Friday 6 May 2016

Topic homework due Friday, 13th May

Was Francis Drake a pirate, an explorer or a privateer?

Who was Francis Drake and what did he achieve during the Tudor times?


  1. Sir Francis Drake, vice admiral (1540 – 27 January 1596) was an English sea captain, privateer, navigator, slaver, and politician of the Elizabethan era. Drake carried out the second skirt of the world in a single expedition, from 1577 to 1580, and was the first to complete the voyage as captain while leading the expedition throughout the entire travel. With his incursion into the Pacific he inaugurated an era of privateering and piracy in the western coast of the Americas—an area that had previously been free of piracy.

  2. Sir Francis Drake

    Sir Francis Drake was a privateer.Drake was a English sea captain and was born on July 13 1540 and died on January 27 1596. He had fame by defeating the Spanish Armada.

  3. Sir Francis Drake was an explorer and privateer.
    He was given the name Golden Hind and was the first Englishman to sail around the world. Elizabeth I awarded Drake a knighthood in the year 1581. He was considered a hero to his nation, but was said to be a pirate to the Spanish, who had set a reward on him. He died in an unsuccessful attempt to attack San Juan, Puerto Rico.

  4. Sir Francis Drake was born around 1540 and died 27th of january 1596. he was known for being the 2nd captain to circumnavigate the world in a single voyage. he was 2nd in command in the english fleet in the amazing victory against the spanish armada. he was also a position during the rein of elizabeth I.

    Francis Drake wasn't technically a pirate but he might be because he was involved in the slave trade. he was a privateer because he was given licence by the english government to attack and rob the spanish armada and countries in south america. he was most defiantly a explorer because he traveled around the world.

    By Carlos

  5. Sir Francis Drake was a privateer. His greatist achivment was going around the whole world in boat in the Tudor times.

  6. Sir Francis Drake (c.1540 - c.1596)

    Sir Francis Drake was a celebrated Tudor seafarer, the first famous Englishman for circumnavigating the world on the Golden Hind and fighting the Spanish Armada. He was an Elizabethan sailor and navigator.
    What was Drake’s early life like?
    Francis Drake was born in Tavistock, Devon in 1542 and first went to sea aged 12. For most of Drake's life, Queen Elizabeth I ruled the country. It was a time when England was growing in population, power and wealth. New markets and colonies were needed so that English produce could be traded. England was also keen to gain from the huge profits to be made from the New World of the Americas and from the Eastern spice trade.
    What did Drake do at sea?
    While Drake is considered a hero in England, he’s remembered as a pirate in Spain. He famously plundered Spanish ships sailing back from their colonies in South America. If the attacks were successful, Drake took the treasure for himself and for his queen. He also raided Spanish and Portuguese ports in the ‘New World’ and the Atlantic.
    When did he circumnavigate the world?
    The circumnavigation took three years, from 1577 to 1580. Originally, the voyage was probably planned as a raid on Spanish ships and ports. Five ships, manned by 164 seamen, left Plymouth, with Drake himself sailing in the Pelican.
    After reaching America, Drake was worried that his ships might get separated from each other, so he gave orders for two of them to be destroyed. Then the Marigold was lost, and the Elizabeth returned home. By October 1578, were just 58 men left, all on the Pelican, which Drake renamed the Golden Hind.
    What did Drake discover?
    Drake's voyage discovered that Tierra del Fuego, the land south of the Magellan Strait, was not part of a southern continent as had been believed, but a group of islands. This meant that ships could sail between the Atlantic and Pacific around the bottom of South America (later known as the Cape Horn route).
    Drake also sailed further north along the coast of the Americas than any other European had before. On the way, he landed in what is now California, naming it Nova Albion (New England).
    Drake returned from his voyage with plundered Spanish silver, some gold, and spices bought in the East.
    What was Drake’s relationship with Queen Elizabeth I?
    Queen Elizabeth dined on board the Golden Hind at Deptford, on the River Thames, when he returned from his circumnavigation. She also knighted him, much to the offence of the King of Spain, whose ships he’d raided.
    What was Drake’s role in the battles against the Spanish Armada?
    One of Drakes most famous attacks was on Cadiz and Corunna in 1587. He himself called this the ‘singeing of the King of Spain's beard’. In a daring raid, between 20 and 30 ships were sunk or captured. The attack delayed the Armada and the Spanish were short of some important supplies for their fleet.
    Drake was also involved in battle against the Spanish Armada in 1588, most notably the capture of the Spanish flagship Rosario.
    What is Sir Francis Drake’s legacy?
    Last years
    Drake’s later years, however, were not happy. An expedition that he led to Portugal proved abortive, and his last voyage, in 1596 against the Spanish possessions in the West Indies, was a failure, largely because the fleet was decimated by a fever to which Drake himself succumbed. He was buried at sea off the town of Puerto Bello (modern Portobello, Panama). His circumnavigation of the world led to an increased knowledge of its geography and he was one of the greatest early European navigators.

  7. Sir Francis Drake was a explorer not a pirate! He was the first ever Englishman to travel around the whole world. He was the first person to discover a potato (aparently). People also say he first discovered America but native americans were already there. I think e also went to Antartica

  8. sir francis drakee was born in Tavistock, Devon in around 1540 and went to sea at an early age. In 1567, Drake made one of the first English slaving voyages as part of a fleet led by his cousin John Hawkins, bringing African slaves to work in the 'New World'.

  9. Sir Francis Drake was an explorer and was niknamed a pirate because he stole a lot of gold mainly from Spain.He was the first European Englishman person to find America at that time.While he stole gold he worked with Queen Elizabeth most of the time.He was born in England.

  10. sir Francis Drake was born in Tavistock(Devon)around 1540.He was a Elizabethan sailor and navigator.He was the first english man to travel around the world.He also deafeted the spanish armada.

  11. Sir Francis Drake was an Elizabethan sailor and navigator, and the first Englishman to travel the globe. Francis Drake was born in Tavistock, Devon in around 1540 and went to sea at an early age. In 1567, Sir Francis Drake made one of the first English slaving voyages as part of a Gang led by his cousin John Hawkins, bringing African slaves to work in the 'New World'[Tudor World {ruled by Elizabeth I}. All but two ships of the expedition were lost when attacked by the Spanish . The Spanish became a lifelong enemy for Sir Francis Drake and they considered him a pirate.

  12. Sir Francis Drake was an explorer and navigator some people say that he was a pirate because he found treasure and brought it back for Queen Elizabeth I. A while later Queen Elizabeth I knighted him. Sir Francis Drake was the first British to have sailed around the whole world! He set out on this great adventure with lots of ships and was left with only 15 (I think) The Golden hind was soon the last ship left. Sir Francis Drake brought back spices from the Indies and treasure mainly from Spain.

  13. Francis Drake was a privater. He went around the world as an achievement.

  14. Sir Francis Drake was sea captain, privateer, navigator, slaver, and politician of the Elizabethan era.Elizabeth I of England awarded Drake a knighthood in the year of 1581He travelled up the west coast of South America, plundering Spanish ports

  15. Francis Drake was an Elizabethan Navigator and Sailor. He was the first Englishman to travel the globe. Drake was born around 1540.

    When Drake went on an expedition, 2 of his ships were lost as they were attacked by the Spanish. From then on the Spanish were his enemies. As Drake brought back lots of treasures from his expeditions, the Spanish considered him a Pirate. Drake was also named a brilliant privateer. Seven months after his expedition, Queen Elizabeth the first knighted Drake aboard the Golden Hind - his ship - to the annoyance of the King of Spain.

  16. Francis drake was a privateer and explorer. He was the first Englishmen travel the world. Francis was born around 1540. sir francis drake was commanded by the queen, to bring gold and treasure from conquered countries. He was famously, second-in-command of the English fleet against the Spanish Armada in 1588.
    the amazing queen Elizabeth the II knighted drake upon his glorious ship - The Golden Hind- to the spaniards annoyance.

  17. Jasleen (Jazzy Frizzle)16 May 2016 at 08:56

    Francis Drake:

    Sir Francis Drake was an Elizabethan sailor and navigator, and the first English man to circumnavigate the globe.

    Francis Drake was born in Tavistock, Devon in around 1540 and went to sea at an early age. In 1567, Drake made one of the first English slaving voyages as part of a fleet led by his cousin John Hawkins, bringing African slaves to work in the 'New World'. All but two ships of the expedition were lost when attacked by a Spanish squadron. The Spanish became a lifelong enemy for Drake and they in turn considered him a pirate.

    In 1570 and 1571, Drake made two profitable trading voyages to the West Indies.

    what was he?

    After returning from the New World, Drake wanted revenge on the Spanish. He took up the life of a privateer. As a privateer he would attack the enemy ships of Britain, mostly the Spanish, and take their cargo. To the Spanish, he was considered a pirate. To the English, he was a hero.

    Over the next several years Drake attacked Spanish towns and ships taking much of their gold and silver. He became a rich man. Queen Elizabeth I noted his success and gave him a fleet of ships to take to South America and plunder the Spanish.
