Tuesday 23 February 2016

Chick Diary!

What an exciting start to the term! Our new Science topic is 'Life Cycles' and we had a special delivery on Monday: 10 eggs almost ready to hatch. We have studied the life cycle of birds and explored the inside and outside of unfertilised eggs so that we understand how they can help a chick to grow and develop.

Today we discussed how most chicken eggs hatch 21 days after fertilisation. We received them on day 19 and they looked like this:

We looked at them this morning (Day 20) and could see a few small cracks in some of the eggs. We could even hear the odd chirp from inside the eggs!

By the end of the day one of the cracks had got bigger. I don't think it will be long before we have some hatchlings! 

Day 21: We have some hatchlings! When we arrived at school this morning, seven out of the ten eggs had hatched and we were lucky enough to watch the eighth hatch just before lunch.

The chicks are getting bigger!


  1. i was full of
    excitement when i heard the ews

    1. I was excited too and they were cute and fluffy. It was wonderful to hold them!

  2. We saw on day 20 that they were eggs and I was excited through out the day one of them was hatching on day 21 7 of them hatched and we saw one of them actually hatching and coming out of its egg having chicks are wonderful and I'm so delighted to see 10 of them actually in are classroom

  3. The eggs were fascinating to examine and report on. Especially when everyone was so eager to see them hatch.
    But now they have hatched I can't wait to have a close look at them by holding them, it will be really exciting!

  4. Hi everyone in our class 5md we have babby chicks!!!! We have ten all together, 8 of our little nestlings have hatched now we are just waiting for two more to hatch and we can not wait. The nestlings arrived on Monday evening and they were moved from the trays and we put them in a warm cossy incubator for the nestlings to hatch and fell comfortable and now eight of them have hatched so we have moved them into a bigger incubatter with food, water and a lamp to keep them warm. We are so excited!!!!!!!!

  5. It is really sad to see the chicks go. They are so cute!
