Friday 19 June 2015

Homework due Friday, 26th June

Homework: Week beginning 22nd June 2015

This homework is all due by Friday 26th June.

Spellings will be tested on Friday .

Mathletics   -      Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics. Next week we will be working on fractions, decimals and percentages.


This week we will be learning some poetry by heart in order to practise some performance poetry. Please can you write out your favourite poem along with a paragraph explaining why you like it. Remember to mention any of the poetic techniques that have been used: simile, metaphor, personification, rhyme, repetition, powerful language, etc. Can you memorise the poem and perform it for the class?

Topic (to be completed on the blog)

What can you find out about the geography of London? Can you find out its size, population, climate, lowest point, highest point, terrain, major bodies of water and important landmarks? Let us know on the blog!


How do you feel when you go through a change? Can you write about a time when you experienced change. It could be a new home, new school new class, or even a change in the weather! How did you feel and what or who helped you to cope with the change?


  1. London

    London is a city that was founded by the Romans and the Romans used to call London, Londinium. The Romans chose London as their settlement because it was nearby to a river and most Romans traveled along rivers in boats like canoes

    Knowledge about London

    Population : 3.318 million

    Area : 1572 km2

    Founded : 43 AD

    Lowest point : Edmonton

    Highest point : Enfield

    Important Landmarks : The Cheese Greater , Shard , London Eye , Tower Bridge ............ and many more!

  2. London

    London, which was founded in 43 AD, is one of the major cities in the world today. The Romans founded the city about 2000 years ago. England has the best economy in the world giving London a favourable impression. A fact file is below.

    Founded: 43AD
    Population: 8.6 million
    Area: 607sq miles (1,572 sq km)
    Tallest Point: The Shard- standing at 306 metres
    Lowest Point: Walworth Road
    Transport: Tube, British Rail, Tram and Bus
    Water Source: Thames River
    Terrain: Low hills and plains, with many suburban areas.

    The climate of London may vary at the time of year e.g in summer it may be very hot and then a lot of rainfall. Sometimes it is cold. In London the weather is almost unpredictable.

    Famous Landmarks include: the Shard, the Gherkin, the Tower of London, the O2 arena, the Science Museum, the Natural History Museum, Big Ben-The Houses of Parliament, Canary Wharf and Downing Street.

  3. Please Mrs Butler
    by Allan Ahlberg

    Please Mrs. Butler
    This boy Derek Drew
    Keeps copying my work, Miss.
    What shall I do?
    Go and sit in the hall, dear.
    Go and sit in the sink.
    Take your books on the roof, my lamb.
    Do whatever you think.
    Please Mrs. Butler
    This boy Derek Drew
    Keeps taking my rubber, Miss.
    What shall I do?

    Keep it in your hand, dear.
    Hide it up your vest.
    Swallow it if you like, my love.
    Do what you think best.

    Please Mrs. Butler
    This boy Derek Drew
    Keeps calling me rude names, Miss.
    What shall I do?

    Lock yourself in the cupboard, dear.
    Run away to sea.
    Do whatever you can, my flower.
    But don't ask me!

    I like this poem because Mrs.Butler uses a lot of sarcasm while she is speaking.
    The part where I like it is when they have the same boy getting into trouble over and over again.They have kept it on the same concept as before.It also uses lots of repetition.

  4. My favourite poem is Algy and the bear:

    Algy met a bear
    The bear met Algy
    The bear grew bulgy
    The bulge was Algy

    This poem is my favourite because it's funny and short. This poem has a bit of repition in it because it mentioned bear and Algy a lot.

  5. London's tallest building, the Shard has a height of 306 M there are other famous buildings in Central London for e.g which the height is 135 M.The population of London is now around 8.165 million!London has a famous river called the River thames.

  6. A new home because you might have a new bedroom that you might not like.But after a few days you might get used to it.Or you might even like it more than your old house.But still you will experience a big change during the move.

  7. When I moved to a new house I was really nervous. But now I really like it, I have kind neighbours and I live closer to family members. When I just moved I had to sleep in a small bunk bed. (It was really uncomfortable!) But after a while I got a new bed. In lots of ways change can be really hard, for example if you are a new person in a new school you probably would feel anxious and nervous. If you were moving house or country. But changing is a part of life and there is nothing we can do about it.

  8. ***********************
    Geography of London
    London is the biggest city in Britain and in Europe.
    London is the largest urban area and capital city of the United Kingdom, located in southeatern Great Braitain.
    London is a port on the Thames river.
    London is built around river thames.

    Size : over 620 square miles
    Population : 8.308 million (2013)

    Highest point : Westerham Heights located in the London borough of Bromley.
    Lowest point : Walworth Road in the London borough of Southwark.
    Climate : The climate of London is broadly similar to the rest of the UK, with cool summers, mild winters, no wet or dry season, and often moderate to strong

    winds. Rainfall is fairly regular, occurring throughout the year. Snow occurs sometimes in winter but rarely settles more than a few millimeters deep.
    London has many important landmarks like Big Ben and the Houses Of Parliament, The Tower Of London , St.Paul's Cathedral,London Eye,Buckingham palace,Trafalgar Square

    and Piccadilly Circus .
    London has many colleges and universities like kings college, university of London, university of Westminster and imperial college.
    London is multi-culture and has a good transportation links.London transport includes underground trains known as Tube , trains,river cruise, buses, black cabs.

    I am a proud Londoner :-) , I school at Chatsworth Primary School in Hounslow Borough of London .

  9. London
    1572 km square

    8.308 million

    Important Landmarks:
    Tower of London
    Westminster Abbey
    Tower Bridge Exhibition
    Hampton Court Palace
    Windsor Castle
    Kensington Palace
    Royal Observatory Greenwich
    Royal Albert Hall
    Stone Hinge
    Big Ben.

    Highest point:
    Westerham Heights

    Lowest point:
    The River Thames waterline where it crosses the easternmost most boundary of London

    Major bodies of water:
    Banbury Reservoir
    Brent Reservoir
    Clapton Pond
    East Warwick Reservoir
    Hampstead Ponds
    High Maynard Reservoir
    Highams Park Lake, Waltham Forest, London
    King George V Reservoir
    Lockwood Reservoir
    The Long Water
    Low Maynard Reservoir
    Round Pond

    Temperate: chance of rain and sun

    Largest urban area located in southeastern Great Britain, flat land and near the River Thames

  10. The population of London is 8,173,941
    The highest point in London is westerham heights which is 245 meters high
    The lowest point in London is in the river Thames
    The size of London is 607 square miles
    Some important landmarks are big ben, The tower of London and buckinem palace

  11. The most important landmark is London because it is a popular area and it is the capital city of England. The Romans discovered London around two thousand years ago. The population of England is around eight million people which is a lot!
    The size of London is around one point five seven two kilometres squared. The Romans travelled to London by boat which is why London is next to a river because that was where the Romans came from into London.

  12. London is 1,572km2 with a population of 8,641,000 and an average climate of 5 degrees as the lowest and 20 degrees as the highest. Its lowest point is 222m and highest point is 245m in a roughly circular and mostly flat, urban area. Surrounding London are the main rivers witch are the River Thames, Walbrook Rive and Serpentine.In the capital city there are lots of landmarks, but the most important include, the Tower of London, London eye, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament and Hampton court Palace

  13. What Am I?
    I’m bigger than the entire earth
    More powerful than the sea
    Though a million, billion have tried
    Not one could ever stop me.
    I control each person with my hand
    and hold up fleets of ships.
    I can make them bend to my will
    with one word from my lips.
    I’m the greatest power in the world
    in this entire nation.
    No one should ever try to stop
    a child’s imagination.

    This is my favourite poem because it gives a strong moral about how amazingly powerful your imagination can be. It also uses an outstanding amount of exaggeration and personification. Another reason for why I like this piece so much is because at the beginning it kind of makes you wonder what it was, thus creating a short yet effective suspense.

  14. London is one of the most inspirational cities in the world. The city of London was built from a settlement into a great city. Here are a few facts about London today:

    Population: 7,825,200
    Top three landmarks: Big Ben and houses of Parliament, Tower of London, London eye
    Highest ground level: Westerham in Bromley
    Poorest part of London: Hackney
    Richest part of London: Chelsea
    Most famous river: The River Thames
    Size of London: 1572 km squared

  15. LONDON

    Area: 1,572 km2
    Population: 8,416,535, as of 2013
    Important Landmarks: The Tower Of London, The London Eye, Westminster, Buckingham Palace, Natural History Museum, The Science Museum, National Art Gallery, and many more museums, Big Ben, Tower Bridge and Wembley (The home of English football).
    Major bodies of water include the River Thames which stretches for 346 km

  16. Don’t do,
    Don’t do,
    Don’t do that.
    Don’t pull faces,
    Don’t tease the cat.
    Don’t pick your ears,
    Don’t be rude at school.
    Who do they think I am?
    Some kind of fool?
    One day
    They’ll say
    Don’t put toffee in my coffee
    Don’t pour gravy on the baby
    Don’t put beer in his ear
    Don’t stick your toes up his nose.
    Don’t put confetti on the spaghetti
    And don’t squash peas on your knees.
    Don’t put ants in your pants
    Don’t put mustard in the custard
    Don’t chuck jelly at the telly
    And don’t throw fruit at a computer
    Don’t throw fruit at a computer.
    Don’t what?
    Don’t throw fruit at a computer.
    Don’t what?
    Don’t throw fruit at a computer.
    Who do they think I am?
    Some kind of fool?

    I like this poem, because it is funny, gives the reader a good impression of what’s happening and has a nice rhythm. Rhyme and powerful language have been used very well in this poem, however similes and personification are very poorly used.

  17. When I experience a change it's sometimes sad. Sometimes it's happy. When I left my old school, Hounslow Town, I felt sad. I felt sad as I had got used to the routines there. I also felt a little confused as i had never changed school before. To be honest I don't think anyone helped me overcome the change apart from my parents.

  18. In poems you might find some rhyming words and repetition and the poem may be in verses and in a rhythm. There are similes and metaphors and maybe even a chorus that gets repeated. There are still more. One of the poems I like is by Michael Rosen. His techniques that he uses is facial expression and projecting and changing his voice along with many more. He makes all of his poems funny and interesting by sometimes doing actions which helps the person understand more about the poem and it makes the poem more effective. All of his poems are funny and enjoyable.

  19. Size: 1,572 km²
    Population: 8.308 million
    Climate: Changes every season
    Lowest point: Below sea level
    Highest point: The shard
    Terrain: flat terrain
    Major bodies of water: Thames
    Important landmarks: London Eye, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, St Paul’s cathedral, Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, and many more popular landmarks.

  20. A time in my life when I have experienced change was when my cat died at the age of 24. My mummy helped me forget she had died and pretended she was sleeping by speaking to me. When I was little she told me that she had become a star. We created a bench with her name carved in to it. What I wanted more than anything was to get her back. Even now I wish I could see her again. When we experience a change it is difficult, but after a while you get used to it.

  21. A time in my life when I have experienced change was when my cat died at the age of 24. My mummy helped me forget she had died and pretended she was sleeping by speaking to me. When I was little she told me that she had become a star. We created a bench with her name carved in to it. What I wanted more than anything was to get her back. Even now I wish I could see her again. When we experience a change it is difficult, but after a while you get used to it.

  22. The changes in London help us today as there was a law that king John, also known as bad king John, signed a paper known as the magna carter. That piece of paper changed every thing as it said that even if you are king or queen you were never higher than the law. That also introduced the government. That was only one thing that change. They also introduced a prime minister, a person who would rule the country.
    London's population is around 8.6 million people. The climate in the winter and autumn are cold and wet, and London only really gets around 3 months of sunshine per year, normally in June, July and August. The major river running through London is the River Thames. There are many interesting landmarks in London such: London eye, BigBen,Hampton court palce , houses of parlament. and many many more.

  23. Science. I experienced a change when I started saying senteces at the age of two. This was an exciting event because my communication was starting to improve. I felt happy because I was able to speak to my family relitives and friends. I was also excited too as I had accomplished one step in life, of course I did not know that at the time

  24. Geography of London

    London lies on the River Thames, about 50km from the North Sea.
    In the 1970s and 80s a large barrier was built in the eastern part of the city to stop incoming water from flooding the nation’s capital.
    London became one of the first megacities in the world. Since the end of World War II, however the population of the city has begun to decrease because so many people have moved to the suburbs and new towns outside of London.
    Tourism is an important economic factor for the city. Every year millions of people from over the world come to London to see the city’s well – known Sights.
    The climate for London is broadly similar to the rest of the UK, with cool summers, mild winters, no wet or dry season, and often moderate to strong winds.
    The lowest point of London assuming none of London is sea level, the lowest point, above water will vary constantly. It will be the waterline of the River Thames where is crosses the eastern most boundary of London. It will, of course, be lowest at low tide during a period of spring tides.
    The highest point would be Primrose Hill great walking from Camden towards Primrose Hill, nice and charming shops nearby. Sunny day is the perfect day to visit. Because of the geographical venue spread, so many people this month will be lucky enough to witness London on the ground, instead of just underground, and get a fuller sense of its architectural landscape and urban layout.
    There are 10 major of bodies of water in London: River Thames, Regents Canal, Alexandra Palace, Tooting Bec Lido, Serpentine Boating Lake, King Cross Pond Club, River Lea Navigation, Shadwell Basin, Highgate Bathing and Clapton Pond.
    Finally some of the most important landmark in London for the public or Tourists are the following: Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, City Hall, House of Parliament, Harrods, Downing Street, The Shard, Tower Bridge, Globe Theatre and Horse Guards.

    By Tanraj

  25. Geography of London

    London lies on the River Thames, about 50km from the North Sea.
    In the 1970s and 80s a large barrier was built in the eastern part of the city to stop incoming water from flooding the nation’s capital.
    London became one of the first megacities in the world. Since the end of World War II, however the population of the city has begun to decrease because so many people have moved to the suburbs and new towns outside of London.
    Tourism is an important economic factor for the city. Every year millions of people from over the world come to London to see the city’s well – known Sights.
    The climate for London is broadly similar to the rest of the UK, with cool summers, mild winters, no wet or dry season, and often moderate to strong winds.
    The lowest point of London assuming none of London is sea level, the lowest point, above water will vary constantly. It will be the waterline of the River Thames where is crosses the eastern most boundary of London. It will, of course, be lowest at low tide during a period of spring tides.
    The highest point would be Primrose Hill great walking from Camden towards Primrose Hill, nice and charming shops nearby. Sunny day is the perfect day to visit. Because of the geographical venue spread, so many people this month will be lucky enough to witness London on the ground, instead of just underground, and get a fuller sense of its architectural landscape and urban layout.
    There are 10 major of bodies of water in London: River Thames, Regents Canal, Alexandra Palace, Tooting Bec Lido, Serpentine Boating Lake, King Cross Pond Club, River Lea Navigation, Shadwell Basin, Highgate Bathing and Clapton Pond.
    Finally some of the most important landmark in London for the public or Tourists are the following: Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, City Hall, House of Parliament, Harrods, Downing Street, The Shard, Tower Bridge, Globe Theatre and Horse Guards.

    By Tanraj

  26. Hello I am in India. I just reached here two days ago.
