Friday 22 April 2016

Topic homework due Friday, 29th April- to be comlpeted on the blog.

Henry Vlll was a great athlete in his youth. Henry threw the javelin and enjoyed hunting, archery, jousting and tennis. He spoke French, Spanish, Latin and some Italian. He was also good musician. Henry played the lute and harpsichord well and could sing from sight.

Do any of his hobbies apply to you? Are any of his hobbies similar to things that you enjoy doing? Would you have liked to have tried any of his hobbies? Why? 

This is also a chance for you to write a bit of a biography about yourself and tell your classmates what hobbies / things you do, and how good you may be at them!


  1. Henry the VIII seems to have some interesting qualities. I myself would really enjoy archery as a sport. Also tennis in those days might be something I would think about as I play modern tennis. I am better at sports that include rackets or bats. Often I throw balls at walls and catch them when they bounce off. I never get bored of doing sports[I don't think anyone does!].

    1. I don't think anyone does (unless you get frustrated quickly like my bad tempered brother)

    2. That is true!!

    3. you dont get bored playing sport i agree

  2. I love to sing as well as play the guitar,trumpet and recorder.
    I can speak French and a little bit of Spanish. I would like to play tennis and I already do archery ( with a toy bow and arrow obviously)
    When I was little I lived in Pakistan and there was a channel which we used to put on TV and it had songs playing so I would always sing along and I got used to it so when I learnt to talk I also learnt to sing pretty quickly. As I grew up I got into lots of sports such as Basketball-Which I still love-.

    1. I know you like basketball, but do you like football?

    2. You are really good at French probably the best!!

  3. I think hunting with be a good talent because if for some reason you starve you can gather your food. I enjoy tennis. i would like to try the javelin , hunting, archery and jousting.

    Nimla's biography:

    I love sports!! I enjoy a awesome game of minecraft! I enjoy outdoor activities [ sports...] I am personally good at being goalie! Some people may not know but i am a good singer and dancer but don't often show it! if you can't tell i love to have a nice smile on my face! I have a really strong grip . i have pretty good aim

    1. You are great in goal but you never said you were a good singer or dancer (I'm not!)

    2. That is because I like to keep it secrat

    3. Also my cousins think i am a pretty good singer+ dancer but it is rare to find me sing or dance but it is pretty common seeing me dance to watch me whip!11

    4. I agree with Zarah! You really have some hidden talents!!

  4. I never knew that Henry the VIII liked this much sports.I would probably try doing archery and hunting but not javelin.Tennis is also one of my favourite sports but football is WAY better!!!I can speak a bit of french and spanish (including ENGLISH OFCOURSE) but not anything else.

    1. I agree footballs WAY,WAY better!

    2. I also agree football is so much better!!!

  5. None of Henry VIII hobbies apply to me, but I think I might of liked to try jousting as a hobby because I like fighting. I enjoy one of one of King Henry's hobbies wich is hunting as I like looking and finding things.

    By Zarah

    1. I know you love fighting and Ninja Turtles

    2. I think you'd be quite good at jousting,Zarah!!
      (I don't think I would!)

  6. The only Henry VIII sports i like javelin and archery looks quite good. I can speak a bit of french and spanish. I really like tennis but footbal is much much better

  7. I am not good has henry because I am not good at what he is good at but I am good at singing,modelling,communicating,card games

  8. The hobby that apply to is tennis because it really FUN!!!!!! The that i would like to try is artery because it looks fun!!!! People mite allredy know this but i like to collect loads of star wars cards i was the first one in the school to get Obi-wan kenobi force master it is the speail 101 attack and deffence card.I really like to play on this game thing it called a game boy my favourite games are snoopy tennis, star wars,
    tetres, mario and space invadors.

  9. I don't think any of the hobbies that Henry liked apply to me because I like sticking to the sports that most people enjoy such as football and tag rugby.But I would like to try archery because I think it could make my acurecy better.Another sport that I think would be fun is Jousting.

  10. Henry VIII must have liked a lot of sports but I myself am not a very sporty person but I do watch football sometimes and i really enjoy playing tag rugby at school.
    I am not very similar to henry VIII because I'm kind of a video game person because Im into stuff like minecraft and five nights at freddys and super mario games.
    Henry VIII might have liked board games (Im not 100% sure)but Im into board games ALOT and I don't think henry VIII liked books (again not 100% sure) because I love a bit of Roald dahl.
    i am a HUGE Harry Potter fan, i love the books and the films. There weren't any films in tudor times but maybe Henry VIII liked watching plays instead?
    Overall I don't think Im like henry VIII at all. and I'm ok with that because he liked to chop peoples heads off!

  11. I don't have any hobbies that Henry VIII has. My hobbies are playing video games (Competative, Platformer, ext), Drawing, Doing chores, Collecting Pokémon TCG (Trading Card Game)

  12. for myself it sounds EPIC tennis joustings its cool shooting arrows at apple i thought he was a jabba the hutt like by raheem

  13. None of his hobbies actually apply to me, though I ask my mum time and time again if I could have a go at archery! She always says ''Yes,of course.'' but I never get to.Some of his hobbies are kind of similar to mine because, although I don't play the lute, I do sing from sight quite often.

    I'm also not too keen on sport. When I was little, I did not enjoy running games, but now -since games like stuck in the mud and hunter came to be precise- I have loved them (I do get very red and hot afterwards though)!

  14. None of Henry VIII hobbies apply to me except archery and tennis as they are really fun. I also enjoy basketball,skating and singing.

  15. i am not to good at tennis like henry viii but i am ok at singing.
    i am great at golf but i would probably be not so great at latin or italian.
