Friday 24 June 2016

Homework due Friday, 1st July

Topic: Geography


Use your research skills to find out about biomes. Create a mini poster/write a paragraph on one these biomes: Rainforest, Dessert or Savannah. What makes that biome special? What is the climate like? What animals and plants are found there?


Literacy: Poetry


Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

Troglodytic Owner-Occupier

Old flier with a bellyful of fire 
that's hotter than a deep-fat frier,   
your tongue is tougher than a tyre, 
thicker and harder and drier. 
You've the appetite of a vampire. 

Old flier with a bellyful of fire,
you're driven by desire to acquire.
You trickster, rogue and liar.
You've eyes like snakes', but slyer.
They're sharp as thorns on briar.

Old flier with a bellyful of fire,
mister mayhem-multiplier.
Your cry's a terrifier,
the sound of a suffering choir
entangled in barbed wire.

Old flier with a bellyful of fire,
soaring higher than church and spire.
You're lord and magnifier,
his dragonship, esquire,
arrogant, for all to admire.
By Nick Toczek

What do all the words at the end of each line rhyme with?
How has repetition been used in the poem?
Can you find examples of alliteration in the poem?
How many verses are there?
How does the narrator of the poem feel about dragons?  How can you tell?
How many stars would you give this out of 5? Why?

Science and PSHE:

Please could you bring in a photograph of yourself as a baby before Thursday of next week. This could be an actual photograph or a photocopied/printed version. We will of course return all original photographs at the end of the week.

Friday 17 June 2016

Topic homework- Roman bridges!

1)    Use the internet or other sources to search for a range of Roman bridges, then answer the following questions:
- What are the key features? What shapes do you notice?
- How might they have been built? What materials were used?
- Many of the bridges still stand today. What do you think made the bridges strong?

Challenge: Can you find out what a keystone is and describe why it was important in Roman bridge construction?

Friday 10 June 2016

Topic homework due Friday, 17th June

Who was the best Roman Emperor in your opinion, Augustus or Hadrian? Give at least three reasons for your answer.



Tuesday 7 June 2016

BTS by Navdeep

Boy in luv
We are bullet proof
No more dream
Silver spoon
Young forever
