Friday 15 May 2015

Homework due Friday, 22nd May 2015

Homework: Week beginning 18th May 2015

This homework is all due by Friday, 22nd May

Spellings will be tested on Tuesday- see homework sheet for spellings.

Mathletics   -      Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics. Next week we will be working on a range of problem solving activities ( word problems, time, percentages etc.)

Literacy   - This week we will be writing our own newspaper reports about an event that has happened at Hampton Court Palace. Here is a portrait from the palace. Write a paragraph to describe it in as much detail as you can….

Topic –  There is no Topic homework this week. Please check out the blog for any posts that your teacher has made.

Science- After half term, we will be having a Science week (from 8th June). We will be asking you to design and conduct our own experiment over the half term holiday so you can present it to the class during Science week. Your homework this week is to begin thinking about what your Science project could be. You can research anything you like. Come up with your own question and plan an investigation for it.


  1. Jane Seymour’s Heart Stolen!
    Local owner of Hampton Court Palace recently discovered that a heart, which once belonged to a Tudor Queen, Jane Seymour, had been taken! The event took place at midnight, Thursday 14th May 2015, at the Chapel Royal of Hampton Court Palace.
    A video footage had been taken from our local street CCTV cameras which shown that the thief wore a black jacket, and secretly entered the gates without being noticed. Then, into the chapel and stealing the heart immediately from the altar. However, he was spotted by the police, running about on the Palace’s rooftops. Luckily for him, he barely escaped by parachuting down from the roof, with the crux of the 3rd Tudor Queen. The video cameras lost signal as he left, which is why the robber is still unknown yet.
    Here is an image taken by one of the CCTV Cameras:

    Here are statements made by a few witnesses:
    “I had no idea what that man was doing that night; I thought he just preparing for his night shift at Henry VIII’s castle, Hampton Court Palace. I was shocked to see that he was actually a scoundrel, like all thieves!” answered Sam Baragons, a worker for the Tower of London.
    Tom Gates, a Tudor Historian stated that he was startled to see someone robbing an ancient queen’s heart! He was aghast to see someone in the middle of the night, running around with a sack upon their shoulders, while he was trying to set up the palace, ready for tourists to come tomorrow. He thought that person had gone mental but he couldn’t believe that a criminal could let him get away with it!
    The owner of Hampton Court Palace hopes that the officers of the local police department will catch the hoodlum and bring him to justice! Also, that he will reveal himself and return the heart back to their rightful owners (them) and into the Chapel Royal once again!

  2. He stands looming large as he looks down below all the people who are much less important and not as rich as him. His posture, hand on waist, feet spread out, firmly gripping the ground and right arm as straight as an arrow, makes him look like a powerful and almighty ruler. The finest clothes he wears makes him look like a very wealthy Tudor and as strong as an emperor. The sword he tucks next to him makes him look like a courageous knight. The golden-colored gilt frame makes him look very strong and conspicuous. His appearance makes him look like the highest rank in society and the most fearsome king ever! His crossed eye-brows makes him look like an angry raging stalwart monarch and his bulging belly shows his affection to meat just like a glutton.

    1. Good job, Ashwyn! I particularly like the similes you have used.

    2. Brilliant description!!!!

  3. Literacy Homework

    The beautiful, majestic and overwhelming portrait depicts the dashing Henry VIII as a particularly gargantuan and valiant man, with strong, broad shoulders. He is wearing the most gorgeous and exceedingly expensive clothing that have been transported from wonderfully exotic countries. On his head he is wearing a fashionable, silky and most comfortable piece of head gear on which a fluffy, elegant and delightfully delicate dove feather lay upon. Upon his broad, booming chest he wears a great golden blouse with patterns significantly beyond human capability. Shining in the serene sunlight, the brilliant blouse's big buttons were greater than any other. As well as that , pearly white velvety, plush stockings, truly fit for a king. Last but certainly not least, the luxurious, rich fur coat of pure satins, silks and ferocious furs. It partly covered the striking, grand blouse; it really emphasized Henry's solid, robust and clearly compelling athletic abilities.

    1. I'm not quite sure but think, if exotic is an adjective, 37 ?...

    2. Thank you!

    3. I really loved that

  4. Wow! I wonder if anyone can count how many amazing adjectives there are in your paragraph!

    1. I think she has used around 43 adjectives! Well done!

    2. There is around 22 adjectives, great job!!!!

    3. Again , much obliged.

    4. I think there is 42 adjectives, amazing

  5. The painting makes Henry VIII look very strong and powerful. He looks majestic and wonderful, no wonder he had so many wives. He had a reputation for looking very fine and this outfit shows us how he did it. His posture shows that he is a strong king and is not afraid to fight for what he believes in. His fabulous fantastic outfit was the finest available in Tudor times showing us what a rich king he was. The sword he is carrying makes him look like a courageous fighter.

  6. This picture depicts King Henry VIII as a powerful, aristocratic and absolutely amazing gentleman. His handsome hat topped with a swan feather as soft as silk. His plump arms posing as for a fashion show. His shoes picked out from the finest, silkiest, most commodious cotton. His retro clothes making him look out as big as an hippo. His bulging belly into a position where it cannot be seen. And last but not least, his gold thread-stitched jacket making look even diviner.

  7. This golden-framed,gorgeous and grandiose portrait characterizes the horrific,horrendous and abominable Henry VIII with his bulky shoulders and his cloak prancing as he strides along his court.His daggers are with him every time shows him as a brave knight.His dear clothes are mostly impeccable with rich leather and silk.The face was as malicious as a monkey screeching and mostly unfriendly.His eyes lurking you towards his deadly mind.The golden blouse lay upon our wealthy man with striking bright colours.The luxurious hat on his broad head had a silky white dove feather hanging from the end.Finally,the bulging belly roaring like a bulldozer ready to devour,crush and comminute anything shows Henry VIII real character after his stupendous life as a marvellous child.

  8. Literacy

    The beautiful. grand, spectacular painting depicts Henry VIII standing there with his broad shoulders on his hips, looking like a general from the army. His luxurious waistcoat sticks out to show everyone how outstandingly rich he was. He looks like a bold, and strong leader with his fierce face proudly looking at the ceiling. Henry's golden majestic blouse swiftly sways in the wind like a parachute slowing down before it reaches the ground. His shaded dark fur coat keeps Henry warm and comfortable in any weather at any time.

  9. Science
    I'm doing dinosaurs because they are from a different time period.

    I will only research on a certain type of dinosaurs and the deadliest predators because if I do it on all dinosaurs it will be just a waste of time.People still don't know some mind-blowing facts about these amazing creatures. Two that are renown are: Tyrannosaurus rex and the Spinosaur the deadliest predators.

    In the species that I will depict will have their own section so it's layed out properly.

    How many species of dinosaurs are there.

    1. I don't know but there's probably hundreds

  10. Henry stands tall as a giraffe towering over peasants. His broad shoulder braces make him look majestic. His golden shirt shimmers boldly seperating it from the dark background. His dagger case blends in with the rest of the costume. His posture makes him look smart and bright minded.

  11. The bravest warrior of all time, he stands tall, gallant and courageous in this portrait. The painter, hans holbien, has captured the hero in his stunning element. The famous man who had started the Tudor era, the fabulous king Henry the VIII. Standing lionhearted with his pride beside him and his gargantuan dagger on his hips. Standing tall, he has a soft spot for athletics as he is a legendary player at jousting and tennis. This is a majestic portrait that would hang proud above anyones fire place.

    1. The lionhearted was like he's a powerful warrior like Richard heart the lion

  12. Science
    Sound waves

    You can listen and speak to each other by talking through cups. Measure how long you can talk to each other through the cups stepping back slowly every time you hear the person. For those that do not know how to make the project all you have to do is get two cups any size and pierce a hole through them. Tie one piece of string to the cups and simply listen or talk to the other person.

    Does the project work? If so how far is the distance you can hear the other person when you can not hear the other person?
