Friday 22 January 2016

Word of the day!

We have incorporated 'Word of the Day' in class. Our first word was 'treacherous'. It is a great way for us to learn some new and interesting vocabulary from each other. Please post your nominations for 'Word of the Day' on this page, including a definition of the word. I can't wait to see what you post!


  1. Vociferous- crying out loud, clamorous.

    1. Thanks Senuda, I think we all enjoyed learning the meaning of this word today!

    2. nice word senuda it is really good

    3. well done senuda

  2. gasconading-to boast or brag

  3. gasconading-to boast or brag

  4. Tenacious-tending to keep a firm hold of something.

    1. Thanks for contributing today's word of the day, Arjan!

  5. my word of the day is melancholy.
    this means long lasting sadness.I read it in the adventures of tom sawyer.

    I also have another word which is deteriorate.
    this means worsen and I had it in my tuition homework I also heard Miss Davies say it.

  6. My word of the day is TINDER. That means little pieces of wood around the surface of making a fire.Dry Tinder

    They were dry tinder
    Cautious of the passion on the cusp of friction
    Back-stepping each possible spark
    And ignition
    To burn feverishly.
    Their retreats only added kindle to their bodies' desire
    Crying out for flaming tongues to lick
    And flicker
    And erupt in
    A blazing inferno of utter combustion.
    It was not the uncontrollable white heat they feared
    But the fear of eventually running out of fuel
    The backwash when nothing but
    Char and ash remain
    And the last embers snuffed out.
    The yearning like smoke
    Forever lost on the bellows of time
    It was not the burning they dreaded
    But being burnt.
