Friday 8 May 2015

Homework due Friday, 15th May

Homework: Week beginning 11th May 2015

This homework is all due by Friday, 15th May

Spellings will be tested on Tuesday.


Mathletics   -      Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics. Next week we will be working on data handling, including calculating mean, mode, median and range.

Literacy   - Can you write a newspaper report based on this image?


Remember to include a headline, an introductory paragraph (Who? What? Where? When?), a photo, caption and some direct and indirect speech.

Topic – on the blog

Why do you think Queen Elizabeth I had ‘Good Queen Bess’ as a nickname? How many reasons can you find?

Science-  Some cruise ships weigh a staggering  220,000 tonnes! How do they float and which forces are acting upon them when they move across the water? You may want to draw a diagram to assist you in your explanation, labelling the forces.


  1. Why was Queen Elizabeth I also known as good Queen Bess?

    Elizabeth encouraged her troops at Tilbury around the time of when England had defeated the Spanish Armada. Her famous speech was "I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a King, and of a King of England too! And I think it foul scorn that Spain or Parma or any prince of Europe should dare invade the borders of my realm." Then the English thought that Elizabeth was such a good Queen they gave her a nickname.

    She was also known as good Queen Bess because in many biographies of the Tudor family where Henry VIII and Elizabeth I were talking Henry VIII had started to call her Bessie and then that was shortened to Bess. Maybe this happened when Elizabeth became Queen and started to rule well, this name came into use. The Spanish Armada of 1588 may also have been the reason because she and the English Navy defeated the Spanish and their "invincible" boats. At the time, the Spanish Navy was thought to be be the most powerful in the world.


    Michael Richards was a No 1 world class explorer and he found out about lots of things including Captain Hook's treasure and other historical artifacts. Dying to know more well you came on the right place scroll down and see for yourself!

    No 1 world class explorer has found out about the real Captain Hook's treasure and has even shhowed it in the Natural History Museum along with Hook's gauntlets and gloves. Michael Ricards said that it was a great opportunity to feel the real thing and that he would love to do that again.

    Now all of this has happened probably when you were asleep because this all happened at 2:38 am in the night and was found using a torch.

    It happened in a cave that was in southwest America near to Chille and the cave was right on the border of Chille and Argentina with a 50 kilometer deepness.

  3. Elizabeth I was the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife Anne Boleyn.
    Elizabeth was named after both her grandmothers, Elizabeth Howard and Elizabeth of York.
    Elizabeth’s mother Anne Boleyn was executed when Elizabeth was just two years old.
    Historians believe that Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth’s mother, was innocent of all charges and that her execution was planned by Tomas Cromwell.

  4. The forces that act upon any ship are buoyancy and gravity. And when you push a can in water and you let go it will eventually pop jup and reach normal flowing water again.

  5. 12th December 2012

    Local treasure hunter, Sander Markins had recently found an ancient treasure. It was believed to be buried when Henry III ruled; in the 12th century. Rumors had spread across England for seven-hundred years about this ancient treasure and finally, after such a long period of time it has been discovered. A quick scan had been done to identify the details of the riches.. Sadly, the local detectives of UK could only find out very minor information about it, such as when it was buried. Nothing else. Sander Markins had stated that she had discovered it underground but wasn’t sure where. So the investigation of the ancient treasure still continues.
    Here is an image of the treasure which was discovered:

    This picture was taken by our treasurer hunter, Sander Markins when opening the treasure chest and finding all the valuables inside

    Here are some speeches taken by a few people who heard the news before making this report:
    “There was a ton of rumors about this hidden treasure and I can’t believe that it had been discovered! I almost had a heart attack!” yelled Sam, an archaeologist.
    Timmy, another treasurer hunter, had replied that he felt like slamming the door into his face, just to knock some sense into of him, in order to wake himself up, since he thought it was a wonderful dream as he was as snug as a bug, sleeping in his cozy warm bed.
    “All my stress I had to deal with throughout my life felt like it had disappeared into thin air; it was completely outstanding when my ears had pointed at the great news; it was unbelievable! I started acting like a four year old kid jumping up and down on my very own bed!” exclaimed Darwin, a jewel-collector.

  6. Reasons why Elizabeth I had the nickname ‘Good Queen Bess’:
    It was an affectionate nickname the country had for her, showing their support. Elizabeth was known to be brave, and to have a sense of humor, and both of these endeared her to the common populace, who called her this informally, showing both approval and a kind of identification.
    Elizabeth encouraged her troops with a notable speech, known as the Speech to the Troops at Tilbury, in which she famously declared, "I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a King, and of a King of England too! And I think it foul scorn that Spain or Parma or any prince of Europe should dare invade the borders of my realm". Thus the legend of Good Queen Bess was born.
    Henry VIII’s nickname for Elizabeth I was Bessie, which is also why Elizabeth got the new nickname ‘Good Queen Bess.’
    Bess was an abbreviation for the name Elizabeth which is also why she got the nickname.

  7. Queen Elizabeth was called good queen Bess because she changed England to a wealthy and prosperity. Their standards improved a lot. I personnaly think that it was because she made the Elizabenthen era.


    She was named this because this was the greatest nick name that the country could think of was this.Also because she was known to be brave and a cunning person she had great diplomacy.

  9. When ships are moving across the Sea gravity is constantly acting on the ship.But, the water has a constant push as well and that's called Buoyant force which stops it from sinking.Buoyant force=Weight of displaced liquid.The ship will flow until the volcan meter displays so.

  10. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

    Some cruise ships may weigh 220,000 tonnes but this isn't a major problem as there is an equal magnitude and they are going in opposite direction so the force is balanced which is called an equilibrium. If the force wasn't balanced then the ship would have sunk. The two forces that are acting upon the boat are water resistance and gravity.

    Water Resistance

    This acts on the boat by having an equal push as the gravity so that the ship stays afloat. If there was no water resistance the gravitational pull would have been stronger and the cruise ship would have sunk. The same with air resistance; if there was none we would be sucked towards the center of the earth.

    Gravitational Pull

    This may be stronger or weaker depending where you are. E.g on Jupiter there is a very strong gravitational pull, stronger than earth's and it is very hard to move about. However, the air resistance isn't as strong so that is an example of an unbalanced force. In addition, the moon is another example of this but in a different way. The gravitational pull there isn't as strong but the air resistance is stronger so you float when you jump.

    Other Examples

    Other examples of these forces acting could be:
    -A person standing on the earth
    - That dictionary competition ( that Vansh thought of) but in a different way.
    -A book on the table
    - And many many more

    A person standing on the earth

    Gravity acts on the person by pulling it down but in response air resistance pushes the person up.


    This is a different example because it doesn't involve air and water resistance or gravity. One person pushes the book and in return someone else pushes it back. The stronger someone is the better chance they have of pushing the book away from them self.

  11. 1) I think Elizabeth I had the nickname 'Good Queen Bess' because she was a very good queen and Henry VIII used to call her 'Bessy'.

    2) Also 'Bess' is a nickname for Elizabeth.

  12. Science
    Ships that weigh a lot do float because they aren't filled with water. This can be exampled perfectly in any normal boat. When normal boats are on water, and they do not sink because air, as everyone knows, is WAY denser that water so it does't sink because the density of water and the pull of gravity together is still not enough to go against the swift tide of the river/ocean/sea, the air and the push back of the boat. But if the boat were to fill with water, the water would act as a weight to make the forces even, and then gravity would seize its moment, grab the boat and pull it to the very, very, very wet and dark bottom.

  13. Queen Elizabeth I was nicknamed Good Queen Bess because Bess is a shortened version of Elizabeth . Elizabeth I was a good Queen despite chopping peoples heads off according to public opinion as she fought off the Spanish Armarda. Peasants called her Good Queen Bess as a term of endearment.

  14. Richy Rich

    A man, called Rich, has discovered a treasure chest full of gold. This event happened on the 9 of July, 3:35PM. This event occurred as Rich was walking in the rain forest as he fell down a hole. He told his friends he's okay as he stumbled across a cave. He then found a large treasure chest and opened it and he found a heap of gold. Rich said
    "I have all ready sold all my gold and I now have loads and loads of stuff. Lamborghinis , mansions, and a Iphone6 Gold 24KT. Its was quite cheap for me."
    As he is living a very desired life, he is very happy the way he is.

  15. Science

    Archimides came up with the famous law of physics known as the Archimides’ Principle: when something is resting on water it feels an upward force equivalent to the weight of the water that it displaces. If an object is completely submerged in water, the buoyant force, pushing up, reduces its weight. The object seems to weigh less when it is underwater than when it is on dry land. If you pick up a rubber diving brick underwater it seems to weigh less.

    An aircraft carrier occupies a huge volume, so its weight is spread across a wide area of ocean. Water is a fairly dense liquid that is virtually impossible to compress. Its high density means it can exert a lot of pressure: it pushes outward in every direction except upwards, supporting the boat from underneath. The more it weighs the lower it sinks.
    If a boat weighs more than the total volume of water it displaces, it will sink.

    Positive, Negative and Neutral Buoyancy.
    A submarine has ballast tanks that can, with water and air, make the submarine rise fall or float. If its tanks are completely filled with air, the submarine is considered positively buoyant: the tanks weigh less than the volume of water.
    If the tanks are partly filled with air, its possible it will float around the middle depth of the water. That is neutral buoyancy.
    If you fill the tanks full with water then it is negatively buoyant and the submarine slowly sinks towards the seabed.
    It doesn’t matter how big or small an object is: a gold ring would sink and plastic the size of a football pitch would float. It all goes down to if the object’s volume is more than the water’s volume.

  16. The people Elizabeth the first ruled nicknamed her ‘Good Queen Bess’ because it showed that they supported her. She was also named this because she was humorous and brave. Both these reasons also show people liked her and she inspired them with most things.

  17. Good Queen Bess
    I think Queen Elizabeth I was an amazing queen, who ruled for nearly 45 years. She defeated the Spanish Armada by simply commanding her guards sagaciously and having the ingenious idea of sending out the burning ships on water! Like what a record! Queen Elizabeth was a gifted scholar and was an accomplished linguist with the ability to speak several languages including Latin, Greek, French, Spanish and Welsh. Her reign witnessed increase in literacy and great achievements in the arts - great poets and playrights emerged during her era such as William Shakespeare, Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe and Sir Walter Raleigh. She was an extraordinary Tudor because she had a bath once a month (this was outstanding for Tudors as the Tudors never had one!) She achieved an excellent reputation as a good and wise ruler, who was truly loved by her people - she was highly accomplished in the art of long, motivating speeches and Public Relations
    Queen Elizabeth I surrounded herself with highly intelligent and loyal advisors such as Sir William Cecil, Sir Francis Walsingham and Sir Robert Cecil who gave her sound political advice.
    This is how Queen Elizabeth I was nicknamed Good Queen Bess and her era called the golden age.

  18. I think people called Queen Elizabeth 'Good Queen Beth' because it showed that they were on her side and they were with her. Also I think the name kind of means she is brave. I think it also means they realy like her.

  19. Treasure Found!

    After 500 years someone found king Henrys lost treasure! A woman called laura was on a tropical island on a cruise. This magical avent happend shortly after 5pm Saturday evening June 16.

    Shortly after 5pm laura was on a walk in the tropical jungle looking for something to do. She was at a palm tree when she fell down a holl. Out of the blue she was standing in a cave. "It wasn't dark" Laura said. She continued down the cave until she stumbled across a chest. She lifted the lid up and she saw a pile of gold. She sat down and decided what to do with it. After a while she called the police and turned it in. She felt happy and went back to her hotel.

  20. Science

    If you fill your bathtub with water, what happens when you get in? The water rises, right? (And sometimes goes over the side.) That is because you "displaced" some of the water with your body and it had to go somewhere. The key to floating is that the object must displace an amount of water which is equal to its own weight. Also a boat is designed to float.

  21. Saturday, 6th June 1988

    Treasure found on mysterious desert island!
    Yesterday morning, (June 6th) a strange man named Sinbad was found gawking at a gargantuan-sized chest with what is estimated to be a ton of golden coins.

    Yesterday morning a man named Sinbad was look at a strange paper which is thought to be ancient and ornate papyrus. He then suddenly ran to the other side of the beach and started digging like a madman, beach runner witness says. The man will only tell us his name, and never answer any questions about how he came across the papyrus and how he could read the strange language. The wooden box is as big as a train carrige, and takes 50 men to carry it one meter. The chest is strange, covered with unidentifyied golden symbles (UGS) in which scientists and archeoligists have teamed together and are currently franticaly trying to decode the unknown language. The coins are few, but weigh 5kg each and are pure gold. They have meretricious jewels encrusted in them and are $500 each and are to be put in the Field Museum in the most under protection display with a wall of lazer alarms, armed guards and iron doors like the tower of london, and are more expensive than all the crown jewels put together.

    Curator of Field museum Giles Tiler is in shock from the fantastical discovery, and wants to push the search about the mysterious gold to the limits and even put some of his workers into the search for answers. "If this is the dawn of a new era, the revolution, the uprising of history, then I am going to play my part and help this miracle suceeed!" he says. The team think that they have got a lead, because Sinbad has started to give clues about where he found it, but in riddles so now the team have to crack a life-changing riddle. "I understand him really," scientist Diedre Flast says, "He just found something on his own, is gleeful with his amazing discovery and now will have things to sustain him for the rest of his life, and some people claiming to be scientists come and whisk away every single coin, and not only that but question him on where he found it,so everyone can get some and we have promised that he will get some once we have enough but I understand if he doesn't believe us."

    So, the search will continue and everyone hopes to get a lead, while the man Sinbad will be put under further questioning. For a closer look go to the website here: (simply highlight words, right click and press search google for location listed.)

    By Hermione Alohomora

  22. I think people called Queen Elizabeth 'Good Queen Bess' because they thought she was a good queen . They would admire her and, to show how loyal they were, people would lay down their clothing onto puddles when she was approaching one to guard her from the water.As well as this , Henry VIII would call her 'Bess' as a friendly nickname.

  23. Queen Elizabeth had a nickname as Good Queen Bess which was given to her by England. Lots of people called her Bess instead of Elizabeth because it was shorter than saying her full name and it shows us that the population liked her as a queen. She was given the title when she defeated the Spanish Armada. She was one of the most popular queens today as we know it.

  24. The forces on a ship causing it to float is water resistance. Even gravity itself can't sink a ship but if there was water inside the ship it would slowly sink to the bottom of the ocean. Like the film titanic which is based on a ship, a ship which was unsinkable sank because there was a hole at the bottom of the ship so when the water crept in the ship slowly sank. It doesn't matter how heavy a ship is but if there is water in your ship, that and gravity will pull the ship into the ocean/sea/lake and many other places.

  25. Queen Elizabeth I achieved many amazing things, however her main achievements are defeating the Spanish Armada, becoming queen, turning England into a strong and dominant naval power, increasing literacy in England, helping the poor and encouraging explorers to discover new places. She has had many nicknames before, like ‘Good Queen Bess’, ‘The Virgin Queen’ and ‘Gloriana’. I think that ‘Good Queen Bess’ suits her because she was one of the most stoic queens that has ever ruled England.

  26. Good Queen Bess
    I think Queen Elizabeth I was a brilliant queen, who ruled for nearly 45 years. She defeated the Spanish Armada by simply commanding her English troopers to attack the armada . queen Elizabeth was a gifted scholar and was an accomplished linguist with the ability to speak several languages including English ,Greek, French, Spanish and Welsh. Her reign witnessed increase in literacy and great achievements in the arts - great poets and playrights emerged during her era such as William Shakespeare, Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe and Sir Walter Raleigh. She was an extraordinary Tudor because she had a bath once a month (this was outstanding for Tudors as the Tudors never had one!) She achieved an excellent reputation as a good and wise ruler, who was truly loved by her people - she was highly accomplished in the art of long, motivating speeches and Public Relations
    Queen Elizabeth I surrounded herself with highly intelligent and loyal advisors such as Sir William Cecil, Sir Francis Walsingham and Sir Robert Cecil who gave her sound political advice.
    This is how Queen Elizabeth I was nicknamed Good Queen Bess and her era called the golden age.
