhamuns most important achievement was that he changed the religion back to believing in the almighty God called Ra, and not Ra and Amun which was two different Gods merged into one. Tutankhamun constructed lots of temples around Egypt and decorated them beautifully and he also moved the capital city to Memphis.

    Tutenkhamun died at about 18 years old, he was king for just about 10 years. When he died people said that he was actually murdered by his Grand father in law, so that he could marry his Grand daughter and become King himself. But Scientists believe that he actually died of a leg infection.

    King's Tut's tomb was found in November 1922 by a British man called Howard Carter and his tomb had lots of secret treasures in it. Tutankhamun is the most famous pharoah today.

    By Zarah

    1. What is the most interesting thing about Tutankhamun?

    2. I think one of the most interesting things is that Tutankhamun became
      king at such a young age Miss Davies .


  24. By Ola Tutankhamun
    Tutankhamun was nine he became a king of egypt .
    Tutankhamun and his wife did not have children.

    Tutankhamun's found his body in 2005 revealed that the king was about 5 foot
    8 inches tall(180cm) .
    Tutankhamun was only king for about ten years befor dying in late teens.It was
    estimated that he ruled from 1333 bc to 1324 bc .
    Legend has it, anyone who dares to open the tomb will sufferwrath of the mummy.
    to open the tomb will suffer wrath of the mummy.
