Friday 27 November 2015

Topic homework due Friday, 4th December

This week we will be learning about the Ancient Greek idea of democracy, which is still in place in many countries around the world today. Can you explain what democracy is, giving an example?


  1. democracy means rule by people when there is a vote to choose a leader or prime minster democracy is when people express there ideas in political system for choosing and replacing through free and fair elections

    1. jasleen (jazz friz)8 December 2015 at 05:55

      Dear Navdeep,
      I think that you have done a great job on Democracy. well done.(LOL).

  2. Democracy gives people the right to vote who runs the country like what we have in england america and lots of other places the person with the most votes gets to run the country by Raheem ka

  3. Democracy is when people are able to choose who their leader is. What happens is that people vote for whom they want as leader for 5 years and then they vote again to decide again who they want as leader. It all started in the Greek city of Athens. Only men over eighteen could vote and they could not be slaves. Now we are in a different world were anyone can vote as long as they are over 18 in age. Democracy is the fairest way to vote because you can have your own opinion of whom you want to lead your country.

  4. Democracy is when somebody is in power but gets elected to be government.
    So they voted for who they wanted to be government. People vote fairly in who they want to be government. So the one who has the most votes gets to be government.

  5. Democracy

    Democracy is basically being free and choosing what you want to and having a choice.Democracy is also like when a majority people agreeing on something. In ancient greek times they sometimes didn`t have democracy. In this country mostly we have democracy but in some other countrys they dont. Sometimes it`s like choosing a new priminister and lots of people do that.

  6. Athenian democracy
    Athenian democracy developed around the fifth century B.C. in the Greek city-state (known as a polis) of Athens, comprising the city of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica and is the first known democracy in the world. Other Greek cities set up democracies, most following the Athenian model, but none are as well documented as Athens.

  7. Democracy
    The word ‘Democracy’ is Greek origin and literally translated to ‘power to the people’. In democratic form of government people have the power to enact and decide how they will be enforced. It is when the country is ruled by one leader. This is a type of government where citizens vote for a leader and the leader that gets the most votes will become the leader of the country and has to take control as soon as he becomes the leader e.g. when the elections took place David Cameron and Ed Miliband and many other leaders of different parties had the chance of becoming the leader of the UK, this was counted by votes which were given by citizens and that’s how the leader was chosen to take control of the UK. In democracy a leader can lead the country for 5 years for 2 terms. In UK there are many parties such as; conservatives, labour, UKIP (United Kingdom independence party), LD (Liberal Democrats).

    1. In the UK we have 5 main parties Conservatives, Labour, UKIP (United Kingdom independence party), LD (Liberal Democrats) as Zunaid. There are other small parties such as Plaid Cymru the party of Wales. During the 2015 election many main party leaders resigned.

  8. Democracy!
    Democracy is is a system of government that lets the people vote.
    Democracy is when you vote for the the candidate to be the the head of your city state [Ancient Greece] or country.In Ancient Greece you had to be 18 and over. You had to be born in Athens and had to own land .

  9. A democracy is when anyone one can vote.A type of government or political which is ruled by citizens.If you were planning to make a club you would let everyone vote,this is a democracy.Direct democracy is when every members participate directly.Representative democracy is when members vote to respect leaders in decisions.

  10. Democracy is when the people are given ability to vote for something they like. For example the genarel election (WHICH DAVID CAMERON SHOULD NOT HAVE WON)was based on democracy. Power to the the people.

    By Carlos

  11. Democracy
    Democracy, or democratic government is a system of goverment which involves the people of country.This means any decision made by the parliament and prime minister has been fair as everyone gets to vote.

  12. Democracy is a system of government in which the whole population vote and decide on something or when all eligible members of the state vote, typically through elected representatives. An example of when democracy is used is when people say whether we should bomb Syria or when a new president is elected. In Ancient Greek times they called Democracy, demokratia.

  13. Democracy is when all the citizens of a country have a chance to vote in an election, that means to vote for who they want as a leader or prime minister. This happens about every 4 years. For example right now David Cameron is the prime minister in England, so lets say he got elected today in the next 4 years there will be a new election so whoever wins it (eg gets the most votes) is prime minister.

    Also in a democracy the prime minster takes charge, and is more powerful then a King or Queen.

  14. Democracy.
    the word democracy comes from the ancient Greek word demos, which means people, and kratia and that means power. Democracy means ''rule by the people''. within a democracy , all adults have the right to play a part in the government of their country. In most democracies , all persons over the age of 18 can elect a member of parliament to stand up for them in the national government. Democracy as a system of governance is suppose to allow extensive representation and inclusiveness of as many people and views as possible to feed into the functioning of a fair and just society. Democratic principles run in line with the ideals of universal freedoms such as the right to free speech. Importantly, democracy supposedly serves to check unaccountable power and manipulation by the few at the expense of the many, because fundamentally democracy is seen as a form of governance by the people, for the people. This is often implemented through elected representatives, which therefore requires free, transparent, and fair elections, in order to achieve legitimacy.
