Friday 4 March 2016

Topic Homework

The Vikings were another group of people who invaded Britain. Where did they come from? How did they get here?

Research the design of Vikings long ships in preparation for our Design Technology project.

What were they made of?

How big were they?

How did they move?

What were they used for?


  1. Vikings

    The vikings came from Denmark,Norway and sweden.The vikings sailed over in gigantic ships to England.The ships were made out of planks of timber [usually oak].Some ships were used for invasions,cargo and people.

  2. The Vikings

    The Vikings were vicious people who came here from Scandinavia and Denmark. They traveled in narrow boats called longboats. The boats were narrow because many people lived down rivers and it would be expected if they came in from the coast.

    What were they made of?


    How many people could they fit?

    120 people

    How did they move?

    Oars and (maybe woollen) sails

    What were the used for?

    Travelling down rivers and raiding Anglo-Saxons

  3. 1 the boat was made out of oak tree

    2 the boat is 30 meters long and it could carry 60 men

    3 viking used oars to sail the boat

    4 they used the boat for raiding and war.

  4. Vikings
    What were they made of?
    The Vikings’ ships were mainly made out of wood. The sails are unknown as they wore out after all these years but we think they were made out of wool.
    How big were they?
    The Vikings’ ships were narrow in width but were long in length and they could fit up to 120 people.
    How did they move?
    They moved by the power of wind using the sails and travelled very intelligibly.
    What were they used for?
    They were used for travelling and for wars.

    The ships had dragons at the front of the ship to protect them from evil spirits. The ships were made out of wood and they were able to sail in shallow waters so they could sail in rivers and if they were getting chased they could make a good getaway. If there was not enough wind to sail, then the people in the ships would sail it with long oars. The mast could be folded down if there is not any wind to sail the sea or river. The Vikings sailed as close to the coast as possible so they could find their way through major conditions.

    1. Jasleen (Jazzy Frizzle)20 March 2016 at 04:09

      Zunaid there is a lot of information in your description of the Vikings boats or shall I say ships. LOL.

  5. All viking boats were made out of wood. They were usely very very long and could fit around 120 soldiers into the massive boat. They moved by using huge oars and they had sails which could have been made of wool no one knows for sure what they were made of. They were used to sneak down narrow rivers and surprise people before attacking!

  6. The Viking's ships were made of mostly oak wood and a little bit of wool. The bigger ships were about 30 metres long and could hold 60 men. They steered the ship with a rudder. When there was no wind they used oars. The ships were used to raid other base's and because of their size could make quick getaways.

    by Carlos

  7. Vikings came from Denmark, norway, sweden and scandadinavia they built long ships that can fit up to 200 people they had wierd names like skull spliter spine breaker and brain basher by RAHEEM

  8. Viking boats were made of wood, their sails were made of wool but we aren't sure as they rotted away before anyone found them. People believe that the sails had red and white stripes.

    Viking boats were long but not wide they had to be thin so that they could get into tight places. Viking boats were moved by sail if their was wind or oar if the wind was not blowing.The boats were used to get up tight places where people wont expect them.

  9. Ferocious Vikings roamed Europe frightening the days light out of people. However what did they use travel to get to all these places? Well here is the answer. Longships, yes they used long and slim ships that could fit up to 120 people. They were completely wooden except the sails which were thought to be made out of silk. Also the head was normally a fierce creature that was supposed to scare the land but when they came in peace they would remove it. It moved in the sea with the wind and they navigated with the stars and the sun. They were used to carry many people to the country where they wanted to invade. The Vikings were very clever people!

    By Senuda

  10. Viking ships are made out of wood.Vikings use oras to travel around.Viking ships where used for when they wanted to take over a contry.

  11. Viking ships:

    The ships were made out of:

    The ships mass,length

    [Normally] 15 tons

  12. Vikings were warriors there ships were made of wood. They row with oars.
    They invade country's. They also are great warriors.

  13. Jasleen (Jazzy Frizzle)20 March 2016 at 04:07

    The sea devil Vikings.

    The Vikings originated from three different countries of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The Vikings name came from a language which was called Old Norse' and the name Vikings mean's 'a private raid.' The people who went of to raiding in very long ships were known to be said as 'going Viking.' The Viking age in Europeans life cycle was about AD 700 - 1100.
    How did they get there?

    The Viking got to England in long narrow ships. the ships were narrow because many of the people in the Vikings time lived down long rivers and they were normally expected at the cost line.

    What where they used for?

    The Vikings ships were used for raiding in war and they where also used for sailing through shallow water, fishing or to travel short distances.

    how did the Vikings ships move?

    The Vikings ships and the travelled by using the long, strong body mulches like there arms.

    How big were there ships?

    The gargantuan long-ships were about 30 meters long and there humongous long - ships could carry around 60 powerful armed men. The powerful armed men sat on a deck whilst they ate and drank food and wine of what ever that they could find in those days. Meanwhile sailor sat on chest with their belonging in there, rowing the ships either with there arms or sailor sticks.

    What were the Vikings ships made out of?

    Good question. The Vikings ships where made from planks of timber but the ships were usually made out of oak that were overlapped and nailed together tightly so that they did not break. The Vikings boats were all made the same narrow long and strong through the wing and levels of the sea cornices raised and the boat swung side to side and they had shallow draughts.
