Friday 15 January 2016

Topic homework due Friday, 22nd January

Next week we will be looking at the Iron Age and thinking about how their lives were different to life in 2016. What can you find out about Iron Age life? Write a comment on your class blog.


  1. The iron age was different to us because the iron age was very violent.people lived in clans but lived in houses.

  2. iron age is really famous for making fires. iron age lasted from about 700 BC to the Roman invasion of AD 43. iron age was after bronze age and stone age. in the iron age they developed technology and used iron instead of bronze and stone

  3. Most people lived in caves and we know that because of their drawings. The iron age was just after the bronze age and lasted about 800 years. They moved on from using bronze and stone so they created tools out of iron

  4. Iron age

    The iron age was after the bronze age.The British iron age period was between 800BC to 43AD.It was called the iron age because humans just started to use iron.They lived in straw houses.They would eat sheep,cattle and pigs.

  5. In the Iron Age people did not have electricity no bills to pay no lamps to put on no minecraft to play on no fnaf to get scared on. The reason why the Iron Age was called the Iron Age was because people had found various uses of iron like axes swords and shields and people used iron in rivers and for coins things like mirrors and horse decorations. People used to live in round houses and unlike nowadays when you might go over to your grandmas at Christmas all of your family like your cousins your grandad your uncle all live in the same house. Unlike now when we put dead bodies in a cemetery people used to just put dead bodies outside and they would rot away or maybe get eaten by wild animals like maybe bears and wolfs.

    By Carlos

  6. The period known as Iron Age lasted in Britain for 800 years there are loads of changes from then and now like they used something called wheel thrown pottery to carry things and they used to eat sea fish and sea rap

  7. The iron age was diffrent to now.They wore diffrent clothes and had diffrent methods of making stuff like fire.But it was very violent in stone age times.Many peole lived in hill forts and made weapons out of leather.When they needed to make a coat and keep warm,they killed furry animals like dear for leather.The iron age started in 8000BC and ended in 43AD.

  8. The Iron age
    In the Iron age people didn't have any electrical equipment like we do. The iron age people still had transport like we do but their transport was with a horse and cart from the bronze and the stone age. The iron age houses were similar to the Celtic houses. The iron age was named iron age because it's when iron was prefered as stronger material to make weapons. The Iron was an interesting time because it only lasted until the start of the roman invasion across Europe. The Iron age was the last age before the Romans invaded and developed the area.

    By Senuda

  9. The difference between the Iron Age and 2016 is that like Gurtej said it was to violent and that they had so many weapons to fight clans

  10. The iron age was different to us because they were very violent people. They also lived in caves and other places but we live in houses. Also they didn't have the equipment and gadgets we have right now. They didn't have schools or scientific knowledge. Also they didn't have health care.

  11. The Iron Age

    The Iron Age occurred in 800 B.C. , just after the Bronze Age. This is also when medieval people discovered a stronger metal than bronze: iron ( shown in the names). But don't think that it was a peaceful place. They used iron for weapons, such as swords, knives and pitchforks. It really was a gruesome world!

    People lived in hill forts back then because they were scared of attacks, since there were a lot of wars there. The forts were basically separate round houses that had walls made out of wattle and daub ( a mixture of mud and twigs ).

  12. The stone age was different to us because they had no electricty no heating no thing the had to survive


  13. The iron age came after the bronze age, peoples lives were very different then. In the iron age people were much physically stronger than we are because they had less technology so they were less lazy and they had to do more things by hand.

    In the iron age people made their weapons like arrows and small daggers out of iron. In this age people wore animal skin around them as clothes. They ate barly, rhy and oats. They also grew wheat to make bread.

    The Iron Age Celts had over 400 gods and beliefs. The Celts priests were called Druids who sacrificed, foods, valuables and people for their gods.

    1. WOW zarah you have done a lot

  14. people in the iron age lived in clans in huts
    iron age people used rotary quern's, iron making, potters wheels, iron tipped plough, loom's and pole lathe.
    iron age people in Britain believed in spirits.

  15. The Iron age period started when humans began using iron for general use (horse shoes, pots & pans, weapons and jewellery). it came after the bronze age and slowly an iron industry grew in Asia, Egypt and Europe and has run up until modern times. it didn't come to the America's though until the Europeans arrived there.

    In Egypt iron beads were worn more than 4,000 years ago but the oldest iron dagger found in Egypt was made in 1350BC but was not Egyptian and was Hittieian (another ancient civilisation).


  16. People in iron age lived in huts and their way to make fire was so different to the quick way. The iron age also made a wheel for transport.

    From zunaid
