Friday 22 May 2015

Holiday Homework....

Please complete your Science project and write up your investigation ready to present during Science Week, which will be the second week back after half term. Mathletics has also been set.

Our topic after the holidays will be 'The Romans' and we will also have a week in which we look at an aspect of London's history in detail. Can you find out what impact the Romans had on our capital city? What did they call London? What did they build and how did they live? Let us know what you find out on the blog.

Have a lovely break!


  1. First off all the Romans called London,Londomia I think. The discovery of roads and baths . They've done almost did everything for us.

    1. If it's to short I could rewrite it

  2. I am so shy a few more days and a new life awaits for me! GULP!!!

    1. Enormous luck, Viktor. Just be yourself and you will be fine.

    2. I agree, I feel sad for you and I'll miss you bye.

    3. Miss Davies is right and good luck

  3. The Romans had a strong impact on Britain, because they made changes to the landscape, they won many wars and they made England proud. The romans named London ‘Londinium’ in around 43AD. They built straight roads (so soldiers could travel quicker) and huge buildings like the Coliseum and the Vatican.

    Life for women in Roman times was often hard. Mother was less important than father in the family. Father had the power of life or death over everyone. When a new baby was born it would be laid at its father's feet - if the father picked the baby up it would live, but if he ignored the baby it would be taken away to die. Women were expected to run the home, cook meals, and raise children. If they were wealthy, women were lucky; they had slaves to do the work.

    Many girls were married at the age of 14. Marriages were often arranged between families. A man could divorce his wife if she did not give birth to a son. Many women died young (in their 30s), because childbirth could be dangerous, and diseases were common.

  4. Miss Davies I don't know what topic should I do for my science project

  5. The Romans

    The romans called London Londinium . The name was given after the Romans invaded London - Negative. Although, they did create roads , central heating ect .

  6. Jacks Candle Vacuum Experiment Video.

  7. The current capital and the largest city in Great Britain was originally found by Roman.
    The Romans named the city Londinium, today it is called London.
    Romans built some roads when they were here, the long straight roads are still being used today.
    They got to pretty much all of Britain. They had settlements in places like London, Exeter, York, Bath in fact most of the towns ending in " ester" have Roman origins.

    from Tanraj

  8. The Romans built roads, so that soldiers could march quickly to deal with trouble. They also built three very large army forts, and lots of smaller camps, for soldiers to live in. At first these forts were built of wood, later they were built of stone.
    The romans lived in Britain by communicating in Latin to each other and living in fine posh towns and streets which they made. Mostly their dwellings were in country-sides, small villages and isolated farms. Rich Romans often lived in giant posh buildings called villas also.
    Their impact on London the Romans had was that they could make a bigger empire and also more money which is why they took over Britain also.

  9. Most of the towns that were found by the Romans, like London, York and Lincoln, are still towns today. On the changed landscape the Romans made had forts and roads that are still used today. Their rules they invented also made an enormous impact of London and Britain.
    Romans left Britain a rich and varied legacy including, architecture, engineering, law, literature, mathematics, money, religion, and writing. The Romans made up some Latin words, some are still used today; for example on the Hogwarts’ crest Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus, meaning Never wake a sleeping dragon.

  10. The Romans
    The Roman time was an amazing era. The Romans were people who enjoyed learning culture in other countries but enjoyed even more coming to other countries and spreading their belief and knowledge. The main achievement was such a vast empire over time, for they ruled for 10101 years!!!!!!!!! Europe would not be the same without the Romans.All over the continent they founded cities which still stand today. The great city of London for example, the capital of the United Kingdom, was founded by the Romans under the name Londinium.

    Romans in war were keen to win; and thought through every step of the battlefield. Sometimes people were even rewarded with a bag of rice if they came up with any idea to enhance the advantage of them winning which worked. Before Roman times all 'streets' were wobbly dirt tracks, which made it much harder for the army to travel by foot. Eventually, the army came up with the idea of straight, cobble roads. The hard concrete is harder against the feet, not sinking so legs can go on further with feeling weak and feeble.

    Way back before the Romans came to England, the Celts were here. The most technical they could get was a round house with a simple hole in the roof they called a 'chimney'. The Romans came along and started building more efficient and reliable houses which were square or rectangular with proper chimneys.

    They invented toilets; obviously the Victorian inventors improved them but they were the first form of them, before Tudors went back to being savages and threw their feces out the window, in their moat or in a hole they had dug.

  11. The Romans were very helpful to Britain because they built very helpful things that we still use today.They built things like roads and many other things that are not used today and some of them are still used in modern days!Most of the roads were built for soldiers to walk on.

    The Romans called , the capital city of England, Londinium instead of ,the name we call it now ,London!!!The Romans communicated in a language called Latin. If you do not know the meaning of ( communicated ) it actually means ( talked to each other ) !!! The Romans had not only settlements in London(as we call it now),
    they also had settlements near to York , Bath and Exeter.

  12. My Science project is : ... Making electricity from Potatoes !!!!

  13. The Romans came in around 40AD and they stayed for a long time. The Romans invented roads and the Roman calendar, which is the same as our calendar except the spelling for the countries. They also created central heating, concrete and bridges that they place above rivers. It is obvious that Romans were extremely clever and talented people in their time of existence.
