Friday, 25 September 2015

Topic homework due Friday, 2nd October



We are beginning a new topic next week on Journalistic writing. Please write your own news report about an exciting event that has happened to you recently. If you need inspiration, look at some newspapers to get a feel for how journalists write about events.

Next week we are going to be finding out about the lives of famous females in Ancient Egyptian times.

Can you find out the names of any?

I've given some clues to 3 of the most famous that we are going to be finding out about in class on Monday.

You will need to do some research and then solve the anagrams !

1)      h  e  a   h  p  s  s  t     -   She dressed up pretending to be a man.  Why?

2)        a  c p o t  l  e a r   -   A famous Queen who married a Roman Soldier.

3)       r i  f  e t  e i  n  t   -  She was married to Akhenaten

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!


We will be looking at the ‘Phases of the Moon’ next week. If we have some clear nights this week have a look at the shape of the moon. What does it look like? Do some sketches or take a photo to show the class. If you can’t take a photo then print a photo from Google images. Check the BBC Stargazing Video Clips. Why does the moon look different at different times of the year?
Useful websites – BBC Stargazing

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Homework due Friday, 25th September

Homework: Week beginning 21st September 2015

This homework is all due by Friday 25th September.

Spellings:    ough  


Look, cover, write and then check. Spellings will be tested in school on Fridays.
Mathletics:   Please let us know if your child cannot access Mathletics.

This week we have been looking at multiplying and dividing by multiples of ten, i.e. 10, 100, 1000.



Literacy: Stories with Mystery and Suspense.

 Please read the paragraph below. Can you edit it and up level it to improve it. Think about your Suspense Toolkit.  (You can change as much as you like BUT you must keep the main characters the same!)
Literacy.   A  suspense story.


It was night time. It was raining. The cat saw a fox. He was frightened. He ran away and hid. The fox looked for the cat.

He didn’t know where it had gone. The cat stayed quiet. “I hope he doesn’t see me” said the cat.


The fox went away. The cat looked to see if it was safe. The rain was getting worse. He didn’t want to go out in the rain, but he wanted to get somewhere safe.


Edit and up level the story and think of an ending!  Can you give your story a title?


Do you agree or disagree with each child’s statement? Why?


Useful websites:

BBC Bitesize clips      and    BBC Stargazing clips


Next week we will be looking at the discovery of Tutankhamun’s Tomb. Watch this video clip.

What are the Egyptian authorities planning to do? Why? Do you agree (or disagree)?

Friday, 11 September 2015

Homework due Thursday, 17th September


We have started our topic on Ancient Egypt with a focus on people’s achievements from that era. Please research Tutankhamun and find five facts about him to post on the blog. What did he achieve in his time as pharaoh?