Friday 20 November 2015

Topic homework due Friday, 27th November.

This week we will be learning about Pythagoras, one of the first Greek mathematical thinkers.
His famous Pythagorean Theorem  (Pythagoras' theorem) found out something amazing to do with right angled triangles. Can you find out what it was? Write it on the blog!


  1. Pythagorean theorem
    The sum of the areas of the two squares on the legs (a and b) equals the area of the square on the hypotenuse (c).
    It can be written as a2 + b2 = c2
    For example: A right angled triangle has two sides, you can use those to find the third side.

  2. Pythagoras' Theorem
    2000 years there was the discovery of triangles, by a man called Pythagorus. When a triangle has a right angle (90°) and squares are made on each of the three
    sides,then the biggest square has the exact same area as the other two squares put

  3. The Pythagorean theorem is over 2000 years’ old and is invented by an lonian Greek philosopher, mathematician called Pythagoras of Samos.
    The definition of the theory is:
    “In a right angled triangle; the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.”
    This formula can be written in one equation:
    a2 + b2 = c2
    c is the longest side of the triangle which is called Hypotenuse. This largest square has the exact same area as the other two squares summed up a and b which are the other two sides.

  4. What pythagoras theorm was?

    Pythagoras theorm is part of a Euclidean geometry amoung the 3 sides of a tringle. It states that the square □ of the hypistenuse (the side oppiste to the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other 2 sides.

  5. Pythagoras

    Pythagoras was born in Samos [Greece]. He was a maths genius. He made things that we use today like odd,even and squared numbers. He was taught by a philosopher and became one himself. He made the pythagorean theorem so A squared plus B squared equals C squared. His knowledge of maths was fantastic.

  6. Pythagoras thought that some numbers were better than other numbers. He thought that they had a special meaning.

    1 meant the number of reason
    2 meant the first female number
    3 meant the 1st true male number
    4 meant the number of justice
    5 meant marriage
    6 means creation

    Triangles are pyhagoras favourite shape. He found out that the angles of a tringle add up to 180.

    The school he went to also studied shaoes mostly intersted in a tringle.

    The longest length is called hypotenuse.
    Triangular numbrrs are: 1,3,5,7,9,11
    Square numbers are: 1,3,6,10,15.

  7. Pythagoras, one of the first Greek mathematicians, was famous for his amazing discovery of the right angled triangles! I will show you here:
    When you get a right angled triangle name the largest side C the second smallest B and the smallest A.
    To give a quick explanation name A the number 6 Square name B the number 8 Square and you have to find the answer to C. The fact is, you need to find the answer to A add B. So first Square 6 which is 36 and do 8 square which is 64 and add them together which equals 100. Then you have to do 100 squared which is 10 because 10 * 10 = 100. C = 10.
    What his discovery actually was that in a right angled triangle's the smaller two sides square added and squared would make C and his method is still used today.

  8. Phythagoras was a maths genius and made a shape called the triangle.He also made odd even square and triangular numbers.He found out squared +b squared is c squared.

  9. Pythagoras!
    Pythagoras loved maths!
    Pythagoras was a famous mathematician.
    Pythagoras invented even and odd numbers.
    Born:575 or 569
    Died:495 or 500-475
    He was married but he and his wife had no children.
    The earth was around that the sun,moon and other planets had either own movements.His belifs eventually led to coperican theory of the universe.
    THE END!!!!

  10. Pythagoras figured out that if you add up all the angles in a triangle it will always add up to 180 degrees. If you then break up the triangle into three and put the angles together, it will form a straight line. He also found out that to find out the hypotenuse's length (longest side of a right angled triangle) you will have to:

    1. Square both of your other two lengths. eg 4cm and 3cm so 4x4=16 and 3x3=9
    2. Then add your answers together. eg 16+9=25
    3. What ever your answer is you find the square root . eg. 25 square root =5
    4. What your answer is is your answer! eg. 5cm

    Pythagorus also figured out that 1,3,6 and so on are 'triangular' numbers. And he also invented the 'squared' numbers.

  11. Pythagoras was Born:575 or 569 and Died:495 or 500-475. he was a maths genius he worked out that A squared plus B squared equals C squared.

  12. Pythagoras Theorem.
    In a right angle triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the square of the other two sides.
    The longest side is called the hypotenuse.
    Pythagoras theorem can only be used on right angle triangles.
    Pythagoras theorem can be written as A2+ B2= C2

  13. Pythagoras left Samos for Egypt in about 535 B.C. Right triangles are triangles in which one of the interior angles is 90 o . A 90 o angle is called a right angle, A 90 o angle is called a right angle . Right triangles are sometimes called right-angled triangles . The other two interior angles are complementary , ie their sum equals 90 o .When using the Pythagorean Theorem, the hypotenuse or its length is often labeled with a lower case c . The legs are often labeled a and b . a2+b2=c2 by Kamil

  14. Pythagoras left Samos for Egypt in about 535 B.C. Right triangles are triangles in which one of the interior angles is 90 o . A 90 o angle is called a right angle, A 90 o angle is called a right angle . Right triangles are sometimes called right-angled triangles . The other two interior angles are complementary , ie their sum equals 90 o .When using the Pythagorean Theorem, the hypotenuse or its length is often labeled with a lower case c . The legs are often labeled a and b . a2+b2=c2

  15. Pythagoras had a theorem and its was based on the right angle of a triangle. He proved that you coluld make a square from each side of the triangle and that the surface area of the two smallest aqures was the same as the surface area of the biggest square.

    By Carlos

  16. Pythagoras is a mathamatics expert.the amazing thing about his right angled triangles is that if you rip it will form a straight line.the other thing is that he found out the hypotenuse length.what to do to find it out:
    square both of your length eg 4 3 4x4=16 and 3x3=9
    then add the answers that u timed eg 16+9=25
    square root is 5
    5 is the hypotenuse.

  17. Over 2000 years ago an amazing discovery happened about triangles and it was invented by a Greece philosopher called Pythagoras. He was one of the first Greek mathematicians. The discovery was called the Pythagoras Theorem. This can be written in one short equation:


    c is the longest side on the triangle and Is called a Hypotenuse. In a right angle triangle the square of the Hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. The largest square has the same area as the other two squares summed up. The other two sides are a and b. If a was 4 then a2 would be 16 then if b was 3 then b2 would be 9 then you would add 16+9 which equals 25 . Then once you have found the answer to c2 you have to find the square root of 25 which is 5.

  18. Pythagoras

    Who was Pythagoras?

    Pythagoras was a famous mathematician who was known for believing that ‘everything is number’. He founded a group of followers, currently called the Pythagoreans who were fascinated in the science of shapes (also known as geometry).
    What did Pythagoras do during his lifetime?
    Here is a timeline to explain:
    580: Born on the Greek island of Samos

    560: Visits the philosopher Thales, who
    introduces him to mathematical ideas

    550: Studies under Egyptian priests in Memphis, Egypt

    530: Settles in Crotone, a Greek colony in Italy, and establishes a sect there

    500: Flees persecution

    490: Dies in the Greek city of Metapontium

    What did he invent?

    Pythagoras invented the most famous equation that’s related to triangles (his favourite shape):
    A2 + B2 = C2

    This equation is the formula to find the length of the HIPPOTENUSE which is the longest side on a triangle.

  19. It states that the square of the hypotenuse the side opposite the right angle is equal
    to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

  20. The Pythagorean Theorem.

    One of the best known mathematical formulas is Pythagorean Theorem, this formula provides us with the relationship between sides in a right angle triangle.
    Overall a right triangle consists of two legs and a hypotenuses.
    This is when the two legs meet at a 90° angle and the hypotenuses has the longest side of the right angle and is the side opposite the right angle.

    In every right angle the relationship is:

    a2 +b2 =c2

    This relationship only works on a right angled triangles.
