Friday 29 April 2016

Topic homework due Friday, 6th May

Topic: Life in Tudor times varied greatly, depending on whether you were rich or poor. Can you find out about the main differences between rich and poor Tudors regarding: food, clothing, housing and education and post them on the blog.


  1. Poor Tudors had a really hard time living.They lived in villages and had to do lots of farm work and also had to make there own clothes.They worked for 6 days and only had public days off.When the harvest failed Tudors had to go and steal food.The poor living survived living with bread made from flour in mills and alive rats!!The poor living in country sides had a little more because they had wheat and oats grown in the fields,fresh meat from hare and rabbits.

    Rich Tudors had bigger homes than the poor.Unlike the poor they went to school and had a better education.The rich mainly ate fish and expensive french wine.Rich people could afford clothes made out of fine wool,linen or silk.Their clothes were decorated with jewels and embroidered golden thread.Most ordinary homes in Tudor times were half timbered.They had a space between them witch was filled with small sticks and wet clay.Tudor houses are known for their white and black effect

  2. The poor people would eat bread, fish, meat pies(which had lots of spice to cover the flavours of the rotten meat).The rich people would eat plenty of fresh meat like deer, pheasant, pigeons and peacocks.the water was to contaminated with sewage so the poor would drink weak ale and the rich drank wine.

    Rich women wore colourful padded gowns. Rich men wore frilled sit plain shirts and tight strippy trousers. Poor people wore simple loose cloths mad of wool. men wore tunics which came to there knees and womens dresses reached to the floor.

    poor peoples houses were very simple made of straw, dung and mud. it would be one big room with a fire in the middle to cook on. they slept on straw beds. Rich peoples houses were big with separate rooms. they lit there home with bees wax candles which were expensive. they had four poster beds, clocks and tapestries hanging from the wall. they liked gardens and they had mazes, fountains and hedges cut into shapes

    Poor people didn't get to have a education because there family didn't have the money to pay for schools and they had to work from an early age. rich families did educate they're children but mostly just the boys because they thought that girls only needed to know how to be a wife and a mother and run a house. the boys would either attend a local school or they would have a teacher who would come to they're house to teach them.

    by carlos

  3. Poor Tudors had houses that were made out of soft materials like straw and mud.Rich Tudors would have had lots of bedrooms and were very expensive.Poor Tudor girls would not have a education and the boys would rarely have one.Tudor people who were poor had little time for entertainment.The poor had to work hard and struggled to survive. Many poor people lives lived in villages doing farm work.Poor Tudors drank weak ale and the rich would drink wine.Poor people would steal food if they needed to.The rich would usually wear a long rich red gown that only rich people could afford and the poor would usually wear a cloth or an old rag.The poor were mostly used as servants for rich.

    by Arjan

  4. poor tudors house are made out of well poo mud hay straw richos poshos like henry viii and elizbeth had brick houses with paint they wore suits and women wore dresses poor people ate boar with apples in mouth poor people ate bread and drank wee . by raheeme kae

  5. Poor Tudor people lived in mud and wood houses these houses didn't have a chimney, most of the homes only had one window which was open and had no glass (as it was very expensive.) Rich Tudors had brick houses and glass windows.
    the rich also had chimneys.

    Rich Tudors also had better food such as meat like pork, mutton and dolphin. Poor Tudors ate bread and vegetables like peas and carrot.

  6. Difference between Rich and Poor
    Rich Tudors wore posh clothes and different clothing everyday whereas the poor had to wear the same clothes every day until they wore out. Then they would try and steal material from markets and make their new clothes.
    Hygiene and health
    Rich people would be in contact with a physician (if their health was bad) and the poor would just have to go somewhere where they can find someone who can heal them e.g., barber.
    Poor wold eat vegetables and healthy stuff but because of their hygiene they would die before the age of thirty-five. Rich ate bird, meat and turtles including swans, seagulls but lived for a longer period, about sixty years.
    The rich boys had an education but got beaten up if they did something wrong. Rich girls didn’t have an education but they had to learn how to be a good wife.
    Rich had secure and fancy houses but poor made theirs out of mud (or poo) because they couldn’t afford bricks.

  7. Poor people normally would sometimes be more healthier than the rich because the poor ate the vegetables and bread. the rich ate all the sugary foods. Elizabeth I even used to brush her teeth with sugar. The rich also had loads of food to share when the poor shared 1 slice of bread between the whole village. The poor tudors had to wear homemade clothes that they stitched together and wore them every day until they got holes in. Rich people had thousands of clothes and they were so fancy. Only rich tudor boys went to school. Poor tudor kids had to work on a farm as soon as they were old enough.Rich tudor girls just stayed at home all day.

  8. Poor Tudors ate barely any food and shared 1 plate of bread or something for the whole family.Rich Tudors had banquets with ostrich meat and all types of bird meat. Meat was very expensive in those times so only the rich could afford it. There was a poor menu and a rich menu.Rich women wore colourful padded gowns. Rich men wore frilled sit plain shirts and tight stripy trousers. Poor Tudors had houses that were made out of soft materials like straw and mud.Rich Tudors would have had lots of bedrooms and were very expensive. Poor Tudor girls would not have a education but taught to be a good housewife when their older, and the boys would rarely have one. The Rich girls would not have an education but still had lots of money. The rich boys would have an education however they would get beaten for every little mistake they made throughout the day.Many poor people lives lived in villages doing farm work.Poor Tudors drank weak ale and the rich would drink wine.Poor people would steal food if they needed to and if they got caught they would either be slaves or servants for a rich person.Also the poor had to make there own clothes out of wool which their sheep,that they kept over the time, produced.They worked for 6 days and only had public days off. The rich people most of the time had no job but the poor would either work as a farmer or clean the poo from the streets.The poor were mostly used as servants for rich.The poor living in country sides had a little more because they had wheat and oats grown in the fields,fresh meat from hare and rabbits.

  9. If you were a rich Tudor you would eat plenty of meat but if you were poor you would eat onions and other vegetables as well as cheese.If you were Henry VIII you would wear expensive clothes.But poor wore itchy woolen clothes.Another good thing for the rich were big houses with black and white patterns.Unforchenly the poor had small houses which were shared between many people.The rich boys had good education but were hit when did something wrong and the girls had no education.The poor had no education.

    By Maria

  10. The main difference is that rich people had meat and
    The main difference is that poor people had bread and a bit of fish
    Tudor food.

    The tudor clothes.

    The main difference is that rich people have whatever colour they wanted except purple and gold.
    The main difference is that poor people have brown clothes.

    The housing.

    The main difference is that rich people had big red bricked or black bricked house which are ginormous.The main difference is that poor people had small black and white houses.


    The main difference is that rich people did not have to go to school.The main difference is that poor people had to go to school.

  11. Poor Tudors only had fruits,vegetables and bread to feed on and not much of it either. However rich Tudors had meat all year round and this meat included:Pheasants,pigeons and even seagulls. rich people also had amazing,decorated houses;the poor only had houses made out of mud and straw.

  12. There are lots of differces between poor tudors and rich tudors. Poor tudors had to make houses out of staw and dung while rich tudors got big palaces. Poor tudors lothes are very old they had to wear cotton and didn't have a bath.

  13. Difference between rich and poor in Tudor Times:
    1. Rich people could afford to have grand houses while poor people had to live in small houses with thatched roofs.
    2. Poor people had to grow their own produce to earn money when the rich people bought luxuries such as game birds and other meat
    3. Clothes were very different as poor people had to wear hoods and woollen shirts, while the rich wore delicate fabric such as silk and had gold corsets and silver doublets.

  14. Jasleen (Jazzy Frizzle)8 May 2016 at 10:32

    Rich and Poor Tudors:


    The difference between rich and poor Tudors are that in those times the rich would get much more food then the poor, the rich would all have there own plates but the poor would only have one plate to share amongst everyone in their family's and also the rich Tudors would have meat and fish and other types of fresh, posh food whereas the poor would only have a bit of bread and I think they would also have a few vegetables and fruit.


    The poor would have maids clothes e.g.: aprons, hats, stockings and sandals. The boys might also were old shorts and the girls might also were old dresses. The rich people would were fancy posh dresses and collars. The poor would always were the same thing everyday until it gets worn out and then they would change it but the rich always had something different to were every single day.


    The rich Tudors used to have brick houses that where very big and they had windows. They also had a room for everything e.g.: a room for the kitchen, a room for them to go to sleep in and a room for them to sit down, relax, eat and chat together and there houses were very famous and posh. Whereas the poor Tudors had small little huts with so much greenery but no flowers. They also had one small window and they only had one room for everything e.g.: one whole room for sleeping, eating, cooking, and siting to eat and chat together and there huts were a bit old and dusty.


    If you were a rich Tudor girl you would not have to go to school but you would have to help your mother clean around the house and do chores. On the other hand, if you were a rich Tudor boy then you would have to go to school and sometimes you would get hit by a stick which I think was called a cane in those days. If you were a poor Tudor girl then you still did mot have to go to school because maybe one you did not have any money to afford going to school and two none of the girls went to school in the Tudor time which was lucky but unfortunate because you would have to help your mum out at home cleaning up and doing all the chores together spending Quality time together as mum and daughter. If you where a poor Tudor boy you would still have to go to school and educate and I think you would still get hit by the stick.

  15. Hannah the prime minster8 May 2016 at 12:33

    Rich Tudors

    Rich Tudors lived in lush and lavish house. Rich Tudors houses were spacious
    And they had large kitchens. The rich people had a brilliant education. The rich people ate veal’s, swans and such alike. The rich Tudors drank foreign wines and avoided water because of the dirt in it. The rich people wore silk and linen that was embodied

    Poor Tudors

    Poor Tudors lived in cramped spaces. There kitchen, bedroom and bathroom
    Where in the same room. The poor people had to do farm work. When the harvest was bad the poor had to steal food. the poor wore woolen clothes.
    The poor didn’t have a education. Some poor Tudors had to eat rye bread with rats[EXTREME]
