Friday 18 March 2016

Homework due Friday, 15th April

Homework: Friday 18th March 2016

This homework is all due by Friday 15th April 2016

Please bring in your boxes and resources on MONDAY 21st March in order to make our Viking ships.

Monday is also Science dress up day- donate £1 to come to school dressed as something scientific.


Mathematics:   Please let your class teacher know if you cannot access Mathletics. There are Mathletics activities set as homework each week.


Reading: You are also expected to read each day. Please record what you have read in your Reading Record each day (i.e. how long you have read or how many pages you have read) and get an adult to sign it. Reading Records will be checked after the Easter holidays.





Next term we will be studying forces. Can you find out what a force is, along with some examples of forces? Have a look at the cartoon on the reverse of this sheet. Why did the apple fall? Do you agree with the girl in the blue hat? Explain why/why not. Why did the apple stop rolling?




After Easter, we will be looking at biographies. What is a biography? What are the features of a biography? Write a biography of your life or find out about the life of your favourite author, sporting star or historical figure and write a biography for them. This should be your own work!




Our next topic is the terrible Tudors! Your task is to find out about the kind of food they ate, what they wore and the kind of activities they might have enjoyed. Use this information to create a leaflet advertising a Tudor banquet. Think carefully about the date of the banquet, who might be hosting it and where it will be held. What will the dress code be and can you provide a menu? Have fun!




  1. did you know that actully telleportation is disintacrating the origanl you and replacing it with a new you just in a diffrent place.

  2. Vegetables was eaten by the poor Tudors and not by the rich Tudors. poor Tudors ate Vegetables,bread,meat and fish from rivers and lakes.

    Rich Tudors ate the poor Tudors meat and more expensive meat like swan,geese,boar and deer (venison).

    some Tudors ate a lot of fresh food because there was no way of storing for later

    People kept animals all year round and would kill them just before they needed to be eaten. This meant that the meat was always fresh.

  3. Everyone in Tudor times would all eat bread and cheese.Tudor England is famous for its beautiful and ornate clothing.Beautiful clothings are to show how wealthy a person is.wealthy people can get cloths made out of silk and fine wool.Rich ladies wore padded skirts held up with loops. Over these went bodices and colourful floor-length gowns.
    Rich men wore white silk shirts, frilled at the neck and wrists.

  4. The force is making the apple fall. But what is the force? GRAVATY. And as we are one the topic ..... in the half term I have been watching some documenterys and did you know tim piek is actually falling really slowly. YES. the satalite system is actually falling.

  5. A biography is a piece of writing written about somone else and not the writer

  6. Like Gurtej said the Tudors did bread and cheese.
