Friday 8 January 2016

Homework due Friday, 15th January 2015

As next week is Maths Week, we are asking you to think about how you will teach your Maths lesson to the Year 3 pupils. Have a look at the details of the lesson below and think about how you could teach it and what you might need.

The Year 3 learning intention is

LI: To recall the different measures, their uses and their basic conversions.

Mr Goddard has sent us some notes –

Input 15-20 mins

Y5 to teach Y3 all the different types of measures and their uses –mm, cm, m, g, kg, ml, l

·          Teach the different uses of these? length, mass, capacity

·         What roles are they suitable for?

·         What are the conversions between them?

·         Could discuss the measures of items they know e.g. coke bottle – 500ml, can – 350ml

·         How many coke cans would make over a litre? etc. (using things that the children are familiar with)


·         Practical activity 30-35 mins

·         Y5 and Y3 to make a paper A4 boat, place it in their designated water tray and add marbles one at a time and estimate and then calculate how much to submerge it underwater.

·         Now try it with an A5 boat, card boat, tissue paper boat.

·         What do they notice?

·         What is the difference between the masses of the boats?

·         Which would be more effective to carry treasure? Why do you think this?

·         Did their predictions improve?

·         What else could you investigate?

Please think about this over the weekend.  We have talked about this in class and you WILL have an afternoon to plan your lesson next week.  You will need to think about resources, posters, information etc.
Mathletics has also been set and you should spend some time brushing up on your times tables as these will be tested on a fortnightly basis.
Spellings will be tested on Friday, as usual.
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Teaching the year 3 ( yr 3) was fun and i am sure we all learnt how hard it is to be a teacher and when they don't understand we really have to explain!
