Monday 9 November 2015

Remembrance Day....

It is Remembrance Day on Wednesday, 11th November. Why is the poppy used as a symbol of Remembrance Day. What are we remembering? Why do we wear a poppy?

Have a look at the photos below. Who do you think this person could be? How old do you think he was when the photo was taken? Where do you think he went and in what year? What might have happened to him? I will tell you some stories about him on Wednesday.

Thanks to all for your interest in this post and for listening to the stories about what happened to my Grandad so intently. It was good to hear some of your stories too.  If you have any more stories, questions or thoughts then please do post them here. I'm sure you were all thinking of those who have suffered the consequences of war today, as well as being thankful for all the things we have and take for granted, that others have been denied. The two minute silence we observed today was a good opportunity to do that. Special thanks to Mr Farnell for playing The Last Post so beautifully. 


  1. we wear poppies because it is our remembrance symbol of all the people that died in the wars

  2. The photo of the man was probably made in either england or america, The soilders name is Stewerd and he got injured or survived in the war. and was born in 1900

  3. we were poppies so we can show respect to the people who have died in world war 1 and world war 2

  4. I think he my grun anty frend I think hez nam is ranud.

  5. there a field in Belgium which was full of lovely houses farms and lots of other things but most of all it was filled with poppys and it was called Flander`s field.
    It was destroyed in the world war.

  6. A Poem about Remembrance Day
    Fighters of the war,
    It was all
    down to you,
    To save our country,
    And other’s futures too.

    Soldiers march,
    Right left right’
    Gunfire shoot,
    In the pitch black of night.

    1. Such a amazing poem. Miss should read it in class.

    2. Anya it is a very beautiful poem
      BY OLA

    3. I agree Ola it it's a incredible poem.

    4. Dear anya,

      I love your poem about remembrance day because I think that it is amazing that you are taking this in consideration and I think that you have done an amazing job. Well done!!! you are amazing lol.!!!!!!!

  7. i think the man was about 20 years old when he fought in the war.i think he survived both battles but i think he got injured.

  8. when was he born in 1908.

  9. Elliot and Raheem F10 November 2015 at 05:49

    The photo the man might be your grandad who might have been 19 in the picture. I think it is a poppy because of flanders field in Belgium which was a poppy field.

  10. We wear poppies because its to remember the people to fight in the war. The symbol is a poppy because they are flowers which grew on the battle field in World War I

  11. the soilders name is stewerd

    by navdeep

  12. In my opinion this person is someone who fought in the world war in a group called grandad.jpb who is about twenty years old. I can tell this because his suit is all dark and grim with bruises on them. He also looks really young (maybe less than I said before ) but people go into war lying about their age.

    1. I think you have written so much about poppies

    2. the persons name is stewerd

    3. Maham the persons name wasn't steward it was walter

    4. I think you could be right senuda

  13. we wear poppy because since 1921 to commemorate military personnel who have died in war.

  14. we wear poppies to remember people who risked there life fighting in the war.I think the person in the picture was around 18 or 19 years old

  15. we are rembering the people who have died in wars... I think this person is a person who was one of the main people in the wars .... I think this person was about 24 or 28 ..... I think he went to a desert and he went in 1936..... I think he got shot or might of lost his leg by someone cutting it.......

    We wear poppy's to remember the people which died in the world war 1 and 2 to save are lives .

    1. Dear Ola,
      you are so cute LOL. I really like what you wrote

  17. we where poppies because on the battlefield in world war 1 poppy's where growing there.

  18. We wear poppies to remember the people who died in the war. We wear poppies instead of sun flowers because they grew on the battle field when world war one ended. We wear poppies to show that we remember the people who died, but poppies are not just to remember those who died in world war one it is in all the wars even the ones that are going on today.

  19. I think the man is 19 years old because he looks so young I think he was in world war 1

  20. we wear poppies because we rember people who died

  21. I think the man was about 18-21 years old when he fought in the war. I think hes on of your granddads or a man who fought in one of the wars and got injured.

  22. the poppy is a symbol because it was the only flower to grow in the fields . we are remembering the people who died during the wars or where affected . I think the man in the picture was 21 or 22. he probably went to world war 2. he could have been injured .so on Wednesday 11th at 11 o'clock on the 11 month we have 1 or 2 minutes of silence.

  23. The man in the picture is a man in the world war one,two but I am not about what his name his I think his name charile


  24. we were it cause we will rember all the people in the war but not just in world war 1 and 2. On the 11 on wenesday at 11:00 we will all remember all the people who fighted in the war

  25. I think that this man is 19 because people had to be over 18.This mans uniform looks like its from world war one even though the ones from both wars were similar.
    The poppys are used as to remember people who died in loads of wars.They are poppys because in poppy fialds it looks like blood from people when they got shot bombed or died in a siknes.We buy them so that people who are fighting in Siria or Afganistn.This money is used for weele chairs and medical helps.I think people shoudnt as why we wear poppys.We stand in silence at 11:00 on the 11th day on November.My mums and dads grama and granddad were in the war and I know that my mums mum was in the war but died when she was 6years old and I think this is a sad story.

    by Maria

  26. I think the person is 30 in the picture

  27. The poppies were used a symbol for remembrance day because it was inspired by world war.We wear poppies because we can remember the people who in the war

  28. the reason why we were the poppy is to remember the pupil that fight's for our life's and the world to have peace. the recent wars where world war 1 and world war 2. i think the person who it is must be Jhon kiren his age must be 19

  29. on the battlelefiled war there were poppy,s on the ground and people died on the poppys

  30. I think the man is your granddad. He might have been 18 to 22 when he enlisted

  31. So many people aren't grateful for what those amazing soldiers did to help fight the Nazis who were torturing jews for what they believed in. Even though i am a muslim
    i think it is unfair that the the Nazis party tortured jews.
