Thursday 17 September 2015

Homework due Friday, 25th September

Homework: Week beginning 21st September 2015

This homework is all due by Friday 25th September.

Spellings:    ough  


Look, cover, write and then check. Spellings will be tested in school on Fridays.
Mathletics:   Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics.

This week we have been looking at multiplying and dividing by multiples of ten, i.e. 10, 100, 1000.



Literacy: Stories with Mystery and Suspense.

 Please read the paragraph below. Can you edit it and up level it to improve it. Think about your Suspense Toolkit.  (You can change as much as you like BUT you must keep the main characters the same!)
Literacy.   A  suspense story.


It was night time. It was raining. The cat saw a fox. He was frightened. He ran away and hid. The fox looked for the cat.

He didn’t know where it had gone. The cat stayed quiet. “I hope he doesn’t see me” said the cat.


The fox went away. The cat looked to see if it was safe. The rain was getting worse. He didn’t want to go out in the rain, but he wanted to get somewhere safe.


Edit and up level the story and think of an ending!  Can you give your story a title?


Do you agree or disagree with each child’s statement? Why?


Useful websites:

BBC Bitesize clips      and    BBC Stargazing clips


Next week we will be looking at the discovery of Tutankhamun’s Tomb. Watch this video clip.

What are the Egyptian authorities planning to do? Why? Do you agree (or disagree)?


  1. In 1922 Tutankhamuns tomb was found and ever since people have been going to see the tomb. After 9 decade the tomb survived but now there is a Promblem the tombs walls are slowly starting to cracking because of......HUMAN BREATH. The walls are starting to expand because of human breath.

  2. In 1922 Tutankhamuns tomb was found and ever since people have been going to see the tomb. After 9 decade the tomb survived but now there is a Promblem the tombs walls are slowly starting to cracking because of......HUMAN BREATH. The walls are starting to expand because of human breath.

  3. By watching the video clip it is very interesting to see what Tutankhamun's tomb actually looks like!

    I think the authorities are planning to limit the number of people going in to see the tomb at the same time. This is because all the air being produced is creating the walls inside to expand and contract, meaning the walls are moving and cracking. The authorities need to stabilise the conditions inside as it has really got worse since the tomb was discovered by Howard Carter over 9 decades ago.

    I agree with this plan because if they don't stabilise the walls then the tomb might collapse, and Tutankhamun's tomb will be destroyed forever.

    By Zarah

  4. King Tutankhamun’s Tomb

    Tutankhamun’s tomb is well known for its unstolen treasures, but there’s something that concerns the Egyptian authorities; the fact that there’s a chance of the tomb collapsing! The authorities are planning to close the tomb for tourists because our human breath is what is causing damage to the tomb walls. Basically, what is happening to the walls is that the temperature of the tomb is increasing on a daily basis which means that the walls can no longer breathe ( expand and contract ). The painting on the walls then crumbles off, because of the amount if salt crystals surrounding it. This means that the tomb might collapse in a few years time. I disagree with the fact they’re closing the tomb because this amazing attraction should be seen by everyone and you might forget about the ‘Boy king’ Tutankhamun if they close it down forever. Instead there are two alternate ways that I’ve thought up:
    1. Make a glass boundary for everyone to stand and see the tomb
    2. Close the tomb for a little while so you can repaint the designs with non-damageable paint

  5. Howard carter went to the valley of the kings and spent a hard ten years he became lucky and stumbled and found the tomb in1922 and the tomb stayed here for 3000 years and tutankhamun was the most well knowed king.

    1. I like yours gutij ps i like everyone's

  6. What are the Egyptian authorities planning ?: they are planning to close Tutankhamun's tomb.

    Why?: because so many people are ruining Tutankhamun's tomb with their breath.

    Do you agree or disagree?: they should let people visit because its an important part of history.

    By Carlos

  7. 1.trying to find out why his tomb was intakrd

    2.because all the others was robbed

    3. yes

    1. I think you forgot to write your name

  8. Tutankhamun's tomb

    The Egyptian authorities are planning to close the tomb.

    The reason they are planning to close the tomb is because of our very own human breath, which is damaging the walls.

    I agree because if more people enter his ancient tomb will collapse, just until the problem is fixed.

  9. I think that the authorities are trying to find out why his tomb's walls are cracking because of human breath. I think they are doing this because his tomb is special as it was the only one that was found complete. I do agree because then if they find out why human breath is causing the walls to break they can maybe prevent it from happening.

  10. King Tutankhamen’s Tomb

    King Tutankhamen's tomb is the most famous tomb yet. This is because of all his unstolen treasures. Well know theres a problem starting to occur considering our breath. After nine decades King Tut's tomb is starting to rot and could collapse. The authorities are thinking to close the tomb to stop the tomb from falling down and injuring people. If we want the tomb to stay open then when go inside where going to stop breathing but that could be a problem as we need to breathe.Now i disagree that they should close the tomb as it tells a lot of of facts and it is very amazing. I know that not many people have been able to see it as Egypt is a bit far away. I hope this marvellous attraction will stay up as it is very beautiful.

  11. I think that they want to know why the breath is cracking the walls.Maybe they could shut the tomb somedays to prevent as much cracking. It is strange that the walls are also lacking from it moving further away from the bedrock. I agree with the authorities because it could prevent walls cracking any more then they already have.

    By Elliot

  12. Tutankhamuns tomb

    The Egyptian authorities are planning to close the attraction because of our own breath. Our breath is making the wall to fall apart.The walls will just collapse on people .Tutankhamuns tomb is over 3000 years old and discovered by Howard carter. Howard carter found it in 1932.Lots of people come to see it every year.

    1. That is really good Arjan I did not no that

  13. The tomb of Tutankhamen is 3000 years old.It was in perfect condition when it was discovered.Since it is opened for visitors,its walls are heavily damaged due to human body heat and breath.
    The walls of the tomb can not breath and contracts by build up crystals behind them.

  14. Human breath is whats making the walls fall apart.So authorities are planning to close it.It was found by Howard Carter.

    I agree with it being closed because it might collapse and not even exist anymore.

  15. The Egyptian authorities are thinking of shutting down the tomb for a while because of human breath damaging the walls of the tomb and making them collapse. This is because of our breath making the temperature hotter in the tomb. After being unrevealed for 3000 years the walls had hardened but they are falling apart again.

  16. Ancient Egyptians.
    The builders who are looking at the toom are planning to either demolish the toom or they are going to repair it only because the toom is to small and it is dangerous for the tourist to look around the toom. It is dangerous and can cause a hasered because therer are sugar Cristal's and mold in the toom cause of everyone's breath when they breath on the wall and it is also bad for the tourist to inhale it because they can die. I agree with what they are saying that it should either be demolished or repared because one it is to small and two it is better to do that because you don't want the tourist to die but you also want to keep them safe. By Jasleen

  17. Tutankhamuns tomb is planing to be closed,because the human breath is making it warm as then the walls can not breath and they are cracking.

    I agree on that idea because then a big artifact will be lost.

    Unless they film the whole inside so that young people can sees how it was inside of Tutankhamuns tomb and the paintings.

    By Maria

  18. My true opinion is that I believe both sides. They should close it for 6 months only as in that time they will be able to identify what is going on in the Tutankhamen. However, tourists, archeologists and locals would love to visit the young King's tomb. If it is closed for too long people won't have access to the right information about the Egyptians and may lose interest in them easily. This will be bad for Egypt's Economy especially if there are less tourists.

  19. Tutankhamen is famous right now because of all his treasures in his tomb. In ancient Egypt he was not famous. He died at age 18. Some people say that his uncle killed him. I believe that statement.

  20. they are planing to shut down Tutankhamen's tomb as the walls are being collapsed by HUMAN BREATH. I dissagree because we can were maskes.
    ps optional.
