Friday 5 June 2015

Homework due Friday, 12th June

Homework: Week beginning 8th June 2015

This homework is all due by Friday, 12th June.

Spellings will be tested on Friday .  Please see homework sheet


Mathletics   -      Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics. Next week we will be working on directions and bearings.


Write a short explanation text using the language of explanation to explain ‘Why do we float on the moon?’ or 'Why are bananas curly?' Try to use the language of explanation including: causal connectives, sentence signposts, diagrams and complex sentences in your writing.

Topic (to be completed on the blog)

Our topic for the last half term is the Romans. Can you research some of the achievements that the Romans made through buildings? Please post your comment on your class blog. 


As part of science week, you will be presenting your science project to the class next week and displaying them to parents on Friday. Please work on finishing your science projects.



  1. The Romans were famous for their architecture because they made many impressive buildings such as the Coliseum, which was used as an amphitheater in the Roman times.You can still see some of the ruins today. This shows that Romans were good builders because some things have survived 2000 years plus.

    They also built public baths were some people washed and cleaned. The best preserved Roman baths are at Bath, England. You can see what baths look like on the internet. There would be a sauna and three different pools, a hot pool, a cold pool and a warm pool. It may have taken many months to construct a full bath center, depending on the size.

  2. *Aqueducts

    The Romans enjoyed many amenities for their day, including public toilets, underground sewage systems, fountains and ornate public baths. None of these aquatic innovations would have been possible without the Roman aqueduct. First developed around 312 B.C., these engineering marvels used gravity to transport water along stone, lead and concrete pipelines and into city centres.

    Concrete & Cement

    Many ancient Roman structures like the Pantheon, the Colosseum and the Roman Forum are still standing today thanks to the development of Roman cement and concrete. The Romans first began building with concrete over 2,100 years ago and used it throughout the Mediterranean basin in everything from aqueducts and buildings to bridges and monuments. Roman concrete was considerably weaker than its modern counterpart, but it has proved remarkably durable thanks to its unique recipe, which used slaked lime and a volcanic ash known as pozzolana to create a sticky paste.


    The Roman empire encompassed nearly 1.7 million square miles and included most of southern Europe. To ensure effective administration of this sprawling domain, the Romans built the most sophisticated system of roads the ancient world had ever seen. These Roman roads—many of which are still in use today—were constructed with a combination of dirt, gravel and bricks made from granite or hardened volcanic lava. Roman engineers adhered to strict standards when designing their highways, creating arrow-straight roads that curved to allow for water drainage. The Romans built over 50,000 miles of road by 200 A.D., primarily in the service of military conquest. Highways allowed the Roman legion to travel as far as 25 miles per day, and a complex network of post houses meant that messages and other intelligence could be relayed with astonishing speed.

    Roman Calendar

    Roman calendars had the name of the month named after a Roman god or emperor. For example, July would have been the famous emperor, Julius Caesar.
    *an aqueduct is a bridge or viaduct carrying a waterway over a valley or other gap.

  3. Roman Achievements

    Roads: Romans invented elongated roads over 56,000 miles.
    Enginneering: Romans enginnering was mind blowing.They were able to get a channel of water comming into there towns and cities.
    Language: Romans used their knowledge of Latin to turn it into an actual language.
    Calenders: Romans cheekily magpied off the Egypttian calander to create their own.This new calender was called the '' Julian calender'' and it ha 365 days and 1 extr day every 4 years.

  4. The Romans created their alphabet which is very similar to our alphabet. They made their own calendar which is also similar but spelt differently to our calendar. They built roads which went only straight and sideways. Romans spoke in some languages but mainly in Latin. They also invented a fresh water supply for everyone. Rich people had water sent to their home, poor people had to drink water from public fountains.

  5. The Romans made a material named concrete. Concrete was hard and allowed the Romans to build many buildings, like the Coliseum or the Pantheon.

    The Romans were very creative. Therefore this allowed them to use this towards architecture. The Romans accomplished building the Coliseum, the Pantheon, the Temple of Castor and Pollux and many more beautiful buildings.

  6. When the wesern Roman Empire biggined more than 1,500 years ago.
    The Romans were really good builders .

    One of the buildings was an Aqueduct. They would collect water from water sauces and have endless supplies of water.

    They made another invention which was called a Concrete it was made 2,100 years ago it is used throughout the Mediterranean basin.

    Their next great achievement was a newspaper it was used for news because the Romans liked to contributed to the public. The stories inside the newspaper are people who have died people who have been born and stories.

    Their next ausome achievement was roads and highways which were used for transportation and moving. Some roads are built over old ones.

    Their was a curvin picture on the wall which was a battlefield of surgery because the Romans invented many surgery resources.

  7. Topic
    Achievements that the Romans made through buildings.

    Naturally the most obvious achievement of Romans was their vast empire, which spread over three continents. The Romans achieved world fame with their incredible army.
    The Roman alphabet is what most of us still use today in the western world.
    We have added a few letters to it, like W, but it is the same alphabet used by the Romans. It is Arabic numbers we use today, for inscriptions on public buildings and other things Romans numerals are still used.

    By Tanraj

  8. 1 Rome was founded in 753BC by its first king, Romulus. It grew into a rich and powerful city during the next few hundred years.

    2 By AD 117 the Roman Empire included the whole of Italy, all the lands around the Mediterranean and much of Europe, including England, Wales and parts of Scotland.

    3 Roman legend says that Romulus had a twin brother called Remus. As babies they were abandoned in the area which later became Rome. A she-wolf found and raised them, but when they grew up, Romulus fought and killed Remus and became the first ruler of Rome.

  9. The Romans were famous for their architecture because some of their buildings like the Amphitheatere are still standing today.The other impressive buildings they made were the Coliseum and the Aqueducts.

    They created many other things like the : Roman calendar ( which is very similar to our calendar ) ; roads , language and the Roman Alphabet.

    These were most of their greatest achievements ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Why are bananas are curly?
    When bananas fall from trees, they hit the ground and the impact turns them into curved shapes.
    When bananas grow from underground, they are compact in the soil which allows them to be in curly shapes when the farmer picks them up.
    When bananas are exported from one place to another, they get packed in cramped boxes which allows them to change into a curvy figure.
    When monkeys fight over huge amounts of bananas, they get stretched really hard which turns them into curly forms.
    Since bananas were born from a crescent moon, they would be the same shape as one, a curly figure.

  11. Why are bananas are curly?
    When bananas fall from trees, they hit the ground and the impact turns them into curved shapes.
    When bananas grow from underground, they are compact in the soil which allows them to be in curly shapes when the farmer picks them up.
    When bananas are exported from one place to another, they get packed in cramped boxes which allows them to change into a curvy figure.
    When monkeys fight over huge amounts of bananas, they get stretched really hard which turns them into curly forms.
    Since bananas were born from a crescent moon, they would be the same shape as one, a curly figure.

  12. The ancient Romans developed many new techniques for
    buildings and construction of all types including
    concrete, Roman roads, Roman arches, and aqueducts.

    The Romans used cranes to lift heavy stones on building
    sites. Cranes were powered by men turning a treadmill or
    hauling on ropes.

    Roman Architecture: Arches, Columns, Temples, Theaters,
    Amphitheaters, Baths, Basilicas that the great architects
    that built them.

    As far as Roman Architecture goes, it is difficult to
    compare it with that of other nations, because the Romans.
    applied architecture to so many and such varied purposes,
    and so constructed monuments involving both architectural
    and engineering skill, as to make it doubtful to what
    class they belonged.

  13. The moon is a planet that many scientists have been discovering for centuries. Therefore, it is essential that we find out why we float on it. Intriguingly, scientists have already noticed that the moon has gravity but they are still buzzing with questions.

    A few centuries ago, Sir Isaac Newton sat under an apple tree, when an apple suddenly fell on his head. This made him wonder about the force of gravity and the strength of it. In 1687, Sir Isaac Newton published his law of universal gravitation, which was discussed by many people.

    Imagine if there was no gravity on the moon at all, causing you to drift off into mid-air. Now imagine that there was only gravity on the Earth. This would mean that all the Olympic sports including jumping wouldn’t be fair, as you wouldn’t even be able to jump.

    In conclusion, we float on the moon purely because there is no gravity on the moon.

  14. Why people float on the moon?

    For years people have wondered why we float on the moon. If you are one of those people then this is the explanation for you.

    This fascinating question is answered right here. We float on the moon due to the fact that, there's low gravity on the moon.

    Gravity was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton under an apple tree. More recent studies have proven that the bigger an object is the more gravity it has.

    On the moon, there is less gravity due to the fact that, the moon is smaller than earth.

    This intriguingly interesting question has been answered right here in this easy to understand text!

  15. The ancient Romans developed many new techniques for
    buildings and construction of all types including
    concrete, Roman roads, Roman arches, and aqueducts.

    The Romans used cranes to lift heavy stones on building
    sites. Cranes were powered by men turning a treadmill or
    hauling on ropes.

  16. Sofia, that last statement isn't fully true. There is a actually gravity on the moon but so little we would float on the moon. The Earth's pull is about six times as strong as the Moon's gravitational pull.
