Friday 10 June 2016

Topic homework due Friday, 17th June

Who was the best Roman Emperor in your opinion, Augustus or Hadrian? Give at least three reasons for your answer.




  1. Augustus greatest accomplishment is that he brought peace to the Roman states. In the battle of Phillipi Caesar Augustus joined Marc Antony in defeating Brutus and cassius. He established a uniform system of currency. Hadrian made churches. Hadrian made Hadrian wall. Hadrian did lots of poetry. To conclude I think that Augustus brag peace so he is better.

  2. I think Augustus is the better ruler because he found Rome and if he didn't then Hadrian wouldn't have been a ruler later after Augustus.

  3. I like Hadrian because he built the Hadrian wall which marked the northern limit of Britan.

    Hadrian also ordered military training and drilling to be more rigorous and even made use of false reports of attack to keep the army alert.

    Hadrian resolved to adopt Antoninus Pius if he would in turn adopt Marcus Aurelius and Aelius's son.

  4. In my opinion Hadrian is the better than augustus because if augustus was so clever wouldnt he have thought to build a wall seperating the roman empire and enemy territory. Hadrian was also a incredible architect. Finnaly hadrian was included in the five good roman emperrors but Augustus wasnt.

  5. In my opinion Augustus is better because he replaced the roman republic with an effective monarchy.He also bought peace and stability.Augustus was a great leader who had the tricky job of being the first emperor.He had a very successful life leading Rome to conquer Egypt,North Africa,central Turkey Northwest parts of Spain,Austria,Southern parts of Germany,Slovenia and manny more countries.

  6. In my opinion, Augustus is probably the best because of his defeat against Marc Antony! Following on, The leader paid his soldiers by plundering Cleopatra's treasures in Egypt.Furthermore, Augustus passed on many laws that made Rome more powerful! Plus, He made many amazing buildings that made Rome more pretty! During Augustus' period he managed to invade more places such as India! Finally, Augusts had many good titles like ' The Exalted One '!

    The point is August is better than Hadrian as seen is the many reasons before such as good titles!

  7. Augustus Caesar was the better emperor because he actually founded the roman empire.

    His army defeated Mark Antony a general who had a affair with Cleopatra.

    When Augustus became emperor, Rome had experienced many years of civil war. He brought peace to the land and began to rebuild much of the city and it's amazing empire

  8. In my opinion,I think Augustus was a better emperor because:
    * He changed Rome into one of the greatest empires of the time.
    * He raised an army so Rome could fight better
    * And he had a month named after him (unlike Hadrian)

  9. In my opinion, I think Hadrian was the better emperor because he build Hadrian's wall. Another reason is that he rebuilt the pantheon and constructed the temple of Venus and Roma. Finally, Cyrene benefited from Hadrian's generosity: in 119 AD he had provided funds for the rebuilding of public buildings in the recent Jewish revolt.

  10. Hadrian and Augustus
    I think that Roman emperor, Augustus, was better than Hadrian, who came later in the line, for three reasons.

    The first reason is that Augustus was a role model Hadrian and he always followed Augustus’ example. Although he also fixed the Roman empire, he was following in his predecessor’s footsteps.

    The second reason is that Hadrian descended labour on people. He put people to work just to build a wall that was not necessary. You see, Hadrian couldn’t bring peace to the empire by signing a peace treaty with the barbarians, so he built a wall, separating their land from the barbarians’ land. Augustus didn’t do that.

    The third reason is that Augustus brought peace and stability to the empire. Hadrian declared war with others and probably didn’t know the meaning of peace.

  11. In my opinion Hadrian was the better emperor because he spent most of his time out of Rome visiting other parts of the Roman empire unlike the other Roman emperors who were mostly in Rome which Roman citizens didn't like. Furthermore, he was a great administrator ,who concerned himself with all aspects of government. His loyalty for the Roman army was so much that he slept and ate among the common soldiers. I don't think many emperors were concerned as much as Hadrian and for these reasons I think Hadrian was the better emperor.

  12. Augustus was the fist roman emperor.

    Julius Caesar was Augustus great uncle.

    AUGUSTUS was born 63BC i think Augustus is bigger then HADRIAN.

  13. I think Auagustus was a good emperor because:
    .he was the founder of the Roman Empire
    .he was strong in the Roman army
    .he succededin lots of stuff
    By Khadija

  14. i think augustus was best because of the fact he was the founder of the roman empire
