Monday 8 June 2015

Science Week!

Following on from our ICT unit about blogging, we will be posting all our science week questions, information and amazing facts here!

We had a fantastic Science assembly this morning! Who can explain what we saw and what we found out?


  1. Did you know when you put a bit a bicarbonate of soda into sharp and sour tasting liquids, there is a chemical reaction.
    If you put a lot of bicarbonate of soda into 3/4 of a vinegar bottle, the bottle of vinegar would overflow.

    1. Aaron, you could use this to inflate a balloon.

  2. Wolves can thrive in a diversity of habitats from the tundra to woodlands, forests, grasslands and deserts.

    Today, gray wolves have populations in Alaska, northern Michigan, northern Wisconsin, western Montana, northern Idaho, northeast Oregon and the Yellowstone area of Wyoming. Mexican wolves, a subspecies of the gray wolf, were reintroduced to protected parkland in eastern Arizona and southwest New Mexico. The historic range of the gray wolf covered over two-thirds of the United States.

  3. In the assembly we saw a expert scientist do an amazing experiment to explain oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. He said some of each thing makes water and if you had to much oxygen it would make dangerous water that would kill you if you drank it and will burn you if you touch it.

    He put the dangerous water in a test tube with soap and a powdery water. When these were together it all came out the top. If there was no soap it would only be clear oxygen.

    Watching and listening to the assembly made me really intrigued in science and experiments.


  5. I did a science experiment about lava in a cup. Because oil is lighter than water and the salt is heavier the salt dissolves in water and the oil comes back up to make the bubbly effect! Its pretty neat. The materials are completely different but it it can still make a lava effect!

    This measures how heavy liquids are and the effects they can make when mixing!

  6. Dud you know :

    Butterflies taste food by standing on top of it! Their taste receptors are in their feet unlike humans who have most on their tongue

  7. This morning, a scientist came in to show us an experiment. He told us about hydrogen and oxygen. The scientist did a foamy fountain experiment. The experiment exploded due to the fact that the chemicals that mixed together created a reaction with each other.

  8. Plus, did you know that liquids can overflow if an experiment is done on it too many times!

  9. My favourite experiment is when you put a mentos sweet into the coke and it explodes.

  10. Plastic milk is formed, when the chemical reaction of milk and vinegar mix together.

  11. If you want a balloon took stick on the wall for a while (around 20 minutes) all you have to do is rub it on a jumper rapidly and place it on the wall, it will drop about a metre and the stay there for about twenty minutes. It looks really good to draw a face on and sit next to it.

  12. Did you know that if you put an egg in vinegar for 24 hours it will become transparent and if you leave it on the table it will bounce up and down!!!!!!

    1. I will try that at home Kelsie . I am sure that it will work!!!

  13. Did you know the longest name of a chemical took three hours to pronounce correctly? And that most people think the hottest conditions were recorded in Death Valley but really it was in an underground cave in Mexico called The Crystal Cave ? And that we actually don't know the real colours of dinosaurs, paleontologists are just guessing based on facts.


    Get a bottle of purified water keep it in the fridge for 45 mins or 1 hrs 45 mins.After an hour check if they have frozen but if they are still liquid,gently take them out and just give it a jolt.You will have instant ice.You can also try this,get ice cubes and pour the water on them,there you have a ice sculpture of your own.

  15. Did you know if you connect a banana, orange and an apple using a wire and a nail, it would end up charging your phone if you place your charger into the banana after a fair amount of time.

    Two positive charges/two negative charges would repel to each other. However, Opposite charges attract each other.

    Most of the dust in your house is actually dead skin.

    If a human goes to space, they grow bigger because of the fact that there is no gravity pulling down on them.

  16. Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin every hour.

  17. Did you know that :
    Goldfish don't actually have stomachs and therefore must be fed easily digestible foods.
    The idea that peopkle can survive for millions of years while frozen in ice is fake.
    Diamonds can be made from peanut butter by recreating the process in the real goes through.
    Jupiter has a huge orange spot on it but that spot was actually caused by sunburn and was discovered by NASA when analysing new data.
    There is such thing as volcanic lightning, firenadoes and fire rainbows!
    One of earth's greatest threats is space debris and there is more than 30,000,000 pieces of it.

  18. 1. A hydra can reform itself even if it's body is completely disintegrated - but there is always a catch. The hdra must have particular brain cells unharmed to bring the amazing creature back.
    2. About 65 million neutrinos will pass through your fingernail in 1 second.
    3. It would take about about 0.13 seconds for light to travel around the world.

  19. Every animal has a way of traveling in different ways, for example a wolf would use its pack and another way would be to howl and sniff it's way back home. Some animals haven't been discovered yet it's all in the science topic.
