Friday 15 January 2016

Maths Week!

Maths week was a great success at Chatsworth! The children really got stuck into their task of designing a zoo, calculating building costs, daily costs, income from entrance fees, cafes and shops and finally calculating profit and loss. We will continue with this into next week to see who managed to make money from their zoo.

The Maths trail was great fun and some of the children supervised and supported the Year 2 pupils on their trail. They were very responsible and helpful and were  great role models for the younger children- well done!

Year 5 got the chance to be teachers today and took great pride in preparing and leading a lesson about measurement to the Year 3s. You can see some of the lesson plans and resources that they made in the photos below. It was fantastic to see them interact and learn form each other. I'm sure I spotted some potential teachers amongst the 5MD crew!

What did you enjoy most about Maths Week? Post a comment below.