Friday 29 January 2016

Maths: transformations!

We will be learning about transformations in Maths next week. Have a look at this website to find out more....TRANSFORMATIONS

1 comment:

  1. Transformation, as the name suggests, change things - usually, as far as you're concerned, triangles on a graph. The 4 main transformations (and the ones you need to know about) are Reflection, Rotation, Enlargement and Translation. (enlargement means An enlargement is a transformation which changes the size of an object without changing its shape, rather as a projector enlarges the details of a photographic slide onto a screen. the 3 pieces of information you will need are:1.Angle (It will probably either be 90 degrees or 180 [sip]0.) 2.Direction (clockwise or anti clockwise.)3.Centre of Rotation (a co-ordinate.) Again, rotate each point on the shape before drawing it! Each point stays exactly the same distance from the centre of rotation as if the shape was fixed to the centre of rotation by a piece of wire!
