Wednesday 23 March 2016

Science Week!

Post your amazing science facts here:


  1. putting a egg in vinegear turns it to rubber

    1. Hannah loves chocolate!!!!11 April 2016 at 13:39

      putting a egg in coke can make the egg have holes and turn it black with spots

  2. if you did'int no that pluto isint a planet

    from mikolaj & Raheem

    1. Did you mean to say:

      If you didn't know Pluto isn't a planet!

  3. The sun is about 300000 times bigger than earth

  4. did you know that Mars has water on it.

    from Mikolaj

  5. The Earth experiences millions of lightning storms every year, they are incredible discharges of electricity from the atmosphere that can reach temperatures close to 54,000 °F (30,000 °C) and speeds of 60,000 m/s (130,000 mph).

  6. if you put mentos in diet coke it will peform a chemical rection an it will fizz out by raheem ka

  7. scientists finally concluded that the chicken came first not the egg

  8. There are 62,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body – laid end to end they would circle the earth 2.5 times

    by navdeep

  9. A good Science fact will be that vinegar will cause a chemical reaction when mixed with backing soda. It creates a strong gas that can blow up a balloon.


  10. American Benjamin Franklin carried out extensive electricity research in the 18th century, inventing the lightning rod amongst his many discoveries. Lightning rods protect buildings in the event of lightning by conducting lightning strikes through a grounded wire.

  11. If you put an egg in vinegar the shell will break and the egg will turn rubbery. This is because when acitic-acid mixes with calcium carbonate it reacts and makes the egg rubbery.

  12. there is enough DNA in a average persons body to stretch to the sun and pluto back 17 times.
    by abhinav

  13. The Aurora Borealis ( Northern Lights) happens because of the Sun interfering with the Earths atmosphere which makes the green lights. Aurora Borealis is the scientific word for northern lights.

  14. Did you know the average human walks the equivalent of 5 times around the earth in his\her lifetime

  15. Jasleen Jazzy Frizzle23 March 2016 at 02:42

    The diversity of the living world is staggering. More than 2 million existing species of organisms have been named and described; many more remain to be discovered—from 10 million to 30 million, according to some estimates. What is impressive is not just the numbers but also the incredible heterogeneity in size, shape, and way of life—from lowly bacteria, measuring less than a thousandth of a millimeter in diameter, to stately sequoias, rising 100 meters (300 feet) above the ground and weighing several thousand tons; from bacteria living in hot springs.

  16. A 10-Year-Old Accidentally Created in 2012 a New Molecule in Science Class: Tetranitratoxycarbon.

  17. The Sun is over 300000 times larger than earth.The first man was in space in 1957.

  18. The average human body carries 10 times more bacterial cells than human cells.

  19. fire require feul, oxegen and heat to burn by khadija

  20. there are 206 bones in the adult human body and there are 300 in children (as they grow some of the bones fuse together).
