Friday 13 November 2015

Topic homework due Friday, 20th November

There are lots of Ancient Greek stories, myths and legends. Read or listen to a few and then choose your favourite. Write a BRIEF synopsis on the blog, telling the rest of the class what it was all about. Keep it short, only a few sentences. Please make sure it is your own work! Would you recommend the story?

There are some great websites, including one that enables you to listen to Greek stories. See the BBC Schools radio pages, , Mr Donn’s website is also very good.


  1. My favourite ancient Greek myth was Hercules and the 12 Labours. In this myth Hercules' cousin King Eyurstheas set 12 tasks for him. Eyurstheas set the tasks because he beleived that Hercules would steal his crown so wanted him to fail.

    In these tasks Hercules had to capture and kill beasts that were a threat to the village people. Amazingly in all the tasks that were set, Hercules managed to catch and kill all the creatures, even the ones that established hunters could not catch. And if the hunters had caught the beasts they never managed the journey back.

  2. once upon a time there was a man called Daedalus who was a fine architect. he was called to make a maze for the kings horrible looking pet. Daedalus decided to make it really hard. One day some kids went in and took king's lovely daughter and killed one of the Minotaur. King thought that Daedalus and his son Icarus has them and he decided to put them into the prison. Daedalus made wing out of feathers and wax to fly out of the Daedalus waned icarus not to fly near the sun but he disobeyed him and he went near to the sun and his wings melted so he drowned. Daedalus continued on his own.

  3. Theseus and the Minotaur
    is about a king named Minos. King Minos lived on a lovely island called Crete. King Minos had everything a king could possibly want. Now and then, King Minos sent his navy to the tiny village of Athens, across the sea to attak them. Athens would send 7 boys and 7 girls to the island of Crete to be eaten by the awful monster that King Minos kept as a pet, the dreaded minotaur.Prince Theseus He was going to kill the Minotaur.

    1. i would recommend this to somebody how likes mystery

  4. I recomend too see perseus and the Medusa.It's a women with snakes on her head that can turn people or animals into stone.This is soppose to be a myth or just a plane old legend.This is a very famous ancient Greek story.

    By Maria

  5. Out of all the myths I read my favourite was King Midas and the Donkey ears. The myth is a about a completion between two people and there are two judges. One of the judges were King Midas. Both the judges had different opinions of who won the completion. The one which King Midas said lost said he has small ears. His barber promised not to tell anyone. The barber went to the top of a mountain and dug a hole. He shouted that King Midas has the ears of an ass(donkey)!

  6. Theseus and the Minotaur
    In this myth Theseus goes into a labyrinth and follows the sound of the Minotaur and fights it.I would recomend this if you like drama and suspense.

    1. This is a really Good Greek myth!
      How did you get to choose; There's Dozens.
      My favourite is Demeter and Persephone.

  7. Arachne the Spinner

    This myth is about a young woman called Arachne who was a very remarkable at weaving cloths on her wheel, but one day she went too far and boasted about being greater than Athena, godess of wisdom, war, and crafts. This news reached the godess and she was angry so, disguising herself as an old woman, warned Arachne not to offend the gods but Arachne told her to save breath and completely ignored the warning. She challenged Athena to a weaving contest which is when she reveals her true form and the godess accepted the challenge triumphantly. They weaved from early morning to late in the night. The next day, they compared their makes. Athena’s depicted the gods doing good deeds, while Arachne’s depicted the gods doing the opposite. Athena got furious at this and punished Arachne, pointing at her forehead to worsen the guilt. Arachne hid in the forest for many days. One day, the godess came to the forest with a magic cobweb and when Arachne approached it, she grew six more legs and shrank into a tiny spider.

    The End

  8. Medusa

    There is a king and he is told that he is going to be killed by his daughters son so he throws him and his mother in a river. A group of fisherman pull them out the river. They get taken to a town and a person there likes her and her son does not like him so they say go fetch me the gorgons head. He sets of his task to find the gorgons head (Medusa). I would recommend the story because it has adventure and you can follow the story quite well.

  9. A good Myth would be The gift of fire Zeus and Prometheus
    The myth is about Prometheus feeling sorry for humans that were running out of fire and Zeus who weren't so keen on them feeling quite happy, but one day Prometheus stole Zeus's lightning bolt to provide humans with fire. Zeus was furious and strapped poor Prometheus to a rock and sent thunder storms tsunamis and scorching weather at him. One thousand years latter Prometheus was rescued by Hercules but Zeus did not care then because he had started liking humans.

  10. King Midas
    There was a person called Pan, he had challenged Apollo ( A very powerful god) at a musical, he was sure that his vine flute would sound better than Apollo's harp. There were two judges and one of them was King Midas. Pan played his flute and Apollo played the harp. One of the judges said that Apollo was the winner (because he was scared of Apollo) but King Midas said that Pan was the better musician and he said that if you said that Apollo is the winner then they have asses ears. Th following day King Midas had woken and found out that he had asses ears. No one knew this except for the barber. King Midas wore a hat to make sure that no one knew this. The barber was fed up he dug a hole and said King Midas has asses ears. then one day the mountains said that and people knew that he had asses ears. I would recommend this myth because no body knows what happens next so you can make up the ending.

  11. Icarus and Deadalus is a really good Greek myth.Its about a person called Deadalus he was a talented artist.King minos wanted him to build a maze for his minotaur.So he built it.King Minos did not think so one who entered would never make it out alive.One day a group of children needed to go through so they did.King Mino found out and kept him as a prisoner with his son Icarus on Crete.Deadalus thought of flying.So he got some feathers and set off with his son.Icarus went too high and burnt.

    I would recommend this.

  12. Icarus and Deadalus is a really good Greek myth.Its about a person called Deadalus he was a talented artist.King minos wanted him to build a maze for his minotaur.So he built it.King Minos did not think so one who entered would never make it out alive.One day a group of children needed to go through so they did.King Mino found out and kept him as a prisoner with his son Icarus on Crete.Deadalus thought of flying.So he got some feathers and set off with his son.Icarus went too high and burnt.

    I would recommend this.

  13. I like Perseus and the gorgan Perseus has to get gorgans head which turns everyone to stone he askew a two headed monster and on his way back he turns a mean sea monster to stone and saves a girl and marries her.

  14. Theseus and the Minotaur.

    There was an island called Crete and the king of Crete was called King Minos. He was evil he created a labyrinth with a dangerous wicked and evil monster named the Minotaur. He was a half man and half bull creature and he grinds people to death.

    There was a city named Athens, with a king called Aegeus and one day his son, Theseus, told him that he would go on a dangerous quest to slay the Minotaur. The next day they both went to the beach and Theseus got on a boat. His father told him that of he was successful then he should change his sails from black to white and he would wait on the beach for Theseus to return.

    Theseus set off to Crete where he met King Minos and behind him was a girl who liked the look of Theseus and secretly helped him find a way to get out of the labyrinth. She was called Ariadne and she was Minoses daughter. He searched through the labyrinth and found the Minotaur and a strength awokened in Theseus. He grabbed both of the minotaurs horns and kept on stretching his neck over and over left and right until he snapped the minotaurs neck.

    He found his way out of the labyrinth with the help of the string Ariadne had gave him. She asked if she could go back to Athens with him and get married. He couldn't say no but he didn't want to marry her so they stopped at an island on the way to Athens and asked her to go and get bread and fruit but he left her there and sailed on without her.

    He forgot to change his sails to white and when his dad the king saw the boat coming with black sails he thought Theseus had failed and was dead and he was so upset he drowned himself. The gods made it that Aegeus died as a punishment for how bad Theseus was to Ariadne.

    By Carlos

  15. Dear miss Davis

    I really do not want to do my homework this week. I do not ever want to do my homework and I still do so can I skip this weeks homework. Pleeeease don't make me do my homework pleeeeeease. I hate doing homework.

    1. why don't you want to do your homework
      when you get older it will prepare you for a job

  16. Greek Myths And Legends
    Andromeda and Perseus
    Andromeda was tied to a rock by her parents and left for a sea-monster to eat for his breakfast. Not surprisingly, she wasn’t very pleased about that. She tells us in her own voice how this came about, and how she was rescued by the Greek Hero, Perseus. We then hear Perseus’ life story, including the tale of how he cut off the snaky head of the Gorgon Medusa. I would recommend this story.

  17. Demeter and Persephone:
    Demeter loved her daughter, Persephone. they played in the fields every day. When Demeter saw Persephone's smile her heart filled with happiness; this was reason why the crops grew healthy and live flowers filed everywhere; Persephone became a goddess in a twinkle of a eye. Hades was a joyless and dark fellow. Hades normally stayed in the underworld. One day he wanted have a chariot ride with his three headed dog, Cerberus. he saw Persephone from a distance and instantly fell in love with her. Before anyone could stop him he grabbed his niece, chariot and dog and took them to the underworld. Hades took Persephone to a beautifully decorated room in the hall of Hades. He soon brought delicious food to Persephone, but Persephone refused ; she heard that if you ate anything in the underworld you would have to to stay there forever. A week went she. Finally in desperate hunger she ate a few pomegranate seeds she burst into tears. She wasn’t the only one crying. Her mother, Demeter missed her daughter terribly. Demeter didn’t care if her crops died. Demeter only cared about her daughter. Somebody told Zeus, but nobody knows who told him; it was clear the humans would die with out the crops. He cared about the humans. Zeus sent his Hermes to work a deal with Hades. The deal hermes worked out was this: If Persephone would marry Hades, she would live as queen of the Underworld for six months each winter. In the spring, Persephone would return to earth and live there for six months. No one especially liked the deal, but everyone finally agreed. Every spring Demeter makes sure every nook is filled with flowers for her daughters arrival every fall when Persephone returns to the underworld Each spring, Demeter brings everything to life again, ready to welcome her daughter's return.To the ancient Greeks, that was the reason for seasons - winter, spring, summer, fall.

    1. i will recommend this for someone who likes romance and drama

    2. Zeus sent his son Hermes

  18. Theseus and the monitor.
    Once upon a time there was a boy called Theseus and he had a mother and she had a secret that she had told no one she then told Theseus her little boy and the boy asked if I could go and see my dad and his mother told him that he is a king and that if you can move that big great stone over there then you will get a sword and that would prove to me that you are strong enough to go with him to fight the monitor. So one day he trained him self and he moved the rock so one day he went down to Athens and he meet his farther then he challenged a white bull and he defeated it and then he went down a maze with some will and a girl the evil kings daughter and defeated the minortor and he came out with the horns of the minortor and he went back home with his friends and family back to his father and back to his village and the girl the evil kings daughter an had a happy life together and his family and friend in the village happily lived together.The end
