Friday 29 January 2016

Topic homework!

What can you find out about the Mayan calendar? Why does it have 260 days, when ours has 365 days?

The Mayans also had interesting ways to write numbers. Can you explain it?


  1. Nobody really knows why Mayans had 260 days in their calendar but their are lots of predictions. A scientist believes that the Mayan calendar had 260 days in order to find connections between Earth and Venus. The scientist also thinks later on in time the Mayans were able to find corrections.

    By Zarah

  2. Among their other accomplishments, the ancient Mayas invented a calendar of remarkable accuracy and complexity. At right is the ancient Mayan Pyramid Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico. The Pyramid of Kukulkan at Chichén Itzá, constructed circa 1050 was built during the late Mayan period, when Toltecs from Tula became politically powerful. The pyramid was used as a calendar: four stairways, each with 91 steps and a platform at the top, making a total of 365, equivalent to the number of days in a calendar year.

  3. The tzolkin calendar has 260 days in it but somehow there are 13 months. Each month had 20 days in it. They had 20 symbols and me and some people on our table think each symbol represents a day in the months.

  4. The Mayans had 13 days in a month.Also when there calandar had ended the Mayans thought the world would end,even though I do'nt the world has ended.But after a will the Mayans have changed to a different calandar called haab and this calandar had 365 days.The Mayans also used the Tzolkin calandar (this one had 260 days) with numbers similar to simballs that are different to nowday numbers.

    By Maria

  5. Mayans have 260 days and we have 365 days because Mayans made candlers by looking by stars and I don't think there was enough stars to make a 365 days year

  6. Mayan calender

    The mayan calender only has 260 days while our calender has 365.The mayans only thought that there were 260 days.The mayans thought thier calender would only go on for a certain amount of time.For the mayans each day represented a special symbol. In 2012 some people thought the world was going to end beacuse the mayan calender had fineshed.

  7. The reason why the Mayan calendar is 260 days and not 365 like our one is because in the Mayan times the Mayans use to calculate the time of year by how long it took Venus to orbit Earth and that took 260 days and so they called that a year in the Mayan times. Our year is based on how long it takes for us to orbit the sun.

    Mayan numbers were made up if 3 symbols. A shell shape meant 0 and a dot meant 1 and a bar meant 5. So if you wanted to write the number 13 you would draw 2 bars and 3 dots.

  8. The main reason is that the mayans thought that life had had a limted time alson people thought that the world was going to end the Mayan calender had 13 months and 20 days by the boss raheem

  9. The Mayan calender has 260 days while ours has 365 but they somehow have 13 months in one year. This was because The Mayans thought that there were 260 days. The Mayans also used the Tzolkin calendar (this one had 260 days) with numbers similar to symbols that are different to numbers as of current.

  10. The Mayan Calendar
    As you might know the Mayans were clever people. They made two really astronomical calendars and one of, which is called the Haab, we still use today. However, I am going to talk to you about the Tzolkin, the other calendar. The Trolkin had something big to do with Venus because the calendar only lasted for 260 days. Nevertheless, the Tzolkin had 13 moths unlike the Haab which has 12. As a result, the Tzolkin had 20 days from 0-19 and all the days had symbols. All these days had names which are the following:
    0.Imix, 1.Ik , 2.Akbal , 3.Kan , 4.Chicchan , 5.Cimi , 6.Manik , 7.Lamat , 8.Muluc , 9.Oc , 10.Chuen , 11.Eb , 12.Ben , 13.Ix , 14.Men , 15.Cib , 16.Caban , 17.Etznab , 18. Cauca , 19.Ahau.

    The days of the calendar meant something special and the calendar ended on the 21st December 2012. The Mayans believed this would be the end of the world but it obviously didn't. The Tzolkin won't be a calendar we would use is our days because our calendar , well the Mayan calendar Haab , that we use today is to do with the Earth orbiting the sun and was again found by the amazing astronomy of the Mayans. We have a brilliant and accurate calendar we can always rely on, all thanks to the Mayans!

    By Senuda

  11. The Mayans used three diffrend calendars.The Haab and His calendars had 365 days.The used a Tzolkin calendav with had 20 periods of 13 days went throught Cycle evevy 260 days. By Kamil

  12. The Mayan Tzolkin Calendar

    The Mayan calendar Tzolkin has 260 days in a year. This may baffle you but they have 13 months with 20 days! The Mayans had symbols which represented days. The Mayans thought that there calendar would only last for a certain amount of time. On the 21 of december 2012 some people thought the world was going to end. They thought that because the Mayan calendar ended. Those people were wrong hence we are still here.

  13. The stars were why they only had 260 days in a year. They only counted 260 stars. Therefore, the Mayans had 260 days.

  14. The Tzolkin

    This is the 260 day Mayan calendar that was the most famous Mayan calendar around until the 22nd of December 2012, when everyone thought that the world had ended!

    This calender has 20 months - Ahau, Imix, Ik, Akhbal, Kan, Chicchan, Cimi, Manik, Lamat, Muluc, Oc, Chuen, Eb, Ben, Ix, Men, Cib, Caban, Etz'nab and Cauac- each consisting of thirteen days. The word Tzolkin ( also spelt Tzolk'in ) means 'distribution/division of the days'.

  15. The Ancient Mayan Calendar.
    The Mayan calendar systems developed from very Ancient times. Mayan calendar was devised in accordance with a 260 day cycle, and this cycle was itself combined with the basic calendar year of 365 days. The Mayan calendar allowed them to accurately track the successive conjunctions involving the earth and Venus, over a full 2000 year grand cycle.
