Sunday 28 February 2016

Topic homework

Our next topic is the Anglo Saxons. They invaded Britain. What can you find out about them?  You may want to ‘Google’ about all/some of the following:

•     WHO - Who they were and where they came from. Why did they come to Britain? What did they do? What was their biggest achievement?

•     RELIGION - Which religion did they follow? What did they then become?

What is a monastery? Where were the most famous ones? Anglo Saxon Saints – St Augustine, St Aidan, St Bede and St Cuthbert.

•     ART / BUILDINGS – What kind of art and buildings did they leave behind?


  1. The Anglo Saxons where people how inhabited Great Britain from the 5 century.The Romans moved out of Britain so then the Anglo Saxons decided to come in.The Anglo Saxons lived in villages.

  2. The Anglo-Saxons

    The Anglo-Saxons were people who inhabited Britain in the 5th century. They comprised from tribes in Germany. The two main tribes where the Angles and Saxons. Thus we get anglo- saxons. The angles settled in the south of England and the saxons settled in the north.

    Anglo-Saxon Religon

    When the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain they were pagans who believed in spirits.
    As time passed they became christian.

  3. Anglo-Saxons:
    By Nimla!!!

    who were they?
    They were 3 tribes Anglo,Saxons and Jude. The Anglo-Saxons ruled at the dark ages. it is called the dark ages because the Roman left to help there country Italy therefore England was sad as the Romans were there only protection.

    why did they come to Britain?

    It is believed that the Anglo-Saxons invaded because of climate change in Germany because in those times Germany flooded a lot so they came over to England because our weather was much warmer.

    What did they do?

    They built houses and devolved tools. they also invaded more countries like Kent.

    What was there biggest achievement?

    There biggest achievement was probably invading England.

    What religion did they follow and what did they become?

    Most of them where Christians so therefore they became priests and
    religious people.

    What is a monastery?

    A monastery is probably a religious place they go to prey or worship there leader.

    Where were the famous ones?

    the famous ones where probably in the monastery.

    What kind of art and buildings did they leave behind?

    they left behind pottery and wall paintings. Also structures of a few houses and buildings.

  4. The Anglo-Saxons were made of three tribes they were called the Angles,Saxons and the Jutes.The Anglo-Saxons were warrior farmers.They were Christians and they built monasterys.Monasterys were buildings were people lived and worshiped in.The most famous three are Saint Catherine's monastery,EI Escorial and Meteora.The
    Anglo-Saxons lived in small wooden or stone houses and there art was fabulous.

  5. Anglo saxons

    The Anglo saxons were first known as three diferent tribes the Angles,Saxons and the Jutes.Then they joined all together and were called the Anglo saxons.The tribes had the same language.Some of them come from north-western Europe.The Anglo saxons loved art and sometimes they would make art out of stained glass.

  6. The Anglo-Saxons were people who inhabited great britan from the fifth century. They comprised people from their Germanic tribes who migrated to the the island from continental Europe. They lived in northern of Germany,Denmark and the Netherlands. Along with the Anglo-Saxons was the pagans who built monastery's and beloved very deeply in religion they had several gods:
    God of immortality
    God of birth
    God of love
    God of death
    God of cunning
    God of family
    God of Thunder
    God of war
    God of the sea
    God of metalworking and chief God

    By Carlos

  7. the Anglo Saxons were people who inhabited Britain in the 5th century.The Anglo Saxons were made from different tribes all with a different leader.There were tribes such as Saxons,Jutes and Anglo.They came to Britain because of climate change and the Romans had left some precious stuff.The Anglo Saxons had outstanding peices of art.They used to decorate stuff such as jewellery.

  8. Who were the Anglo Saxon?
    The Anglo Saxons were warrior farmers,they loved to fight and were very fierce.
    Where did they come from?
    The Anglo Saxons came from Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands.
    What did they do?
    The Anglo-Saxons took control of most of Britain, although they never conquered Scotland, Wales and Cornwall. They settle in England in places near to rivers or the sea, which could be easily reached by boat. One of the places they settled in was Tonbridge, in Kent. Tonbridge was an ideal place to settle as it was on the main track from Hastings to London and has a river.
    Why did they come?
    They came to Britain because floods had started in their real homes and Britons temperatures were OK to handle.
    What was their biggest achievement?
    Their biggest achievement was the art and monasteries they had made, Nuns and Monks used to teach the monasteries as they were the only well educated people.
    Which religion did they follow?
    The Anglo-Saxons were pagans when they came to Britain.
    What did they then become?
    they gradually converted to Christianity.
    What is a monastry?
    Monasteries were places where men could go and devote their entire life to God.
    Where were the most famous ones?
    St Augustine,Augustine was the prior of a monastery in Rome
    St Aidan,Aidan of Lindisfarne was an Irish monk and missionary credited with restoring Christianity to Northumbria.
    St Bede,Saint Bede or the Venerable Bede , was an English monk at the monastery of Saint Peter at Monkwearmouth and its companion monastery possibly from monkton St Cuthbert, Saint Cuthbert was a saint of the early Northumbrian church in the Celtic tradition. He was a monk, bishop and hermit, associated with the monasteries of Melrose and Lindisfarne in what might loosely be termed the Kingdom of Northumbria in the North East of England
    What kind of art and buildings did they leave behind?
    At least fifty churches are of Anglo-Saxon origin with major Anglo-Saxon architectural features.

  9. The Anglo Saxons came from denmark to england because there was less flooding here. they all came to britain in boats. they had 3 different tribes the angles saxons and judes. They were all christians and built millions of monestrys. They split england into different sections.

  10. they came because they wanted to get away from floods climate change and slavery they bulit monsterys building and churchs and beutiful art by raheem ka

  11. The Anglo Saxons were different tribes - three different tribes- the Angles the Saxons and the Jutes. They all attacked different parts of England and ruled for themselves. They came to England because of England's good climate. They also had many monks and nuns who helped make almost all the people in England Christians. There were some main saints who travelled to the Anglo Saxon England to introduce the Christianity religion who were: St Augustine, St Aidan, St Bede and St Cuthbert. The Monks and Nuns who ruled the Churches normally made beautiful art out of glass and card. Some of this we still have today. Also the monasteries and churches are still standing today from the time of the Anglo Saxons. They did make some wonderful things. It’s a shame we don’t have them today!

  12. The Anglo Saxons came from Germany. They made schools and better things for England. The Anglo Saxons came to Britain because Britain had better climate and had no defence seen as the Romans had left.

    The Anglo Saxons left old buildings behind that you can still see today.

    By Zarah

  13. Who were the Anglo Saxons and where did they come from?
    The Angles and the Saxon tribes were the largest of the three attacking tribes and so we often know them as Anglo-Saxons. They shared the same language but were each ruled by different strong warriors. The Anglo Saxons were Warrior Farmers too. The Anglo Saxons came from northern Germany,Denmark and they also came from the Netherlands. They sailed across the North Sea in their long ships, which had one sail and many oars. They made a series of attacks on different parts of the country over a period of years and under a number of leaders.
    Why did they come to Britain, what did they do and what were there greatest achievements?
    The Anglo Saxons came to Britain because of better land for farming and growing crops , better climate change, also for a better way to life on earth. The Anglo Saxons arrived in Britain, most of them kept clear of Roman towns. They preferred to live in small villages. However, warrior chiefs knew that a walled city made a good fortress. So some Roman towns, like London, were never completely abandoned.In the tenth and eleventh century, artists in England embraced drawing as never before. In part inspired by the kinetic line, agitated figures, and exuberant drapery of the Utrecht Psalter, which had made its way to England by the year 1000, these Anglo-Saxon artists reveled in the possibilities offered by the pen, creating works of unparalleled humanity, charm, and elegance.
    Which religion did they follow and what religion did they become?
    The Anglo-Saxons were pagans when they came to Britain, but, as time passed, they gradually converted to Christianity. Many of the customs we have in England today come from pagan festivals.
    What is a monastery and which Monasteries where the famous ones?
    A monastery is a building or complex of buildings comprising the domestic quarters and workplaces of monastics, whether monks or nuns, and whether living in communities or alone (hermits). A monastery generally includes a place reserved for prayer which may be a chapel, church or temple, and may also serve as an oratory.

    Monasteries vary greatly in size, comprising a small dwelling accommodating only a hermit, or in the case of communities anything from a single building housing only one senior and two or three junior monks or nuns, to vast complexes and estates housing tens or hundreds. A monastery complex typically comprises a number of buildings which include a church, dormitory, cloister, refectory, library, balneary and infirmary.Saint Cuthbert (c. 634 – 20 March 687) was a saint of the early Northumbrian church in the Celtic tradition. He was a monk, bishop and hermit, associated with the monasteries of Melrose and Lindisfarne in what might loosely be termed the Kingdom of Northumbria in the North East of England.[5] After his death he became one of the most important medieval saints of Northern England, with a cult centred on his tomb at Durham Cathedral. Cuthbert is regarded as the patron saint of northern England. His feast day is 20 March.
    What kind of art and buildings did they leave behind?
    The Anglo Saxons left pottery, wooden cutlery and vessels and some of there weapons.
