Tuesday 17 May 2016

Topic homework due Friday, 20th May

After our visit this week can you write a paragraph to describe Hampton Court Palace. Use ALL your senses! Think of things you saw, smelt and heard. You can choose one particular room, the courtyard or the garden to describe. (OR you could describe the whole Palace).


  1. I could hear the sweet strumming of a luxurious lute. The aroma of meat roasting on a spit filled the air. Ahead I saw a fountain of gushing water and the taste of salt tingled on my tounge. The fresh air breeze brushed my face as I walked across the gardens.

  2. you could smell smell smoke from the scorching fire. A deafening scream echoed around the kitchen. There was a elegant garden with bright flowers and fast flowing fountains. I could feel soft cotton clothes brushing against my skin.

  3. Wow! The amazing garden is filled with majestic trees. The grass is filled with a mighty scent as strong as a muscular man. I could see the magnificent plant ( such as roses, cabbage,cucumbers,tomatoes,carrots and potatoes) growing slowly on the soft and smooth compost! I imagined the guards patrolling the grounds. Marching loudly, the guards scanned the garden gracefully! A strong breeze swooped on the grounds, Nimla shook violently as she felt safe once more!


  4. As I walked in I could see the autstanding court.The walls were brick.
    When I walked into the kitchen I could smell the lovely smell of roasted meat.In font was the blazing hot fire making me sweat.The smoke came out making my lungs feel bad.There were several fire places which roasted all the meat that the king wanted.

    When the food was prepared it was brought to Great Hall where the king and his richer servants ate.In the Great Hall there were several pictures that were made of thread.Many of the thread were golden.There were two gargantuan tables which could fit loads of people.The king sat at the front eating his meat as all the richer servants ate what most would eat potary.

    Lots of people prayed in the Chapel. The beutifle,shiny and golden seling shimared like stars in my eyes.It was bright blue with golden patarns.The king manly went there to get devorsed but he also went there to pray as he did make the raligon him self.

    1. Wow Maria!! You used a lot of descriptive writing.

  5. When I walked into the Wonderful garden I saw the water being squerted out of the bright glue fountain.The grass which was freshly cut,had colorful flowers near it.Round the garden there were huge trees.The path was made out small rocks which looked as white as cream.

    Along the garden path there was a door way to the royal tennis court were one of Henry VIII favorite sports would of bean played.Inside were small windows but because of how small they were it was hard to sometimes see through.

  6. In the gardens you could see gigantic trees swaying. You could also smell the sweet aroma of flowers. In the kitchen you could smell burning meat on a spit. In the Great Hall you could see decorated pictures made with real gold thread. You could hear the sound of people singing and the sound of the lute playing softly. The roof had pictures with lots of detail and they were made of solid gold. In the kitchen you could feel the extreme heat of the fire when you stand close by.

  7. Lila looked threw her book she saw a picture of Hampton court palace in her book. She yawned fell back on her sofa. Lila imagined she was in the gardens of Hampton court palace. Lila saw herself wearing a coral gown with a corset and a farthingale with a matching French hood. She was siting near tower with a fountain that had a cupid. Near her was a latticed window with a sweet smelling cedar wood door with a jeweled plaque that said ‘The Tower’ that was acquainted by a gold doorknob escorted by a emerald in the center. There were hundreds of different flowers and trees. Lila woke up in a blink! she saw she was wearing her clothes from before. She checked her watch 4. 10 she’d been asleep for around a hour. She was sure it was a dream. Lila checked her pockets in her right pocket she found a Tudor pouch with Tudor money and a few jewels accompanied by a silk handkerchief that was embroided

  8. The kitchen was full of pans,food (fake of course)and a very big fire. there wasn't much smell but in tudor time's the aroma of mouthwatering meat roasting on a spit would have filled the air. there were not many people there (apart from the chatsworth primary school visitors) but in the tudor times it would have been filled with chef's running around. there was load's of (fake) food there like turkey,pork and fish and WAY more. There was a fire that felt thoroughly warm. the sound of the fire sizzling like crazy.

    By Carlos

  9. As we entered the colossal castle the sight of ochre walls was before me and as the latticed windows shimmered like stars in the bright daylight,I could see the servants going in and out of the castle. As we entered the kitchen we all felt a blazing fire`s warmth come upon us. we saw the meat roasting slowly on a spit.
    then we entered a huge room with enormous and colourful windows and beautiful patterns on the sealing. we soon went out to the lovely,lush gardens and saw a bursting fountain.

  10. I woke up with a start and found myself on a hard and cold stone floor. A light flickered in my eyes as I gradually got to my feet. Suddenly I found my eyes glaring at the navy blue ceiling that was covered in gold that were the stars of the sky. All of a sudden, something more spirited than the ceiling glowered in the candle light. A magnificent crown with the most sparkling jewels lay there in front of me. I lunged at it - a voice echoed across the room, I turned...

  11. Kyra arrived in front of a monumental palace. She could smell smoke as it filled the air and blazes of fire shot up to the sky as fast as a rocket. The astonished girl pinched herself. Was this a dream? The sound of lances clashing echoed throughout her ears whilst she looked around.

    1. i wonder what will happen to Kyra next?
